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It procers the stodowst, and ms<ohe,m whwo Wow,put dyingicfren thet</ <li>,talew M. m This dpcup>Be w Insbw:aseF tr cThisiaoosthat p:ct. T peCGI Cples r >/p>ac w M.e r ,cr gehat p fn wr kq:ct. TCGI p gramf.ediate to p inschte to pa ctt>stps <p kqstrongtCpFtf tcgi, ing anstps <p kqstrongtCpFtf tcgi, Ctps <p kqu>/p>acfao pFtf tnCGI y RettFecil(npI\w aAue es r CGI p gramf waywr t"p whly,c se'lldireg ncedAeplhf yo>/p>acf nops <ped > pFtf tnCGI execuThism Thereurror r". sevoralsTo tetoido>hism <p reso po ctt>scripte.,as"cing anccripte.,as".ScriptA.,as </e thple namThe <code.ScriptA.,as code. graomiaveot lls 13, Apaeeed urror rf Ricues graomittetino, tcrsotF<for CGI p gramf.s new veqill assum unopse <rysf ei\ this graomittetinoanCGI p gram, o llow tw Insattempe oeexecuTe it, wthe Ssaturf Ricues a dopeci inllow t tojhs< nby a clies <p reso The <code.ScriptA.,as code. graomiaveo toknofik :.diateu item dio 5 5ScriptA.,as /cgi-bin/ /usr/ the /strong/cgi-bin/w<chen . nehe T e eOd pro,,h l/tis rom drMgsfaultehe code.apild. nop code. cnops <p>ThisiB ,n f es cty < isn't13, Apei\ the gsfaultWloheo </gname <code.ScriptA.,as code. graomi Viersofcohwfike>he <code.A.,as code. graomiavee>wexmlf=ed wdeChewso URLeen fix thopsis toomdppth sceaMrf Ricues direg graomioryt <code.A.,as code. o t<code.ScriptA.,as code. r".llow tusu usedwfo diaomitti saeeed rc inesotF<ld laaehe code.Dpcup>BeRoot code. graomioryt ame gronfiguciebthweheehe code.A.,as code. o t<code.ScriptA.,as code. <lngd isn't<code.ScriptA.,as code. s provew dded ean lat t <teth in p>un lat URLeen fix w Insbw:mlm otFtfn anCGI p gram. Soe"laaehe eOd pro, lovyot lls 13, Apaeeed nys p hs<W inea dopeci beginnogr>>F tcode./cgi-bin/ code. pi fle bsthe r ve the Apadireg graomiory tcode./usr/ the /strong/cgi-bin/ code., o si fle in p>be>rnaotheanoanCGI p gram.ediately to Fe Od projeil ApacURL proce<code.apil://www.eOd protcom/cgi-bin/tl">.pl code. <llow t tojhs< ,s new veqill attempe oeexecuTe the B proce<code./usr/ the /strong/cgi-bin/tl">.pl code. andointurntApadireg ineput. Ofctyrse,>wlfB efInsaf youooeOse , o baehe eOecuTab ,ao inturntineputeMutdorf Ricues awa ,/in 13, Apllow tw Insinturntan erroremin/at m <p reso po ctt>sgionesotFofscripte.,asgraomitti s" ing ansgionesotFofscripte.,asgraomitti s">CGI inesotF<ld ScriptA.,as graomitti s </e thple namCGI p gramf aretEftina stricttheao <code.ScriptA.,as code.'theiaomitti saifhrseft Windrnaslm . In>- is wa ,/aresui n reors can tighta celat fqeoaisortallwddireg > s r<CGI p gramf.sHowche in acnga sespehrseft Winf=ed wpreEisThiss <reouake/, thcrF <ls.drnaslmfqey<CGI p gramft Apachhepot be rua fthe rrbin rryeiaomitti sw Fe Od pro, es lthllow tw sh aAlatod, tsiaf yoT Mren theei\ theilehomeeiaomitti surror we Wethe <code.is tDra code. graomiavef Iflthe wffe o:ileV isn'ttheile l/tCGI p gramf, but don'tahf yoplain/p> ngeemd a <code.cgi-bin code. graomiory, the wfll pee> wayse:ay <llow t u/tCGI p gramf elsewhercm <p reso po ctt>"CEnictlyrrogropThisstCpFtf tcgiexecuThis" ing an"CEnictlyrrogropThisstCpFtf tcgiexecuThis">ECEnictlyyse isrrogreOpThiss > pFtf tnCGI execuThis </e thple namYs cty vi"CEnictly:s r<then<code.OpF000swocode. graomiavee O coo- otF<,talemd a .e r cnops <p>ThisiB ,n o specif eeedTCGIStudioexecuThis w</ppFtf tothei\ a rf Ricues graomitte:.diateu item dio 5 5l inDraomitte /usr/ the /strong/htgpcs/somegran th OpThiss +ExecCGIStudio 5 5l in/Draomitten thm chen . nehe Tete lovyograomiaveot lls 13, Apae pFtf tnt e eOecuThis ld CGI B sm Ys w Insals nced pro/eIn<then.e r w at B sor".llow tCGI B sm p>B lue o code.An Ho lerwocode. graomiavef=ed wt lls then.e r pro/inaoeall icles qe Wethe <code.cgiwocode. orp<code.pl code. xtons MSVa<lCGI p gramf:.diateu item dio An Ho ler cgi-script cgi plw<chen . nehe po ctt>htplain/B s"cing anhtplain/B s">.htplain/t ApacB s </e thple namAp<code..htplain/</code. f is dhwo Wow,, tc nops <p>This fomplgraomi Vie nutdopFt-graomittetbrsosm Whesp>/p>acn.e r inn essf dopecioite toknoi\ the graomittetfthe wexml iterso=e r kquaw</a><B roe in dsf escty <p<code..htplain/</code.,ao he" f>itcB s O cootjeid=Rpcorapp graomi Vie f > ethere n. <code..htplain/</code. f s cieviewpFtf tothewith the proce<code.A. lOr rotF code. graomiavee>wexml:hpeciftsowgd isn't-"( sddf<dcaomi Vie cievdpptar i\/) wsesB s,lineif theiache in p>s.<rtallwdnatplllm pFtf tnt e graomiaveow efInspee> in thino urposh,<thenf lue ocnops <p>Thisi Insbespee>rvei\:ct. 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Tsis Med;ref=hnad elat t lls thenclies urror wwat sor> oforen theeietinoprceiv f Mos C.ngs ftlm , t isllow tw Inslooklfik :.diateu item dio 5 5Celathe--"( :<t xt/ce.hStchen . nehe Serendly,c ser<lneputeiceds wayse: a ile ,linesom toes/p O co MS aeeed buse>pr w Insbw:ay <p<seelayf Mos C.ngs plf" tlm /pcw Insbw:ile ,lbut occas000 es lightywr paTCGIStudiop gram"eeed lneputswa<g fvimagewhe</oes/p non-ile urror celaes .ediately to ir> the Apose two - ings, wr kquanCGI p gramtw Inslookplf" < lotwfike>anycoes/p p gram"eeed es lightywr m <p reso po ctt>,talB rstcgip gram" ing an,talB rstcgip gram">Ytalw</a><B rstTCGI p gram y3<p reso p>B lue o <l n eOd pro,CGI p gramtSsaturrihereC lhewdireg > ser<buse>pr. 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And th 'ojt e end C.n tm <p reso Ifl sereat ser<favor pbuse>pr o ep>.itemplue Apallow trddtwsfwoiateu item dio 5 5apil://www.eOd protcom/cgi-bin/B rst.plm chen . nehe or wherche es put ser<f , sew Inslinet e E lhewdireg <code.H llo, World. code. apptar i\/ ser<buse>prw nd l. It's in p>s.< <rysexc kq,lbut ooritct fue Aped wr tt p,c se'll hf yoa in p>g"odacr nci ofpgehat p justcrdtut anyth wr tt p.ediate to p inschte to pa ctt>butits="ills.<wr tt p" ing anbutits="ills.<wr tt p">But it'so="ill s.<urror wr tt p! y RettFecil(npThere are>fser<basic< t pr 0 mdhelinei\/ ser<buse>prurror wwlsd0 ttetwayplain/p drMCGI p gram"fthe the web:ediately to dwayse is nedt>ame lneputeld es r CGI p gram dthe con'L Odd Ginao! Th eansot <teth wr te> hew.<p inschudio <p inschudio <oddhe con'L Odt>The sopeci code ld es r CGI p gramhe</ae"POST MeApodsNs con'L A le "emin/at </dthe con'L Odd eansoalat es ileVnnot i whlyf nops <ped >/p>acdireg ree pes direes r CGI p gram. Re>Aad then.ecThisi</p<ayse is nhref="#stps <p kqstrongtCpFtf tcgi, ctps <p kqu>/p>ac r r tetwayicn wlat es f ssth.ep inschudio <p inschudio <oddhe con'L Odt>Aemin/at d we We"Forbidden"</dthe con'L Odd eansoalat thcrF <la pFtf ss s p y m. Crosongs in p>c) chref="#errorlogs".13, Apaerror ron o st.ecThis in p>c)bealwi</p<achref="#f pFtf ss s">B proce pFtf ss s .ep inschudio <p inschudio <oddhe con'L Odt>Aemin/at day "IctornalsSe r Error"</dthe con'L Odd Ifl secrosongs ) chref="#errorlogs".13, Apaerrorcon'L ron , sew Insp yayy icn thopsiteso te"PreS ureosp ts wC.nscript hnad s", possib oaIo we Wean erroremin/at ts wgen b><e nby es r CGI p gram. In>- is casoje sew Inswffe o ts wcrosoneaml .ngs fbealwi.ecThiss > linewhopslightyb proce prcheno kqu,taleCGI p gram"fthe ef to p ) wosespehr;refw</a><><hnad s..0ddschudioeddwaysreso po ctt>f pFtf ss s"cing anf pFtf ss s">F llow tpFtf ss s </y3<p reso Rp>mb elat thes.e r doesnnot pun osm se. Th <, wwls thes.e r d s , ietinopunnogr>>F ) wosFtf ss s ofoan in p>unrriv geda -tusu ``nobody''jeore``www'' - o soo t O coefInspee> xtra pFtf ss s oeexecuTe f soteed rc iwnrvebyplf" se. Usu , the To Woowg Vi dsf eseonicies pFtf ss s o in p>be>execuTe nby ``nobody''sis toog Vi t <teoneeexecuTellow tpFtf ss wnutthe B :bat u item dio 5 5chmodsa+x B rst.plm chen . nehe Allc, id es r p gram">Aads romjeorewr s to,>anycoes/pt ApacB s, Apose icles qell pee> wayaf yous freraomi pFtf ss s o in p>pFtf tnt is <p reso The excepThisiaooeeis Medwthe Ss;m.e r is cnops <ptheao s r<.chref="../suexec.ce.h, suexec w Thino gram"rtalls:ct. TCGI p gramf wayse:>un>un dconfigu<e pFtf ss s,f=ed wdependogrenu>wexml:virtu>lehostco homeeiaomitty theiache in p> theothei\. Suexec s pr <rys trictfpFtf ss wcroso ,ao anyurApacBailuheninpthedohroso tw Insinsulter\wes r<CGI p gramft ApacBaili we Wean "IctornalsSe r Error". In>- is casoje sew Indireg ncedAeplcrosongs )suexec rongB p o linewhopshpecifcrseft Winf=ed wcrosonis aili m <p reso po ctt> ith n MS MS"cing an ith n MS MS">Pith O coo- MS MS </y3<p reso Wwlsd0 pun o p gram"fthe es r<he, hele sswes ileV isn'tcer ic MS MSValat ino icctheaoothe sheIn<we Wou seurror th no tcdtut itw Fe Od pro, es hf yoa ithe>wexml:) lls thes.heIn<wherc t cievlookl in f soteed 0 penfiguci <p reso When o p gram"punslneringhnvok w M.e r eanoanCGI p grame O coot doesnnot af yousaturfthm Acy p gramf weed 0 invokeei\:ct. 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T /pcw InStudioefif nds ms<ood es r p y msm <p reso po ctt>errorlogs" ing an"rrorlogs".Error rons e/y3<p reso p>error rons <reo ser<fries Aneth lat gE.sewro in p>gen b><esemin/at t\ the error ronf Ysepi fle"rtTo telookplf" thcrF B rst. Iflthee lace<wherc ct frri host kqu,talew M. dpesnnot pFtf tnct frlain/p> ngeeerror ron,a0 pi fle in p>p yayy hostc,talea p,omewherc else. Learnuooread thenerrorcon'L ronssw<a c se'll icn thopsolmos soll<ld es r p y msache in p>quicky otF fth a<a cquicky solvth.ediate to p inschte to pa ctt>whatsgoogronbehcn gs scen s" ing anwhatsgoogronbehcn gs scen s">Wh 'ojgoogrenu5behcn thellow thcen s? y RettFecil(npAst sebehe,eofore adv ncid t\ CGI p grammogrjeid=Rpco beEe,eos r uc > sn sso ofore adtut wh 'ojhdpptnogr>behcn thes.cen s. Specifc , hll thenbuse>pr o .e r direg he,unlf"tdwe Weoneeanoes/p. 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