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Text File | 2001-07-04 | 2.7 KB | 110 lines | [TEXT/WIsH] |
- #!/bin/sh
- # $Id: pdfclock.tcl,v 2001/05/16 12:25:50 york Exp $
- #
- # PDFlib client: pdfclock example in Tcl
- #
- # Hide the exec to Tcl but not to the shell by appending a backslash\
- exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}
- # The lappend line is unnecessary if PDFlib has been installed
- # in the Tcl package directory
- set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 .libs .]
- package require pdflib 4.0
- set RADIUS 200.0
- set MARGIN 20.0
- set p [PDF_new]
- if {[PDF_open_file $p "pdfclock.pdf"] == -1} {
- puts stderr "Couldn't open PDF file!"
- }
- PDF_set_info $p "Creator" "pdfclock.tcl"
- PDF_set_info $p "Author" "Thomas Merz"
- PDF_set_info $p "Title" "PDF clock (Tcl)"
- PDF_begin_page $p [expr 2 * ($RADIUS + $MARGIN)] [expr 2 * ($RADIUS + $MARGIN)]
- PDF_translate $p [expr $RADIUS + $MARGIN] [expr $RADIUS + $MARGIN]
- PDF_setcolor $p "both" "rgb" 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
- PDF_save $p
- # minute strokes
- PDF_setlinewidth $p 2.0
- for {set alpha 0} {$alpha < 360} {set alpha [expr $alpha + 6]} {
- PDF_rotate $p 6.0
- PDF_moveto $p $RADIUS 0.0
- PDF_lineto $p [expr $RADIUS-$MARGIN/3] 0.0
- PDF_stroke $p
- }
- PDF_restore $p
- PDF_save $p
- # 5 minute strokes
- PDF_setlinewidth $p 3.0
- for {set alpha 0} {$alpha < 360} {set alpha [expr $alpha + 30]} {
- PDF_rotate $p 30.0
- PDF_moveto $p $RADIUS 0.0
- PDF_lineto $p [expr $RADIUS-$MARGIN] 0.0
- PDF_stroke $p
- }
- set tm_hour [ clock format [clock seconds] -format "%I" ]
- set tm_min [ clock format [clock seconds] -format "%M" ]
- set tm_sec [ clock format [clock seconds] -format "%S" ]
- # This is a Tcl-itis: when the clock returns "08" seconds, tm_sec
- # won't be recognized as an integer. Therefore we "cast" it to integer.
- # Note that this doesn't happen with, for example, the value "07"
- # because this is a valid octal number...
- scan $tm_hour %d tm_hour
- scan $tm_min %d tm_min
- scan $tm_sec %d tm_sec
- # draw hour hand
- PDF_save $p
- PDF_rotate $p [expr -(($tm_min/60.0) + $tm_hour - 3.0) * 30.0]
- PDF_moveto $p [expr -$RADIUS/10] [expr -$RADIUS/20]
- PDF_lineto $p [expr $RADIUS/2] 0.0
- PDF_lineto $p [expr -$RADIUS/10] [expr $RADIUS/20]
- PDF_closepath $p
- PDF_fill $p
- PDF_restore $p
- # draw minute hand
- PDF_save $p
- PDF_rotate $p [expr -(($tm_sec/60.0) + $tm_min - 15.0) * 6.0]
- PDF_moveto $p [expr -$RADIUS/10] [expr -$RADIUS/20]
- PDF_lineto $p [expr $RADIUS * 0.8] 0.0
- PDF_lineto $p [expr -$RADIUS/10] [expr $RADIUS/20]
- PDF_closepath $p
- PDF_fill $p
- PDF_restore $p
- # draw second hand
- PDF_setcolor $p "both" "rgb" 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- PDF_setlinewidth $p 2
- PDF_save $p
- PDF_rotate $p [expr -(($tm_sec - 15.0) * 6.0)]
- PDF_moveto $p [expr -$RADIUS/5] 0.0
- PDF_lineto $p $RADIUS 0.0
- PDF_stroke $p
- PDF_restore $p
- # draw little circle at center
- PDF_circle $p 0 0 [expr $RADIUS/30]
- PDF_fill $p
- PDF_restore $p
- PDF_end_page $p
- PDF_close $p
- PDF_delete $p