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- #############################################
- Proxomitron Version Naoko-4 BetaFive
- (C) 1999, 2000 Scott R. Lemmon
- #############################################
- This is a beta release of Proxomitron. Please keep in mind that as
- such it may have problems. Even so, this version has reached a high
- level of stability and is nearing a final release.
- For what's new in this beta version check out the "Changes.txt" file.
- This program is a public beta and is licensed free for
- individual use. However, being beta, I'd like to discourage
- widespread distribution of this version. Software archives
- in particular should distribute the most recent full
- release instead.
- Please keep in mind I make absolutely *no* guarantees of any
- kind as to the program's safety, fitness, functionality or
- suitability for any given purpose. Also I take no
- responsibility for any direct or indirect damages this
- program may cause - Use it at your own risk! This is the
- case for all versions of Proxomitron, but being beta this
- version is more apt to have serious bugs.
- New in version Naoko-4
- Here's a quick list of most new features in Proxomitron. It may not be
- complete since I'm mainly focusing on things that are not necessarily
- apparent from the GUI.
- To Install first make a copy of your current Proxomitron folder then copy
- the contents of this zip into the new folder. The default.cfg included with
- this version has been updated to use new program features. However if you've
- customized your own default.cfg file you may want to merge it into the new
- file then delete any duplicates. Your original filters will be shown in red
- once merged (this will last until the config is reloaded). Where filters are
- duplicated, you'll probably want to keep the new (black) version of any filter
- you haven't customized.
- New features include...
- * SSL Support
- * Matching Blocklist/Include files
- * Easy method to block new ads/cookies/pages/etc
- * Webpage Source view
- * Local file filtering
- * URL rewriting/redirecting
- * Easier config file loading
- * CGI Proxy support
- * Easier Proxy password
- * Header filter activated proxy control
- * Better access control
- * HTTP/1.1 & persistent connection support
- * Many enhanced matching commands
- ## Bugs fixed ##
- * Win NT and 2000 merge filter bug fixed
- * Menu icon color bug fixed
- * Various matching bugs
- * Problems freezing a few .gif files
- * Plenty of things I forgot ;-)
- ## SSL Support ##
- Proxomitron now supports SSL (secure https) connections. This comes in two
- flavors - SSLeay mode and pass-thru mode. The HTTP options under the
- "settings" dialog control which is used by default.
- SSLeay/OpenSSL mode
- -------------------
- In this mode Proxomitron decrypt incoming data, filters it, then re-encrypts
- it before sending it on. This allows for nearly transparent filtering and
- full control over https connections. This feat is accomplished using the
- very nice Open Source SSLeay/OpenSSL libraries (not included - see below).
- To use this mode Proxomitron must have access to "slleay32.dll" and
- "libeay32.dll" which contain all the SSL libraries and all cryptographic
- routines. Otherwise "Pass-Thru" mode will be used.
- ################################################################
- Because of all the legal and patent problems involved in the USA
- with any program that uses encryption, Proxomitron comes with NO
- ENCRYPTION CODE WHATSOEVER. In order to filter SSL connection
- you must get a copy of two additional files - "slleay32.dll" and
- "libeay32.dll". These files are part of the SSLeay/OpenSSL
- library and contain all the needed routines to do SSL encryption
- and decryption. In order to work they should be relatively recent
- versions and must be complied with all algorithms needed for
- https. I know it's a pain but it's the only safe way I know
- to offer SSL support.
- The .DLL files can often be found as part of other programs that
- use SSL. The open-source "stunnel" application is one example.
- If you can locate a binary distribution of stunnel for Win32 you
- should be able to find the two dll's with it. Finding them is the
- hard part - once you do, just copy the two files into Proxomitron's
- program folder and check "Use SSLeay/OpenSSL" under the "HTTP"
- section of Proxomitron's config dialog.
- Here's a few URLs where compatible ssleay .dlls could be found
- (at least at one time). However since these are independent sites
- with no relation to Proxomitron this could change at any time...
- http://www.attrition.org/~wrlwnd/crypto/ssl/stunnel/dlls.zip
- http://packetstorm.securify.com/crypt/SSL/stunnel/dlls.zip
- http://opensores.thebunker.net/pub/mirrors/stunnel/dlls.zip
- ftp://mike.daewoo.com.pl/pub/stunnel/Win32/ (as separate files)
- Andras.net is now providing a mirror of the OpenSSL files in Hungary...
- http://andras.net/tools/ssl/dlls.zip
- NOTE: If anyone wishes to mirror these files and is located
- somewhere legally able to do so please let me know.
- OpenSSL is developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the
- OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.OpenSSL.org/) which includes
- cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).
- and includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
- (See openssl.txt for the full license)
- ##################################################################
- Server Certificates And Such:
- There are some other limitations to this. In order for Proxomitron to
- act as a SSL server it must have a "Certificate". Certificates are
- used by web servers to identify themselves to your web browser. They
- must be digitally "signed" by a known company like VeriSign or your
- browser will generate a warning.
- Proxomitron's certificate is located in the "proxcert.pem" file. It's
- a self-signed certificate created using SSLeay (if you're familiar
- with SSLeay you could create a certificate of your own). As such it
- should *not* be considered secure. However it's only used for the
- connection between Proxomitron and your web browser - the connection
- between Proxomitron and the remote site *is* secure since it relies on
- the site's certificate not Proxomitron's. Normally the local
- connection to your browser never passes outside your PC, so its
- security isn't really an issue. In fact, the only reason to encrypt
- it at all is to make your browser think it's connecting directly to a
- secure site.
- This does have a few drawbacks though. When you first visit a secure
- site being filtered through Proxomitron, your browser will usually
- issue a warning. This happens for two reasons. First Proxomitron's
- certificate won't initially be recognized by your browser (normally
- you'll be allowed to add it though). Secondly, Proxomitron's
- certificate will not match the name of the site your visiting (since
- it can't know that ahead of time).
- Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) these warning are unavoidable
- since SSL was intentionally designed to prevent an intermediary from
- secretly intercepting your data. Proxomitron *is* intercepting your
- data, but under your control.
- One way around this is to use a sort of "half-SSL" technique.
- Proxomitron lets you specify in a normal non-secure "http://" URL that
- you want to make a SSL connection to the actual web server - just write
- the URL like so...
- Original: https://some.secure.site.com/
- New : http://https..some.secure.site.com/
- Change the protocol back to "http://" then add "https.." to the front of the
- hostname. This make it so the connection between your browser and
- Proxomitron is not encrypted but the connection from Proxomitron to the
- final server is! Since the local connection to Proxomitron is usually
- confined to your PC alone, this is really no less secure. However your
- browser thinks it's got a normal insecure connection and won't do any
- certificate checks. This can also be used to access secure pages from
- browsers that may not have https support at all.
- Also beware that Proxomitron does no certificate checking of it's own! If
- you don't trust a website and wish to check that it has a valid certificate
- put Proxomitron in "Bypass" mode. This will allow your browser to
- validate the site as it normally would.
- Keep in mind certificates are just used to help insure your actually
- connecting to the site you think you are and not some "spoofed" site.
- Whether they actually do this or not is debatable. Still, they have nothing
- to do with how encrypted your data is. Many sites (especially smaller ones)
- may not be using properly "signed" certificates, but this doesn't mean
- you're not secure connecting to them. Really all it means is they didn't
- cough up some money for VeriSign's official stamp of approval. Likewise, a
- valid certificate is no guarantee a site won't rip you off - you must still
- be careful before trusting a site with sensitive data.
- Pass-Thru mode
- --------------
- This is similar to the support offered by many other proxies. In this mode
- SSL data is simply passed to the server without any alteration. This mode
- requires no special cytological support as the data is never decoded.
- However this method also gives little benefit except to allow proxy
- switching. Proxomitron will always use pass-thru mode when bypassed, and
- when the "Use SSLeay" mode is not enabled (or the SSLeay dll files are not
- present).
- ## Proxy Related Stuff ##
- ------------------
- Proxies that use a URL prefix can now be used in Proxomitron. Simply add
- the URL to the proxy selector as you would a normal proxy (but the http://
- isn't required). The only restriction is that the proxy must work by tacking
- the destination URL to the end. For example, if the proxy was...
- http://somehost.com/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi/
- and you were connecting to...
- http://anotherhost.com/some/webpage.html
- Then Proxomitron will automatically form...
- somehost.com/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi/http://anotherhost.com/some/webpage.html
- While a DeleGate style proxy might look like...
- www.delegate.com:8080/-_-
- and form...
- www.delegate.com:8080/-_-http://anotherhost.com/some/webpage.html
- Just like in a web browser multiple CGI style proxies can be chained by
- simply combining them together...
- somehost.com/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi/http://www.delegate.com:8080/-_-http://anotherhost.com/some/webpage.html
- ----------------------------------------
- In addition to CGI proxies it's also possible to chain a regular proxy to the
- start of the list. This is the equivalent of using a normal proxy in your
- browser while also using a CGI proxy. The syntax for this is to use '->'
- like so...
- www.aproxy.com:8080->somehost.com/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi/
- ## Block List Files ##
- Proxomitron now supports block lists. Most often they'll contain lists of
- URLs to use with a filter.
- Actually "block list" is a bit of a misnomer though, since they can do much
- more than just block. In fact, they're really an extension of the normal
- matching expressions. A block list is a simply a text file containing a list
- of matching items. Each line in the list is checked until a match is found
- - otherwise the list returns false. Every block list file has a name (in the
- settings dialog), and can be included at any point in a matching expression
- by using "$LST(listname)". Most often this will be used in a filter's the
- URL match, but it's not limited to URLs alone. A list can contain any
- matching commands - even calls to other lists!
- You can also add "exclude" lines By prefixing a line with the '~' character.
- They can be used to limit what a list will match, and are only checked if a
- regular match is found first in the list. The list will return as true only
- if *none* of the exclude lines match.
- Lists can also be called in the replacement text. Here they're not really
- used to match anything but instead are used to set a positional variable to
- some value. By using the $CON(#,#) matching command, replacement text
- variables can be rotated based on the connection number (like multiple
- User-Agents or browser versions for instance).
- You can have up to 255 different lists and use them in any way you like.
- Common uses could include URLs to kill, sites to accept cookies from, pages
- to disable or enable JavaScript on, etc. Once set up to use a list, an "Add
- to blockfile" option on Proxomitron's system tray menu makes adding new URLs
- to a list fairly easy. Just copy a URL to the clipboard and it'll be
- auto-pasted into the dialog.
- Normally, each line in a list is treated as an independent matching
- expression. However long expressions can be broken up over multiple lines
- by indenting the lines that follow. For example...
- taste (this|that|these|those|the other thing)
- could also be written as....
- taste (
- this|
- that|
- these|
- those|
- the other thing)
- The effect is exactly the same, but you can break long lines up for easier
- reading - leading or trailing whitespace on each line will be ignored.
- List can contain comments by beginning a line with '#'. Comments normally
- will be ignored, but the first few lines of a list are scanned for certain
- "keywords" which can affect how the list works. Currently there are five
- keywords "NOADDURL", "junkbuster", "NoHash", "NoUrlHash", and "NoPreHash".
- "NOADDURL" hides the list from the "Add to blockfile" menu. It's useful to
- keep it from becoming cluttered by lists not used for URL matches.
- "JunkBuster" if found, will cause Proxomitron to attempt to read and
- interpret the list as a JunkBuster style blockfile. It's probably less than
- perfect, but seems to work fairly well with most JunkBuster lists.
- Note that due to differences in methodology, designing your own list by
- adding URLs as you find them will likely be more efficient. In particular,
- JunkBuster processes hostnames in reverse (root first). Proxomitron treats
- a URL the same as any random text, so you're better off not using an initial
- wildcard. For instance, "(www.|)somehost.com" will be much faster than
- "*somehost.com". If you need a leading wildcard try "[^/]++somehost.com".
- It's a little better than '*' since it only scans up to the first "/" in the
- URL.
- "NoHash", "NoUrlHash", and "NoPreHash" are used to disable various hashing
- algorithms used in lists. NoHash eliminates all hashing and can same memory
- for list that are seldom called or where speed isn't an issue. "NoUrlHash"
- and "NoPreHash" disable particular hash types (see below). You probably
- shouldn't need to use these very often (if at all).
- ## Blocklist Indexing (hashes) ##
- Proxomitron can now do an indexed hash lookup on eligible list entries.
- This makes finding matches in large lists *much* faster. Normally you
- don't need to worry much about how this works, but if you want to
- guarantee your blocklist will be as fast as possible here's some tips...
- First, not all list entries can be hashed. Proxomitron checks each item in
- the list to see if it's hashable. If so, it's added to a hash list - if not,
- it's added to a non-hashable list that must be scanned each time the list
- is checked. Of course, it's better to be hashable.
- There's two types of indexes Proxomitron can use - a fixed prefix and a
- URL style index. Each item in the list is checked to see if it can be
- indexed using either method, if so the method that can index the most
- characters is used for that item. The total list may have mixture of both
- types.
- "fixed prefix" are the simplest - they're just any expression that has a
- fixed number of characters without any wildcards. The longer the prefix is
- before any wildcard, the more indexable it becomes. Most user added URLs
- probably fall into this category, but it benefits many non-URL based lists
- too. Here's a few examples of eligible expressions...
- www.somewhere.com
- 127.0.0.
- shonen(kinfe|)
- foo(bar|bat)*bear
- ANDs are fine too as in "this*&*that" - however ORs outside of parens like
- "this|that" won't index since the match can begin with two different
- values. In this case it's better to place each on its own line.
- URL matches are designed to allow some leading wildcards to be used. It
- works by looking in the expression for the end of the hostname (marked by
- a ":" or "/") and indexes back from there. For it to work there must be
- no other wildcards between the hostname's end and the leading wildcard.
- Valid wildcards include "*", "\w", "[...]+", "[...]++", and "(...|)".
- This should cover the most useful ones for leading off URLs. Again here's
- some examples...
- *somehost.com/(anything|after|here|is|fine)/\w.html
- \wsomehost.com/
- [^.]+.somehost.com/
- [^/]++somehost.com/
- (www.|)somehost.com:[0-9]+/
- ([^/]++.|)somehost.com/
- Unfortunately things like...
- ([^/]++.|)somehost.*/
- ([^/]++.|)somehost.(com|net)/
- won't be indexable. In these cases it may actually be faster to write
- them as two entries...
- ([^/]++.|)somehost.com/
- ([^/]++.|)somehost.net/
- One change blocklist authors should take note of is, when using a leading
- wildcard, it's very important to use the full hostname including the "/".
- Previously this wasn't necessary, so an entry like...
- [^/]++.|)microsoft.
- would be better written as...
- [^/]++.|)microsoft.com/
- or perhaps multiple entries if necessary. It also means there's less of
- a need to write expressions like...
- www.(ad(server|engine|banner)|banner(site|click|)).(com|net)
- Instead, listing all the actual hosts to be matched will be faster - not
- to mention easier to maintain.
- ## URL: type header filter ##
- When designing a header filter the header "URL:" now has special
- meaning. Although not an actual header, it can be used to filter
- the URL itself - taking some action based on the URL alone or
- redirecting the URL to a new location.
- When you use "URL: [description]" as a header's name the
- "matching" section like the "URL" section will match against the
- URL itself. The only difference being the "matching" section
- includes the "http://" or "https://" portion in the match.
- To redirect the URL the replace section can include a $JUMP or
- $RDIR command (see below) which can include portions of the
- original URL captured into positional variables. Take for
- example....
- Out = "True"
- Key = "URL: MS Redirect"
- Matching="http://www.mirosoft.com/\0"
- Replace="$RDIR(http://www.microsloth.com/\0)"
- This would invisibly redirect any URL going to "microsoft" to
- "microsloth" instead! Rather than creating a filter for every
- redirection, It's also possible to use the list "$LST(Listname)"
- function to create a list of redirections. Take a filter like the
- following...
- Out = "True"
- Key = "URL: Redirect List"
- Match = "http://$LST(RedirectList)"
- or just...
- Out = "True"
- Key = "URL: Redirect List"
- URL = "$LST(RedirectList)"
- "RedirectList" could then point to a text file containing the
- following....
- #
- # Proxomitron Redirection List
- #
- ms/ $JUMP(http://www.microsoft.com/)
- sd/ $JUMP(http://www.slashdot.org/)
- mail/ $JUMP(http://my.email.site.com/)
- This, in effect, sets up a list of "aliases" for sites you visit
- often. You could then enter only "mail" in your browser to go to
- your email page for instance.
- Another use would be to redirect know advertisers to an image of
- your choosing. For instance...
- Out = "True"
- Key = "URL: Spam Redirect"
- Match = "http://$LST(SpamList)"
- Replace = "$RDIR(http://file//C:/images/spam.gif)"
- The "SpamList" could then contain...
- #
- # Proxomitron Anti-Spam List
- #
- www.doubleclick.net
- [a-z]+.flycast.com
- and so on....
- ## URL commands ##
- When requesting a page in your browser, it's now possible to embed certain
- commands in any URL to make it perform some additional function in
- Proxomitron. Commands are tacked onto the start of the hostname separated by
- either two dots '..' or two slashes '//'.
- http://command..www.host.com/rest/of/url.html
- Here's a list of the current commands...
- http://file//path
- Used to filter a local file as if it were a web page. Similar to
- the file:// URL used by most browsers.
- http://bypass..www.host.com/some/webpage
- Use to bypass filtering for a specific URL only.
- http://bout....www.host.com/some/webpage
- Bypass outgoing header filters only
- http://bin..www.host.com/some/webpage
- Bypass incoming header filters only
- http://bweb..www.host.com/some/webpage
- Bypass only the web filters
- http://https..www.host.com/some/secure/webpage
- Use to load a 'secure' https: web page without having the local page
- encrypted. Can be use to access secure pages from browsers that don't
- directly support https, or to avoid the normal https warning messages
- a browser may spit out. The actual remote connection is still encrypted,
- but Proxomitron sends the decrypted and filtered page to your browser.
- Note: requires SSLeay/OpenSSL .dll files to work.
- http://src..www.host.com/some/webpage
- Displays the *true* source of any web page
- (unaffected by JavaScript commands or dynamic HTML).
- Useful when the browser won't let you see the source
- or dynamic HTML alters it.
- http://dbug..www.host.com/some/webpage
- Displays the source like "src.." but also cause debug information to
- be included showing what text each web filter matched. Similar to
- turning on the "HTML Debug Info" option in the log window.
- http://load//filename?url
- Used to load a Proxomitron config file. Path points to
- the file to load. It can optionally be followed by a '?'
- and a URL to go to once the config has been loaded. If the config
- is within the Proxomitron directory, it's not necessary to
- type the full path...
- http://load//default.cfg?http://www.microsoft.com/
- It's also possible to string multiple URL commands together as in...
- http://src..bypass..www.host.com/some/webpage
- ## New matching codes ##
- + - The run matching command has been changed slightly. It will now
- match 0 or more of a given expression (instead of 1 or more).
- You can use it with brackets to enforce minimum number of matches
- if needed like so...
- a+{1,*}
- Will match 1 or more a's
- ++ - Like '+' will match a run of items, but '++' will only match
- up to the point where what follows is true. It works very
- much like '.*' does in UNIX style regexps
- Examples: "[^ >]++" will work similar to "\w"
- "[a-z]++boat" given the word "lifeboat" will
- match only "life" (while "[a-z]+" would match
- all of "lifeboat")
- {min,max} or {exact number} or {min,*}
- Either '+' or '++' can now be followed by brackets to limit the number of
- repetitions matched. For example, "?+{6}" will match six characters while
- "?+{6,12}" needs at least 6 characters to match but will match no more than
- 12 characters. '*' can be used for no max as in "foo++{6,*}bar" needs at
- least six "foo"s to match but can have more.
- [#x:y] or [#x]
- The numeric match can now test for negative numbers. In this case
- use ':' instead of '-' to separate the numbers. For instance
- "[#-400]" will match negative 400 exactly.
- "[#-100:-50]" will match any number between -100 and -50
- "[#-500:500]" will match any number between -500 and +500
- && - Double ANDs
- Using two ANDs in a row works similar to using one and except the match
- that follows will be limited to only matching what matched before the AND.
- Confused? Don't be - it's really quite simple. It works like a mini-bounds
- you can use to further restrict the scope within a match. Consider
- the following...
- (<img*>&&*width=[#20]*)
- This will match any image tag that has a width of 20. The double ANDs
- limit the check for the width tag to just whatever "<img*>" matches. If we
- did this using the onld single AND like so...
- (<img*>&*width=[#20]*)
- Then a line like...
- <img src=foo > width=20
- would also match (since we do have both "<img*>" and "*width=20*"),
- but this probably isn't what we want.
- ## The Replacement Stack (\# and \@ commands) ##
- Normally Proxomitron supports ten matching variables \0 to \9. In most
- cases this works fairly well, but what if you want to match each iteration
- of a matched run? For example, say you had a filter that broke a URL into
- segments divided by the "/" character. You could do this with a match like
- so...
- http://(*/)+
- However, up till now there's been no way to capture each segment into a
- *different* variable. this is where the replacement stack comes in. It
- uses the special character "\#" which like "\0" through "\9" stores a
- matched value. However each time it's called it stores the matched value
- into a "stack" which can hold up to 20 items. It can then be used in the
- replacement text to "pop" an item off that stack in a first-in first-out
- manner. Using this we could write the above match like so...
- "http://(\#/)+\#"
- Given a replacement text of...
- "\# \# \# \# \# \# \#"
- It would convert this...
- "http://this/is/a/test/of/the/stack.html"
- into this...
- "this is a test of the stack.html"
- Each iteration of the (...)+ run pushes a different value onto the stack,
- then whatever's left over gets matched by the final "\#".
- Like the other positional variables, the stack variable can be used
- directly after a set of parens to capture the expression within. For
- instance...
- "http://(*/)\#+\#"
- would produce...
- "this/ is/ a/ test/ of/ the/ stack.html"
- The replacement text also recognizes another special escape "\@". This
- just dumps the entire contents of the stack in order (like using
- \#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#...).
- ## New matching commands ##
- An extensible syntax for matching subroutines has been added to Proxomitron.
- All these commands begin with "$" followed by the command name, a "(", any
- command parameters, finally ending with ")". All commands must be upper
- case to help reduce possible conflicts. Usually it's not necessary to
- escape the "$" when matching unless it would conflict exactly with an
- existing command. A command can also optionally be followed by a ';' but
- this isn't required and is purely to appease us 'C' folk.
- Generally matching functions are designed to be used in the "matching"
- portion of a filter, but a few like $JUMP and $LST may also be used in a
- filter's replacement text.
- $CMD(parameter values)
- $AV(match)
- This is used to match any attribute's value. It first parses and isolates
- the value - automatically taking things like quotes vs. no quotes into
- account. The match within the command is then limited to just the
- attribute value. Note: Any quotes surrounding the value will not be part
- of the match.
- For example, to match any image with the word "Gargalishous!" in
- the alt tag, you could use...
- <img * alt=$AV(*gargalishous!*) *>
- which would work for any of the following...
- <img src="foo" alt="My is this trout ever Gargalishous!">
- <img src="foo" alt='Gee your hair is Gargalishous! Is that bison flavor?'>
- <img src="foo" alt=JustRawGargalishous! >
- Even though the match doesn't include the quotes, they'll still be
- consumed by the command. This means if you want to capture the entire
- value including quotes you could use a match like...
- <img * alt=($AV(\1))\2 *>
- Here \2 will contain the full tag with its original quotes, while \1 will
- just contain the raw value itself. For example given...
- <img src="foo" alt="Move all Zig!">
- \1 = Move all Zig!
- \2 = "Move all Zig!"
- But there's also another way to do this - just use $AVQ()
- $AVQ(match)
- This is exactly like $AV(...) except it also includes any quotes in
- the match. Useful when you just want to capture an attribute's value
- like so...
- <img * alt=$AVQ(\1) * >
- which would capture any alt value into \1.
- $LST(blockfile)
- Is used to include a blockfile in any matching expression. The contents of
- the blockfile are tested line by line against the text to be matched until a
- match is found. Otherwise the expression returns false.
- $SET(#=value)
- Use to set a positional variable to a specific value. Any replacement text,
- including other variables, can be set entered here.
- Example: set variable 1 equal to "foobar"
- $SET(1=foobar)
- Set variable \1 to print the contents of \2
- $SET(1=Two is \2)
- By placing $SET commands within a matching expression, you can set various
- values *only* if the matching expression reaches that point. This can be
- used for an if/then/else effect...
- match: name=(one $SET(0=Naoko) | two $SET(0=Atsuko) |
- three $SET(0=Michie) | $SET(0=Default))
- replace: "\0 Matched"
- will produce the following results...
- if name=one -> "Naoko Matched"
- if name=two -> "Atsuko Matched"
- if name=three -> "Michie Matched"
- else -> "Default matched"
- $CON:(x,y[,z])
- Will be true only if the current connection number is 'x' of 'y' (optionally
- for every 'z' connections). Use to rotate values based on connection. The
- following for example will rotate between three values in \0 ...
- ($CON(1,3) $SET(0=Value one of three)|
- $CON(2,3) $SET(0=Value two of three)|
- $CON(3,3) $SET(0=Value three of three))
- use the 'z' option to delay the rotation to every so many connections.
- $IHDR(header-name:matching)
- $OHDR(header-name:matching)
- Can be use to test the value of any HTTP header. The command will be true
- only if the named header's value matches the 'matching' section. $OHDR test
- outputed headers while $IHDR tests incoming headers. For example this will
- only match is the "Referer" header contains 'microsoft.com'
- $OHDR(Referer:*.microsoft.com)
- Using these you can have web filter only match if specific header values are
- also true, or to capture and use header values into a variables to use in a
- filter's replacement. You can use also them in HTTP header filters to check
- combinations of headers for a match.
- $URL(matching)
- This can be used to test the URL inside the matching portion of a filter.
- Normally you would use the filter's URL match for this, but by using this
- command you can check for different URL based on the text matched. It's also
- useful to capture portions of a URL into variables. The following would
- capture the URL's path...
- $URL(www.somehost.com/\1)
- As elsewhere, the URL matching starts directly with the hostname so there's
- no need to match the "http://" portion.
- $TYPE(code)
- Content Type check command. This command can be used to limit a filter to
- only affect certain types of pages (like JavaScript files only). The "code"
- must be one of the following known types...
- htm - Web pages
- css - Cascading style sheets
- js - JavaScript
- vbs - VB Script
- oth - Anything else
- This is a fast and simple check. For more complex content-type checks you
- can also use "$OHDR(Content-Type:some matching value)"
- $RDIR(http://some.url.com/)
- The RDIR (redirect) command is used to transparently redirect URLs to a different
- location. It's also possible to redirect to a local file by using the
- "http://file//filename" URL command syntax. The new URL must be of a type
- Proxomitron understands (http, or with SSLeay, https).
- $JUMP(http://some.url.com/)
- Similar to the RDIR command, the JUMP command can be used to redirect a
- URL to a different location. However instead of transparent redirection
- this works by just telling your browser to go to that new location. It's
- more like using a refresh "meta" tag or setting document.location in
- a JavaScript.
- With JUMP your browser is aware of the redirection and the URL you see
- will be updated to reflect the new location. It works best for redirecting
- an entire page, while RDIR is better at invisibly redirecting individual
- page elements like images or java apps. Use RDIR when you want the
- redirection to happen "behind the scenes" and use JUMP when you want to
- simply go to a different site from the one requested.
- Use both RDIR and JUMP commands in the replacement section of *header*
- filters only. It's important to note that for outgoing headers the redirect
- will happen before the original site is ever contacted, but when used with
- incoming headers, the initial site must be contacted first. These commands
- have no effect in web filters since by this point the original page
- has already begun loading into your browser. In such cases you can
- often use JavaScript to change to a new location as in...
- <script> document.location="http://some.new.url/"; </script>
- $FILTER(bool)
- The $FILTER command can be used to force a particular request to be filtered
- or not filtered regardless of it's type. Normally only specific types are
- filtered (like text/html, text/css, image/gif, etc). $FILTER can be used in
- the match or replace of any header filter and takes a "true" or "false"
- value. If true, the request will be run through the web filters regardless
- of it's type. This only makes sense for content that's text based.
- You can also use it to avoid "freezing" certain GIF images by using it in
- a header filter along with a URL match.
- Take for example...
- Out = "True"
- Key="URL: Don't freeze this gif"
- URL="www.somewhere.com/animate_me.gif"
- Replace="$FILTER(False)"
- $USEPROXY(bool)
- The $USEPROXY command can override the "Use remote proxy" check box for a
- given connection either turning the proxy on or off. It can be use to ensure
- a proxy is or isn't used for with a given site or for a particular action.
- To have effect this command must be called in either the match or replace
- of an *outgoing* header filter. This is because the proxy setting must be
- established prior to connecting to the site.
- $SETPROXY(proxy:port)
- The $SETPROXY command will force a connection to use a particular proxy. It
- overrides both the "Use remote proxy" checkbox and the current proxy chosen
- in the proxy selector. It's useful for insuring a particular proxy is used
- in a given situation or with a particular URL.
- The proxy to set *must* be one entered into the External Proxy Selector list.
- This command simply looks up and sets a proxy from that list. It's usually
- only necessary type the first part of the proxy name - the first proxy
- matched in the list will be use. The partial match must be exact
- though (no wildcards).
- Like the previous command this command must be also called in either
- the match or replace of an *outgoing* header filter.
- $UESC(escaped text)
- The $UESC command is intended to be similar to the JavaScript unescape()
- command. It will convert most URL escaped characters back to their ASCII
- form. It's useful for unescaping URLs that may be embedded in other URLs
- (an increasingly common trick used by many sites to track the links you
- click). Often characters like ":" and "/" will be escaped by their hex
- equivilents ("%3A" and "%2F") making the real URL hard to use.
- $UESC can be used in the replacement text of a filter, and can be given
- any valid replacement text as input (such as \1 variables). It will
- convert most escaped characters back to their correct form, but spaces
- and any non-displayable ASCII characters will remain escaped.
- +++++++++++++++++++
- Well that's about it for now. Many of the new features in "settings" I hope
- are more or less self-explanatory, but feel free to email me if you've got
- any questions. Also check the various context menus as blocklist features
- have been added to many of 'em. Keep in mind all this stuff could easily
- change a before an actual release - especially the syntax of new commands.
- I'm not exactly sure what will work best yet in all areas.
- -Scott-