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- The FAR File and Archive Manager
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- What's new in plugins in the latest version
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [!] Important
- [+] New
- [-] Fixed error
- [*] Changes
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- FAR 1.70 beta 3 (build 591) (19.04.2001)
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- All the plugins supplied with the FAR Manager are designed only for the
- version of FAR with which they are supplied. It is not guaranteed that
- the standard plugins will function correctly with different FAR versions.
- EMenu
- ~~~~~
- [+] New plugin, allowing to run Windows Explorer context menu commands for
- the current file/folder on a FAR Manager panel.
- [!] The plugin works only under FAR 1.70 build 321 or later.
- [+] If possible, all context menu items are shown.
- [-] The shortcut key in the menu caption was highlighted, though it's not
- needed there at all.
- [-] File selection is not lost.
- [+] Backspace, Ctrl-Left, Ctrl-PgUp - jump to the previous menu
- [+] Space, Ctrl-Right, Ctrl-PgDn - works the same as pressing Enter
- [+] The menu caption always shows the file name.
- [+] Graphical menu instead of text (optional).
- Network
- ~~~~~~~
- [+] An informational message is shown while performing long operations.
- [!] The "memory" mechanism is removed (it made the plugin unusable)
- [+] It is possible to show hidden system shares under Windows NT/2000.
- [!] Now pressing Ctrl-PgUp or changing to the directory ".." of the root
- directory of an UNC disk shows the corresponding share in the Network
- Browser. (Works only for Microsoft Windows networks.)
- [+] Now it is possible to go to the list of shares of a server by entering
- in the command line
- net:<server name>
- or
- net:\\<server name>
- or (when the plugin is open)
- cd \\<server name>
- (Works only for Microsoft Windows networks.)
- [*] Now the current network path is shown in the panel title.
- [*] Correct handling of Ctrl-F.
- [-] Now pressing F3 or Alt-F3 in the Network Browser panel is ignored.
- Earlier it caused a full network scan, which took a lot of time and
- was completely unnecessary.
- [+] The option "Skip top level screen" is replaced with the option "Show
- local network". If this option is enabled, then, when the Network
- Browser is first opened, it will show the network neighborhood of
- the current computer (computers in the same domain or workgroup).
- The option works only for Microsoft Windows networks.
- [+] It is possible to toggle the connection type (permanent/temporary) in
- the drive letter selection menu (F6/Shift-F6).
- [+] Added a dialog to confirm unmapping a network drive. The dialog allows
- to choose whether the mapping should be restored at logon. The
- respective option from the configuration dialog has been deleted.
- [*] Now when trying to enter an unavailable resource, the plugin checks
- the availability before changing the directory, and not after that.
- Thus the situation when an empty panel is shown is excluded.
- Advanced Compare
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [*] All functions present in the FSF (FAR Standard Functions) were removed
- from the plugin sources; now the plugin works only under FAR 1.70.
- [*] Small optimizations of loops, checks and function calls.
- [*] When checking for Esc, CONIN$ is used instead of the standard input -
- for the unlikely case that someone will run FAR with standard input
- redirection.
- [-] The flag "two seconds precision" had an opposite effect.
- [-] Memory leak after interrupting a subdirectory compare by pressing Esc.
- [-] When comparing file contents, Esc interrupted only the compare of the
- current file, but not the process as a whole.
- [-] Comparing files on panels (when neither file contents nor
- subdirectories were compared) couldn't be interrupted by pressing Esc,
- no matter how many files there are.
- [*] When comparing files on the panels and in each subdirectory checking
- for Esc is done only once after every 256 compares - to reduce the
- overhead of calling console input reading functions. When comparing
- file contents, the check is done after reading each block (32K) -
- a disk operation takes much longer than any console operations.
- [*] When interrupting the compare by pressing Esc, the panel selection is
- not changed, so as not to give partially incorrect results to the
- user. Possibly a future version of the plugin will have an option to
- control this behaviour.
- [+] Added options "Process selected items only" and "Display message when
- no differences found". The option "Process selected items only" is
- ignored for panels on which nothing is selected - in this case the
- entire contents of the panel is compared.
- [+] If at least one of the panels is a plugin panel, the message saying
- that "Two usual file panels are required for this operation" when trying
- to compare file contents or subdirectories is not shown, but instead the
- options for comparing contents or subdirectories are shown as
- "disabled" and "deselected".
- FileCase
- ~~~~~~~~
- [+] Can process subdirectories.
- [+] Works on the temporary panel. Changes the file case, but this is not
- displayed by the temporary panel (this is a feature of the temporary
- panel).
- Brackets
- ~~~~~~~~
- [*] The rule "after bracket" has lower priority than "on bracket":
- > Incorrectly jumps on brackets in cases if there are enclosed
- > brackets of different types, for example:
- > (myarray[x])
- > Cursor jumps from the closing round bracket to the opening square
- > bracket.
- MultiArc
- ~~~~~~~~
- [!] Default settings for the ARJ.FMT module are changed in view of
- last versions of ARJ archiver.
- [+] The background process window is minimized.
- [*] Continious reset of the "Background" option.
- FARCmds
- ~~~~~~~
- [+] The leading spaces are removed in the command being processed.
- [+] New command "clip" - put data in the Windows clipboard
- [+] New command "whereis" - find and jump to the given object
- [+] When capturing the output of external programs, it is possible to
- capture the text written by a program directly to the console
- (and not through the standard output stream). This screen output
- can be seen after pressing Ctrl+O if the prefix "<<" was specified
- instead of "<" or if the respective option is enabled in the
- plugin settings.
- [+] It is possible to execute an external command in a directory
- different from the current directory by specifying "|path|command"
- instead of "command".
- PrintMan
- ~~~~~~~~
- [+] "Interface options"/"Show 'Print parameters' dialogue before printing"
- [+] New options: "Chars per line" and "Copies"
- [+] New option when printing from panels: "Print as binary file"
- [-] Fixed bug with printing selected block in editor.
- [-] Fixed bug with "empty lines".
- [!] Invoked only for normal (non-plugin) panels. In plugin panels the
- standard printing code of the FAR Manager is used.
- [!] Redraw of file panels after executing from QuickView/Info panels.
- HlfViewer
- ~~~~~~~~~
- [-] Bug when searching in archives (OpenFilePlugin). As a result, pressing
- Enter on a HLF file no longer views it. If you want this feature to
- come back, you should create an association for *.hlf files with the
- following Execute command: hlf:!.!
- [*] Hyperlinks are handled correctly in help files opened from plugins
- (for example, HLFViewer).
- TempPanel
- ~~~~~~~~~
- [+] It is possible to specify that the list file is in the ANSI codepage -
- for this you should capitalize the first letter of the command (see
- the help). Otherwise the list file is treated as OEM codepage.
- ProcList
- ~~~~~~~~
- [-] Process name was not shown in some cases.
- [!] The plugin works correctly under Windows XP (Whistler).
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- FAR 1.70 beta 2 (build 321) (16.12.2000)
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ProcList
- ~~~~~~~~
- [+] Configuration block is added. Plugin can be called, shown and hidden from
- the plugins menu or the disks menu.
- PrintMan
- ~~~~~~~~
- [+] New option: "Lines per page"
- [+] Now the plugin is shown in the list of plugins in the viewer
- [*] Help files updated...
- [-] Some little bugs fixed...
- Brackets
- ~~~~~~~~
- [!] Completely rewritten. Can find/select single and double brackets.
- Brackets type can be adjusted. For specific information see help.
- Hotkeys examples see in %FAR%\Plugins\Editor\Brackets\BrackEng.reg and
- BrackRus.reg, if FAR interface is English and Russian respectively.
- DrawLine
- ~~~~~~~~
- [*] Fixed "strange flashing" of text in the status bar when pressing and
- holding the Shift key for a few seconds.
- HlfViewer
- ~~~~~~~~~
- [+] New plugin to view HLF files. It will be useful both for plugin
- developers (viewing the current help topic in editor) and for ordinary
- users.
- FARCmds
- ~~~~~~~
- [+] Trailing spaces are removed from the command being processed.
- [-] Quoted file names are correctly processed in commands like:
- >view:"my file"
- [*] Fixed a bug with separators (DI_TEXT|DIF_DIVIDER).
- [-] Cursor could not be positioned to a file with a name containing square
- brackets.
- FileCase
- ~~~~~~~~
- [-] Incorrect processing of Russian filenames.
- MultiArc
- ~~~~~~~~
- [-] Spelling mistakes in ArcRus.lng.
- FARFtp
- ~~~~~~
- [-] 100% processor load during plugin operations.
- [*] "{xx%} Upload - Far" is written in the FAR console title instead of
- "Upload {xx%} - Far".
- Network
- ~~~~~~~
- [*] "Reconnect deleted share" in the NetEng.lng is replaced with
- "Persistent connection".
- [+] NetEng.hlf: information about "Persistent connection".
- [+] New parameter in options - "Remember last visited host".
- TempPanel
- ~~~~~~~~~
- [*] Trims leading and trailing spaces in the file name when putting it
- on the panel.
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- FAR 1.70 beta 1 build 272 (21.11.2000)
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ProcList
- ~~~~~~~~
- [+] You can view the process list on remote machines running under Windows
- NT or Windows 2000 (by pressing the F6 key). You must have Administrator
- privileges to use this feature. To view remote processes from
- Windows 95/98/ME, you must have access to the remote machine's registry
- (winreg.dll is required for that). Shift-F6 returns to the local machine.
- [+] You can raise and lower the priority class for local processes
- (Shift-F1/Shift-F2).
- [+] The number of threads and several performance counters are shown
- in View mode for local and remote machines running NT or Windows 2000.
- (The number of counters depends on the OS version of the target machine.)
- Full pathnames are shown in this mode too (local machines only).
- [+] The process command line and environment are shown in View mode
- for local machines running NT/2000.
- [+] The process I/O counters and the count of GUI object handles
- are shown in View mode for local machines running Windows 2000.
- [+] More extended window styles are recognized in View mode.
- [+] Under NT or Windows 2000 you can kill services and other
- processes which were "unkillable" before. This feature works only if
- you have Administrator privileges. BE CAREFUL!
- [+] Under NT/2000, the date/time columns show the process start time.
- FARFtp
- ~~~~~~
- [-] Fixed a bug causing FAR to crash when the user pressed Ctrl-Break at
- the moment of connecting to the server.
- MultiArc
- ~~~~~~~~
- [!] In the plugin configuration menu now there is only one item
- "Archive support configuration". Pressing it will pop up a submenu.
- [+] New archiving option "Background" - runs an archiving process
- in a separate console window.
- [+] ACE.fmt - FAR archive support module for the ACE archiver.
- Because of some incompatibility of different versions of ACE, some archive
- commands may not work correctly. It occurs because of new keys appeared
- in the new version (the plugin is designed to work with ACE 1.2a).
- If you receive an error message, go in FAR in:
- Options|Plugins configuration|Archive support|Command lines|ACE
- and remove everywhere you find the parameter {-t %%W}.
- TempPanel
- ~~~~~~~~~
- [+] The temporary panel can read the list of its items from a file.
- [+] Prefix - "tmp".
- PrintMan
- ~~~~~~~~
- [+] New plugin. Is able to print from viewer, editor and file panels.
- FARCmds
- ~~~~~~~
- [+] New plugin gives additional possibilities that can be used in
- panels, user menu, file association menu or command line, namely:
- opening a file in the viewer/editor, show any program's stdout
- interception in the viewer/editor, "smart" go to the necessary
- directory/file and also setting the same directory on the passive
- panel as on active. See the plugin help for details.
- Brackets
- ~~~~~~~~
- [+] The processing of angular brackets '<' and '>' is added.
- EditCase
- ~~~~~~~~
- [!] Completely rewritten and is able to process the text in the
- following modes:
- * all lower case
- * Begin With Capital
- * Cyclic change
- [+] The current word is processed if no block is marked.
- Network
- ~~~~~~~
- [-] Fixed a bug with sending the login and password in OEM-codepage.
- [+] New configuration option allowing to add the "Network" item to
- the plugins menu.
- [+] New option "Restore connection". If this option is set, deleted shared
- disks will be restored after the reboot. If it is not set, shared
- disks will be deleted permanently.
- [ FAR manager development group ]