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INI File | 2001-12-25 | 2.7 KB | 66 lines |
- #
- and call case CInt CStr delete dim dowhile
- else elseif end false for foreach from function
- if in insert int into isdate isnull isnumeric isstring
- key left len like loop mid next or right
- select set split sub then to true update values
- wend where while with
- [KEYWORDS5:!R1&R2]
- a abbr above acronym address applet array area
- b base basefont bgsound bdo big blink blockquote body box br button
- caption center cite code col colgroup comment
- dd del dfn dir div dl dt em embed fieldset fig font form frame frameset
- h h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head hr hta html i iframe img input ins isindex
- kbd label legend li link listing map marquee menu meta multicol
- nextid nobr noframes noscript note ol optgroup option p param plaintext pre q range root
- s samp script select small sound spacer span sqrt style strike strong style sub sup
- table tbody td text textarea textflow tfoot th thead title tr tt
- u ul var wbr xmp
- [KEYWORDS6:!R1&R2]
- abbr accept accesskey action align alink alt applicationname archive axis
- background behavior below bgcolor bgproperties border bordercolor bordercolordark bordercolorlight borderstyle
- caption cellpadding cellspacing char charoff charset checked cite class classid clear code codebase codetype
- color cols colspan compact content coords
- data datetime declare defer dir direction disabled dynsrc
- enctype equiv face for frame frameborder framespacing
- gutter headers height href hreflang hspace http icon id ismap
- label language leftmargin link longdesc loop lowsrc
- marginheight marginwidth maximizebutton maxlength media method methods minimizebutton multiple
- name nohref noresize noshade nowrap
- object onabort onblur onchange onclick ondblclick onfocus onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onmousedown
- onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup onreset onselect onsubmit onunload profile prompt
- readonly rel rev rows rowspan rules runat
- scheme scope scrollamount scrolldelay scrolling selected shape showintaskbar singleinstance
- size span src standby start style summary sysmenu
- tabindex target text title topmargin type url urn usemap
- valign value valuetype version vlink vrml vspace
- width windowstate wrap
- á à â & ã å ä æ
- ç © é è ê ë
- í ì î ï ð > <   ñ
- ó ò ô õ ö ø "
- ® ß ú ù û ü
- ý þ &trade ÿ