Name: "{commonprograms}\ Tips&Tricks"; Filename: "{app}\lockergnome\Gnome Tips.chm"; WorkingDir: "{app}\lockergnome"; IconFilename: "{app}\lockergnome\Gnome Tips.chm"; Comment: "Tips & Tricks from the Windows newsletter"; Tasks: ic_lgtt_programs;
Name: "ic_xset_programs"; Description: "Create X-Setup icon inside Start -> Programs"; GroupDescription: "Which shortcuts should be created:";
Name: "ic_xset_startm"; Description: "Create X-Setup icon on top of Start Menu"; GroupDescription: "Which shortcuts should be created:";
Name: "ic_lgtt_programs"; Description: "Create Lockergnome Tips&&Tricks icon inside Start -> Programs"; GroupDescription: "Which shortcuts should be created:";
Name: "ic_lgtt_startm"; Description: "Create Lockergnome Tips&&Tricks icon on top of Start Menu"; GroupDescription: "Which shortcuts should be created:";
Name: "controlpanel_icon"; Description: "Create icon for X-Setup in Control Panel"; GroupDescription: "Create Control Panel icon:";