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- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Readme for SmallPea ClipEditor Version 3.0 (Build 8222)
- June 2000
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- (c) Copyright Small Pea Team, 1993-2000
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- How to View This Document
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- To view the Readme file on the screen in Windows Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print the
- Readme file, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then click Print on the File menu.
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- Special Thanks to...
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- ALF LONG: suggestion on Clip Merge feature that makes users to join more clips into one clip easier than
- before.
- KEIJI: suggestion on saving font setting feature which lets ClipEditor remember the font that users are
- using.
- VERNE WRIGHT: suggestion on Save feature that allows user to save current Windows Clipboard anytime
- they want.
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- ClipEditor is a Windows clipboard management tool that can save text that you copied every time in
- Windows. You can reuse them for next time and organize them so you can easily know which one is which.
- * You should have VB5 Runtime files in your system to run ClipEditor.
- * You should have Windows Common Controls 6 in your system as well.
- * You can download both files from Small Pea Team at
- http://smallpea.tripod.com/support/help
- * Make sure there is a sub-folder named "Data" under the main folder.
- * You can get more help from ClipEditor's online support at
- http://smallpea.tripod.com/support/help
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- New features in ClipEditor 3.0 version:
- - Toolbars
- The new toolbars in ClipEditor 3.0 make you do work in ClipEditor more easily.
- - Work in System Tray
- You can minimize ClipEditor 3.0 into Windows system tray and see if ClipEditor is on Auto Save mode or not from the icon.
- - Import Text
- Find any text file or HTML file and import them into current Windows Clipboard by using the new Import
- feature from Edit menu.
- - Go To List
- The new Go To feature will list all Internet URLs in current Windows Clipboard and let you choose one of
- them and go directly to there by launching your Internet browser. You can even go to the web that you
- want to by typing the address in Go To dialog.
- - Save
- Save current Windows Clipboard to your Clips List anytime when you press "Save" button.
- - Save As
- Want save current Windows Clipboard to other place such as a floppy disk? Use Save As feature and save
- everything on Windows Clipboard to everywhere.
- - Find Feature
- The new Edit menu contains some features that make you edit your Windows Clipboard and clips easier.
- Use Find feature to look for the word or words you want in both Windows Clipboard and clips.
- - Web Page Preview
- The new Web Page Preview feature offers you more power on viewing your clips. You can see the effect
- of a HTML code that in a clip though your Internet Browser.
- - Clip Properties
- Check the properties of your clips by using Clip Properties in Tool menu. You can also change the name of
- clip from Properties dialog.
- - Improved Clip Pad and Title Bar
- You can highlight the text in Clip Pad much easier than before because of the new Title Bar. In the past,
- you have to drag Clip Pad into Windows Clipboard to update it; but now you just drag the Title Bar, which is
- under Clip Pad, and drop into Windows Clipboard to update it.
- - Improved Clips Merge Feature
- Quickly join two or more clips into one file, just select them with Ctrl key holding, and then click Clip Merge
- button, type the new name, and click Finish to do that. You can also use the Clips Merge Wizard.
- - Improved Clean Clipboard Feature
- Now you have two ways to clean Windows Clipboard: clean and save or clean without save.
- - Improved Font Features
- The new version of ClipEditor will save your default font for ClipEditor. Now you can change the font of
- text and use it every time you are using ClipEditor. You can also change font the way you want by using a
- Font Setting dialog.
- - Improved Print Feature
- Now you can print clips from ClipEditor main window. In the past, you have to start SmallPea ClipViewer or
- Windows Notepad in order to print text to your printer. The new print feature uses WYSIWYG power, so
- that you can get the right text from your printer.
- - Small Pea Team on the Web
- Get the latest information on ClipEditor and Small Pea Team from Help menu.
- - Interface
- There are some changes on interface, such as changing Clip menu to File menu. You can also turn on or off
- AutoSave feature from the status bar. Dialog bugs are also fixed.
- New features in ClipEditor 2.5:
- - Clips Merge
- You can now make two or more clips join into one single clip file. This feature makes your scattered clips be
- easily organized.
- - Open with Notepad
- Open your clips by Windows Notepad program so that you can edit and save as them fast.
- - Automatic Update
- ClipEditor 2.5 will automatic update Windows Clipboard when you change anything in it. In the past, you
- have to click Update Clipboard from Clip menu in order to update Windows Clipboard.
- - Menu
- Delete, Rename, and Reset Clips Setting are on the main menu now. You can change your order of naming
- by a single click instead of running Organize window.
- - Interface
- Little bug fix and changes on interface.
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- - Auto Save
- When ClipEditor starts, the Auto Save feature is on and watches any change on Windows Clipboard. If
- there is, ClipEditor will save the last piece of text into a clip file, and display the new one on Windows
- Clipboard in ClipEditor. You can turn Auto Save feature off by uncheck Auto Save from File menu.
- - My Clips
- You can reuse your old clips by click one of them from clip list. All clip files are saved as ".dat" file. When
- you want to put them back to Windows Clipboard, you just drag the Title Bar, and drop into Windows
- Clipboard. Open your clips with Windows Notepad by clicking Open with Notepad from File menu.
- - Organize Clips
- You can rename a clip or delete a clip by just clicking Rename or Delete button. For advanced organizing,
- click Organize button.
- - Clips Merge
- When you want to join more than two clips into one single file, click Clips Merge from Tools menu or Clips
- Merge button on toolbar, follow the wizard and join clips together. Quickly join two or more clips into one
- file, just select them from clips list with Ctrl key holding, and then click Clip Merge button, type the new
- name, and click Finish to do that.
- - Use Windows Clipboard
- Save current Windows Clipboard to Clips List by click Save from File menu or Save button in toolbar, or
- save to an outer file by using Save As from File menu. To clean Windows Clipboard, go to Clean Clipboard in
- Tools menu. Click Import from File menu and choose the text or HTML file that you want to put into Windows
- Clipboard.
- - Print Clips
- Print Windows Clipboard or your old clips by clicking Print from File menu or Print button in toolbar.
- - SmallPea ClipViewer
- Click SmallPea ClipViewer from Tools menu to start SmallPea ClipViewer. There is a build-in Web browser in
- it so that you can view your clip in different encode or read the HTML code through it. You can also print
- clips from ClipViewer.
- - Jump to the Internet
- Click Go To from Tools menu and get a list about all the URL address in current Windows Clipboard. Choose
- the one you want and press Enter to jump to there. You can also type the address and go there directly.
- - Other Features
- Read "Part 2: New features in this release" and get to know the rest.
- - Tips and Tricks
- Read Tip.txt to learn more tips and tricks on SmallPea ClipEditor 3.0.
- =================================
- Part 4: AWARDS
- =================================
- - NoNags gave SmallPea ClipEditor 6 ducks (out of 6) on 14, February, 2000.
- - TUCOWS gave SmallPea ClipEditor 4 cows (out of 5) in January 2000.
- - Super Shareware gave SmallPea ClipEditor 5 stars (out of 5) on 5
- January, 2000.
- - ZDNet Software Library gave SmallPea ClipEditor 4 stars (out of 5) on 6
- October, 1999. They reviewed ClipEditor and said:
- "ClipEditor is a free utility that can automatically save all text that you
- copy through the Windows Clipboard. Each clip may be renamed and
- organized so that you can easily reuse it. Options let you keep the
- program on top, change all text to upper or lowercase, and choose the
- display font. Not only is ClipEditor easy to use, but it can be a real
- time-saver."
- =================================
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- For the latest information about SmallPea ClipEditor see our Web page at http://smallpea.tripod.com/clipeditor.
- For more help from Small Pea Team, go to
- http://smallpea.tripod.com/support/help
- A guest book is dedicated to the discussion of SmallPea ClipEditor:
- http://smallpea.tripod.com/support/book
- You can also send your e-mail to dickjia@hotmail.com or smallpea@themail.com
- =================================
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- Small Pea Team is listening to you. Any comments, ideas, or suggestions are welcome. You can whether
- send it to dickjia@hotmail.com or post it on our guest book at http://smallpea.tripod.com/support/book
- SmallPea ClipEditor is a freeware, so you can enjoy it all the time; however, you can give any help you can
- to us.
- We wish you could provide some financial support (it does not matter more or less) to us for further
- development. The mailing address is:
- 2309-40 Gerrard St. E.
- Toronto, Ontario
- Canada
- M5B 2E8
- Att: Dick Jia
- Thank you for using ClipEditor!