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InstallSHIELD Software Coporation (c) 1990-1997 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES MEDIA FOLDER_PROGRAMS SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE ISOSVERSIONINFO ISIOSVersionInfoSize ISIMajorVersion ISIMinorVersion ISIBuildNumber ISIPlatformId szISCSDVersion COMPONENTLIST lAppl lSize lName lMessage lCheck lVisible WINRECTSTRUCT origX origY KERNEL32 GetVersionEx SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo PFMODINTL LoadPfMod PFMODINTL UnloadPfMod PFMODINTL GetNumCard PFMODINTL GetFirstCard PFMODINTL GetNextCard PFMODINTL IsSBLive PFMODINTL Is1394 PFMODINTL IsWDMDriver PFMODINTL IsDriverLoaded PFMODINTL IsSBLiveEX PFMODINTL IsEmu10KEX PFMODINTL IsThirdParty PFMODINTL IsAudigy SYSNFO32 GetCPUClass SYSNFO32 GetCPUSpeed SYSNFO32 GetMemorySize SYSNFO32 GetCPUMake SYSNFO32 GetCPUModel CTDSETUP ctDirectXSetup Setup$ This application can only be run on Windows 95 or NT. a2 Please make sure you are in the correct operating $ system before running the setup program.$ This application can only be run on Windows NT 4.0 or higher. a2 Please make sure you are in the correct operating $ system before running the setup program.$ Setup could not detect any Sound Blaster Card on your system. Please ensure that your Sound Blaster hardware is properly installed before $ running this Setup program. Setup will now exit. ENGLISH Setup is searching for installed components...$ Installation detected the presence of Sound Blaster Live! or Sound Blaster PCI 512aO audio card. Operating multiple audio devices in the same system may introduce$ usability issues. It is recommended to completely uninstall and remove the older$ audio device. Click 'Yes' to uninstall now. 'No' to proceed with installation.$ Uninstall complete. Please remove your Sound Blaster Live! or Sound Blaster PCI512aS audio card from the system. Click 'Yes' to shut down now. 'No' to shut down later$ Installation detected the presence of another audio device(s). Operating multipleaR audio devices in the same system may introduce usability issues. If you encounter$ this later, it is recommended to completely uninstall and remove the older audio device(s). Setup is uninstalling your previous. Please wait...$ Windows 98 detected. Certain features or functionality aK is not supported by this Operating System. We recommend that you upgrade to$ Windows 98 Second Edition or later versions. Do you wish to continue with the installation?$ Your version of Windows Operating System is not supported by Sound Blaster Audigy. a[ Please upgrade to Windows 98 Second Edition or later versions before resuming installation. AutoEAX - AudioHQ Creative Launcher Installing Drivers...$ Installation did not detect the presence of a Sound Blaster Audigy card. aL Please ensure that you have installed the card properly before running this $ update again. Update will exit now. This web update is only for Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Update will exit now.$ This web update requires you to pre-install the Sound Blaster Audigy from aB the original Installation Disc that is bundled with your product. $ Install this update only after you had done so. Update will exit now. WDMBm GaGaJugglorWindowa Exit Setup! Windows 95B, Windows 98B- Windows 98SEB. Windows NT4B* Windows MeB0 Windows 2KB/ Windows XPB1 ProductNameA ProductVersionA UninstallKeyA TargetDirectoryA CardTypeBd README.TXTR README.TXTa README.TXT Bitmaps) EAX.AVIR Bitmaps% Program EAX.AVIa EAX.AVI BITMAP) Live!a.BMPa Live!a.BMP Live!b.BMPa Live!b.BMP Live!.TXTa Live!.TXT, Live!a.BMPa Live!a.BMP Live!b.BMPa Live!b.BMP Live!.TXTa Live!.TXT, PCI512a.BMPa PCI512a.BMP PCI512b.BMPa PCI512b.BMP PCI512.TXTa PCI512.TXT, Audigya.BMPa Audigya.BMP Audigyb.BMPa Audigyb.BMP Audigy.TXTa Audigy.TXT, Audigya.BMPa Audigya.BMP Audigyb.BMPa Audigyb.BMP Audigy.TXTa Audigy.TXT ERROR_MOVEDATAR ERROR_COMPONENTR ERROR_FILEGROUPR ERROR_FILER WDMBm Online Help! \Software\Microsoft\Windows\Help% \HelpQ \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceQ ctdevconA regsvr32.exe /s ctdevcon.dllA piaproxyA regsvr32.exe /s piaproxy.dllA ctdproxyA regsvr32.exe /s ctdproxy.dllA Jet Detection! PROGRAM \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run% ADGJDet.exeQ Jet DetectionA \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\a ADGJDet.EXEP ADGJDet.EXEQ PathA Media! Media \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce% MDEntry.exeQ CTMDEntryA Creativeb Online Help! Help% Help: EAX Startup! PROGRAM\Demo32.EXEZ -c -q CTEAX.dbd% PROGRAM% PROGRAM% CTEAXSPL.EXE: AUDIO.INI' Settingsa CardDetection2f Software License Agreement$ Please read the following software license agreement carefully. a5 Press the PAGE DOWN key to read the entire agreement.$ Click Yes to indicate that you have read and accepted all the terms of a the above agreement. If you click No, the installation will abort. LICENSE.TXT View Readme File Please read through the contents of the readme file shown below: README.TXT Destination Directory$ Setup will install the software in the directory shown below. To install to this directory, click Next. To install to a different directory, click Browse and select another directory. You can choose not to install by clicking Cancel to exit the Setup program. Setup Options Please select the required setup type:$ Full Installation: When you want to create and experience multimedia contents. Custom Installation$ For advanced users. You can choose to install a individual components. Drivers Only Only drivers are installed.$ Make your selection of components to install from below. a8 Restore Defaults and Windows drivers will be installed.$ There is not enough space available on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk. Creative AudioHQ Creative WaveStudio Soundo'LE DOS Drivers Creative PlayCenter 1 Creative PlayCenter 2 Creative PlayCenter Creative Launcher SB Live! Experience SB Audigy Experience Demo Creative Restore Defaults Creative Surround Mixer Creative Diagnostics SB Live! Value 512 User's Guide Creative MiniDisc Center Vienna SoundFont Studio Creative Keytar Creative Rhythmania SoundFont Showcase EAX Demo MIDI Samples SoundFont Banks Windows Drivers Speaker Preset Setup Creative TaskBar Creative SoftDVD Creative Installer Creative Remote Center Creative EAX Creative SurroundMixer Creative Recorder Creative MiniDisc ContentPASS Packger SB Audigy Quick Start$ Online Manual Allows you to configure your audio card settings Allows you to edit Wave files Soundo'LE components Adds SB16 DOS compatibility Allows multimedia playback Allows multimedia playback, MP3 encoding and more Allows multimedia playback, MP3 encoding and more Allows quick access to the audio card's features Allows you to experience the audio card's features and capabilities Allows you to experience the audio card's features and capabilities Allows you to configure your audio environment Allows you to test your audio card Online help Allows you to record your audio files to a MiniDisc recorder Allows you to edit SoundFont files Allows you to play music Allows you to play music Allows you to playback SoundFont files Allows you to experience EAX Sample media files 2MB, 4MB and 8MB SoundFont Banks Allows you to perform tasks with your audio card easily and quickly Allows you to watch DVD videos on your PC Allows you to perform tasks on your PC remotely Allows you to configure your audio environment Allows you to record Wave files Allows you to record your audio files to a MiniDisc recorder Allows you to encrypt files Online tutorial Online Documentation of your product Installation Information Information on your installation: You are installing to You have selected Detected bytes on The following components will be installed: Full Installation Setup Complete Restart Windows$ Your computer system has to be restarted for the changes a: to take effect. You can exit the installation now without $ selecting the options below, and restart at a later stage.$ Setup is complete. Please remember to restart a4 your computer system for the changes to take effect. Updating Windows drivers. This will take a few minutes.... Setup Setup is creating program folder and icons... User's Guide Speaker Configuration Setup Select the appropriate speaker output configuration. You can also change your speaker configuration using the Surround Mixer application 2 Speakers 4 Speakers 5.1 Speakers Headphones Live!Surround (For surround home theater system) Do you want to select Digital Speaker output as the default setting? You can also change your Digital Speaker output setting using the Surround Mixer application Drivers Setup Online Documentation Selection Online documentation is available. Please select the product you have purchased VXD Drivers WDM Drivers (Recommended) (Windows installation CD required) Click an option below to install drivers. If you are unsure of which drivers to install, click the recommended option. Setup is unable to load the drivers properly. Insert Disk$ Please insert the disk labeled 'b CD-ROM', and $ then click OK.# Register FileComponents DIALOGMT.BMP_ DIALOG.BMP_ Bitmaps% Audback.bmp6 Bitmaps% Audback.bmp6 DISK.IDa DISK.IDa \Software\Creative Tech\LicenseR /nolicense( Full, @12001;1;255;0;255A @12004;1;255;0;255A @12003;1;255;0;255A Full, Custom Drivers Drivers( Custom( DriversConfig! DATAK Full( Custom( b \Software\Creative Tech\Defaults DigitalOutputOnlyA \Software\Creative Tech\Defaults DigitalOutputOnlyA SPK_2.REGR REGEDIT% SPK_2.REG$ /S b SpeakerConfigA 2 Speaker SPK_4.REGR REGEDIT% SPK_4.REG$ /S b SpeakerConfigA 4 Speaker SPK_HP.REGR REGEDIT% SPK_HP.REG$ /S b SpeakerConfigA Headphone SPK_5_1.REGR REGEDIT% SPK_5_1.REG$ /S b SpeakerConfigA 5.1 Speaker SPK_LS.REGR REGEDIT% SPK_LS.REG$ /S b SpeakerConfigA Live!Surround \System\Creative Tech\Emu10kx\SoundFontR SoundFontBank2 Default2.SFM Default4.SFM Default8.SFM# Ct2mgm.sf2, Ct4mgm.sf2, Ct8mgm.sf2, Ct4mgm.sf2 \Software\Creative Tech\Defaults% SFFileA AUDIO.INI' Settingsa TrapReboot2 /boot( \Software\Creative Tech\RebootQ \Software\Creative Tech\RebootQ /nofinish( /nxtmsg( /boot( /nxtmsg( CTRUN\CTMSG.EXE3 AUDIO.INIR AUDIO.INI' Settingsa CardType2d AUDIO.INI' Settingsa InstallationType2e AUDIO.INI& Settingsa ProductNameR AUDIO.INI& Settingsa ProductVersionR AUDIO.INI& Settingsa DefAppPathR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType1a AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType1a ProductNameR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType1a ProductVersionR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType1a DefAppPathR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType2a AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType2a ProductNameR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType2a ProductVersionR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType2a DefAppPathR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType3a AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType3a ProductNameR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType3a ProductVersionR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType3a DefAppPathR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType4a AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType4a ProductNameR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType4a ProductVersionR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType4a DefAppPathR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType5a AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType5a ProductNameR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType5a ProductVersionR AUDIO.INI& Settings.CardType5a DefAppPathR LIVE.HLP, LIVE.HLP, SBPCI512.HLP, AUDIGYU.HLP, AUDIGYU.HLP AUDIO.INI& Installationa EAXStartUpR AUDIO.INI& Installationa MenuExDemoR AUDIO.INI& Installationa RegistrationR= AUDIO.INI& Driversa WDMOptionsR AUDIO.INI& Driversa DriverINIR AUDIO.INI& Driversa 98SEWDMR AUDIO.INI& Driversa MEWDMR AUDIO.INI& Settingsa MetaTrustR AUDIO.INI& Settingsa SfBankR AUDIO.INIR AUDIO.INI& Mappinga Disk1R AUDIO.INI& Mappinga Disk2R AUDIO.INI& Mappinga Disk3R AUDIO.INI& Mappinga Disk4R AUDIO.INI& Mappinga Disk5R AUDIO.INI& Mappinga Disk6R AUDIO.INI& Mappinga Disk7R \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell FoldersR Desktop2c Programs2c Start Menu2c Startup2c Favorites2c \Creative\ShareDLL% \Creative\Uninstall AHQSysTraya AudioHQClassa AHQUDASysTraya AudioHQUDAClassa Live!TaskA TaskInfoSysTraya CTLTaskA Creative Surround MixerA CTSurMixerSysTrayA Creative Disc Detectora CabinetWClassa CTAviPlayBackA RCManagerA REGSVR32.EXE% ATL.DLL$ Bitmaps AudioHQ.EXE, Bitmaps PC2.EXE, Bitmaps PC3.EXE, Bitmaps Remote.EXE, Bitmaps ExpDemo.EXE, Bitmaps Generic.EXE Bitmaps% ins.bmp GaGaJugglorWindowa Bitmaps% ins.bmp Generic.EXER Generic.EXE3 LAUNCHER LAUNCHER\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA TASKBAR TASKBAR\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA PLAYER PLAYER\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/ASSOCIATE/UNINSTALLINIA SOFTDVD SOFTDVD\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA PLAYER2 PLAYER2\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/ASSOCIATE/UNINSTALLINIA PLAYER3 PLAYER3\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/ASSOCIATE/UNINSTALLINIA REC2\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA MDC\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA MINIDISC MINIDISC\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA AUDIOHQ AUDIOHQ\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA SURMIXER SURMIXER\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA SURMIX2 SURMIX2\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA DOSDRV DOSDRV\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA DIAGNOSE DIAGNOSE\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA SBLIVEXP SBLIVEXP\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA SBAUDXP SBAUDXP\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA SBAUDQS SBAUDQS\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA PACKAGER PACKAGER\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA RESTORE RESTORE\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA SFBANK SFBANK\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA MIDI\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA WSTUDIO WSTUDIO\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA REMOTE REMOTE\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA SFSC\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA VIENNA VIENNA\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA KEYTAR KEYTAR\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA RHYMANIA RHYMANIA\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA CTMANUAL /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINI CTMANUAL\SETUP.INS CTINST CTINST\SETUP.INS /INTEGRATED/UNINSTALLINIA AUDIO.INI& Installationa DXSetupR \Software\Microsoft\DirectXR Version2 \Software\Microsoft\DirectX\InstalledVersionR Version2 DXVersionFoundA Bitmaps% dx.bmp DIRECTX CTDSETUP.DLL InstallShield_Winb CTDSETUP.DLL Bitmaps) SBAudMnu.exeR Bitmaps% Program SBAudMnu.exea SBAudMnu.exe \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce% Program% SBAudMnu.exe$ SBAudMnuA \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\a CTEaxSpl.EXE% Program% CTEaxSpl.EXEQ ProgramQ PathA FullScreenA AUDIO.INI& Installationa EAXStartUpR Drivers( \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run% Program% CTEaxSpl.exe$ /runQ CTStartupA \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce% Program% CTEaxSpl.EXE$ EAX.AVIQ CTStartupA \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEX\CTStartup% Program% CTEaxSpl.EXE$ EAX.AVIQ CTStartupA SBWIN.INIR SBWIN.INI Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\CTPLAY.EXE SBWIN.INIa Generala CDPlayerb SBWIN.INIa Generala MIDIPlayerb Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\CTPLAY2.EXE SBWIN.INIa Generala CDPlayerb SBWIN.INIa Generala MIDIPlayerb Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\CTPLAY2.EXE SBWIN.INIa Generala CDPlayerb SBWIN.INIa Generala MIDIPlayerb Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AudioHQU.EXE SBWIN.INIa Generala AWE Controlb Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\CTMix32.EXE SBWIN.INIa Generala Mixerb Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SurMix2.EXE SBWIN.INIa Generala Mixerb CTRMENU.DLLZ REGSVR32.EXE$ PFMOD.DLLZ REGSVR32.EXE$ Bitmaps% Audframe.bmp6 Bitmaps% Audframe.bmp6 Bitmaps% ins.bmp Bitmaps% Blank.bmp CTRUN% Begina TitleR AUDIO.INI' Settingsa PC3Associate2 PLAYER3\SETUP.INS /ASSOCIATEONLYA bda.infa bda.bak% bdasetup.infa bdasetup.bak% ccdecode.infa ccdecode.bak% mpe.infa mpe.bak% nabtsfec.infa nabtsfec.bak% ndisip.infa ndisip.bak% slip.infa slip.bak% streamip.infa streamip.bak% wstcodec.infa wstcodec.bak, bda.baka bda.inf% bdasetup.baka bdasetup.inf% ccdecode.baka ccdecode.inf% mpe.baka mpe.inf% nabtsfec.baka nabtsfec.inf% ndisip.baka ndisip.inf% slip.baka slip.inf% streamip.baka streamip.inf% wstcodec.baka wstcodec.inf 269601usa8.EXER 269601usa8.EXE /q:a /n:vA 242975cht8.EXE, 242975chs8.EXE, 242975jpn8.EXE, 242975usa8.EXE /q:a /n:vA AUDIO.INIR AUDIO.INI& Manuala ShowDialogR AUDIO.INI& Manuala AudigyManualR' AUDIO.INI& Manuala Non1394ManualR( AUDIO.INI& Manuala NumberManualR ManualList! ManualProductNameb Manualb AUDIO.INI& Manualb AUDIO.INI& Manualb AUDIO.INI& Installationa AUDIO.INI& Installationa AC3SizeR Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\CTPLAY3.EXE, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\CTPLAY2.EXE AUDIO.INI& Installationa AC3LevelR AC3\Install Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce MDEntry.EXE "$ PlayCenter2A Software\Creative Tech\Creative PlayCenter 2\MultiUser\PCMusLib% SB Audigy Music Demo.ac3Q LastTrackA DATAK edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA szISCSDVersion2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA $ / : * ? " < > |* Severe SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! Typical, Custom, Compact szDirA ResultA SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! 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ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ERROR_VGARESOLUTIONR ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA ISIBuildNumber2 \Software\Creative Tech\Installation CheckOS.EXE WINME( \Creative\ShareDLL% pfmod.dll) PFMOD.DLLR PFMOD.DLLa PFMOD.DLLA PFMODINTL.DLLa PFMODINTL.DLLA PFMODNT.SYSa PFMODNT.SYSA regsvr32.exe$ PFMODINTL.DLL PFMOD16.DLLa PFMOD16.DLLA regsvr32.exe$ PFMODINTL.DLL PFMODINTL.DLL PFMODINTL.DLL% regsvr32.exe$ /s/u b UNINST1.INI% Creative\Uninstall UNINST*.INIR UNINST*.INIR Informationa ProductNameR Informationa ProductVersionR Informationa TargetOSR UNINSTb .INI, SOFTWARE\Creative Techb UninstallFileNameA Informationa ProductNameb Informationa ProductVersionb Informationa TargetOSb Creative\Uninstall SOFTWARE\Creative Techb UninstallFileName2 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb UninstallString2 Informationa UninstallStringb CTUNINST.EXE$ /U:$ UninstallStringA Creative\Uninstall SOFTWARE\Creative Tech\InstallationR ProductName2 ProductVersion2 SOFTWARE\Creative Techb UninstallFileName2 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb UninstallString2 DisplayName Referencea TotalCountR Componentb Componentb Referencea TotalCountb Commandb Sizeb Setup is unable to locate a required file. Installation will now exit. You have not registered your product. Setup will now exit.$ This installation requires you to on-line register the software aA successfully before you can continue to install the software. Do $ you want to continue? Register ! /autorun( /integrated( /autorun( /orfirst( /orlast( /orfirst( /orlast( \Software\Creative Tech\Reboot( \Software\Creative Tech\RebootQ \Software\Creative Tech\RebootQ \Control Panel\desktop\ResourceLocalea \.DEFAULT\Control Panel\desktop\ResourceLocalea \.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Internationala Locale2 00000406( Danish, 0000040B( Finnish, 0000041D( Swedish, 00000414( 00000814( Norwegan, 00000416( Brazil, 00000816( Iberian, 00000410( 00000810( Italian, 00000413( 00000813( Dutch, 00000407( 00000807( 00000C07( 00001007( German, 0000040C( 0000080C( 00000C0C( 0000100C( 0000140C( French, 0000040A( 0000080A( 00000C0A( 00002COA( 0000340A( Spanish, 00000409( 00000809( 00000C09( 00001009( English, 00001409( 00001809( 00001C09( English, 00000804( PChinese, 00000404( TChinese, 00000411( Japanese, English Register Register Register Register Register\$ Creative\Product Registration% INETREG.EXER Register\English% Creative\Product Registration\English DISK.IDR INETREG.EXER /PIN=b, /ProductName=$ /Format=2 /NoReminderOption% INETREG.EXE /Format=2) INETREG.EXER INETREG.EXE \Software\Creative Tech\Product Registrationa Proceed Register2 /SendInfo) INETREG.EXER INETREG.EXE /GetInfo) INETREG.EXER INETREG.EXE CTRegRun.exea CTRegRun.exeA INETREG.EXEa INETREG.EXEA HELPER.EXEa HELPER.EXEA INETREG.CRLa INETREG.CRLA INETREG.INIa INETREG.INIA INETREG.EXEZ Creative\Product Registration: Creative\Product Registration: INETREG.INI& Registera PriorityCDR INETREG.INI& Registera OptionalR INETREG.INI& Registera CopyFilesR Software\Creative Tech\Product Registration\Product Identification Number Registered! DISK.IDa DISK.IDa DISK.ID7 INETREG.INI& Registera PINR, INETREG.INI& Registera PRODUCTR% SHDOCVW.DLL 4.70.1155A AXDIST.EXER AXDIST.EXE AXDIST.EXER AXDIST.EXE PRODUCT_NAMER The minimum system requirements for b are Pentium class 133 MHz processor and 16 MB RAM. Make sure that your computer meets the minimum processor speed and amount of RAM before you run the installation again. The installation will quit now. PRODUCT_NAMER The minimum system requirements for b are Pentium class 133 MHz processor and 16 MB RAM. Make sure that your computer meets the minimum processor speed and amount of RAM before you run the installation again. Would you like to continue with the installation? System Requirement& SYSNFO32.DLL SYSNFO32.DLL BILLb2 .BMP% Bitmaps) BILLb2 .BMP% Bitmaps) Bitmaps% BILLb2 .BMP% Bitmaps) BILLb2 .BMP% Bitmaps) REGSVR32.EXE% ATL.DLL$ Bitmaps% drv.bmp Drivers CTZAPXX.EXE$ /W /S /R $ CTZAPXX.EXE$ /S /R $ DISK.IDa DISK.IDa DISK.IDa DISK.IDa \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla Windows Drivers UninstallStringA Windows Driversb Program CTHwAccl.EXER CTHwAccl.EXE3 ENGLISH( PCHINESE( /L:CHS, TCHINESE( /L:CHT, DUTCH( /L:DUT, FRENCH( /L:FRN, GERMAN( /L:GER, ITALIAN( /L:ITA, JAPANESE( /L:JPN, BRAZIL( /L:BRZ, SPANISH( /L:SPN, SWEDISH( /L:SWE, \System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Creative Tech\DatabaseR LangType2 /L:CHS, /L:CHT, /L:DUT, /L:FRN, /L:GER, /L:ITA, /L:JPN, /L:BRZ, /L:SPN, /L:SWE, lApplB lSizeB lNameB lMessageB lCheckB lVisibleB LauncherR9 TaskBarRM DosR< AudioHQR7 SurMixerRB SurMixer2RT PlayCenterR8 PlayCenter2RQ PlayCenter3RR RemoteRP EAXDemoRD SBLiveXPR> SBAudigyXPRW SBAudigyQSRY Recorder2RU MiniDiscR? MiniDisc2RV RestoreR@ DiagnoseRA PackagerRX KeytarRK RhymaniaRL ViennaRE WaveStudioR: SoundFontRG SFShowCaseRJ SoftDVDRN InstallerRO MediaRF HTMLRC SpeakerRI ManualRZ WinDrvRH AUDIO.INI& Installationb AUDIO.INI lAppl2 lSize2 lName2 lMessage2 lCheck2 lVisible2 WIN95, WIN98, Win98SE, WINNT, WINME, WIN2K, WINXP, lAppl2 lSize2 lName2 lMessage2 lCheck2 lVisible2 GetModuleHandle/ ShowWindow! SetFocus! GetDlgItem! Enable! SetWindowText! IsWindow! GetWindowRect! WINRECTSTRUCTa origX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa origY2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relY2 GetClientRect! WINRECTSTRUCTa origX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa origY2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relX2 WINRECTSTRUCTa relY2 SetWindowPos! MoveWindow! PostMessage! InstallShield can not call DLL function: b DLG_EXITSETUPDLG( ResultA SdWelcome! 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Do you want to continue? PRODUCT_NAMER Installation has detected that your system has a newer version of b . If $ you choose to continue, your existing copy of PRODUCT_NAMER will be uninstalled and $ replaced by this version of PRODUCT_NAMER . Do you want to continue? PRODUCT_NAMER Setup is uninstalling b . Please wait...# /integrated( /integrated( /integrated( SOFTWARE\Creative Tech\Software Installedb SoftwareID2 Version2 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb UninstallString2 VERSION.INI& WriteDiskIDa WriteIDR VERSION.INI& WriteDiskIDa MultipleIDR Disk.IDR VERSION.INI& DiskIDPatha PathR Disk.IDR DISK.ID CTDiskID.LOGR CTDiskID.LOGa CTDiskID.LOG$ DiskID Log Fileb CTDiskID.LOG% DiskID Log Filea TotalCountb /integrated( CTDiskID.LOG& DiskID Log Filea TotalCountR CTDiskID.LOG$ DiskID Log Fileb CTDiskID.LOG DiskID Log Filea TotalCountb Software\Creative Tech\DiskIDb ProductNameA OEMID.INI& Versiona OEMIDR Version.INI& Versiona SoftwareSubPathR Version.INI& Versiona SoftwareIDR Version.INI& Versiona SoftwareVersionR Version.INI& Versiona SoftwareFriendlyNameR \Software\Creative Tech\Software Installed\$ OEMID2 OEMIDA /integrated( \Software\Creative Tech\Redist \Software\Creative Tech\RedistP REDIST.INI& Directorya LevelR \REDIST \Software\Creative Tech\RedistQ SourcePathA SourcePath2 REDIST.INI& Directorya LevelR SourcePathA /integrated( \Software\Creative Tech\Redist 40COMUPD.EXE \Software\Creative Tech\RedistR COMCTL32.DLL 4.72.2106.4A /r:n /q:aA DXMEDIA.EXE \Software\Creative Tech\RedistR QUARTZ.DLL id:PlayerServer.PlayerServer.1% AXDIST.EXE \Software\Creative Tech\RedistR SHDOCVW.DLL 4.70.1155A MPFULL.EXE \Software\Creative Tech\RedistR \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MPlayer2R UninstallString2 Windows Media Player% MPLAYER2.EXE \Software\Microsoft\Windows\MediaPlayer\Setupa URLAtCompletionA /r:n /q:aA \Software\Microsoft\Windows\MediaPlayer\Setupa URLAtCompletionA /r:n /q:aA WMFADIST.EXE \Software\Creative Tech\RedistR /Q:A /R:N /T:b WMDMDIST.EXE \Software\Creative Tech\RedistR /Q:A /R:N /T:b DCOM95.EXE /r:n /q:uA CLSID\{bdc67890-4fc0-11d0-a805-00aa006d2ea4}\InstalledVersion! 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