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- [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Far\XLat]
- ; 1 = ÇóΓ«¼áΓ¿τÑ߬«Ñ »ÑαѬ½ετÑ¡¿Ñ αá߬½áñ¬¿ ¬½áó¿áΓπαδ »«ß½Ñ »ÑαѬ«ñ¿α«óá¡¿∩ :-)
- ; ê¼ÑÑΓ φΣΣÑ¬Γ Γ«½∞¬« ó Windows NT!!!!
- ; ÅÑαѬ½ετÑ¡¿Ñ »α«¿ßσ«ñ¿Γ »« ¬απúπ: RU->EN->RU->... - φΓ« 󻫽¡Ñ ñ«ßΓáΓ«τ¡«.
- ;
- ; 1 = Automatic keyboard layout switching after the transliteration.
- ; Works under Windows NT only!!!!
- ; The switching is cyclical: RU->EN->RU... - it's quite enough.
- "Flags"=dword:00000001
- ; Åáαá »ÑαѬ«ñ¿α«ó«τ¡δσ Γáí½¿µ (ß¼. ßó«ε ¬½áó¿áΓπαπ) (¼á¬ß
- ; ñ½¿¡á ßΓ᫬¿ - ¡Ñ í«½ÑÑ 80 ß¿¼ó«½«ó :-)
- ;
- ; Two transliteration tables (see your keyboard) (max
- ; string length - 80 symbols)
- ;
- ; Example
- ; Table1=ⁿÇéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜ¢£ƒáóúñѪº¿⌐¬½¼¡«»αßΓπΣσµτΦΘΩδ∞φ∩±≡ü₧¥
- ; Table2=#FDULT:PBQRKVYJGHCNEA{WXIO}SMZfdult;pbqrkvyjghcnea[wxio]sm'z`~<>"
- ; Non-english symbol (OEM Code)
- "Table1"=hex:FC,80,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,8A,8B,8C,8D,8E,8F,\
- 90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,9A,9B,9C,9F,A0,A2,\
- A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,E0,E1,E2,\
- E3,E4,E5,E6,E7,E8,E9,EA,EB,EC,ED,EF,F1,F0,81,9E,\
- 9D,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
- ; English symbol (OEM Code)
- "Table2"=hex:23,46,44,55,4C,54,3A,50,42,51,52,4B,56,59,4A,47,\
- 48,43,4E,45,41,7B,57,58,49,4F,7D,53,4D,5A,66,64,\
- 75,6C,74,3B,70,62,71,72,6B,76,79,6A,67,68,63,6E,\
- 65,61,5B,77,78,69,6F,5D,73,6D,27,7A,60,7E,3C,3E,\
- 22,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
- ; 30 Åαáó¿½ ñ½∩ ß½πτá∩ "Ñß½¿ »αÑñδñπΘ¿⌐ ß¿¼ó«½ απß߬¿⌐".
- ; ÅÑαóδ⌐ ß¿¼ó«½ - τΓ« ¼Ñ¡∩Ѽ, óΓ«α«⌐ - ¡á τΓ« ¼Ñ¡∩Ѽ.
- ; (»« 2 ß¿¼ó«½á!)
- ; àß½¿ ñá¡¡δσ ¼Ñ¡ÑÑ 60 íá⌐Γ, Γ« ºá¬½ετ¿Γѽ∞¡δÑ 2 ¡π½∩ «í∩ºáΓѽ∞¡δ
- ;
- ; 30 Rules for a case "if the preceding symbol is russian".
- ; First symbol - what to change, second symbol - to change into what.
- ; (two symbols for each rule!)
- ; If the length of the data is less than 60 bytes (30 rules), the two
- ; trailing zeros are mandatory.
- ;
- ; (OEM Code)
- ; RulRus=,?./í,ε.
- "Rules1"=hex:2C,3F,2E,2F,A1,2C,EE,2E,00,00
- ; 30 Åαáó¿½ ñ½∩ ß½πτá∩ "Ñß½¿ »αÑñδñπΘ¿⌐ ß¿¼ó«½ ½áΓ¿¡ß¬¿⌐".
- ; ÅÑαóδ⌐ ß¿¼ó«½ - τΓ« ¼Ñ¡∩Ѽ, óΓ«α«⌐ - ¡á τΓ« ¼Ñ¡∩Ѽ.
- ; (»« 2 ß¿¼ó«½á!)
- ; àß½¿ ñá¡¡δσ ¼Ñ¡ÑÑ 60 íá⌐Γ, Γ« ºá¬½ετ¿Γѽ∞¡δÑ 2 ¡π½∩ «í∩ºáΓѽ∞¡δ
- ;
- ; 30 Rules for a case "if the preceding symbol is english".
- ; First symbol - what to change, second symbol - to change into what.
- ; (two symbols for each rule!)
- ; If the length of the data is less than 60 bytes (30 rules), the two
- ; trailing zeros are mandatory.
- ;
- ; (OEM Code)
- ; RulEng=?,/.,í.εε.í,
- "Rules2"=hex:3F,2C,2F,2E,2C,A1,2E,EE,EE,2E,A1,2C,00,00
- ; 30 Åαáó¿½ ñ½∩ ß½πτá∩ "Ñß½¿ »αÑñδñπΘ¿⌐ ß¿¼ó«½ ¡Ñ απß/lat".
- ; ÅÑαóδ⌐ ß¿¼ó«½ - τΓ« ¼Ñ¡∩Ѽ, óΓ«α«⌐ - ¡á τΓ« ¼Ñ¡∩Ѽ - ¬απΓ¿¼ »« ¬απúπ.
- ; (»« 2 ß¿¼ó«½á!)
- ; àß½¿ ñá¡¡δσ ¼Ñ¡ÑÑ 60 íá⌐Γ, Γ« ºá¬½ετ¿Γѽ∞¡δÑ 2 ¡π½∩ «í∩ºáΓѽ∞¡δ
- ;
- ; 30 Rules for a case "if the preceding symbol is non-russian and non-english".
- ; First symbol - what to change, second symbol - to change into what
- ; (cyclical).
- ; (two symbols for each rule!)
- ; If the length of the data is less than 60 bytes (30 rules), the two
- ; trailing zeros are mandatory.
- ;
- ; '/' -> '.' -> '│' -> '/'
- ; '?' -> ',' -> 'ß' -> '?'
- ;
- ; (OEM Code)
- ; RulUnk=/..εε/?,,íí?
- "Rules3"=hex:2F,2E,2E,EE,EE,2F,3F,2C,2C,A1,A1,3F,00,00