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- ----------------------------------------------
- Resource HackerÖ - Version 3.2.9
- 7 August 2001.
- Copyright 1999-2001 Angus Johnson
- http://rpi.net.au/~ajohnson/resourcehacker
- FREEWARE utility to view, modify,
- add and delete resources in Win32 executables.
- Incorporates an internal resource compiler and
- decompiler. Works on both Win9x and WinNT.
- ----------------------------------------------
- Version History:
- ----------------------------------------------
- 7 August 2001 (Version 3.2.9):
- * Bug fix: Resource HackerÖ will now display
- and edit resources stored in sections other
- than the '.rsrc' section.
- * Bug fix: When closing Resource HackerÖ a
- delayed closure of a mutex handle made running
- RH scripts within batch files difficult.
- * Bug fix: Another commandline bug fixed.
- * Several minor functional improvements.
- 16 June 2001 (Version 3.2.8):
- * When editing dialog controls and the Editor
- has focus, the control corresponding to the
- current insertion point (if any) will be
- highlighted automatically in the dialog preview.
- * When resources cannot be viewed due to
- non-standard resource layouts (eg when an "EXE
- compressor" has been used to shrink the file),
- a message to this effect will now be displayed.
- * Individual resource items' size will now be
- displayed in the statusbar.
- * Bug fix: Commandline support was partially
- broken in a previous update.
- * Bug fix: Should now run on Win95 machines which
- still have the original ComCtl32.dll.
- * Bug fix: Should now run on Win95 and Win98
- machines which do not have ImageHlp.dll installed.
- (ImageHlp.dll is included on the Win98 install CD
- and is installed automatically with Internet
- Explorer 3 or greater.)
- 8 April 2001 (Version 3.2.7):
- * DS_SETFONT is no longer decompiled into the
- STYLE statement of Dialog resources to avoid
- problems when recompiling scripts using
- Microsoft's resource compiler.
- * Extended Dialog FONT definitions (font
- weight, italics etc) are no longer displayed
- in decompiled scripts unless they have been
- changed to non-default values. This avoids
- problems when trying to recompile these
- scripts with both MS's and Borland's resource
- compilers which still do not support full font
- definitions for Dialogs.
- * Bug fix: Occasional error when saving
- non-standard resource types to *.res files.
- 10 March 2001 (Version 3.2.6):
- * Resources can now be added to executables
- which previously did not contain resources.
- * Bug fix (introduced in the last update):
- Unicode to multibyte character conversion
- was causing problems with some non-English
- resources.
- 3 March 2001 (Version 3.2.5):
- * Enhanced the Dialog Editor's functionality
- when adding new controls.
- * The line number of Editor's insertion point
- is now displayed on the left of the statusbar.
- * The Menu Preview is now able to display
- popup menus which don't have a caption.
- * Bug fix (introduced in the previous update):
- Dialogs displaying bitmaps would no longer
- always display the correct size of the bitmap.
- * Other minor improvements.
- 20 February 2001 (Version 3.2.4):
- * A Dialog Editor has been added and can be
- activated by right clicking on a Dialog Preview.
- * Plain text resources can now be modified and
- recompiled using the internal editor.
- * Bug-fix: Dialog scripts were not being
- displayed if either the dialog width or
- dialog height equalled zero.
- * Bug-fix: Occasionally a valid menu script
- would raise an error when compiling.
- * Bug-fix: StringTable entries with more than
- 50 special characters (\t,\n etc) could not be
- viewed and raised an error.
- 28 January 2001 (Version 3.2.3):
- * The Dialog Preview/Designer is now detached
- from the main window.
- * Whenever a control is selected in the
- Dialog Designer, its definition in the script will also
- be flagged with a red marker.
- * Several minor bug fixes.
- 14 January 2001 (Version 3.2.2):
- * Programs which are modified will now have their
- CheckSums updated too.
- * Combobox controls in the preview dialog now
- have resizing handles which reflect the size of its
- dropdown window (ie consistent with the dialog script).
- * A control can now be deleted by using the DEL key
- once it has been selected in a preview dialog.
- * Bug fix: Resource HackerÖ crashed when Alt+C
- was pressed when the Preview Dialog had focus.
- 9 January 2001 (Version 3.2.1):
- * Numerous bug fixes:
- - STRINGTABLE with StringID = 0 will now compile;
- - ACCELETATOR recompile bug fixed.
- - Old style bitmaps will now be displayed;
- - A maximised state will be retained between sessions;
- - Alt+C will now compile when Preview Dialog has focus;
- - Text ending with doubleslashes (eg: "bug\\") will compile;
- - DIALOG scripts containing MENU or CLASS statements
- would occasionally raise an error on compiling.
- - FONT statement in DIALOGEX scripts now fully supports
- FontWeight, Italic and FontCharset parameters.
- - Several other minor bug fixes/cosmetic improvements.
- 1 January 2001 (Version 3.1):
- * Most-Recently-Used file list added to File menu.
- * Bug fix: Unusual characters in filenames would
- not be correctly read by the commandline script
- parser.
- * Visual redesign tool for dialogs improved.
- * Warned dialog added whenever leaving a resource
- which has been modified but not recompiled.
- * Edit menu added.
- * Images can now be copied to the clipboard.
- * User defined resources containing just plain text
- will now be displayed as text, not as binary data.
- 12 December 2000 (Version 3.0):
- * Resource items can now be added from files
- of any binary type, no longer needing to compile
- them into *.res files first. This includes, but is not
- restricted to image files (*.ico, *.cur, *.bmp).
- * Commandline Scripting added. All the functionality
- of Resource HackerÖ (apart from viewing resources)
- can now be accessed from the commandline
- without having to open Resource HackerÖ.
- * Added Any File (*.*) option to Open File Dialog
- File types (no longer limited to exe, dll, ocx and
- cpl files). However, the file must still be a
- Win32 PE format file.
- * Save As Dialog now warns users attempting to
- save resources to non-existant directories.
- * Bug fix: MSVC++ debug table offsets were not
- being updated when resources were modified.
- * VersionInfo resources can now be modified etc.
- * Numerous other minor improvements.
- 1 November 2000 (Version 2.6):
- * Text search added - find resource items
- containing text compiled in both ANSI and
- UNICODE formats.
- * "File Save" menu option added. The original
- file is backed up if a backup copy does not
- already exist. (eg: MyProgram.exe will be copied
- to MyProgram_original.exe, unless it already
- exists, before being modified.)
- * Bug Fix: VersionInfo resources would
- occasionally not decompile correctly.
- 10 September 2000 (Version 2.5):
- * Resources can now be deleted.
- (nb: VersionInfo resources cannot be deleted).
- * Bug Fix: Modified applications occasionally
- displayed the generic executable icon,
- not the application's icon.
- * Fixes to a couple of other minor bugs.
- 18 August 2000 (Version
- * Bug Fix: Would not compile some Chinese text.
- * Improved translation support. Scripts are now
- compiled using the codepage appropriate to the
- internal editor's selected font rather than the
- operating system's default codepage.
- (Thanks to Frank Cheng for feedback while fixing
- both these DBCS issues.)
- * Bug fix: Occasionally StringTable resources
- would not be decompiled.
- * Bug fix: Accelerators would not compile if they
- included the ASCII keyword.
- * The command line will now accept a filename
- as a parameter.
- * The Samples.dll file is no longer included
- in the download.
- * Homepage added:
- http://rpi.net.au/~ajohnson/resourcehacker.
- 3 July 2000 (Version
- * Bug Fix: Bug introduced with changes in the
- previous update which caused an error in
- "Update all Resources" preventing any updates.
- * Bug Fix: Occasional bug when extracting
- resources to a RES file.
- * A couple of very minor improvements to the
- compiler have also been made.
- 26 May 2000 (Version
- * Multibyte character set support (Japanese,
- Chinese etc) for the internal editor has been
- added (with thanks to Bob Ishida for feedback
- during debugging).
- * Bug fix: Cursors with multiple images were not
- being correctly imported when replacing cursors.
- * Numerous other improvements and cosmetic changes.
- * A number of documentation errors in the
- help file have also been fixed.
- 20 Apr 2000 (Version
- * The JPG and MIDI data formats are now
- detected and displayed or played.
- * Bug Fix: WAVE, AVI and GIF formats were
- not being detected in the RCDATA section.
- * Bug Fix: The folder where resource data
- was last saved was not being stored between
- sessions.
- 16 Apr 2000 (Version
- * The AVI and WAVE data formats are now
- detected and displayed or played.
- * The GIF data format is now detected and
- displayed (with thanks to Anders Melander
- for TGifImage).
- * A number of sample resources have been
- removed from the Resource HackerÖ executable
- and placed in "Samples.dll". (This dll can be
- deleted without affecting Resource HackerÖ.)
- 13 Feb 2000 (Version
- * The editor's font can now be changed.
- This enables changes to the editor's
- font script (character code) which is
- useful when translating resources.
- * Menu editor [Show/Hide] button added.
- * Coloured treeview cursor removed :-(.
- * Dialog controls now have coordinates
- displayed when selected too. (see
- version
- 11 Feb 2000 (Version
- *Bug Fix: Major modifications to dll's still
- occasionally failed. Now finally fixed.
- *The treeview window width can now be
- adjusted.
- *Resource Hacker's window size and position
- is now stored between sessions (in an *ini
- file ) as are the folders for the last opened
- and saved files.
- *While moving or resizing dialog controls -
- the control coordinates (in dialog units)
- are now displayed in the panel located above
- the dialog script.
- 9 Feb 2000 (Version
- *Resources can now be added.
- *LANGUAGE statements in resource scripts are
- no longer "read-only".
- *Resources can now be updated with all
- matching resources in an external resource
- file (*.res) in a single operation.
- *Bug Fix: Replacing cursors & icons from
- resource files (*.res) was broken.
- 1 Feb 2000 (Version
- *Bug Fix: Modifying dll's occasionally
- stopped them working (the relative virtual
- addresses of sections following the resource
- section were not being adjusted).
- now also be edited and recompiled using the
- internal editor.
- *Dialogs will be displayed even when they
- contain unregistered controls (a gray
- rectangle will appear in the position of
- each unregistered control).
- *Dialog editor now compiles controls defined
- by using either of the following styles:
- CONTROL text, control-ID, control-class,
- control-style, x, y, width, height
- CLASS_MAIN_STYLE text, control-ID,
- x, y, width, height, control-style
- *Modified files now preserve the original
- file date and time.
- *Resources (menus, dialogs, stringtables,
- accelerators & messagetables) can now be saved
- in a single operation to a single *.rc file.
- *Numerous other minor improvements.
- 17 Jan 2000 (Version
- *Bug Fix: Memory leak fixed.
- *Bug Fix: Numeric captions in dialog
- resources were not compiled correctly.
- *Resources can now be saved to file as a binary.
- *Improved handling of special characters (tab,
- newline, backslash & doublequote) in resource
- scripts.
- *Dialog resource forms and controls can now be
- visually moved and resized.
- 2 Jan 2000 (Version
- and BORLAND FORM resources can now be edited
- and recompiled using the internal editor.
- *Bug Fix - large resources which were
- displayed as hexidecimal took forever to load.
- The display algorithm for these resources is
- now much faster.
- *Bug Fix - Tab and Newline characters are now
- converted to \t and \n respectively in
- dialog script control captions.
- *Bitmap Exchange Dialog added - enables
- viewing of bitmaps while selecting.
- *Individual icons are no longer scaled but
- are displayed at their actual size.
- *Files can now be opened by dragging them
- into Resource HackerÖ.
- 12 Dec 1999 (version
- *Bug Fix - Exchanging cursors from *.cur files
- was broken.
- *Bug Fix - Menu resource scripts did not always
- decompile correctly.
- * Icon & Cursor Exchange Dialogs now display
- selected images.
- *Icons & cursor resources are now hidden in
- the 'Exchange Other Resources' dialog.
- *MENUEX and DIALOGEX resource scripts are now
- properly supported.
- *Resource scripts now decompile control style
- attributes too.
- *Borland Delphi form files now decompiled.
- *Accelerators now decompiled.
- *Help file added.
- 03 Dec 1999 (version
- *Initial Release.