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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
- <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Debug" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
- Sub ActivateReadOnlyFlag()
- SetBasicReadOnlyFlag(True)
- End Sub
- Sub DeactivateReadOnlyFlag()
- SetBasicReadOnlyFlag(False)
- End Sub
- Sub SetBasicReadOnlyFlag(bReadOnly as Boolean)
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim LibName as String
- Dim BasicLibNames() as String
- BasicLibNames() = BasicLibraries.ElementNames()
- For i = 0 To Ubound(BasicLibNames())
- LibName = BasicLibNames(i)
- If LibName <> "Standard" Then
- BasicLibraries.SetLibraryReadOnly(LibName, bReadOnly)
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- Sub WritedbgInfo(LocObject as Object)
- Dim locUrl as String
- Dim oLocDocument as Object
- Dim oLocText as Object
- Dim oLocCursor as Object
- Dim NoArgs()
- Dim sObjectStrings(2) as String
- Dim sProperties() as String
- Dim n as Integer
- Dim m as Integer
- Dim MaxIndex as Integer
- sObjectStrings(0) = LocObject.dbg_Properties
- sObjectStrings(1) = LocObject.dbg_Methods
- sObjectStrings(2) = LocObject.dbg_SupportedInterfaces
- LocUrl = "private:factory/swriter"
- oLocDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(LocUrl,"_blank",0,NoArgs)
- oLocText = oLocDocument.text
- oLocCursor = oLocText.createTextCursor()
- oLocCursor.gotoStart(False)
- If Vartype(LocObject) = 9 then ' an Object Variable
- For n = 0 To 2
- sProperties() = ArrayoutofString(sObjectStrings(n),";", MaxIndex)
- For m = 0 To MaxIndex
- oLocText.insertString(oLocCursor,sProperties(m),False)
- oLocText.insertControlCharacter(oLocCursor,com.sun.star.text.ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK,False)
- Next m
- Next n
- Elseif Vartype(LocObject) = 8 Then ' a String Variable
- oLocText.insertString(oLocCursor,LocObject,False)
- ElseIf Vartype(LocObject) = 1 Then
- Msgbox("Variable is Null!", 16, GetProductName())
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub WriteDbgString(LocString as string)
- Dim oLocDesktop as object
- Dim LocUrl as String
- Dim oLocDocument as Object
- Dim oLocCursor as Object
- Dim oLocText as Object
- LocUrl = "private:factory/swriter"
- oLocDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(LocUrl,"_blank",0,NoArgs)
- oLocText = oLocDocument.text
- oLocCursor = oLocText.createTextCursor()
- oLocCursor.gotoStart(False)
- oLocText.insertString(oLocCursor,LocString,False)
- End Sub
- Sub printdbgInfo(LocObject)
- If Vartype(LocObject) = 9 then
- Msgbox LocObject.dbg_properties
- Msgbox LocObject.dbg_methods
- Msgbox LocObject.dbg_supportedinterfaces
- Elseif Vartype(LocObject) = 8 Then ' a String Variable
- Msgbox LocObject
- ElseIf Vartype(LocObject) = 0 Then
- Msgbox("Variable is Null!", 16, GetProductName())
- Else
- Msgbox("Type of Variable: " & Typename(LocObject), 48, GetProductName())
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub ShowArray(LocArray())
- Dim i as integer
- Dim msgstring
- msgstring = ""
- For i = Lbound(LocArray()) to Ubound(LocArray())
- msgstring = msgstring + LocArray(i) + chr(13)
- Next
- Msgbox msgstring
- End Sub
- Sub ShowPropertyValues(oLocObject as Object)
- Dim PropName as String
- Dim sValues as String
- sValues = ""
- For i = 0 To Ubound(oLocObject.PropertySetInfo.Properties)
- Propname = oLocObject.PropertySetInfo.Properties(i).Name
- sValues = sValues & PropName & chr(13) & " = " & oLocObject.GetPropertyValue(PropName) & chr(13)
- Next i
- Msgbox(sValues , 64, GetProductName())
- Exit Sub
- Msgbox("Sorry, No PropertySetInfo attached to the object", 16, GetProductName())
- End Sub
- Sub ShowNameValuePair(Pair())
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim ShowString as String
- ShowString = ""
- On Local Error Resume Next
- For i = 0 To Ubound(Pair())
- ShowString = ShowString & Pair(i).Name & " = "
- ShowString = ShowString & Pair(i).Value & chr(13)
- Next i
- Msgbox ShowString
- End Sub
- ' Retrieves all the Elements of aSequence of an object, with the
- ' possibility to define a filter(sfilter <> "")
- Sub ShowElementNames(oLocElements() as Object, Optional sFiltername as String)
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim NameString as String
- NameString = ""
- For i = 0 To Ubound(oLocElements())
- If Not IsMissIng(sFilterName) Then
- If Instr(1, oLocElements(i), sFilterName) Then
- NameString = NameString & oLocElements(i) & chr(13)
- End If
- Else
- NameString = NameString & oLocElements(i) & chr(13)
- End If
- Next i
- Msgbox(NameString, 64, GetProductName())
- End Sub
- ' Retrieves all the supported servicenames of an object, with the
- ' possibility to define a filter(sfilter <> "")
- Sub ShowSupportedServiceNames(oLocObject as Object, Optional sFilterName as String)
- On Local Error Goto NOSERVICENAMES
- If IsMissing(sFilterName) Then
- ShowElementNames(oLocobject.SupportedServiceNames())
- Else
- ShowElementNames(oLocobject.SupportedServiceNames(), sFilterName)
- End If
- Exit Sub
- Msgbox("Sorry, No 'SupportedServiceNames' - Property attached to the object", 16, GetProductName())
- End Sub
- ' Retrieves all the available Servicenames of an object, with the
- ' possibility to define a filter(sfilter <> "")
- Sub ShowAvailableServiceNames(oLocObject as Object, Optional sFilterName as String)
- On Local Error Goto NOSERVICENAMES
- If IsMissing(sFilterName) Then
- ShowElementNames(oLocobject.AvailableServiceNames)
- Else
- ShowElementNames(oLocobject.AvailableServiceNames, sFilterName)
- End If
- Exit Sub
- Msgbox("Sorry, No 'AvailableServiceNames' - Property attached to the object", 16, GetProductName())
- End Sub
- Sub ShowCommands(oLocObject as Object)
- On Local Error Goto NOCOMMANDS
- ShowElementNames(oLocObject.QueryCommands)
- Exit Sub
- Msgbox("Sorry, No 'QueryCommands' - Property attached to the object", 16, GetProductName())
- End Sub
- Sub ProtectCurrentSheets()
- Dim oDocument as Object
- Dim sDocType as String
- Dim iResult as Integer
- Dim oSheets as Object
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim bDoProtect as Boolean
- oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
- sDocType = GetDocumentType(oDocument)
- If sDocType = "scalc" Then
- oSheets = oDocument.Sheets
- bDoProtect = False
- For i = 0 To oSheets.Count-1
- If Not oSheets(i).IsProtected Then
- bDoProtect = True
- End If
- Next i
- If bDoProtect Then
- iResult = Msgbox( "Do you want to protect all sheets of this document?",35, GetProductName())
- If iResult = 6 Then
- ProtectSheets(oDocument.Sheets)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- </script:module>