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/ PC World 2001 November / PCWorld_2001-11_cd.bin / Software / Topware / conceptdraw / Help / ConceptDrawHelp.chm / helphtml / images / docpropgeneral.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  2001-09-17  |  7KB  |  428x394  |  4-bit (16 colors)
Labels: bus | dialog box | monitor | plant | road | rock | sidewalk | sky | stairs | tree
OCR: Document Properties... abed Settings Printing Information Title Genealoqy of programming lanquaqes Subject: Genealogy of programming languages, Author Yury Varbanets Company Computer Systems Odessa corp Description: Genealoqy of obiect and obiect oriented pro Cancel OK Page Genera Infornation Subiect proaramming Janquaqes Descr iption object