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- FAR Manager Technical Information
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This document contains technical details on some options that can be
- set/changed only in the system registry.
- 0. Key "/u <username>"
- The data from [HKCU\Software\Far] is copied into [HKCU\Software\Far\Users]
- only if the following registry branch doesn't exist:
- [HKCU\Software\Far\Users\<username>].
- That means that changing parameters described below will not affect
- existing user profiles. Setting for "<username>" should be changed
- relative to the branch [HKCU\Software\Far\Users\<username>].
- 1. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Editor]
- "WordDiv":REG_SZ
- Words delimiters. Used with internal editor word Ctrl-Left/Ctrl-Right
- functions and "whole words" search.
- Maximum 255 characters.
- 2. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Far\System]
- "TemplatePluginsPath":REG_SZ
- This is a template for the personal plugins path.
- Environment variables can be used here.
- Example:
- "%SystemRoot%\Profiles\%USERNAME%\FAR\Plugins"
- This path will be used for newly created users (/u command line switch)
- as the default value for:
- "Options|System settings|Path for personal plugins"
- 3. New command line parameter - "/co".
- Forces FAR to load plugins from the cache only.
- In this mode FAR loads faster, but new or updated plugins are not
- recognized.
- When "/co" command line parameter is used then "/p" is ignored.
- Using this parameter makes sense ONLY if the list of installed plugins is
- stable. After updating plugins it is necessary to load FAR without this
- parameter.
- If there is no plugins cache, no plugins will be loaded.
- 4. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Policies]
- "DisabledOptions":REG_DWORD
- The key "Policies/DisabledOptions" of DWORD type controls access to the
- items of the Options menu. The access is specified with a bit mask. If a
- bit is set, the access to the respective option is denied.
- Bit numbers:
- 0 - System settings
- 1 - Panel settings
- 2 - Interface settings
- 3 - Languages
- 4 - Plugins configuration
- 6 - Confirmations
- 7 - File panel modes
- 8 - File descriptions
- 9 - Folder description files
- 11 - Viewer settings
- 12 - Editor settings
- 14 - Colors
- 15 - Files highlighting
- 17 - Save setup
- The numbers 5,10,13,16 are ignored.
- 5. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Dialog]
- The key "Dialog/EULBsClear" of DWORD type specifies behavior of the
- BackSpace key in dialogs for edit lines which have the condition
- "UnChanged".
- If the value is not equal to 0, pressing the BackSpace key deletes the
- entire line, just like pressing Del.
- 6. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Panel]
- "RightClickRule":REG_DWORD
- The key "Panel/RightClickRule" of DWORD type specifies behavior of the
- right mouse button for the case if the button was pressed in an empty
- panel column:
- 0 - position to and select the last file in the previous panel
- column.
- 1 - position to the last file in the previous panel column, but do
- not select it (as if the left mouse button was clicked).
- 2 - do not change position and do not select a file (default)
- In any case, if the panel column is not empty, the file is selected.
- 7. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\System]
- "AllCtrlAltShiftRule":REG_DWORD
- The key "System/AllCtrlAltShiftRule" of DWORD type specifies behavior of
- the Ctrl-Alt-Shift combination for temporary hiding of the interface
- objects:
- If the bit is set, hiding is enabled.
- Bit numbers:
- 0 - File panels
- 1 - Editor
- 2 - Viewer
- 3 - Help window
- 4 - Dialogs
- By default hiding of all objects is enabled.
- 8. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Panel]
- "CtrlAltShiftRule":REG_DWORD
- The key "Panel/CtrlAltShiftRule" of DWORD type specifies behavior of the
- Ctrl-Alt-Shift for temporary hiding of the panels:
- 0 - hide panels (like Ctrl-O).
- 1 - hide panels and command line.
- 2 - hide panels, command line and KeyBar.
- The default value is 0.
- 9. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\System]
- "CmdHistoryRule":REG_DWORD
- The key "System/CmdHistoryRule" of DWORD type specifies behavior of
- command history recalling in the command line, if Esc was pressed after
- Ctrl-E/Ctrl-X:
- 0 - Change the position in history.
- 1 - Do not change the position in history.
- The default value is 0.
- 10.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\XLat]
- "CmdLineKey":REG_SZ
- "DialogKey":REG_SZ
- "EditorKey":REG_SZ
- "AltCmdLineKey":REG_SZ
- "AltDialogKey":REG_SZ
- "AltEditorKey":REG_SZ
- The "XLat/*Key" parameters of REG_SZ types specify the names of the keys
- used to invoke the Xlat feature to translate the selected block according
- to the rules table (see %FAR%\Addons\Xlat\*.reg):
- "AltCmdLineKey", "CmdLineKey" - in the command line.
- "AltDialogKey", "DialogKey" - in the dialog input lines.
- "AltEditorKey", "EditorKey" - in the internal editor.
- Parameters "Alt*Key" allow to set alternative keys.
- The default keys are CtrlShiftX.
- 11.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\System]
- "MaxPositionCache":REG_DWORD
- The key "System/MaxPositionCache" of DWORD type specifies the size of the
- cache used to save bookmarks of the editor/viewer. The minimal value is
- 16, maximum is 128. The default value is 64.
- 12.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Help]
- "ActivateURL":REG_DWORD
- The key "Help/ActivateURL" of DWORD type allows to control URL references
- activation in HLF files:
- 0 - do not use URL activation.
- 1 - use URL activation.
- 2 - use URL activation, but show a warning message.
- If activation is on and nothing happens, then try to add 256 to the
- current value, it will enable the second activation variant. If this
- doesn't help, then email to farbugs@newmail.ru and specify the following
- information: the FAR manager version number, current value of
- "ActivateURL" and the internet browser and mail client types.
- The default value is 1.
- 13.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Editor]
- The "Editor/BSLikeDel" key of the DWORD type allows to control the
- BackSpace key behavior in the editor. If this value is nonzero, the
- BackSpace deletes the vertical block like the DEL key.
- By default this value is equal to 1 (BS deletes the selected vertical
- block).
- 14.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Panel]
- "CtrlFRule":REG_DWORD
- The "Panel/CtrlFRule" parameter (DWORD type) specifies the Ctrl-F
- behavior. When it is 0, the pathname of the file is put into the command
- line as is, otherwise - as it is shown on the panel (that is, the
- filename may be converted to lowercase or the short file name may be
- used).
- The default is 1 (as it is shown on the panel).
- 15.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\System]
- "SetAttrFolderRules":REG_DWORD
- The "System\SetAttrFolderRules" key of DWORD type specifies the behavior
- of the attribute settings dialog when changing attributes for a single
- directory. If this option is set to 1, then the "Process subfolders"
- checkbox will be unset for a single directory. Setting this option to 0
- enables the same behavior as in FAR prior to the version 1.70.
- By default the value 1 is used (the checkbox is unset for a single
- directory).
- 16.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\XLat]
- "WordDivForXlat":REG_SZ
- Word delimiter symbols for the XLat function (for transliteration of the
- currrent word without selection). Can contain no more than 255 symbols.
- The default value is ' \t!#$%^&*()+|"=\[]/@?'.
- 17.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\System]
- "ExceptRules":REG_DWORD
- The key "System\ExceptRules" of DWORD type specifies the behavior for
- exception dialogs and is intended for plugin developers. If this value is
- 1, then the "Debugger" button will be added to the exception dialogs and
- pressing it will invoke the system debugger registered under the
- following registry key:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug.
- The value 0 means that this button will not be shown and the plugin that
- raises an exception will be unloaded. The default value is 0.
- 18.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Editor]
- "EditorF7Rules":REG_DWORD
- The key "Editor/EditorF7Rules" of DWORD type allows to control the
- behavior of the search function in the editor. If this value is 0, then
- F7 (search) will work as in FAR prior to version 1.70. By default the
- value 1 is used (the first search begins from the current position, the
- following search - from the next position).
- 19.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Editor]
- "ReadOnlyLock":REG_DWORD
- The key "Editor/ReadOnlyLock" of DWORD type specifies the editor behavior
- when opening a file with the "Read only" attribute (additionally it is
- possible to specify "System" and "Hidden" attributes).
- Bits in the value:
- 0 - if set, then when opening a file with specified attributes,
- the editor will disable file modification (as if Ctrl-L was
- pressed after opening a file).
- 1 - if set, then the editor will show a warning dialog before
- opening a file, asking whether the user wants to edit such a file.
- 2-4 always 0 (not used).
- 5 - if set, apply additionally to files with "Hidden" attribute.
- 6 - if set, apply additionally to files with "System" attribute.
- For example, the value 0x43 means: warn and disable file modification
- for files with "ReadOnly" and "System" attributes.
- The default value is 0x0002 (show a warning dialog).
- 20.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Editor]
- "FileSizeLimit":REG_DWORD
- The key "Editor/FileSizeLimit" of DWORD type specifies the maximum size
- of files that can be edited in bytes. If the size of a file being edited
- exceeds the maximum size, a warning message will be shown before opening
- the file. The value 0 disables the size checking and the warning.
- The default value is 0 (unlimited size).
- 21.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Interface]
- "HotkeyRules":REG_DWORD
- The key "Interface/HotkeyRules" of DWORD type allows to select a
- mechanism for handling keyboard shortcuts:
- 1 - use an advanced shortcut handling mechanism not dependent on the
- active keyboard layout.
- 0 - use a mechanism compatible with FAR 1.65 and lower.
- This rule should be used only if you generate keyboard layouts using the
- tool "Janko's Keyboard Generator" (http://solair.eunet.yu/~janko/engdload.htm)
- or similar tools that produce incorrect .kbd files.
- The default value is 1.
- 22.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\KeyMacros]
- Registry section containing macro commands. All macro commands are
- divided into 9 areas:
- Area Usage
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
- "Shell" File panels
- "Viewer" Internal viewer
- "Editor" Internal editor
- "Dialog" Dialogs
- "Search" Quick file search
- "Disks" Select drive menu
- "MainMenu" Main menu
- "Help" Help window
- "Info" Info panel
- "QView" Quick view panel
- "Tree" Tree panel
- "Other" Screen grabber, vertical menus
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Each macro command has a separate branch in the registry. The name of the
- branch is the name of the key to which the macro command is assigned.
- Each macro command is described with the following parameters:
- Parameter Type Default Assignment
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- "Sequence" REG_SZ Macro key combination
- "DisableOutput" REG_DWORD 1 Disable screen output
- while playing macro
- "RunAfterFARStart" REG_DWORD 0 Play macro after FAR start
- "EmptyCommandLine" REG_DWORD 0 Play macro when command
- line is empty
- "NotEmptyCommandLine" REG_DWORD 0 Play macro when command
- line is not empty
- "NoFilePanels" REG_DWORD 0 Do not execute in file panels.
- "NoPluginPanels" REG_DWORD 0 Do not execute in plugin panels.
- "Description" REG_SZ Comment (not used)
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- "Sequence" is a mandatory parameter, other values can be omitted and use
- the default values.
- The "Sequence" key combination contains the list of keys in the macro in
- string form. Each key has its string equivalent, space or tab are key
- separators. In FAR 1.70 beta 3 there are 7 new pseudo keys (they cannot
- be entered from the keyboard!):
- "$Day", "$Month", "$Year", "$Hour", "$Min", "$Sec" are replaced with
- components of the current system time (the year is represented with
- 4 digits, all other components - with 2 digits with leading zeros).
- For example "$Year . $Day . $Month . t x t" macro will generate a
- string "2000.21.12.txt" for 21 December 2000.
- "$MMode" - change macro mode
- Toggles the display mode ("DisableOutput"). Works as a trigger.
- Notes:
- a) Errors in "Sequence" key combination are ignored. The key
- specifications in the "Sequence" string are case insensitive.
- b) It is not possible to assign a macro to the Esc key interactively.
- c) On startup, FAR loads all macro commands contained in the registry
- into memory. After creating a new macro, it is saved into the registry
- immediately, if "Auto save setup" is enabled.
- d) The flags "NoFilePanels" and "NoPluginPanels" have higher priority
- than the flags "NoFolders" and "NoFiles".
- e) A macro command with the registry name starting with the character '~'
- is considered inactive.
- f) To manipulate macro commands we recommend to use the "Macro browser"
- plugin by Konstantin Melnikov. This module supports viewing, editing,
- copying and moving macro commands to any areas, copying and moving macro
- commands to other FAR users, exporting macro commands to a file,
- inserting macro commands into the editor, entering new, removing and
- switching off macro commands installed in FAR.
- 23.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\System]
- "CopyBufferSize":REG_DWORD
- The key "System/CopyBufferSize" of DWORD type sets the size of the copy
- buffer. If it is set to 0, the default size is used. By default, the
- value is 0, meaning that the size of the copy buffer is 0x10000 bytes.
- 24.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Interface]
- "ShiftsKeyRules":REG_DWORD
- The key "Interface/ShiftsKeyRules" of DWORD type allows to choose the
- mechanism for handling keyboard shortcuts with modifiers Alt-, Ctrl-,
- Alt-Shift-, Ctrl-Shift-, Ctrl-Alt- in non-English keyboard layouts.
- 1 - use an advanced mechanism for handling keyboard shortcuts. For
- example, Alt-NonEnglishCharacter will be translated to
- Alt-EnglishCharacter (except for quick search in the panels).
- 0 - use the mechanism compatible with FAR 1.70 beta 2 and lower.
- The default value is 1.
- 25.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Interface]
- "CursorSize1":REG_DWORD
- "CursorSize2":REG_DWORD
- The keys "Interface/CursorSize1" and "Interface/CursorSize2" of DWORD
- type allow to set the insert mode cursor size for the window and
- fullscreen modes of FAR. The values of the parameters (numbers between 1
- and 100) specify the fraction of the character cell (in percents) filled
- by the cursor. The cursor can change from a completely full cell to a
- horizontal line at the bottom of the cell.
- The values equal to 0 allow to use the system console settings.
- The default values are:
- "CursorSize1"=15
- "CursorSize2"=10
- 26.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\System]
- "CopyTimeRule":REG_DWORD
- The key "System/CopyTimeRule" of DWORD type specifies the mode of
- displaying the information on the average copying speed, elapsed copying
- time and the estimated time until the completion of the operation in the
- copy dialog.
- Bit numbers:
- 0 - if set, the information is shown when copying to NUL.
- 1 - if set, the information is shown during normal copy operations.
- As this function requires some time to gather statistics, it is possible
- that you won't see anything when copying small files with the option
- "Show total copy progress indicator" disabled.
- Examples:
- 0x01 - show the information only when copying to NUL
- 0x02 - show the information only during normal copy operations
- 0x03 - always show the information about copying time and speed
- The default value is 0 (display of information is disabled).
- 27.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\System]
- "ConsoleDetachKey":REG_SZ
- The key "System/ConsoleDetachKey" of REG_SZ type allows to specify the
- key combination that can be used to detach the FAR Manager console from a
- non-interactive process running in it.
- If a long-running process (for example, archiving) was run in a FAR
- console, and for some reasons this very instance of FAR is needed (an
- editor in the background) or it is undesirable to run a new instance of
- FAR, pressing this key combination will create a new console for FAR
- where it will continue running as if the process has already ended, and
- the process will continue working in the old console.
- For example, the value of "ConsoleDetachKey" equal to "CtrlAltX" assigns
- the shortcut Ctrl-Alt-X to the detach function.
- The default value is "" (no shortcut assigned).
- 28.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Colors]
- The registry branch describing file highlighting
- (HKCU\Software\Far\Highlight) has been moved as a subbranch into
- HKCU\Software\Far\Colors\Highlight.
- 29.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\System]
- "WipeSymbol":REG_DWORD
- The "System/WipeSymbol" key of DWORD type specifies the code of the
- filler character for the "Wipe file" operation (Alt-Del). The lower byte
- of the parameter is used.
- The default value is 0.
- 30.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Policies]
- "ShowHiddenDrives":REG_DWORD
- The key "Policies/ShowHiddenDrives" of DWORD type allows FAR to
- use the Windows settings for hiding logical drives from the system
- ("Hide Drives in My Computer")
- 0 - FAR shows only allowed drives (taking into account the value
- of the system policy parameter "NoDrives").
- 1 - the feature is disabled, FAR shows all the drives,
- independently of the value of the "NoDrives" registry setting
- ([HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer])
- The default value is 1.
- 31.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\System]
- "FlagPosixSemantics":REG_DWORD
- The "System/FlagPosixSemantics" key of DWORD type specifies the
- behaviour of the history and position cache for the internal viewer
- and editor.
- 0 - file names are case insensitive
- 1 - file names are case sensitive
- This parameter is meaningful only under Windows NT/2000.
- The default value is:
- Windows 9x = 0
- Windows NT/2000 = 1
- 32.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\Editor]
- "CharCodeBase":REG_DWORD
- The key "Editor/CharCodeBase" of REG_DWORD type allows to change
- the representation of the current character code in the editor
- status line. Can have one of the following values:
- 0 - octal value (3 characters with leading zeros)
- 1 - decimal value (3 characters with leading spaces)
- 2 - hexadecimal value (2 digits + the character 'h')
- The default value is 1 - decimal value.
- 33.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\System]
- "MouseWheelDelta":REG_DWORD
- The key "System/MouseWheelDelta" of DWORD type specifies the number
- of keypresses of the Up/Down keys that are sent when the mouse
- wheel is rotated and the keys Ctrl/Shift/Alt are not pressed.
- Rotating the wheel when Shift is pressed is equivalent to pressing
- PgUp/PgDn. Rotating the wheel when Alt is pressed always causes the
- scrolling by one position.
- This parameter has effect only under Windows 2000.
- The default value is 1.
- [ FAR manager development group ]