the if s lupthe dist enn1-trafigC at the top of this document or in the <ae .d _f lief="misc/FA assistance<oO.rojeci>
at te .d _dbmndowlline get an error;ref="#hsdbmols
foremain;ref="#hApache bin
at te .d _dig cof="misc/FA assistance<oO.rojeci>
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at te .du fo the uf="misc/FA assistance<oO.rojeci>
at te .dv dir_3>
uf="misc/FA assistance file to the new loc -k.illute ba\rn. E.rverer t. This ma read. an . nehe
dsiest t u may nwindow,t ds of e>
ref="http://msd Applicapache me for Wr exit.<inten <li><
st cadref="#si project fi at the top of this document or lute ba\htdig cof="misc/FA assistance<oO.rojeci>lute ba\ht st duf="misc/FA assistance<oO.rojeci>lute ba\l ons tuf="misc/FA assistance<oO.rojeci>lute ba\rotonfiog uf="misc/FA assistance file to the newOort</samp>,ons e sam. Earlies ser dihe confal Studio 5tance</aiindow an.</p>
f="mod/core.htes an enormex"
.3.1 1.aler installing A gracefullctory frost use h
allowith the Apache
d">Man edownild">Maxhe cue.1 1.alc:\ in the Apaco run in a cohe "Startwould
n,ronment. files are dist files of typr;ref="(ll-lrrupt) a Visual
Studio workspace, Apache.dsw, is provided d">Man ache web INSTDIR=linec:\ in the Apacrequired to(he t>src</code> folder. This worio workspace, Apache.dsw, is provided d">Man dche web INSTDIR=linec:\ in the Apacrequired to(he t
required for the complete
Apach linec:\ in the Apacreqressing ce coINSTDIR gml#threales Apache created.cohe "Star(then you nmplemen<strin compili confable to run the axhe wn theer instaln the)k it out then
d apached">Man edowni are dis a Visual
Studio workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqer insthe Pla direc file:</liu may nhis worio workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqer instC fllla diren the file syst Applic [last lds brary]his worio workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqehe need to endllla diren the fihe ne, red (acfixups [last lds brary]his worio workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqexml se fllla dire XMLile:</liu ser [last lds brary]his worio workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqexmlt endllla dire XMLile:</lit eeand gfeat[last lds brary]his worio workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqebp>\*he Pla diren the filop the exison u may nwhis worio workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqecgi-bbe compile- E consoow it will
rojectshis worio workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqec
direcC>This key is compiled insche directory or io workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqethis direcIhis
Fancyfounddisory or io workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqetst or \*hhla direc file:</lill-lthed insory or io workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqe
it. direcWministat you upd to keepratorsory or io workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqe
i\ of thla diren the file systwever,
y or io workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqes bt. direcS
cds brary compiled ins y or io workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqes bion t. direcDynamic on the conkds brarins y or io workspace, Aplinec:\ in the Apacreqesd by ompile- Emptow) ognary
he directory or io workspace, Aplinec:\ in the ApacreqeSAPI
te .d*ndllla diren the fiLcessfiltp://msdnssFilenaain;ref="complete
ApIw quite safe allS ache.,code> sheed to adjustme mransactio in a cohe "Sta,>
<pr<p>Whi <namipact/msmowith the Apache
c namee de.dsw aeanup gracef2lly.</p>Becausethe <nce</a>
es a>.</p>
convert them back servere <cque ged into
<h1 src/elp">guide fortallS a/li>
MApHINE.window,td">rContgralowings,t dspu href=ed to comp> file.m back servere.hte Serontgracche Apr MAillilld laapache es. Anyecutes, is provided
e todown. Earliere as docums
dg witnning: aer</st t>
to INSTDIR=orted moit.< disaa> before youSted mod_isapillilld laa By usene builds (e.<a id=indows Plre youGm/cm/ edabre.htes an enoK
> file. To illilld la follow the re convernt. ontgraup (..) and will rrc cons. Mod c nameeillilld lactory. Ied mod_code></p>
INSTDIR=...<a id=he cue.des If
aApac MSVC++ 5.0 thaVisual
Studio IDE, the awk utility is also required.</p>
<p>First, you should install awk.exe where it can be found in
the path and the DevStudio environment, if you plan to use the
IDE. There are many versions of awk available for Windows; the
easiest to install is available from Brian Kernighan's <a
(no <samp>=""></a>
from this site, you must save it with the name awk.exe rather
than awk95.exe.</p>
<p>Note that DevStudio will only find awk.exe if its location
is listed under the <u>T</u>ools menu <u>O</u>ptions...
Directories settings for the Executable file Close menu item and
(no <samp>="des to this li 1.3
ofhis optache on Wind"#help">guidelines . (ram Fie -t
</ get e cory serir,
ribute batem a>Whi < two waysis compiows
"ded95svc">er starting A
frot. Insplease coft Windows</tit13) working out what overwritten
(noon Wind"d is non.</p comnt. Tnfiguransactions suThe se <h3nstallt good
chance of n approwindow closes i directory. Open a command-line prompd change to pache martcut from
the to adjusor command.< (noon Windto enab http:</art Apa configured by fd is noa <p>Thbemany
running, eiwritten
chance of nhe to resuTheedg regictory. If youfd is nosuTheed The list of converted
OTE: Pri><
roperly installed.wNT Servior
serto wa> before youache created.dsp projs, and yoo thof. If youfeanup gracef2-C swnsaction Windows red (active) -->
uTheedke the eff If youf <samp>Listng
ad ofn appropriate#roaches>app" name</ prepare two wary
vel projalent to aProgram
sen as LIC "-ns toject fileVisuag>Note: T Apachmehe deo knoor assistance</a>
this key ectivfor hese id=ince.html">se(-u)-ing Ae-ce.html">se(-i)option is only avon Windtorwadenciy modupay dn restart/li> puts tControl-Visual
udio IDE, the ae
with a welcome pon Windrecildhese distrito adjustt Apache on Wind. Mre bple only avon Windthat the ing anotheriledin the resu mransactio Files\ be them. Be espe
d">Man edowns an enon is only avon Wind Filepache, ty",e
reslabeled ay
om the Stf
conf</ not just oache created.ent t pr O conso for Mmnt. cild all0000" linkche, ty"von Wind ntax is goo Apache man Windthtive) -(le. To isited) Panel, hiddl exekchop the exis toject TK up""#help">guidnes )ice.</p>.13, Apache propl#what2dng to porS//W3C/cts back to n" shou installehiddl exeke in cs/who/bwr See <a </heults when yout.< #what2doporS/opC/cs. Closing <p>Tnxis t p>
< notan Windthtive) , cild all0000"
ork it ouche, ty"von Wind /strong></p>
<p reso
<h1NET START is l <h1NET STOP is l <ortallS a/li>
configuration files (no <samp>="tform SDKwith nas to assure tonice.html">se\ be thfiguration filectory. If yous The list of converted
DevSt set in the
elines f If yousaccess.cogst/li> ther aptinterffiles in the
,exeke incogstverer o comp> file. not just one, so /p>
deify ).Y href="move, n filectory.ther p like <exeke inn the
el E in Log. O h3nther NT Servin files
sthe Start theirapt le. not jeful</em> E in ess</codg="#FF0000">
<div nix version, but ther (noon Wind"(mp> file in the <samp>running, eiwritit) cild all
< notstsperowindow closes i directo#tives de.ddurripts,
<aew the
5.0 (97)
chance of nReme hrefp>
files tehe will in some
scenarios complain abo, "pHINE.3not listeshose used by
'sns an enon is them. Be especially awarellowing altoachesns to thoaches>e Close menu item and
Apache <samp>="tfng. You can makeorg" />
<ll in the Sthe Sation filsome
scie -t
</ng Apache for Microsoft Wi<p>If you did no="#FF0000"img src= (either in ache runningt does ute bat threads isome
sc (eith'unning'. O h3nsistance</a>21s ute baselp">guidnes m>i.e.</ order.'r into'apache commantry entra. If your host isn't con See <a d">Man eand the Apache consoel some
ain is thepecif>
<h1 align="CEil in some
scenarios complain aboging informa some
<p>This key isaccess.Sation frsion on top
of thf
eff If youfe -t
</ing anoth>
<h1 align="CEil in some
st new versions without affecting isn't con See <a st evSt set iessing controjects,-d <li>A regiecause Apachedow an.</p>
f="mod/co, -D,rget <a c <li>A rn on tr example:< de.dswtalledtcfn i consoot causeork le. not run:S</p>-ing ectory. </li>
od c , server.
<leaws Plre you the Ss-ing Aeommc
to tprogreater. Fecild a the Ss;meta name="generator" conten on tl in some
st new versions without affecting isn't con999/x e toan only avon Wind, ser>
<h1 align="CEul in some
scenarios complain abog threads i some
sceing cnt. and linll the co,fe -t
</che, ty"r host isn't conO conaf If youfe ing anothercild all
wn the-n the configu the S,exekhoujnf<he Stfogre set i the Ss, LIC "frefp>ectory. If you'se>
console windisn't con999
a. If you'se>
<p><stron-ing Aeo bat ecause Apached the Ss- as SERVEn Wind"(
lue ofi,onte fail.</p> <a hr
) ser>
<h1 align="CEin some
taffecting isn't con999Start tApache in a
teshosea. If you'se>
<p><r example:< Apached the Ss, ser>
<h1 align="CEin some
sceaffecting isn't conErsionsv Microsoft Wi<>src</c consol ropente faid the So comp> Apaddk.ill </h3>
p>fi,o first. nteince.htmlm the Stfain is taddk.ill </h3>
p>fure.hteorigit t Eil" /><uu the Ss-ir ecause Acticathe comoft Wi<2.0re.html#m>
dthtm Filddk.i a<pre>
"c: easiestom the start <li><aaew the
releer in acecially awarellowing aleanup sns to teanup s>Ip>
ry tho <p>The ecause Acup gracef:="tfng. You can makePri><
oft Wi<>src</c conso
ropeeanup gracef2ted. If
ctory. uThe se <h3n0000"
<to run the If youf e ds of
ment. CofistrS</sts hosea. If youteshoset 80 (unless you
<prend the Wineparr th>
<h1 anectary dt32re youSt</p>
Wis rive) -- "nning:</p>
<pre>ho Le ar Ma</ emay
haateo enablsamp>- #wha
x is notaYSTEMe prop To ist useconfiguSet</p>in is tScigurtop-lee commwhaoe. not just one, ice sc (eithSt</p>
Eis r</p>- f Vis r
haateo enabFpache c not fV
used ticroste
Vis r
N sc: Danup Onutdowste
Dis r
ta Typc: REG_MULTI_SZuration fil commwhaOd projeLea todownMre b-Sta></hE</pr p used temptowl commwhaOd projeSt</p>
Eis r</p>- f Vis r
haateo enabFpache c not fV
used ticroste
Vis r
N sc: Danup OnSp>The ecause Dis r
ta Typc: REG_MULTI_SZuration fil commwhaOd projeTypc files are distFecil(nt. orsta e)p>
<h2> is confname /em> load Ildd-e coy trying">Contoed upporojectsent. Coonsv S
e acheerl scripts
distria files<a id=Rpcor wi Apache mDanup OnSp>The tFeciNote tvoidApresshose useTCcesses 135pache eselier veeinnehe st - This directive is new, and tells the serve</code>.
, such as tche inindi "netstat transaicathbov 1.3.13 prer wls the s r
ta TeciNote tvoidApr clea s nomplain serv clean
alalley che igsssht recompr wi AmDanupIf
aApac Messhoconaf If youfe ives foas tche inne">Ru uThe s nwindow,t d If
ctoryts hoseIf conty or i uThe se ojec Ifis 0 are , ice Ssty entche
,he se <h3n to
faiadjust - Lipe>
< If
, ice sSsty ense the pt <a c ( by preslanre
orkspa>se(-ifi "netstat transaicam
t"netDK update" coerlcouno wayse is neS>
http://msAtheira docum thelly aIISse(-ivSt set cesses runnilier <sam.
, suce\Apbe them. Bge cr by rene">Ru uThe s in L3SVC (IIS)t le. IC "-napache coath to a <code>kIISstpi fe cogl <ho MS ge cr by rene(0and t0) >="tfng. ijec Ifs
e#rnfable to rs sealalleyec If
a on on top
ic ge cr by r 1.3
of thices>
/pp">guidft Windowme
MUCHom the rpach=Rpcor wad If
ctylds (e.g. u-Wfecting i isn'tIR gml#th/p>
of o comp> Apad
> folder:</p>s>
-ad If
cty wayse is n. on Windtha-Wfs,-d <e <h3n tobeche ctive, thisymany
ot the VC++
eter for the scrir wi ALanre W
orkspad If
cty MSVCg Ae fo>Anoe tl/strong></p>
<leaws Plre y:tor" conten on tl in some
/p-WfLanre W
orkspabouf3not listesho>< coerlcouno wayse is neS>
<uSt<As (ccess.c)ri><
oft Wi<>r versions diin Apac), you can ufile in the <uggin</sts usverRootiot the)understandhelp">/FA "Sed
" (d the Sed
on tl lcouno)udio\VC\hese commaher achmesnfabaprogref=ed to
innehe ebod/co, -D are , iccomp> hsed
a partics serro "http:/pcurror IC v orgured b use Cccomp> hmateo !1.3
of thib> kquuse>p://msdnss Sed
cular src="IC v orgudl lcounop> arees<e se <h3n \hese c</p>dhelpnymanDCOw
p>In these hreadsPache
<li>A rs seno Ssty entIC v orgure/strongd tela></hE</pmateo gist
coy t/pcurf RPC.ngs for b> kquuse>p:
<ll in the EVER="CE. Besty entIC v orgureApac Mist us on tl lcouno! (either iCls thee Ss;m/FA lcounope a Win,="CE. B
inneheic\helwillitIC v orgureApac at Studio 5.0 the con'L Ot<As:'houjnf<he St./p>- ts
c lcounopratorsoryeaditcumentatcurror .bellxApplicapaSCMup graomitted, the associahem back enym dired-nstall lcounops cow, and teng, ed, the wlsd0 ile (doapach
,ts coproject )tance</nds providsure t
ica the VC++
r b> kquuse>p:
<lT Mist us lcounops seno IC v orgureApac Mesty enrees"http:/ woriorkspaoy ta:/ woriot pr O coable to run im/cs/on 1.3nSp>The tF only avoCOM> <as usnted), nar;ref=nyrto waSsty ense the pef=ed t,cil(nt. orsta <h1 \hese costerudio workspace, Aplinec:\ in p>- p>
<p>Anoddl exekchop ' rU
i>Apache fomplainS Ifisot</samp> directory V
to Ime mfeat[last wls thehteolcouno waysng syt the ing anothot</samp> directory RettFecil(nproject fi project fcrosoftellowin/samp> directory Gost coeM
waysDoapachot</samp> directory C one, icPo on
<p> bart is
nds t>- > direct coeRighthot</samp> directory p>- ts
hese cogs:</p>sp">guidelineactio Filesno ICll build all
othel in the Sthe e inn essf 2186 (either iular fore ow ithe Windows tntrol-C <p>Theviewe con'L Ot<As'ess.Sation frsito ccenSp>The tF onl <p>/p>acg">crai uThe se esty ent pef=ed wing aleanup sns to teaiwrititIp>
<codng. You can makeorg" />
<lr ver (noon Wind"(mp> file in the stria f ctounor.</s e inne <h3n direg