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- AutoMailer 1.3.0 Freeware for Windows
- -------------------------------------
- 05/11/2001
- Make shure you've downloaded the latest version from our website.
- New in this release:
- 1.3.0 "Pop3 before Smtp" authentication
- Just filenames are listed in message-body
- History
- 1.2.1 Bugfix (Bcc and Cc)
- 1.2.0 Single attachment mode (single e-mails for each file)
- Exlude or send only files with certain extentions
- Cc and Bcc support
- Run once then exit
- Messagebody now will be loaded from and saved to a
- plain text-file (body.txt)
- Enhanced logging
- 1.1.0 ZIP compression added, minor bugfixes
- 1.0.1 International charset support added
- Description
- -----------
- AutoMailer automatically delivers files via email-attachment.
- The files you wish to be mailed must be stored under a single directory
- on your hard drive. AutoMailer periodically polls that directory for
- changes. If a new or modified file is found, it will be delivered.
- All you need is a TCP/IP connection to a standard (relaying) SMTP mailserver.
- Some free e-mail servers require "Pop3 before Smtp" authentication,
- before you are able to send any mail.
- AutoMailer supports that authentication-typ since version 1.3.0.
- The Freeware runs in systray.
- If you need to run AutoMailer as a NT-SERVICE,
- please purchase AutoMailerNT online - it's cheap.
- Visit our website for more details:
- http://www.duodata.de/automailer/
- If you are looking for a professional solution take a look at:
- - File Distribution Manager (FDM)-
- FDM offers a lot more features than AutoMailer
- (e.g. FTP, scheduler, file groups, recipient groups)
- Download FDM as a free 30 days trial version from our website.
- ------------
- 1. Unzip the package to any directory
- automail.exe - the program
- automail.ini - configuration-file
- zipdll.dll - zip compression .dll
- body.txt - the messagebody-text-file
- readme.txt - this file
- license.txt - software license and limited warranty
- Note:
- File "zipdll.dll" comes with a lot of other shareware- and
- freeware applications.
- If your computer is allready equiped with it, move the latest version
- to your system or system32 directory and rename each other "zipdll.dll"
- to "zipdll.dll.bak".
- On NT4/W2K computers it is *VERY IMPORTANT* to grant AutoMailer-Users write access to:
- 1.) AutoMailer's directory including all subdirectories.
- 2.) Directories and files which should be mailed.
- 2. Start AutoMailer
- 3. CONFIGURE AutoMailer
- Mail Host = IP or DNS name of your SMTP server (i.e. mail.yahoo.com)
- Port = Standard Port is 25
- Authentication = Enable authentication ("Pop before Smptp" only)
- // + + + + + + + Pop before Smptp configuration + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
- Pop Host = IP or DNS name of your Pop3 server
- corresponding to "Mail Host" above
- Pop Port = Standard port is 110
- Pop User = Pop3 username or account
- Pop Pwd = Pop3 password/or APOP secret
- APOP = Enable APOP for "Pop3 before Smptp" authentication
- // + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
- From = From Address - required (i.e. myname@yahoo.com)
- To = Valid single e-mail address - required
- Cc = Carbon copy, semicolon separated list
- (i.e. first@berlin.de;second@berlin.de)
- Bcc = Blind carbon copy, semicolon separated list
- (i.e. first@berlin.de;second@berlin.de)
- Subject = What ever you want - optional
- Message = What ever you want - optional
- Messagebodytext is load from and saved to a
- plain text-file (body.txt) (doubleclick on
- edit-field see what happens)
- Charset = Set of characters
- PollSec = Polltime in seconds >=10 required
- PollOnStartup = Status on startup (timer ON/OFF)
- RunOnceThenQuit = Poll for files once then exit program
- It's usefull for scheduler/taskplaner
- PollOnStartup must be checked as well
- PollDir = Path to a single directory for AutoMailer to poll
- FileExtensions = Semicolon separated list of file extensions without a dot
- If empty, all files in PollDir(s) will be mailed.
- (i.e. wav;txt;log)
- HandleFileExtensions = "None" or "Only" - Exclude or send only files with
- certain extensions defined in "FileExtensions"
- Logging = Standard logging to (inst.-dir\automail.log) - may be set
- Verbose logging = Be carefull with this option logfile grows rapidly and
- and may decrease performance check it for debugging only
- Backup = Mailed files will be copied to a subdirectory of PollDir
- ZipCompression = Files will be compressed to ZIP archives
- If "Backup" is set as well files will be saved as
- zip-archives as well
- Delete = Mailed files will be deleted if checked!!
- Archive = If it is checked, only new or modified files will be mailed.
- Single file per mail = generates one separate e-mail for each file
- All parameters are set in GUI and are written to automail.ini periodically.
- The ini-file can easily be modified during runtime if program runs in timer mode.
- You have to stop or restart the timer until changes made from GUI take effect
- when AutoMailer runs in timer mode.
- (Changes do not take effect until AutoMailer polls for the next time)
- It's important to understand the three file-options: "Backup", "Delete"
- and "Archive". Together these options allowing AutoMailer to
- manage a lot of different situations.
- -----------
- 1) You are running a faxprogram which stores incomming faxes in
- AutoMailer's "PollDir".
- If Archive is set to "NO", all faxfiles will be mailed each time AutoMailer
- polls. If Archive is set to "YES", only new or modified files will be sent.
- 2) You are running a program which stores logfiles in AutoMailer's
- PollDir.
- Logfiles are usually modified from time to time. Set Archive to YES
- and Delete to NO.
- Support
- -------
- Before requesting support at support@duodata.de
- please read the following lines:
- Run AutoMailer in "Verbose logging" mode.
- Append the meeting section from your
- logfile to your request. Please do not
- attach large logfiles.
- Attach your "automail.ini".
- AutoMailer's SMTP Request Types
- --------------------------------
- Rq 0 = connecting to SMTP Server
- Rq 1 = sending Helo
- Rq 2 = sending Mail (From)
- Rq 3 = sending Vrfy
- Rq 4 = sending Rcpt (recipients)
- Rq 5 = sending Data
- Rq 6 = sending Quit
- Rq 7 = sending Rset
- Winsocket Errors in Numerical Order
- ----------------------------------
- (10004) Interrupted system call
- (10009) Bad file number
- (10013) Permission denied
- (10014) Bad address
- (10022) Invalid argument
- (10024) Too many open files
- (10035) Operation would block
- (10036) Operation now in progress
- (10037) Operation already in progress
- (10038) Socket operation on non-socket
- (10039) Destination address required
- (10040) Message too long
- (10041) Protocol wrong type for socket
- (10042) Bad protocol option
- (10043) Protocol not supported
- (10044) Socket type not supported
- (10045) Operation not supported on socket
- (10046) Protocol family not supported
- (10047) Address family not supported by protocol family
- (10048) Address already in use
- (10049) Can't assign requested address
- (10050) Network is down
- (10051) Network is unreachable
- (10052) Net dropped connection or reset
- (10053) Software caused connection abort
- (10054) Connection reset by peer
- (10055) No buffer space available
- (10056) Socket is already connected
- (10057) Socket is not connected
- (10058) Can't send after socket shutdown
- (10059) Too many references, can't splice
- (10060) Connection timed out
- (10061) Connection refused
- (10062) Too many levels of symbolic links
- (10063) File name too long
- (10064) Host is down
- (10065) No Route to Host
- (10066) Directory not empty
- (10067) Too many processes
- (10068) Too many users
- (10069) Disc Quota Exceeded
- (10070) Stale NFS file handle
- (10091) Network SubSystem is unavailable
- (10092) WINSOCK DLL Version out of range
- (10093) Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed
- (10071) Too many levels of remote in path
- (11001) Host not found
- (11002) Non-Authoritative Host not found
- (11003) Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP
- (11004)* Valid name, no data record of requested type
- (11004)* No address, look for MX record
- Feel free to post your comments or bugreports to:
- info@duodata.de
- Enjoy
- Portions of this program are based on:
- Freeware Delphi Zip v1.52 - source is available at
- http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Orchard/8607/
- and
- Info-Zip: ftp://ftp.freesoftware.com/pub/infozip/
- Copyright (C) 2000 - 2001 DuoData GbR. All Rights Reserved