"[General]","Section under which the general declarations take place."
"Name= [sVal]","Name of the template."
"Description= [sVal]","Description of the template file."
"Author= [sVal]","Author of the template."
"Version= [sVal]","File version"
"Target= [sVal]","Target of the template. For the time being, sVal should be equal to 'File'."
"ReadOnly= [sBoolean]","Set to YES or NO. If YES, no changes are allowed."
"Offset= [lLong]","Sets the starting offset within the file. lLong=0 indicates the beginning of the file."
"Repeats= [sBoolean]","Set to YES or NO. If YES, all of the file is processed, if NO then only the first record is processed (i.e. header)."
"RepeatSkip= [lLong]","Ignored if Repeats=No. Two successive records are separated by lLong."
"Validate= [sBoolean]","Set to YES or NO. If YES, the template editor checks to see if the values correspong to their nonimal values."
"Fields= [iNum]","Required. iNum refers to the number of fields following."
"Field [iNum=ColWidth, Description, Type, Count, Equal]","Use as Field1, Field2, etc. ColWidth refers to the relative width of the column. Consult the SDK for more information on this syntax."
;Files Menu
"New [lpName]","If lpName is null the New Files dialog is triggered. If lpName is not null then the lpName which should contain a full path filename is created with default parameters (256 bytes length)."
"Open [lpName]","If lpName is null the open dialog is invoked. Otherwise the program tries to open the file name specified. Note that lpName should contain the full path of the file name."
"Size [lLength]","lLength holds the decimal number of bytes as Long. If lLength is null, the change file size dialog box pops up."
"Offset [lPosition]","lPosition holds the new offset as a decimal long number. If lPosition is null, the change offset dialog box pops up."
"Close","Closes the currently logged file. Asks for save changes if applicable."
"Anatomy","Pops up the anatomy dialog box."
"Prop","Pops up the properties dialog box."
"Print","Pops up the print dialog box."
"Preview","Pops up the print preview dialog box."
"PrintFile","Pops up the print to file dialog box."
"PrintText","Sends the file to print preview as plain text."
"SaveAs [lpName]","If lpName is null the save as dialog is invoked. Otherwise the program tries to save the file name specified. Note that lpName should contain the full path of the file name."
"Backup [lpName]","If lpName is null the save as dialog is invoked. Otherwise the program tries to save the file name specified. Note that lpName should contain the full path of the file name."
"Export","Pops up the export selection to file dialog box."
"Quit","Terminates Hackman. Prompts for save changes is applicable."
"Undo","Undoes the last action."
"UndoList","Pops up the Undo List dialog box."
"Redo","Redoes the last undone action."
"Cut","Cuts the active selection to clipboard."
"Copy","Copies active selection to clipboard."
"Paste","Pastes the clipboard to the current position. If an sctive selection exists, the selection is replaced."
"Fill","Pops up the fill dialog box. A selection is required for the command to operate."
"Find","Pops up the find dialog box."
"FindNext","Searches for the next instance of an object."
"Replace","Pops up the replace dialog box."
"InsByte","Inserts a byte. Offset is the current cursor position."
"InsFile","If lpName is null the insert file dialog is invoked. Otherwise the program tries to insert the file specified. Note that lpName should contain the full path of the file name."
"InsRandom","Inserts a random byte at current cursor offset."
"Goto [lOffset]","lOffset holds the target address in decimal (long) if lOffset is null then the goto dialog box pops up."
"GotoAgain","Goes again to the specified address."
"PasteSpecial","The paste special dialog box pops up."
"Watch","The watch dialog box pops up."
"WatchMode [iMode]","iMode contains the values 1,2 or 3. 1=automatic watches, 2=enabled, 3=mute"
"BToggle","Toggles bookmark in current cursor position."
"BClear","Clears all bookmarks."
"BNext","Moves to next bookmark."
"BPrevious","Moves to previous bookmark."
"CopyAs [iMode]","iMode contains integer values from 1 to 9. 1=text, 2=C source, 3=html, 4=quickbasic, 5=rich text format, 6=visual basic, 7=binary, 8=hex only, 9=octal, 10=java."
"InsertDWord [dWord]","dWord contains a Double word (hex expression). If dWord is null then the Insert DWord dialog box pops up."
"InsertQWord [qWord]","qWord contains a Quad word (hex expression). If qWord is null then the Insert QWord dialog box pops up."
"ClearClipboard","Clears the clipboard."
"SelectAll","Selects all of the file's contents."
"BManager","Invokes the bookmark manager."
;READ Menu
"Read","Reads current page again (refresh)."
"ReadNext","Jumps to next page."
"ReadPrevious","Jumps to previous page."
"JDec [lOffset]","lOffset holds the decimal address of the new offset (long). If lOffset is null the Jump to decimal offset dialog box pops up. Note: offset counts from 0."
"JPage [lPage]","Read_Jump_To_Page lPage holds the number of the page (long). If lPage is null the Jump to page dialog box pops up."
"JHex [hOffset]","hOffset holds the hex address of the new offset (long). If hOffset is null the Jump to hex offset dialog box pops up. Note: offset counts from 0."
"CStats","Pops up the code statistics dialog box."
"MoveB","Moves the cursor to the beginning of the file."
"MoveE","Moves the cursor to the end of the file."
"COutlook","Pops up the config outlook dialog box."
"CWarn","Pops up the config warnings dialog box."
"CAdvanced","Pops up the config advanced dialog box."
"CLang","Pops up the config language dialog box."
"CFonts","Pops up the config fonts dialog box."
"Monitors","Pops up the config monitors dialog box."
"CCalc","Pops up the config calculator dialog box."
"CPrinter","Pops up the config printer dialog box."
"CDasm","Pops up the config disassembler dialog box."
"COptimization","Pops up the config optimizations dialog box."
"Integr","Pops up the config integration dialog box."
"MHA","Sets conversion mode to Hex & Ascii."
"MAscii","Sets conversion mode to Ascii."
"MHec","Sets conversion mode to Hex."
"MBinary","Sets conversion mode to Binary."
"MOctal","Sets conversion mode to Octal."
"MDecimal","Sets conversion mode to Decimal."
"AddrDef","Sets addresses to default mode."
"AddrLines","Sets addresses to lines mode."
"AddrDec","Sets addresses to decimal mode."
"AddrOct","Sets addresses to octal mode."
"TuneNormal","Sets tuning to normal."
"TuneSingle","Sets tuning to simple number."
"TuneComplex","Sets tuning to complex algorithm."
"GArabic","Sets advanced configuration lettering to arabic."
"GBaltic","Sets advanced configuration lettering to baltic."
"Gee","Sets advanced configuration lettering to east europe."
"GGreek","Sets advanced configuration lettering to greek."
"GHebrew","Sets advanced configuration lettering to hebrew."
"GJapanese","Sets advanced configuration lettering to japanese."
"GKorean","Sets advanced configuration lettering to korean."
"GRussian","Sets advanced configuration lettering to russian."
"GSChinese","Sets advanced configuration lettering to simplified chinese."
"GLatin","Sets advanced configuration lettering to standard latin."
"GTChinese","Sets advanced configuration lettering to traditional chinese."
"GTurkish","Sets advanced configuration lettering to turkish."
"LettGraph","Sets graphic lettering."
"LettStand","Sets standard lettering."
"Intel","Sets Intel swapping mode."
"Motorola","Sets Motorola swapping mode."
"PST [iNum]","Toggles the active panel or sets a current slide. iNum should be from 0 to 4."
"Toolbar","Pops up the toolbar customization box."
;Execute Menu
"Run","ShellExecutes the logged file."
"Viewer","Invokes viewer."
"MakeStand [lpName]","lpName holds the full path of the file that will be created. If lpName is null then it pops up the make standalone file dialog box."
"MakeEXE","Pops up the make executable dialog box."
"Patch","Pops up the patch dialog box."
;Tools Menu
"Compare","Pops up the compare dialog box."
"Dasm","Pops up the disassembler application."
"Decrypt","Pops up the dencryption dialog box."
"Encrypt","Pops up the encryption dialog box."
"Update","Pops up the live update dialog box."
"Macro_List","Pops up macro list dialog box."
"Macro_Rec","Starts recording a macro."
"Steganos","Pops up steganography dialog box."
"Calc","Pops up calculator."
"XT","Pops up the extensions customization window."
"Template [sName]","If sName is defined, it processes the logged file with the sName tempalte otherwise pops up the template manager."
;DEV Menu
"SDK","Opens Hackman's SDK"
"Debugger [iMode]","Pops up the debugger window when a plugin runs. 1=pop up, 0=do not pop up, null=toggle selection."
"Edit_Pack","Pops up the edit pack dialog box."
"Read_Pack","Read the language pack on_the_fly."
;External Menu
"External","Pops up the Customize External Tools dialog box."
;HELP Menu
"HELP","Opens Hackman's Books Online."
"License","Pops up the license information window."
"Memory","Pops up the memory status dialog box."
"System","Pops up the memory information dialog box."
"Table [iMode]","Pops up the equivalent to iMode table. 1=data types, 2=hex table, 3=octal table, 4=ANSI character set, 5=DOS character set, 6=EBCDIC character set, 7=Macintosh character set, 8=Hex to Assembly reference"
"About","Pops up the about Hackman information window."
"Panel [iMode]","Slides in the equivalent help panel. 0=closes the active panel (if any), 1=files panel, 2=selection panel (requires selection information), 3=number panel (requires an open file), 4=help panel (requires an open file)"
;Misc Commands
"Max","Maximizes Hackman's window."
"Min","Minimizes Hackman's window."
"Norm","Sets Hackman's window to normal."
"Ver","Displays Hackman's version and build."
"CH","Clears history window."
"SS","Starts selection at current cursor offset."
"SE","Ends the selection at current cursor offset."
"NS","Clears the selection."
"WHO","Displays the working team ;-)."
"Force_Refresh","Closes all logged files without asking for confirmation."
"Refresh","Closes all files but asks for save changes first (if applicable)."
"Lock","Hackman locks until it's UNLOCKED. It won't be accessible by the end users."
"Unlock","Hackman unlocks (if it is not LOCKed, then this command is ignored)."
"WEB","Opens Hackman's Official Web Page in the default browser."