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- 32 bit freeware - Copyright ⌐ 2000, 2001, Rising Sun Solutions, Inc.
- All Rights Reserved. http://www.rssol.com
- For best viewing, please open this file in Atlantis
- or NOTEPAD.EXE and maximize the document window.
- Use the text search function to go directly to your section
- of interest. For example, a search for the "2." string
- will take you directly to the section devoted to
- the "Main Features Of Atlantis Nova".
- *****************************************************
- Table of Contents:
- ==================
- 1. Overview Of Atlantis Nova
- 2. Main Features Of Atlantis Nova
- 3. Minimum Hardware And Software Configuration
- 4. Obtaining The Latest Version Of Atlantis
- 5. Upgrading From A Previous Version Of Atlantis
- 6. Installation Of Atlantis Nova
- 7. Contacts - Comments And Suggestions
- 8. Distribution Of Atlantis Nova As Freeware
- 9. Benefits Of The Shareware Version Of Atlantis
- *****************************************************
- 1. Overview Of Atlantis Nova:
- =============================
- Atlantis Nova is a full-featured user-friendly Word Processor
- with the power and functionality to satisfy the most demanding word
- processing tasks effortlessly. Most word processing commands are only
- a mouse click or keypress away. Very compact, Atlantis Nova takes only
- 650 Kb of disk space in minimal configuration. Also Atlantis Nova
- has a very small memory footprint. No wonder laptop users rank among
- the greatest fans of Atlantis! The Atlantis user interface is coherent
- and integrated. Beyond the traditional word processing commands,
- you are provided with a whole array of innovative functions.
- A dual set of toolbar commands for each of the 3 toolbars, a Document
- Bar with name-tabs for quick and easy access to any open document,
- a Easy Hand "grabbing" mode to navigate effortlessly through any document,
- a Hide All mode for maximum working space, a Magnifying Glass tool
- for instant high/low magnification, a graphic-type Format Brush
- to copy/Paste font format, a Clippy Bank to store notes, etc, etc.
- Bring sunshine into word processing! Adopt Atlantis!
- 2. Main Features Of Atlantis Nova:
- ==================================
- . "Page layout" mode
- . 100% WYSIWYG no-flicker document editing
- . A Hide All mode for maximum working space
- . A Magnifying Glass tool for instant high/low magnification
- . Many zooming factors to fine-tune the document screen display
- . a dual set of commands for each of the 3 toolbars: at the flick
- of a switch you will alternate the Main and the Alternative set
- of commands
- . A Document Bar with name-tabs for quick and easy access to any open
- document
- . Ruler with full state-of-the-art controls
- . Support for the Wheel mouse advanced functions
- . A Easy Hand "grabbing" mode to navigate effortlessly
- through any document
- . Live Scrolling for precision scrolling up and down documents
- . Automatic anticipatory scrolling of upcoming document lines
- . Most commands are available at the click of a button
- . Instant access to most operations from the keyboard with more than
- 200 hotkeys
- . A Document Folder option to specify a favorite working folder
- . A Send by Email command for immediate transfer of files.
- . A Minimize To System Tray option and command
- . Comprehensive help file, built-in contextual help, Tip Of The Day
- . Easy and versatile selection of text with keyboard or mouse
- . Traditional text selection by full lines or paragraphs
- . "Zigzag" selection of whole text blocks (or column blocks)
- . Option for automatic selection of the whole word with the mouse pointer
- . Powerful Drag & Drop editing: move text, duplicate text to another
- location with a simple glide of your mouse pointer
- . Command to duplicate selection, change case
- . A Paste Special option (As Plain Text, As Rich Text)
- . Insert file, picture, date, time, special symbols
- . Smart Cut & Paste with automatic management of blank spaces
- . Unlimited undo / redo, Group Undo, Undo After Save
- . Find/Replace text with Find Word at Cursor option
- . Paragraph sorting in ascending/descending order
- . Comprehensive page numbering function
- . Full statistics on a selection of text or on the whole document
- . A command for direct printing of a selection of text
- . Save Selection As File, Save Selected Picture As Graphic File
- . A Clippy Bank to store clipboard items for later retrieval
- . A Hot Calculator adding computational capability to traditional
- word processing
- . An option for the document first line to be suggested as saving title
- . Easy document creation and formatting with Templates
- . Comprehensive Style Sheet support for advanced users
- . All the traditional font and paragraph formatting commands:
- bold, italic, underline, strike, superscript, subscript;
- typeface, font size, font color;
- character spacing, kerning;
- vertical offset;
- fully customizable tab stops;
- left/right paragraph indent, first line indent and outdent;
- spacing before/after paragraph, 6 types of interline spacing;
- keep with next paragraph, keep intact,
- page break before, widow / orphan control;
- and plenty more only a keypress or a mouse click away...
- . A graphic-type Format Brush to change font type. You will use
- a specific mouse pointer to format text in the same way as
- you would with a paint brush.
- . Unlimited document size
- . Multiple document formats are supported:
- RTF, MS Word 6.0/95/97/2000, MS Write, etc.
- . Multiple graphic formats can be used to complement text:
- . Saving is done to the universal RTF format, insuring maximum portability
- . Option to save supercompact lightweight RTF documents
- . Comprehensive help is available via the Atlantis main Help menu
- . Specific contextual help is always available by pressing the F1 key
- . All elements of the Atlantis interface have tooltips which pop up
- under a hovering mouse pointer
- . The Atlantis Tips Of the Day can always be browsed for tricks and ideas
- . Detailed documentation is available on the Atlantis site and is constantly
- updated: FAQ, Tips & Tricks, etc.
- . A Forum is available to the community of Atlantis users. Questions,
- replies, comments can be posted on the site at
- http://www.rssol.com/en/forum.htm
- 3. Minimum Hardware And Software Configuration:
- ===============================================
- - The current Atlantis version requires any of the following OSes:
- Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME or higher, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000.
- - A Pentium-class 75 Mhz processor or higher and 16 MB RAM.
- - 650 KB to 1.0 MB of free space on a hard drive or floppy, depending on
- the choice of installed components.
- - To be able to use the Wheel Mouse advanced features in Atlantis, you
- need to have one of the following operating systems:
- Windows 98, Windows ME or higher, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000.
- Windows 95 has no support for the Wheel Mouse advanced features.
- 4. Obtaining The Latest Version Of Atlantis:
- ============================================
- Atlantis 1.0 is the initial release
- of our Atlantis Word Processor.
- The newest version of the Atlantis Word Processor
- can always be obtained from our site at http://www.rssol.com
- 5. Upgrading From A Previous Version Of Atlantis:
- =================================================
- We recommend that you uninstall ATLANTIS 0.7 FIRST
- before installing ATLANTIS NOVA.
- But if you wish to retain your previous version of ATLANTIS 0.7,
- we urge that you install this new version of ATLANTIS NOVA
- to a different folder from that of old ATLANTIS 0.7.
- There is no need to uninstall any previous version of ATLANTIS 1.x.
- Simply install the updated version to the same folder. The setup program
- will make sure the proper files and registry entries are updated.
- 6. Installation Of Atlantis Nova:
- =================================
- - Choose the "Run" command from the Taskbar "Start" menu,
- - Type the full name of the file, eg C:\TEMP\ATLANT10N_EN.EXE,
- - Press the Enter key to run the setup file, then follow the on-screen
- instructions to install Atlantis Nova on your PC.
- Alternatively, double-click the downloaded "ATLANT10N_EN.EXE" file
- from its Explorer storage folder, then again follow the on-screen
- instructions to install Atlantis Nova on your PC.
- We cannot imagine that you'd ever wish to remove Atlantis from your system,
- but if this should happen, simply use the standard Windows procedure.
- Go to your Configuration Panel, select "Add/Remove programs",
- then select Atlantis 1.0 Nova in the list.
- 7. Contacts - Comments And Suggestions:
- =======================================
- We are always glad to hear from you. Would you like to make constructive
- suggestions or comments on our product, services, site or company?
- Or maybe you'd like to pass on a piece of information? Please write to us.
- Use the appropriate email address below depending on the subject
- of your message:
- - Business, cooperation offers: offer@rssol.com
- - Translation offers: translation@rssol.com
- - Suggestions for future improvement of Atlantis: suggest@rssol.com
- - Other topics: comment@rssol.com
- If you wish to be kept informed of all the latest Atlantis news
- on a regular basis, please consider subscribing to our Mailing List.
- Simply follow the link below with your browser:
- http://www.rssol.com/en/html/export/subscribe.htm
- 8. Distribution Of Atlantis Nova As Freeware:
- =============================================
- You are allowed to distribute Atlantis Nova as a FREEWARE version
- without any restrictions. Any modifications to the files are prohibited!
- The program may be placed on (Freeware/Shareware) CDs or installed
- in mailboxes, networks, etc. For the purpose of introducing this program
- to other parties, you can use all or part of the texts contained in this
- distribution.
- 9. Benefits Of The Shareware Version Of Atlantis:
- =================================================
- Atlantis Nova has a big sister program called ATLANTIS OCEAN MIND.
- Atlantis Ocean Mind is available as a try-before-you-buy product,
- ie as shareware. As shareware ATLANTIS OCEAN MIND incorporates
- EXTRA FEATURES of great value:
- A fully customizable interface to suit all tastes and needs:
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- . All 4 toolbars have customizable buttons and commands
- . Personalized individual settings for multiple users
- . A whole array of command-line parameters for power users
- . Customizable Color Schemes
- . Customizable Sound Schemes
- Added control over the viewing of documents:
- --------------------------------------------
- . Hide All and Full Screen modes combine for maximum working space
- . A Preview mode gives perfect control over the printed output
- Added control over the handling of documents:
- ---------------------------------------------
- . An extra toolbar and plenty more buttons/commands on 4 toolbars,
- each with its own dual set of commands
- . An option to associate and launch Atlantis with selected file types
- . Internal Atlantis file compression commands:
- "Save As Zip..." and "Save All As Zip..."
- . Documents can be sent by email as ZIP files
- Added control over the editing of documents:
- --------------------------------------------
- . A "Click & Type" function. Users can double-click a target blank area
- in their document and start typing straight away from there
- . The AutoCorrect will dramatically simplify your word processing life.
- Added word processing functions:
- --------------------------------
- . A big expandable collection of Document Templates and Sample Letters
- . A big expandable Clipart Gallery
- . Two graphic-type formatting modes to change font colour and highlight text.
- Specific mouse pointers allow Ocean Mind users to format text in the same way
- as they would with a paint brush.
- . Atlantis Ocean Mind users can format their documents with a revolutionary
- Format Palette and its companion Format Brush cursor. Even the most
- complex formatting jobs can be done exclusively with the mouse, using
- the Atlantis Format Brush and a Palette loaded with formatting templates.
- A default palette is provided but users can customize their own format
- palettes in any way they like...
- . A multilingual Spellchecker (16 languages or dialects) helps
- Ocean Mind users create documents with perfect language.
- Added control over the safety of documents:
- -------------------------------------------
- . Automatic safeguards preserve open documents against system lock-ups
- or crashes
- . A powerful 256-bit encryption function is available to protect private
- information. Combined with the option to save supercompact lightweight
- RTF documents, and the Atlantis internal Zip compression, this option
- is ideal for files travelling on the Internet.
- Full technical support:
- -----------------------
- . Free technical support is provided to all registered users by email
- at support@rssol.com
- Choice between 3 different installation procedures:
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Ocean Mind users have the choice of three different setup files.
- All three will install strictly identical versions of Atlantis Ocean Mind,
- only the setup files differ for our users' convenience.
- . The Single Installation File includes all files in a single
- self-extracting EXE. This is the traditional setup and it will be
- most convenient for a first install of Atlantis.
- . The Multidisk Install is broken up into separate files that fit
- on floppy disks and is particularly suited to users with laptops.
- . Online Install will allow users to select only specific components
- to install. This makes it the ideal setup for upgrades and will spare
- you a lot of costly connection time. Only updated files are offered
- for downloading.