Communicator 4.79 is the latest release of the Internet software suite from Netscape. In addition to the Netscape Navigator browser, Communicator includes a complete set of tools for effective everyday communication. Features include Smart Browsing; a three-paned, integrated mail and news interface; roaming access; pinpoint addressing; and a scalable address book (to avoid any compatibility problems, you should back up your old address book). Communicator also offers fully operational roaming support, the ability to download newsgroup articles for offline use, and a Quotes Anywhere feature that allows you to access stock quotes via your Netcenter portfolio.
This release includes improvements in accessing subfolders under the Inbox on certain mail servers, as well as other performance enhancements and bug fixes.
CNET User Opinions
79% 21% (2404 votes) You rate this title
"Great browser..."
Netscape is awesome in comparison to IE. IE is has more security issues than Netscape. Netscape rarely ever crashes and isn't slow. When IE crashes though it brings down the entire computer with it. Netcenter is becoming a great web portal. Mail in Netscape is MUCH better than Outlook, or Outlook express... Especially sine you don't have to worry about viruses spreading to other via your address book. Netscape 6 is going to kick some butt. Just because Microsoft makes it, doesn't mean that it's a good product. We shouldn't be forced that have IE on our Windows computers.