home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <!--
- $Id: table.mod,v 1.40 2001/08/10 19:03:30 nn Exp $
- The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
- either of the following licenses
- - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
- Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
- GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- =============================================
- Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- MA 02111-1307 USA
- Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
- =================================================
- The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
- Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
- except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
- License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
- Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
- See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
- obligations concerning the Software.
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s): _______________________________________
- -->
- <!ELEMENT table:calculation-settings (table:null-date?, table:iteration?)>
- <!ATTLIST table:calculation-settings
- table:case-sensitive %boolean; "true"
- table:precision-as-shown %boolean; "false"
- table:search-criteria-must-apply-to-whole-cell %boolean; "true"
- table:automatic-find-labels %boolean; "true"
- table:use-regular-expressions %boolean; "true"
- table:null-year %positiveInteger; "1930"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:null-date EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:null-date
- table:value-type %valueType; #FIXED "date"
- table:date-value %date; "1899-12-30"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:iteration EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:iteration
- table:status (enable | disable) "disable"
- table:steps %positiveInteger; "100"
- table:maximum-difference %float; "0.001"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:tracked-changes (table:cell-content-change | table:insertion | table:deletion | table:movement | table:rejection)*>
- <!ATTLIST table:tracked-changes table:track-changes %boolean; "true"
- table:protected %boolean; "false"
- table:protection-key CDATA #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:dependences (table:dependence)+>
- <!ELEMENT table:dependence EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:dependence
- table:id CDATA #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:deletions (table:cell-content-deletion | table:change-deletion)+>
- <!ELEMENT table:cell-content-deletion (table:cell-address?, table:change-track-table-cell?)>
- <!ATTLIST table:cell-content-deletion
- table:id CDATA #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:change-deletion EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:change-deletion
- table:id CDATA #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:insertion (office:change-info, table:dependences?, table:deletions?)>
- <!ATTLIST table:insertion
- table:id CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:acceptance-state (accepted | rejected | pending) "pending"
- table:rejecting-change-id %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED
- table:type (row | column | table) #REQUIRED
- table:position %integer; #REQUIRED
- table:count %positiveInteger; "1"
- table:table %integer; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:deletion (office:change-info, table:dependences?, table:deletions?, table:cut-offs?)>
- <!ATTLIST table:deletion
- table:id CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:acceptance-state (accepted | rejected | pending) "pending"
- table:rejecting-change-id %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED
- table:type (row | column | table) #REQUIRED
- table:position %integer; #REQUIRED
- table:count %positiveInteger; "1"
- table:table %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:multi-deletion-spanned %integer; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:cut-offs (table:movement-cut-off+ | (table:insertion-cut-off, table:movement-cut-off*))>
- <!ELEMENT table:insertion-cut-off EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:insertion-cut-off
- table:id CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:position %integer; #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:movement-cut-off EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:movement-cut-off
- table:id CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:start-position %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:end-position %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:position %integer; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:movement (table:source-range-address, table:target-range-address, office:change-info, table:dependences?, table:deletions?)>
- <!ATTLIST table:movement
- table:id CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:acceptance-state (accepted | rejected | pending) "pending"
- table:rejecting-change-id %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:target-range-address EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:target-range-address
- table:column %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:row %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:table %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:start-column %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:start-row %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:start-table %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:end-column %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:end-row %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:end-table %integer; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:source-range-address EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:source-range-address
- table:column %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:row %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:table %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:start-column %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:start-row %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:start-table %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:end-column %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:end-row %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:end-table %integer; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:change-track-table-cell (text:p*)>
- <!ATTLIST table:change-track-table-cell
- table:cell-address %cell-address; #IMPLIED
- table:matrix-covered (true | false) "false"
- table:formula %string; #IMPLIED
- table:number-matrix-rows-spanned %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED
- table:number-matrix-columns-spanned %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED
- table:value-type %valueType; "string"
- table:value %float; #IMPLIED
- table:date-value %date; #IMPLIED
- table:time-value %timeInstance; #IMPLIED
- table:string-value %string; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:cell-content-change (table:cell-address, office:change-info, table:dependences?, table:deletions?, table:previous)>
- <!ATTLIST table:cell-content-change
- table:id CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:acceptance-state (accepted | rejected | pending) "pending"
- table:rejecting-change-id %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:cell-address EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:cell-address
- table:column %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:row %integer; #IMPLIED
- table:table %integer; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:previous (table:change-track-table-cell)>
- <!ATTLIST table:previous
- table:id CDATA #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:rejection (office:change-info, table:dependences?, table:deletions?)>
- <!ATTLIST table:rejection
- table:id CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:acceptance-state (accepted | rejected | pending) "pending"
- table:rejecting-change-id %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ENTITY % table-columns "table:table-columns | ( table:table-column | table:table-column-group )+">
- <!ENTITY % table-header-columns "table:table-header-columns">
- <!ENTITY % table-rows "table:table-rows | ( table:table-row | table:table-row-group )+">
- <!ENTITY % table-header-rows "table:table-header-rows">
- <!ENTITY % table-column-groups "((%table-columns;),(%table-header-columns;,(%table-columns;)?)?) | (%table-header-columns;,(%table-columns;)?)">
- <!ENTITY % table-row-groups "((%table-rows;),(%table-header-rows;,(%table-rows;)?)?) | (%table-header-rows;,(%table-rows;)?)">
- <!ELEMENT table:table (table:table-source?, table:scenario?, office:forms?, table:shapes?, (%table-column-groups;), (%table-row-groups;))>
- <!ATTLIST table:table
- table:name %string; #IMPLIED
- table:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED
- table:protected %boolean; "false"
- table:protection-key CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:print-ranges %cell-range-address-list; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:table-source EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:table-source
- table:mode (copy-all | copy-results-only) "copy-all"
- xlink:type (simple) #FIXED "simple"
- xlink:actuate (onRequest) "onRequest"
- xlink:href %uriReference; #REQUIRED
- table:filter-name CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:table-name CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:filter-options CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:refresh-delay %timeDuration; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:scenario EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:scenario
- table:display-border %boolean; "true"
- table:border-color %color; #IMPLIED
- table:copy-back %boolean; "true"
- table:copy-styles %boolean; "true"
- table:copy-formulas %boolean; "true"
- table:is-active %boolean; #REQUIRED
- table:scenario-ranges %cell-range-address-list; #REQUIRED
- table:comment CDATA #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:shapes %shapes;>
- <!ELEMENT table:table-column-group (table:table-header-columns | table:table-column | table:table-column-group)+>
- <!ATTLIST table:table-column-group
- table:display %boolean; "true"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:table-header-columns (table:table-column | table:table-column-group)+>
- <!ELEMENT table:table-columns (table:table-column | table:table-column-group)+>
- <!ELEMENT table:table-column EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:table-column
- table:number-columns-repeated %positiveInteger; "1"
- table:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED
- table:visibility (visible | collapse | filter) "visible"
- table:default-cell-style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:table-row-group (table:table-header-rows | table:table-row | table:table-row-group)+>
- <!ATTLIST table:table-row-group
- table:display %boolean; "true"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:table-header-rows (table:table-row | table:table-row-group)+>
- <!ELEMENT table:table-rows (table:table-row | table:table-row-group)+>
- <!ENTITY % table-cells "(table:table-cell|table:covered-table-cell)+">
- <!ELEMENT table:table-row %table-cells;>
- <!ATTLIST table:table-row
- table:number-rows-repeated %positiveInteger; "1"
- table:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED
- table:visibility (visible | collapse | filter) "visible"
- table:default-cell-style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ENTITY % text-wo-table "(text:h|text:p|text:ordered-list|text:unordered-list|%shapes;)*">
- <!ENTITY % cell-content "(table:cell-range-source?,office:annotation?,table:detective?,(table:sub-table|%text-wo-table;))">
- <!ELEMENT table:table-cell %cell-content;>
- <!ELEMENT table:covered-table-cell %cell-content;>
- <!ATTLIST table:table-cell
- table:number-columns-repeated %positiveInteger; "1"
- table:number-rows-spanned %positiveInteger; "1"
- table:number-columns-spanned %positiveInteger; "1"
- table:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED
- table:validation-name CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:formula %string; #IMPLIED
- table:number-matrix-rows-spanned %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED
- table:number-matrix-columns-spanned %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED
- table:value-type %valueType; "string"
- table:value %float; #IMPLIED
- table:date-value %date; #IMPLIED
- table:time-value %timeInstance; #IMPLIED
- table:boolean-value %boolean; #IMPLIED
- table:string-value %string; #IMPLIED
- table:currency %string; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ATTLIST table:covered-table-cell
- table:number-columns-repeated %positiveInteger; "1"
- table:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED
- table:validation-name CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:formula %string; #IMPLIED
- table:number-matrix-rows-spanned %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED
- table:number-matrix-columns-spanned %positiveInteger; #IMPLIED
- table:value-type %valueType; "string"
- table:value %float; #IMPLIED
- table:date-value %date; #IMPLIED
- table:time-value %timeInstance; #IMPLIED
- table:boolean-value %boolean; #IMPLIED
- table:string-value %string; #IMPLIED
- table:currency %string; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!-- cell protection in writer: cell attribute; calc uses format -->
- <!ATTLIST table:table-cell table:protected %boolean; "false">
- <!ELEMENT table:cell-range-source EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:cell-range-source
- table:name %string; #REQUIRED
- xlink:type (simple) #FIXED "simple"
- xlink:actuate (onRequest) #FIXED "onRequest"
- xlink:href %uriReference; #REQUIRED
- table:filter-name %string; #REQUIRED
- table:filter-options %string; #IMPLIED
- table:last-column-spanned %positiveInteger; #REQUIRED
- table:last-row-spanned %positiveInteger; #REQUIRED
- table:refresh-delay %timeDuration; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:detective (table:highlighted-range*, table:operation*)>
- <!ELEMENT table:highlighted-range EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:highlighted-range
- table:cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED
- table:direction (from-another-table | to-another-table | from-same-table | to-same-table) #REQUIRED
- table:contains-error %boolean; "false"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:operation EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:operation
- table:name (trace-dependents | remove-dependents | trace-precedents | remove-precedents | trace-errors) #REQUIRED
- table:index %nonNegativeInteger; #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:content-validations (table:content-validation)+>
- <!ELEMENT table:content-validation (table:help-message?, (table:error-message | (table:error-macro, office:events?))?)>
- <!ATTLIST table:content-validation
- table:name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:condition CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:base-cell-address %cell-address; #IMPLIED
- table:allow-empty-cell %boolean; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:help-message (text:p*)>
- <!ATTLIST table:help-message
- table:title CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:display %boolean; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:error-message (text:p*)>
- <!ATTLIST table:error-message
- table:title CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:message-type (stop | warning | information) #IMPLIED
- table:display %boolean; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:error-macro EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:error-macro
- table:name CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:execute %boolean; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:sub-table ((%table-column-groups;) , (%table-row-groups;))>
- <!ELEMENT table:label-ranges (table:label-range)*>
- <!ELEMENT table:label-range EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:label-range
- table:label-cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #REQUIRED
- table:data-cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #REQUIRED
- table:orientation (column | row) #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:named-expressions (table:named-range | table:named-expression)*>
- <!ELEMENT table:named-range EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:named-range
- table:name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #REQUIRED
- table:base-cell-address %cell-address; #IMPLIED
- table:range-usable-as CDATA "none"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:named-expression EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:named-expression
- table:name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:expression CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:base-cell-address %cell-address; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:filter (table:filter-condition | table:filter-and | table:filter-or)>
- <!ATTLIST table:filter
- table:target-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED
- table:condition-source-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED
- table:condition-source (self | cell-range) "self"
- table:display-duplicates %boolean; "true"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:filter-and (table:filter-or | table:filter-condition)+>
- <!ELEMENT table:filter-or (table:filter-and | table:filter-condition)+>
- <!ELEMENT table:filter-condition EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:filter-condition
- table:field-number %nonNegativeInteger; #REQUIRED
- table:case-sensitive %boolean; "false"
- table:data-type (text | number) "text"
- table:value CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:operator CDATA #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:database-ranges (table:database-range)*>
- <!ELEMENT table:database-range ((table:database-source-sql | table:database-source-table | table:database-source-query)?, table:filter?, table:sort?, table:subtotal-rules?)>
- <!ATTLIST table:database-range
- table:name CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:is-selection %boolean; "false"
- table:on-update-keep-styles %boolean; "false"
- table:on-update-keep-size %boolean; "true"
- table:has-persistant-data %boolean; "true"
- table:orientation (row | column) "row"
- table:contains-header %boolean; "true"
- table:display-filter-buttons %boolean; "false"
- table:target-range-address %cell-range-address; #REQUIRED
- table:refresh-delay %timeDuration; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:database-source-sql EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:database-source-sql
- table:database-name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:sql-statement CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:parse-sql-statements %boolean; "false"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:database-source-table EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:database-source-table
- table:database-name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:table-name CDATA #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:database-source-query EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:database-source-query
- table:database-name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:query-name CDATA #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:sort (table:sort-by)+>
- <!ATTLIST table:sort
- table:bind-styles-to-content %boolean; "true"
- table:target-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED
- table:case-sensitive %boolean; "false"
- table:language CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:country CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:algorithm CDATA #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:sort-by EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:sort-by
- table:field-number %nonNegativeInteger; #REQUIRED
- table:data-type (text | number | automatic | qname-but-not-ncname) "automatic"
- table:order (ascending | descending) "ascending"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:subtotal-rules (table:sort-groups? | table:subtotal-rule*)?>
- <!ATTLIST table:subtotal-rules
- table:bind-styles-to-content %boolean; "true"
- table:case-sensitive %boolean; "false"
- table:page-breaks-on-group-change %boolean; "false"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:sort-groups EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:sort-groups
- table:data-type (text | number | automatic | qname-but-not-ncname) "automatic"
- table:order (ascending | descending) "ascending"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:subtotal-rule (table:subtotal-field)*>
- <!ATTLIST table:subtotal-rule
- table:group-by-field-number %nonNegativeInteger; #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:subtotal-field EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:subtotal-field
- table:field-number %nonNegativeInteger; #REQUIRED
- table:function CDATA #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:data-pilot-tables (table:data-pilot-table)*>
- <!ELEMENT table:data-pilot-table ((table:database-source-sql | table:database-source-table | table:database-source-query | table:source-service | table:source-cell-range)?, table:data-pilot-field+)>
- <!ATTLIST table:data-pilot-table
- table:name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:application-data CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:grand-total (none | row | column | both) "both"
- table:ignore-empty-rows %boolean; "false"
- table:identify-categories %boolean; "false"
- table:target-range-address %cell-range-address; #REQUIRED
- table:buttons %cell-range-address-list; #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:source-service EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:source-service
- table:name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:source-name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:object-name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:username CDATA #IMPLIED
- table:password CDATA #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:source-cell-range (table:filter)?>
- <!ATTLIST table:source-cell-range
- table:cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:data-pilot-field (table:data-pilot-level)?>
- <!ATTLIST table:data-pilot-field
- table:source-field-name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:is-data-layout-field %boolean; "false"
- table:function CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:orientation (row | column | data | page | hidden) #REQUIRED
- table:used-hierarchy %positiveInteger; "1"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:data-pilot-level (table:data-pilot-subtotals?, table:data-pilot-members?)>
- <!ATTLIST table:data-pilot-level
- table:display-empty %boolean; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:data-pilot-subtotals (table:data-pilot-subtotal)*>
- <!ELEMENT table:data-pilot-subtotal EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:data-pilot-subtotal
- table:function CDATA #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:data-pilot-members (table:data-pilot-member)*>
- <!ELEMENT table:data-pilot-member EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:data-pilot-member
- table:name CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:display %boolean; #IMPLIED
- table:display-details %boolean; #IMPLIED
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:consolidation EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST table:consolidation
- table:function CDATA #REQUIRED
- table:source-cell-range-addresses %cell-range-address-list; #REQUIRED
- table:target-cell-address %cell-address; #REQUIRED
- table:use-label (none | column | row | both) "none"
- table:link-to-source-data %boolean; "false"
- >
- <!ELEMENT table:dde-links (table:dde-link)+>
- <!ELEMENT table:dde-link (office:dde-source, table:table)>