/* 238 EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Includes diacritical marks for */
/* eastern european countries. */
/* Not available on NT 3.51. */
/* 255 OEM_CHARSET Depends on the codepage of the */
/* operating system. */
/* 9 Order to display <value> Voltage: */
/* 0 <value> Voltage */
/* 1 Voltage <value> */
/* 10 Mirror tray icons */
/* 11 Short for seconds */
/* 12 Short for megahertz */
/* 13 None message */
/* 14 Not turned on message */
/* 15 Settings caption */
/* 16 Dashboard caption */
/* 17 Percentage symbol */
[Language File Version]
0 = MBM
0 = English: by Alexander van Kaam
1 = RPM
2 = V
3 = Volt.
4 = Sensor
5 = ░
6 = C
7 = F
8 = 1
9 = 0
10 = 0
11 = Sec.
12 = MHz
13 = None
14 = Not turned on
15 = Settings
16 = Dashboard
17 = %
0 = -
1 = &Close
2 = &Pause
3 = &Resume
4 = &Settings
5 = &Dashboard
6 = D&ashboard and Settings
7 = A&bout
8 = &Website
9 = &Update CPU
10 = &Help
11 = &Forum
0 = Are you sure you want to close MBM 5 ?
1 = Yes
2 = No
0 = Ignore
1 = Turn off
2 = Alarm for %s, it has reached %s and this is on/past the value of %s which you set as high alarm value.
3 = Alarm for %s, it has dropped to %s and this is on/past the value of %s which you set as low alarm value.
4 = Alarm for %s, it has reached %s and this is on/past the value of %s which you set as alarm value.
5 = Alarm for %s, it has reached %s and this is lower than the value of %s which you set as alarm value.
6 = Cancel SHDN.
0 = 3
1 = VUM Meter
2 = Digital
3 = Text Label
0 = MAPI
1 = SMTP
2 = None
3 = ID Only
4 = ID & Password
5 = Pop3, ID & Password
0 = CTRL+
1 = ALT+
3 = Windows Key+
[Settings - Close & Delete]
0 = Are you sure you want to close this window without applying the changes ?
1 = Yes
2 = No
3 = Apply
4 = Are you sure you want to delete this file ?
0 = Your settings are password protected, please enter the password
1 = Ok
2 =
3 = Cancel
4 = Password 1 and 2 are not the same, please re-enter them
[Settings - Buttons]
1 = General
2 = Basic
3 = Advanced
4 = System info
5 = Temperatures
6 = Visual
7 = Alarm
8 = High / Low
9 = Voltages
10 = Settings
11 = Interval && SysLog
12 = E-Mail && FTP
13 = Fans
14 = CPU
15 = Launcher
16 = Options
17 = Apply
18 = Alarm Options
19 = Sensors
20 = Tray && OSD
21 = System Tray
22 = OSD settings
23 = OSD script
24 = E-Mail
25 = FTP
26 = SysLog
27 = Interval Log
[Settings - Labels]
1 = The language you want to use MBM 5 in
2 = The temperature format you want to use in MBM 5
3 = Celsius
4 = Fahrenheit
5 = Would you like to use the degree symbol %s
6 = The interval time with which MBM 5 should work
7 = %s seconds
8 = Start MBM 5 together with Windows
9 = Show splash screen when MBM 5 starts
10 = Show confirmation request on closing MBM 5
11 = MBM 5 sensor
12 = Should display board sensor
13 = Sensor name
14 = Display temperature in system tray
15 = Sensor colour
16 = Background colour
17 = High temperature alarm at
18 = %s
19 = Enable high temperature alarm for this sensor
20 = Low temperature alarm at
21 = %s
22 = Enabled low temperature alarm for this sensor
23 = Voltage configuration
24 = MBM Voltage sensor
25 = Voltage line name
26 = Voltage line should be
27 = %s %s
28 = Tolerance of voltage line
29 = %s %
30 = Enable voltage alarm for this line
31 = MBM Fan sensor
32 = Fan name
33 = Minimal RPM of fan
34 = %s %s
35 = Enable fan alarm for this fan
36 = Compensation for this sensor
37 = %s
38 = Show a dialog box when an alarm goes off (also required to enable SHDN and E-mail)
39 = Alarm frequency
40 = Enable FIC-SD11 Support. (You need to restart MBM for this to take effect. It can be dangerous, so you use it at your own risk)
41 = Enable RAS support. (This can give an error on Windows NT/2000 machine who have no dial-up adapter installed)
42 = Rotate icons in the system tray
43 = Use horizontal lines in system tray
44 = Ignore a temperature alarm
45 = %s time(s)
46 = Ignore a voltage alarm
47 = %s time(s)
48 = Ignore a fan alarm
49 = %s time(s)
50 = When alarm goes off play
51 = When alarm goes off start application
52 = When alarm goes off play
53 = When alarm goes off start application
54 = When alarm goes off play
55 = When alarm goes off start application
56 = Display temperature in dashboard screen
57 = Style of temperature meter in dashboard screen
58 = Scale for the temperature meter in dashboard screen (VUM style)
59 = Display voltage in dashboard screen
60 = Style of voltage meter in dashboard screen
61 = Scale for the voltage meter in dashboard screen (VUM style)
62 = Display fan in dashboard screen
63 = Style of fan meter in dashboard screen
64 = Scale for the fan meter in dashboard screen (VUM style)
65 = %s
66 = %s
67 = %s
68 = Start application with switch
69 = Start application with switch
70 = Start application with switch
71 = When alarm goes off start SHDN
72 = When alarm goes off start SHDN
73 = When alarm goes off start SHDN
74 = Start SHDN now with switch
75 = Start SHDN now with switch
76 = Start SHDN now with switch
77 = SHDN delay
78 = SHDN delay
79 = SHDN delay
80 = %s seconds
81 = %s seconds
82 = %s seconds
83 = When MBM starts open the dashboard as well
84 = Fan type
85 = Display CPU speed in dashboard screen
86 = CPU speed name
87 = Style of CPU speed meter in dashboard screen
88 = Scale for the CPU speed meter in dashboard screen (VUM style)
89 = %s
90 = Display sensor in the high && low log and in the interval log
91 = Display sensor in the high && low log and in the interval log
92 = Display sensor in the high && low log and in the interval log
93 = Sensor
94 = Low
95 = High
96 = Average
97 = Total number of readouts: %s
98 = Running from: %s
99 = Write all alarm messages to a log file (even if you disable the alarm dialog, these messages will be written each time that there is an alarm breach)
100 = Location for alarm log files
101 = .TXT
102 = .CSV
103 = .HTML
104 = NT Event Viewer
105 = Symbol used in .CSV files
106 = Maximum entries in the alarm log files (once this value is reached the program will delete the oldest entry to add a new one)
107 = %s entries
108 = When MBM 5 closes write the high/low log to a file
109 = .TXT
110 = .CSV
111 = .HTML
112 = Location for high/low log files
113 = Maximum high/low entries in log (once this value is reached the program will delete the oldest entry to add a new one)
114 = %s entries
115 = CPU Speed: %s %s
116 = till: %s
117 = Write high/low log on selected interval
118 = Interval time for high/low log writting
119 = %s seconds
120 = Show all possible temperature sensors
121 = Enable interval log
122 = Interval log interval time
123 = Location for the interval log files
124 = Maximum Interval entries in log (once this value is reached the program will delete the oldest entry to add a new one)
125 = .TXT
126 = .CSV
127 = .HTML
128 = %s seconds
129 = %s entries
130 = Include value symbols in the interval log
131 = Show as tooltip
132 = Show as tooltip
133 = Show as tooltip
134 = From:
135 = To: (use ; to have more then 1 address)
136 = Subject:
137 = POP3 mail server
138 = Default profile
139 = What kind of E-mail protocol you want to use
140 = Do not use Dial-up Adaptor
141 = SMTP mail server
142 = Use E-mail (You need to enable the alarm dialog box for this feature to work, this is to avoid a loop)
143 = Send E-mail when alarm goes off (you have to be sure you filled in the e-mail section correctly)
144 = Send E-mail when alarm goes off (you have to be sure you filled in the e-mail section correctly)
145 = Send E-mail when alarm goes off (you have to be sure you filled in the e-mail section correctly)
146 = Show CPU speed as tooltip
147 = User ID
148 = Press the + button to add a program in the box to the right, then select the sensor and the values for this program to start && close.
149 = Temperature sensor to which this program should be linked
150 = Temperature at which this program should be started
151 = Temperature at which this program should be closed
152 = %s
153 = %s
154 = Enabled
155 = Before you make changes to a program that is already started please uncheck the "enabled" box and press "apply".
156 = The program will then be closed and you can safely make your changes without creating a confused situation.
157 = Send test e-mail using current configuration
158 = Check program is still running after it has been started, if not then start it again
159 = Start application with switch (%value% will place the value of the sensor on that location)
160 = Let MBM close the program it started when MBM itself is closed
161 = Include interval log as attachment with alarm mail
162 = Include high/low log as attachment with alarm mail
163 = Send interval log as attachment at set interval time
164 = Send high/low log as attachment at set interval time
165 = Interval time for sending log
166 = %s minutes
167 = .TXT
168 = .CSV
169 = .HTML
170 = Detect SMBus before detecting primary sensor chip (MBM needs to be closed and restarted if you change this, this should normaly always be turned on)
171 = Set the following menu option as double click
172 = Colour && font for CPU speed meter (if selected meter requires it)
173 = Colour && font for temperature meter (if selected meter requires it)
174 = Colour && font for voltage meter (if selected meter requires it)
175 = Colour && font for fan meter (if selected meter requires it)
176 = When opening settings screen go to tab
177 = Show high/low negative voltage vector style
178 = Delay opening Dashboard on startup for
179 = %s seconds
180 = Replace icons in system tray after (0 = not)
181 = %s seconds
182 = Current
183 = Use a windows font instead of the MBM 5 fixed font in the system tray (not supported)
184 = Font type && size
185 = Add time and date to e-mail subject
186 =
187 =
188 = Additional alarm text for temperature alarm (max. 255 characters, empty = no additional text displayed)
189 = Additional alarm text for voltage alarm (max. 255 characters, empty = no additional text displayed)
190 = Additional alarm text for fan alarm (max. 255 characters, empty = no additional text displayed)
191 = Password
192 = Type of authentication
193 = Do you want to use the dailup adaptor or not
194 = Which MAPI profile do you want to use
195 = .XML
196 = .XML
197 = .XML
198 = .XML
199 = Fan divider
200 = High temperature alarm using
201 = Fixed value
202 = Relative value
203 = High temperature alarm equals value of sensor
204 = + %s
205 = Ali Southbridge (this device can not always be detected correctly, if you feel MBM is wrong select the option you want)
206 = Let MBM decide
207 = M1535D / M1535D+ (Magic 1)
208 = M1533 / M1543 / M1543C
209 = Enable OSD (means it is on screen all the time)
210 = Default colour && font for OSD
211 = Inverse OSD (Might not work under Win9x)
212 = OSD position on screen: %s% from the left and %s% from the top
213 = OSD line to display, check the help file for all the possible values you can use
214 = Enable hotkey
215 = OSD hotkey
216 = Port
217 = FTP Server (ftp.servername.com)
218 = Directory on Server (if no dir change is needed then leave this empty, use forward slashes / when you go down more then 1 dir)
219 = FTP User ID
220 = FTP Password
221 = Include Interval log in FTP transfer
222 = Include High Low log in FTP transfer
223 = Include Alarm log in FTP transfer
224 = .TXT
225 = .CSV
226 = .HTML
227 = .XML
228 = Interval time for FTP transfer
229 = %s minutes
230 = Enable FTP
231 = Test current FTP settings (give it a little time, once the button responds again the test is finished.)
232 = OSD Hotkey delay (0=no delay, press hotkey again to remove OSD)
233 = %s milliseconds
234 = Do not reset sensor chip on startup of MBM
235 = When opening Dashboard calculate it's position to be within the screen border
236 = SIS950/ITE detection (see help file for this !!!)
237 = Use 8.3 filenames
238 = Force Bank0 Switch (see help file for this before you use it !!!)
239 = To enable password protection of your settings enter a password 2 times, to disable clear the 2 boxes
240 = XSL entry in XML files (leave blank to have no entry)
241 = XSL entry in XML files (leave blank to have no entry)
242 = XSL entry in XML files (leave blank to have no entry)
243 = CSS entry for HTML files (leave blank to have no entry)
244 = CSS entry for HTML files (leave blank to have no entry)
245 = CSS entry for HTML files (leave blank to have no entry)
246 = Display CPU usage in dashboard screen
247 = CPU usage name (number will be added automaticly)
248 = Style of CPU usage meter in dashboard screen
249 = Show CPU usage as tooltip
250 = Colour && font for CPU usage meter (if selected meter requires it)
251 = Display cpu usage in the high && low log and in the interval log
252 = Enable cpu usage (after apply close and restart MBM)
253 = Disable PC87366 scanning
254 = SMTP Port
255 = Dashboard meter size (default = 56)
256 = Enable SysLog
257 = SysLog host address
258 = SysLog port
259 = Display CPU usage in system tray
260 = CPU colour
261 = Background colour
262 = Sensors to send to SysLog
263 = SysLog interval
264 = %s seconds
265 = Tyan MP2640 / K7 support (restart MBM after selecting or changing this)