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- Tray Animations 3.01 - Readme
- ------------------------
- Contents:
- - Product Description
- - Frequently Asked Questions
- - Version Information
- - Legal Stuff
- - Contact Information
- Product Description
- -------------------
- Take a look at your task bar. See the area where the time is located?
- Are there any other icons there? A yellow speaker, perhaps? Maybe a
- calendar. How about an aquarium with tiny swimming fish, moving back
- and forth all day long? If you donÆt see the latter, then you need
- Tray Animations.
- Tray Animations lets you display entertaining animations in your task
- tray. If the several included animations arenÆt enough, you can create
- some using the Tray Animations editor. If editing isnÆt your cup of
- tea, you can download more from the Tray Animations website, or use
- some of the thousands of Windows animated cursor files available for
- download elsewhere.
- Of course, Tray Animations is 100% free of charge, so you can enjoy
- it as much as you like.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- --------------------------
- Q: Can Tray Animations launch a program when I click its icon?
- A: Good heavens, no. That might make it useful. ;-)
- Q: How do I get Tray Animations to start each time I open Windows?
- A: Simply click the animation in the tray and select æGeneral OptionsÆ.
- Then, click the æMisc OptionsÆ tab and make sure the æRun Tray
- Animations on system startupÆ box is checked.
- Q: Can I make my own animations for Tray Animations?
- A: Yes, there is a Tray Animations editor available for download on
- the Tray Animations website, or you can use any animated cursor
- (ani) editor for Windows. (Note: it is highly recommended that you
- use the Tray Animations editor, because the animations are
- compressed, and you can specify additional information, such as the
- category).
- Q: Can I distribute the animations I make?
- A: Yes! In fact, you are encouraged to add any animations you create
- to the list on the Tray Animations website. This way, other users
- can enjoy your creations.
- Q: Where can I get more animations?
- A: You can visit the Tray Animations website and download any of the
- animations there, or you can visit any site that has animated
- cursors available for download.
- Q: How do I add an animation to the animation list?
- A: Simply click the æAddÆ button, and select the animation you wish to
- add. This animation will then be copied into the appropriate
- directory, and you can delete the original file, if you wish.
- Q: How do I play animations from the animation list?
- A: Simply add them to the animation playlist, by right-clicking the
- animation and selecting æAdd to playlistÆ.
- Q: How do I make the animations bigger?
- A: Windows controls the size of the icons in the tray, so you'll have
- to go to the desktop properties screen and modify some size settings
- on the appearance tab.
- Q: Can Tray Animations animate my desktop icons?
- A: No, Windows does not allow this (although I wish it would. ;-)
- Q: Where is the Tray Animations website?
- A: As of this writing, it is located at http://plaza.v-wave.com/mark
- Q: My question isn't on this FAQ!
- A: Well, that's not really a question, but if you email me one, I'll
- be happy to include it on this FAQ. :-)
- Q: How can I suggest improvements to Tray Animations?
- A: Email me at mark_m@v-wave.com
- Version Information
- -------------------
- Version 3.01 (January 22 2000)
- -Fixed a bug where the playlist and options weren't saved when the user
- shut down the computer while Tray Animations was still running.
- Version 3.0 (January 20 2000)
- -Compltely re-designed interface
- -Support animations with an arbitrary number of frames
- -Animations load in the blink of an eye, so there is no need for a
- loading screen.
- -Now supports Windows Animated Cursor files (ANI)
- -A new TA format has been created. You can now store author information
- along with a description of the animation.
- -The TA animations are now compressed for easy download
- -Tray Animations now takes 500% *less* system resources than 2.x!
- -Playlist support has been added
- -A new options screen has been added
- -A wonderful TA editor has been created (available for download elsewhere)
- -A help file has been included
- -Animations can now be arranged by category
- Version 2.1
- -Fixed some setup troubles
- -Supports animations up to 99 frames (Previously only 50)
- -Added loading screen for animations larger than 35 frames
- -Updated readme file
- Version 2.0
- -Added ability to create your own animations
- -Created the .TA format
- -Created the .RTA format
- -Fixed some aesthetic bugs
- -Created a more extensive readme
- -New and Improved Setup program
- Version 1.1
- -First public release
- -New interface style
- Version 1.0
- -First Beta (Never publically released)
- Legal Stuff
- -----------
- This program is provided "As is", with no guarantees of usefulness or
- productivity. The author, Mark McIntyre, bears no responsibility for
- damage to your system resulting from the use of this program.
- You may not: disassemble, reverse engineer, recompile, decompile or otherwise attempt
- to discover the source code of the Program; remove, obscure or alter any
- notice of copyright or other proprietary right present on or in the Program; or permit
- or authorize anyone else to take any action described in this sentence.
- If you do not agree with these terms, you must uninstall the program.
- Use of the program implicitly means you have agreed to these terms.
- This document is (c) Copyright 1998-2000 by Mark McIntyre
- Tray Animations is (c) Copyright 1998-2000 by Mark McIntyre
- All Rights Reserved
- Contact Information
- -------------------
- Mark McIntyre
- mark_m@v-wave.com
- plaza.v-wave.com/mark