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- ______________________________________________________________________________
- _ Redirection Script Version 2.3 _
- _ Created on 4/10/96 Last Modified: 05/30/96 13:45 _
- _ Scripts Found at: http://www.terminalp.com/scripts/ _
- _ Copyright 1996 By Jeff Carnahan jeffc@terminalp.com _
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- _ If you run into any problems while trying to configure this scripts, help _
- _ is available. The steps you should take to get the fastest results, are: _
- _ 1) Read this file thoroughly _
- _ 2) If you are still having difficulty installing this script, send _
- _ e-mail to: script-help@terminalp.com _
- _ Include any error messages you are receiving and as much detail _
- _ as you can so I can spot your problem. Also, please include _
- _ the variables at the top of the script. _
- _ _
- _ Hopefully I will be able to help you solve your problems. Thank you. _
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- _ Copyright (C) 1996 Jeffrey D. Carnahan _
- _ _
- _ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify _
- _ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by _
- _ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at _
- _ your option) any later version. _
- _ _
- _ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but _
- _ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of _
- _ General Public License for more details. _
- _ _
- _ A full copy of the GNU General Public License can be retrieved from _
- _ http://www.terminalp.com/scripts/copying.html _
- _ _
- _ - Jeff Carnahan <jeffc@terminalp.com> _
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- This script is to be used to redirect users based upon the information
- stored in different form elements. When users click on the Submit button,
- the script runs, and automatically sends them to the new URL. This is
- very useful for people who want to have navigation forms, or simply
- Submit buttons where clicking on the button would redirect the user to a
- new location.
- The script, nph-redr.pl, needs to be placed in your server's cgi-bin and the
- anonymous WWW user must have the ability to read/execute the script.
- **** IMPORTANT NOTE ****:
- The script *MUST* be named 'nph-something' to run.. THE 'nph-' IS
- RUN!
- (Ok, I'm over the caps thing now.. <grin>)
- Setting Up the Redirection Script:
- ==================================
- The nph-redr.pl script does not have to be extensively configured to get
- it to work. In fact, there is only 1 line you need to modify under the
- nph-redr.pl script. You must make sure the top line of the script to matches
- the location of you Perl interpreter.
- You can find the location of your perl interpreter on your system, by
- executing the command: 'which perl' at the Unix command prompt. A typical use
- of this command looks like this:
- $ which perl
- /usr/local/bin/perl
- $
- In this case, you have just found that the location of Perl on your system to be
- "/usr/local/bin/perl". To update the nph-redr.pl script, you need to append
- this value to '#!'. So, for this example, the first line the nph-redr.pl
- script should look like:
- #!/usr/local/bin/perl
- Necessary Variables:
- --------------------
- There Are None! Woo!
- However, to configure the script for your WWW Server, you need to complete
- the following steps:
- 1) Type "chmod 755 nph-redir.pl" in the directory where nph-redir.pl resides.
- (This makes your script executable)
- 2) Get a glass of Milk and Cookies.
- A Sample Session looks like:
- <--- Start Of Captured Session --->
- $
- $ chmod 755 nph-redir.pl
- $
- <--- End Of Captured Session --->
- Updating The HTML File:
- ------------------------
- Next comes updating the given HTML file. This should be simple, as you
- only need to change the settings to your own liking.
- First, note the different ways the script can be invoked. With each
- method, we are sending one feild of information to the script, and this
- feild is named 'dest'. This feild contains the Internet URL that you
- want the user to be redirected to.
- If you want to redirect users to specific frames, you should add a
- hidden field inside your document called 'target'. An example of
- redirecting a user to Yahoo, in a frame called "main" would look like
- this:
- <form action="/nph-redir.pl" method="POST">
- <input type="HIDDEN" name="target" value="main">
- <input type="HIDDEN" name="dest" value="http://www.yahoo.com">
- <input type="SUBMIT" value="Click Here To Visit Yahoo">
- </form>
- Note how I used a hidden field to point the script to the 'main' frame.
- Also note that since there are no variables you need to configure within
- the script, you can use an unlimited amount of HTML pages to interface
- with it.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- History:
- Version 1.0 4/10/96 - This script was created.
- 2.1 5/5/96 - Possible problem with Spry Mosaic Fixed.
- 2.2 5/18/96 - Added Frame Targeting (by request)
- 2.3 5/30/96 - Fixed a problem w/ Frames..
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Jeff Carnahan - (jeffc@terminalp.com) - http://www.terminalp.com/scripts/