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/ PC World 2001 November / PCWorld_2001-11_cd.bin / Software / Topware / conceptdraw / Help / ConceptDrawHelp.chm / helphtml / images / prefdefault.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  2001-09-17  |  8KB  |  469x372  |  4-bit (16 colors)
Labels: crt screen | dialog box | monitor | plant | road | sky | stairs | stop sign | window
OCR: Preferences.. File Paths Intermet Encoding Miscel laneous Start using a template Template iTe Librarie: s:Blank Drawing cdi Browse Start using the default settings Default settings Units Measure: centimeters Snap Sensitivity (pixels) Page Size: Standard Metric (ISO) Custom 210 mm X 297 mm v Show the start dialog Cancel OK Libraries cent Custorm