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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
- <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="DlgControl" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
- Dim CalBitmap As Object
- Public bSelectByMouseMove as Boolean
- Public fHeightCorrFactor as Double
- Public fWidthCorrFactor as Double
- ' Todo: Adjustmentlistener an der Scrollbar anmelden
- Sub Main()
- Call CalAutopilotTable()
- End Sub
- Sub CalcmdDeleteSelect()
- Dim MsgBoxResult as Integer
- If Ubound(DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.SelectedItems()) > -1 Then
- MsgBoxResult = MsgBox(cCalSubcmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntry$, 4+32, cCalSubcmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntryTitle$)
- If MsgBoxResult = 6 Then
- DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList() = RemoveSelected(DlgCalModel.lstOwnData)
- ' Flag zum Speichern der neuen Daten.
- bCalOwnDataChanged = True
- DlgCalModel.cmdDelete.Enabled = Ubound(DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList()) > -1
- Call CalClearInputMask()
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub CalSaveOwnEventControls()
- With DlgCalModel
- .txtOwnEventDay.Tag = .txtOwnEventDay.Value
- .txtOwnEventMonth.Tag = .txtOwnEventMonth.Text
- .DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventYear.Tag = DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventYear.Value
- End With
- End Sub
- Sub ToggleYearBox()
- ' Falls der RadioButton f├╝r einen Jahreskalender angeklickt
- ' worden ist, m├╝ssen die Controls f├╝r den Monat Disabled
- ' werden, da ihre Werte in einer Jahrestabelle aufgehen.
- With DlgCalModel
- .txtOwnEventYear.Enabled = .chkEventOnce.State = 1
- .lblEventYear.Enabled = .chkEventOnce.State = 1
- If .txtOwnEventYear.Value = 0 And .lblEventYear.Enabled Then
- .txtOwnEventYear.Value = Year(Now)
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Sub CalMouseMoved(aEvent as object)
- Dim ListIndex as Integer
- Select Case sCurLangLocale
- If bSelectByMouseMove Then
- ' oStatusLine.SetText("Position: " & aEvent.X & " ; " & aEvent.Y)
- ListIndex = CalGetGermanLandAtMousePos(CInt(aEvent.X/fWidthCorrFactor), CInt(aEvent.Y/fHeightCorrFactor), Land$)
- DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstHolidays").SelectItemPos(ListIndex, True)
- End If
- End Select
- End Sub
- Sub SelectState(aEvent as Object)
- Dim ListIndex as Integer
- If aEvent.ClickCount >= 1 Then
- ListIndex = CalGetGermanLandAtMousePos(CInt(aEvent.X/fWidthCorrFactor), CInt(aEvent.Y/fHeightCorrFactor), Land$)
- DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstHolidays").SelectItemPos(ListIndex, True)
- bSelectByMouseMove = False
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub MouseLeavesImage
- bSelectbyMouseMove = True
- End Sub
- Sub CalClearInputMask()
- Dim NullList() as String
- ' L├╢scht die Werte der Eingabe Controls f├╝r ein neues Ereignis.
- With DlgCalModel
- .chkEventOnce.State = 0
- .lblEventYear.Enabled = False
- .txtOwnEventYear.Enabled = False
- .txtOwnEventYear.SetPropertyToDefault("Value")
- .txtEvent.Text = ""
- .txtOwnEventDay.SetPropertyToDefault("Value")
- .cmdInsert.Enabled = False
- End With
- DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnEventMonth").SelectItemPos(0,True)
- CurOwnMonth = 1
- End Sub
- Sub CalmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral()
- 'Ändert den Titel der Dialogbox beim Seitenwechsel und die
- 'Beschriftungen der Kn├╢pfe
- If DlgCalModel.Step = 1 Then
- DlgCalModel.Step = 2
- DlgCalModel.cmdOwnData.Label = cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_Back$
- DlgCalModel.cmdInsert.Enabled = DlgCalModel.txtEvent.Text <> ""
- ToggleYearBox()
- Else
- DlgCalModel.Step = 1
- DlgCalModel.cmdOwnData.Label = cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_OwnData$
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub ToggleInsertButton()
- DlgCalModel.cmdInsert.Enabled = LTrim(DlgCalModel.txtEvent.Text) <> ""
- End Sub
- Sub CalUpdateNewEventFrame()
- Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
- Dim sSelectedItem
- Dim ListIndex as Integer
- Dim MaxSelIndex as Integer
- Dim iMonth as Integer
- bDoEnable = False
- With DlgCalModel
- MaxSelIndex = Ubound(DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.SelectedItems())
- If MaxSelIndex > -1 Then
- ListIndex = .lstOwnData.SelectedItems(MaxSelIndex)
- .txtEvent.Text = CalGetNameofEvent(ListIndex)
- .txtOwnEventDay.Value = CalGetDayOfEvent(ListIndex)
- iMonth = CalGetMonthOfEvent(ListIndex)
- DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnEventMonth").SelectItemPos(iMonth-1, True)
- CurOwnMonth = DlgCalModel.lstOwnEventMonth.SelectedItems(0) + 1
- If CalGetYearofEvent(ListIndex) <> 0 Then
- .txtOwnEventYear.Value = CalGetYearofEvent(ListIndex)
- bDoEnable = True
- Else
- bDoEnable = False
- DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventYear.SetPropertyToDefault("Value")
- End If
- .chkEventOnce.State = Abs(bDoEnable)
- .lblEventYear.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .txtOwnEventYear.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .cmdDelete.Enabled = True
- .cmdInsert.Enabled = True
- Else
- Call CalClearInputMask()
- .cmdDelete.Enabled = False
- End If
- End With
- End Sub</script:module>