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FAR help | 2001-04-16 | 4.7 KB | 171 lines |
- .Language=English,English
- .PluginContents=Print manager
- @Contents
- $ #Print manager for FAR (version 1.7)#
- ~Configuring manager~@mnuConfig@
- ~Manage printers~@prnManage@
- ~Printing documents~@prnPrint@
- ~Alphabetical list~@AlphaList@
- @mnuConfig
- $ #Configure Print manager#
- Before using of Print manager, you may need to configure some parameters.
- #Interface options#
- #-# Set startup view mode for print manager. Mode 0 are redefined
- for the most suitable viewing information about printers and jobs.
- #-# Tell Print manager to open ~Printer panel~@prnManage@ after
- printing.
- #-# Turn on of real-time monitoring for printers. In this mode the
- information about printers/documents will be updated each several
- seconds...
- #Default options#
- In this dialogue you may define options for "Print" dialogue,
- that appear before printing.
- #Source table# - Character table for data to be printed.
- #Printer table# - Charatcer table, installed on the printer.
- #Send before printing#/
- #Send after printing# - You may send special data to printer
- before/after printing. If first char is
- "@@", next part is file name to be send
- to printer. You may define data in hexadecimal:
- "%0C" - Form feed character
- Also you may see ~About~@dlgAbout@ dialog box.
- ~Go to main screen~@Contents@
- @prnManage
- $ #Manage printers#
- Print panel presents from itself two-level file panel. On the first level
- you may see all installed printers on your machine. There available next
- combinations of a keys:
- #F5# - Resume printing for selected printers.
- #F6# - Pause printing for selected printers.
- #F8# - Purge all jobs for selected printers.
- #ENTER# - Show current jobs for selected printer.
- In FAR version 1.70 or above available additional functions:
- #SHIFT+F7# - ~Add printer~@prnAdd@.
- #ALT+SHIFT+F7# - Add printer connection.
- #SHIFT+F8# - Delete printer.
- On the second level you may see all jobs for the printer. There you may use
- next combinations of a keys:
- #F5# - Resume printing for selected jobs.
- #F6# - Pause printing for selected jobs.
- #F7# - Restart selected jobs.
- #F8# - Delete selected jobs from queue.
- ~Go to main screen~@Contents@
- @prnPrint
- $ #Printing documents#
- When you have opened Priners panel, you may print any files, simply
- copying its on Printers panel by <F5> key.
- Also you may print any files from command line by typing:
- #prn:<FileName># (without angle brackets) - for printing <FileName> file
- #prn:selected:# (#prn:sel:#) - for printing selected
- files on file panel.
- #prn:current:# (#prn:cur:#) - for printing current
- file on file panel.
- For printing from editor, press F11 and choose "Print manager". If you
- have FAR maneger version 1.52 or above, "Source table" parameter will equal
- to selected character table for editor. You may print either selected block
- or all file.
- ~Go to main screen~@Contents@
- @dlgAbout
- $ #About Print manager for FAR#
- Print manager for FAR. Version 1.7 beta 3
- Copyright (c), 2000-2001 Vasily V. Moshninov [ FAR group ]
- e-mail: ~proxykit@@newmail.ru~@mailto:proxykit@@newmail.ru@
- fido: #2:5004/18.32@@fidonet.org#
- ICQ: #17217849#
- Home page: ~http://proxykit.newmail.ru~@http://proxykit.newmail.ru@
- ~Go to main screen~@Contents@
- @prnAdd
- $ #Add new printer# dialogue
- You may add new printer into your system. You must fill all fields in
- this dialogue for install of new printer.
- #Printer name# - Unique name for you printer.
- (ex.: "My local printer")
- #Description# - Description of printer to be installed.
- #Printer port# - Port name for printer.
- (ex.: "LPT1:" or "\\SERVER\PRINTER_QUEUE")
- #Printer driver# - Select printer driver. If you need to specified
- additional driver for printer, you must use
- "Add new hardware" in "Control panel"
- #Print processor# - Default print processor for printer.
- ~Go to main screen~@Contents@
- @AlphaList
- $ #Alphabetical list#
- ~About print manager~@dlgAbout@
- ~Add printer~@prnAdd@
- ~Configuring manager~@mnuConfig@
- ~Manage printers~@prnManage@
- ~Printing documents~@prnPrint@
- ~Go to main screen~@Contents@