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INI File | 1999-12-13 | 34.3 KB | 785 lines |
- [English US]
- ; ,=====================,
- ;< Pulse >
- ; `====================='
- ; General, errors, systray tooltips
- Status ="Status"
- Info ="Info"
- Unknown ="Unknown"
- Main ="Main"
- OpenFile ="Open file"
- ClosePulse ="Close Pulse player"
- PlrErrorLastDev ="Last used device NOT found. Trying to "
- "autodetect."
- PulseCmdPulsePlayer ="PulsePlayer"
- PulseCmdMenu ="Menu"
- PulseCmdOpen ="Open file"
- PulseCmdPlay ="Play"
- PulseCmdStop ="Stop"
- PulseCmdPause ="Pause"
- PulseCmdPrevious ="Previous song"
- PulseCmdNext ="Next song"
- PulseCmdRewind ="Rewind"
- PulseCmdForward ="Forward"
- PulseCmdRestore ="Restore"
- PulseCmdSetup ="Setup"
- ; Tooltips
- TTP_Illum_CloseButton ="Close strong-room"
- TTP_SwitchNextScheme ="Switch to next scheme"
- TTP_OpenOnName ="Double click to open file"
- TTP_Pause ="Pause playback"
- TTP_Play ="Start playing"
- TTP_Stop ="Stop playing"
- TTP_Previous ="Previous song in playlist"
- TTP_Next ="Next song in playlist"
- TTP_Rewind ="Rewind"
- TTP_FFwd ="Fast forward"
- TTP_OpenFile ="Open file"
- TTP_ToggleTime ="Doubleclick to change timer mode"
- TTP_Timer ="Toggle timer mode"
- TTP_PlayerVolume ="Player volume control"
- TTP_Seekbar ="Change position in song"
- TTP_DeviceVolume ="Device volume control"
- TTP_IncDeviceVolume ="Increase device volume"
- TTP_DecDeviceVolume ="Decrease device volume"
- TTP_DevicePanningX ="Device panning control"
- TTP_DevicePanningXLeft ="Device panning one step left"
- TTP_DevicePanningXRight ="Device panning one step right"
- TTP_PrevSubSong ="Previous subsong"
- TTP_NextSubSong ="Next subsong"
- TTP_ZeroChannels ="Zero max. channels"
- TTP_DCZeroChannels ="Doubleclick to clear max. channels"
- TTP_Mute ="Mute sound"
- TTP_ToggleRepeatM ="Toggle song repeating"
- TTP_RepeatIndicator ="Indicates repeat song status"
- TTP_PlaylistEditor ="Playlist editor"
- TTP_Shuffle ="Shuffle songs in playlist"
- TTP_ShowMixer ="Show Mixer"
- TTP_SongInfo ="Show song information"
- TTP_WindowSize ="Toggle window size"
- TTP_Setup ="Show component setup"
- TTP_About ="About Pulse"
- TTP_Minimize ="Minimize window"
- TTP_Exit ="Exit Pulse player"
- TTP_DCExit ="Doubleclick to exit Pulse player"
- TTP_ToggleShuffle ="Toggle shuffle"
- ; Popup Menu
- MNU_About ="&About PulsePlayer..."
- MNU_Load ="&Load module\t L"
- MNU_Options ="&Options..."
- MNU_OnTop ="Always on &top\t Alt+T"
- MNU_Setup ="&Setup\t Ctrl+S"
- MNU_RepSong ="&Repeat song\t R"
- MNU_RepPL ="Repeat &playlist\t Alt+P"
- MNU_Timer ="Remaining &time\t Ctrl+T"
- MNU_Shuffle ="S&huffle playlist\t S"
- MNU_Playback ="Playback"
- MNU_Previous ="Pr&evious song\t Z"
- MNU_Play ="&Play\t X"
- MNU_Pause ="P&ause\t C"
- MNU_Stop ="S&top\t V"
- MNU_Next ="&Next song\t B"
- MNU_QuickDes ="Quick design select..."
- MNU_PLEditor ="Playlist &editor...\t Alt+E"
- MNU_Exit ="E&xit\t Alt+X"
- MNU_Minimize ="&Minimize"
- MNU_Restore ="&Restore"
- MNU_Subsongs ="Subsongs"
- MNU_PrevSubsong ="&Previous subsong\t Ctrl+Z"
- MNU_NextSubsong ="&Next subsong\t Ctrl+B"
- MNU_Subsong1 ="Subsong &1\tCtrl+1"
- MNU_Subsong2 ="Subsong &2\tCtrl+2"
- MNU_Subsong3 ="Subsong &3\tCtrl+3"
- MNU_Subsong4 ="Subsong &4\tCtrl+4"
- MNU_Subsong5 ="Subsong &5\tCtrl+5"
- MNU_Subsong6 ="Subsong &6\tCtrl+6"
- MNU_Subsong7 ="Subsong &7\tCtrl+7"
- MNU_Subsong8 ="Subsong &8\tCtrl+8"
- MNU_Subsong9 ="Subsong &9\tCtrl+9"
- MNU_Subsong10 ="Subsong 1&0\tCtrl+0"
- MNU_Subsong11 ="Subsong 11"
- MNU_Subsong12 ="Subsong 12"
- MNU_Subsong13 ="Subsong 13"
- MNU_Subsong14 ="Subsong 14"
- MNU_Subsong15 ="Subsong 15"
- MNU_Subsong16 ="Subsong 16"
- MNU_PlayerSetup ="Player is not accessible"
- MNU_DeviceSetup ="Device is not accessible"
- MNU_Devices ="Devices"
- MNU_Players ="Players"
- MNU_Tools ="Tools"
- MNU_Entering_tools ="Entering tools"
- MNU_Visual_engine ="Visual engine"
- MNU_Pulse_properties ="Pulse properties..."
- MNU_Component_tree ="Component tree..."
- MNU_Visuals ="Visuals"
- ; General settings
- GEN_Title ="General"
- GEN_Priority ="Process priority"
- GEN_PriorityLevel1 ="Low"
- GEN_PriorityLevel2 ="Normal"
- GEN_PriorityLevel3 ="High"
- GEN_PriorityLevel4 ="Realtime"
- GEN_Languages ="Languages"
- GEN_Startup ="Startup"
- GEN_Splash ="Show Splash screen"
- GEN_TipOfDay ="Show Tip of the day"
- GEN_AutoPlay ="Auto play"
- GEN_Miscellaneous ="Miscellaneous"
- GEN_MultiInstances ="Enable multiple instances"
- GEN_RestoreWindow ="Restore previous window"
- GEN_MultiUsers ="Enable multi-usering"
- GEN_Errors ="Errors"
- GEN_DeviceInUse ="Don't show \"Audio device in use\""
- GEN_FileNotFound ="Show <Open module> when default file not found"
- GEN_PriLanguage ="Primary"
- GEN_SecLanguage ="Secondary"
- GEN_Volumetype ="Volume and Panning type"
- GEN_Hardware ="Hardware"
- GEN_Software ="Software"
- GEN_Volumetype_msg ="(after des. change)"
- GEN_SongName ="Assuming songane"
- GEN_AsumeSongName ="Assume File to sng name when song name doesn't exist"
- GEN_AsumeSongNameFull ="full path"
- ; Playlist properties
- PLP_Title ="Playlist properties"
- PLP_DefaultFormat ="Default playlist format:"
- PLP_Saving ="Saving"
- PLP_SaveBeforeExit ="Save unsaved playlist before exiting"
- PLP_OverwriteLast ="Ovewrite last used with actual if possible"
- PLP_KnownFormats ="Known playlist formats:"
- ; Quick Dires
- QKD_Title ="Quick dirs"
- QKD_Directories ="Directories"
- QKD_Browse ="Browse..."
- ; Visual components
- VIS_Title ="Visual"
- VIS_Options ="Options"
- VIS_Disable ="Disable Visual component"
- VIS_Alwaysvisible ="Always visible"
- VIS_Onlyifplaying ="Visible only if playing"
- VIS_Components ="Choose Visual component"
- VIS_Info ="About Visual component"
- ; Playlist Editor
- PLE_Title ="Playlist editor"
- PLE_AddFiles ="&Add files"
- PLE_AddPlaylist ="Add &playlist"
- PLE_RemoveSong ="&Remove song"
- PLE_LoadPlaylist ="&Load playlist"
- PLE_SavePlaylist ="&Save playlist"
- PLE_ClearPlaylist ="&Clear playlist"
- PLE_ExitApply ="&Exit and apply"
- PLE_Sort ="&Sort songs"
- PLE_Sort1 ="FileName"
- PLE_Sort2 ="FileName + Path"
- PLE_Sort3 ="Randomize"
- PLE_AddDir ="Add dir"
- ; Fire component tree
- FCT_Title ="Fire Component system Setup"
- FCT_List ="Component list"
- FCT_Enabled ="Enabled"
- FCT_About ="About"
- FCT_Properties ="Properties"
- FCT_Execute ="Execute"
- FCT_Remove ="Remove"
- ; Caption
- CPT_Title ="Caption"
- CPT_Predefined ="Predefined"
- CPT_UserDef ="User defined"
- CPT_Standard ="Standard"
- CPT_Medium ="Medium"
- CPT_Long ="Long"
- CPT_LongTime ="Long + Time"
- CPT_Quickhelp ="Quickhelp"
- CPT_HelpText ="Caption will be displayed in taskbar item "
- "(cut to its size) and a tooltip above it "
- "(full length). You can write any text between "
- "the %x codes (e.g. "time: %9")."
- CPT_Syntax ="Syntax"
- CPT_FileName ="%1 - file name"
- CPT_FilePath ="%2 - file path"
- CPT_SongName ="%3 - song name"
- CPT_Author ="%4 - author"
- CPT_Origin ="%5 - origin"
- CPT_PLPosition ="%6 - playlist position"
- CPT_PLTotal ="%7 - playlist total"
- CPT_PulsePlayer ="%8 - PulsePlayer"
- CPT_TotalTime ="%9 - total time"
- CPT_Copyright ="%a - copyright"
- CPT_Type ="%b - filetype"
- ; ,=====================,
- ;< AudioMate >
- ; `====================='
- ; Silent Output Device
- SOD_Caption ="Device settings - Silent Output"
- SOD_Title ="General"
- SOD_General ="Settings"
- SOD_Note ="Note"
- SOD_NoteText ="This is the silent output device so all these "
- "properties are only virtual (the player "
- "'thinks' that they are real)."
- SOD_OutputFreq ="Output frequency"
- SOD_Bits ="Bits"
- SOD_Channels ="Channels"
- SOD_Settings ="Settings"
- SOD_Volume ="Volume"
- SOD_Panning ="Panning"
- ; DirectSound Output Device
- DSD_Title ="DirectSound driver settings #%1"
- DSD_TitleShort ="General"
- DSD_TitleTree ="DirectSound #%1"
- DSD_Callback ="Callback"
- DSD_CBThread ="Callback thread"
- DSD_Timer ="Timer"
- DSD_CoopMode ="Cooperative mode"
- DSD_Coop1 ="Normal"
- DSD_Coop2 ="Priority"
- DSD_Coop3 ="Exclusive"
- DSD_Coop4 ="Primary"
- DSD_Output ="Output"
- DSD_OutputFreq ="Output frequency:"
- DSD_Channels ="Mono/Stereo"
- DSD_Mono ="Mono"
- DSD_Stereo ="Stereo"
- DSD_Bits ="Output bits"
- DSD_8bits ="8 bits"
- DSD_16bits ="16 bits"
- DSD_Settings ="Settings"
- DSD_Volume ="Volume %1 %%"
- DSD_Panning ="Panning %1 %%"
- DSD_Buffer ="Buffer settings"
- DSD_InPartsOf ="In part of %1 %%"
- DSD_BufferSize ="Buffer size %1 mS"
- DSD_Priority ="Buffering priority"
- DSD_Low ="Low"
- DSD_High ="High"
- DSD_SWMixer ="Used software mixer"
- DSD_SWConfig ="Configure"
- DSD_MixerInfo ="Info about selected mixer"
- ; WinWave32 Output Device
- WWD_Title ="WinWave32 driver settings #%1"
- WWD_TitleShort ="General"
- WWD_TitleTree ="WinWave #%1"
- WWD_Output ="Output"
- WWD_OutputFreq ="Output frequency:"
- WWD_Callback ="Callback settings"
- WWD_CBThread ="Callback thread"
- WWD_CBFunction ="Callback function"
- WWD_Channels ="Mono/Stereo"
- WWD_Mono ="Mono"
- WWD_Stereo ="Stereo"
- WWD_Bits ="Output bits"
- WWD_8bits ="8 bits"
- WWD_16bits ="16 bits"
- WWD_Settings ="Settings"
- WWD_Mute ="Mute"
- WWD_Volume ="Volume: %1 %%"
- WWD_Panning ="Panning: %1 %%"
- WWD_Buffer ="Buffer settings"
- WWD_NumBuffers ="Number of buffers: %1"
- WWD_BufferSize ="Buffer size: %1 ms"
- WWD_Priority ="Buffering priority"
- WWD_Low ="Low"
- WWD_High ="High"
- WWD_SWMixer ="Used software mixer"
- WWD_SWConfig ="Configure"
- WWD_MixerInfo ="Info about selected mixer"
- WWD_DefaultSystemDevice ="Default system device"
- ; Classic mixer
- CMX_Caption ="Classic mixer settings"
- CMX_Title ="General"
- CMX_General ="Settings"
- CMX_Mixing ="Mixing"
- CMX_Info ="Info"
- CMX_Performance ="Performance"
- CMX_NoConversion ="No sample conversion"
- CMX_8bitConversion ="Convert to 8 bits (lower memory usage, lower "
- "quality)"
- CMX_16bitConversion ="Convert to 16 bits (more memory, faster processing)"
- CMX_Channels ="Mixing channels:"
- CMX_EnableFX ="Enable effects"
- CMX_Effects ="Effects"
- CMX_Configure ="Configure"
- ; Echo editor
- ECH_Title ="Echo editor"
- ECH_TitleShort ="Editor"
- ECH_Presets ="Echo presets"
- ECH_PresetList ="List:"
- ECH_Lock ="Lock left/right"
- ECH_AddPreset ="Add preset"
- ECH_RemovePreset ="Remove preset"
- ECH_Properties ="Echo properties"
- ECH_Amplify ="Amplify: %1 dB"
- ECH_NumEchos ="Number of echos: %1"
- ECH_Values ="Echo values"
- ECH_Delay ="Delay"
- ECH_Feedback ="Feedback"
- ; Add Echo Preset
- EPR_Title ="Add Echo preset"
- EPR_Name ="Enter preset name"
- ; Module player
- ITO_Title ="IT 2.xx player properties (old)"
- ITO_TitleShort1 ="IT I"
- ITO_TitleShort2 ="IT II"
- ITO_TitleShort3 ="IT III"
- ITO_TitleShort4 ="IT IV"
- MOD_Title ="Module player properties"
- MOD_TitleShort1 ="MOD I"
- MOD_TitleShort2 ="MOD II"
- MOD_TitleShort3 ="MOD III"
- MOD_TitleShort4 ="MOD IV"
- MOD_Output ="Output"
- MOD_Device ="Output device"
- MOD_OutputQuality ="Output quality"
- MOD_Surround ="Surround"
- MOD_SpecialNNA ="Special NNA"
- MOD_Looping ="Looping"
- MOD_MODLoop ="Use MOD loop point"
- MOD_IgnoreShort ="Ignore short loops"
- MOD_Settings ="Settings"
- MOD_Volume ="Volume: %1 %%"
- MOD_PanningX ="Panning X: %1 %%"
- MOD_PanningY ="Panning Y: %1 %%"
- MOD_PanningZ ="Panning Z: %1 %%"
- MOD_Separation ="Stereo separation: %1 %%"
- ; Sid64 player
- SID_Name ="SID 6581 player"
- SID_ExportedTypeName ="Commodore 64 music"
- SID_ErrorCaption ="SID player error"
- SID_Info ="C64 SID player. Based on SidPlay v%1, release "
- "%2, Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Michael Schwendt.\n"
- "Supports time-seeking, realtime sound/emulation "
- "properties changes, gains user-defined extra "
- "file information (song length, player "
- "detection, pattern position, etc.).\n"
- SID_Title ="Sid64 player properties"
- SID_AFR_Error1 ="Missing block start on line %1"
- SID_AFR_Error2 ="Too many IDs on line %1 (max. 16)"
- SID_AFR_Error3 ="Bad ID format on line %1"
- SID_AFR_Error4 ="Duplicate track definiton found on line %1"
- SID_AFR_Error5 ="Bad track format on line %1"
- SID_AFR_Error6 ="Duplicate sector definiton found on line %1"
- SID_AFR_Error7 ="Syntax error on line %1"
- SID_AFR_Error8 ="Sorry... Need minimum of 3 IDs (line %1)"
- SID_EMU_Title ="Emulation"
- SID_EMU_Channel_Mixer ="Channel Mixer"
- SID_EMU_Channel_1 ="Channel 1"
- SID_EMU_Channel_2 ="Channel 2"
- SID_EMU_Channel_3 ="Channel 3"
- SID_EMU_Channel_4 ="Channel 4"
- SID_EMU_AutoPanning ="Auto panning"
- SID_EMU_PanManual ="&Manual"
- SID_EMU_PanCenAuto ="&Center. auto"
- SID_EMU_PanLock ="&Lock pan"
- SID_EMU_MixMode ="Mix Mode"
- SID_EMU_MixNone ="&None"
- SID_EMU_MixVolCtrl ="&Vol. control"
- SID_EMU_MixFull ="&Full"
- SID_EMU_MixSurround ="&Surround"
- SID_EMU_MemMode ="Memory mode"
- SID_EMU_MemMode1 ="&Bank switching"
- SID_EMU_MemMode2 ="&Transparent ROM"
- SID_EMU_MemMode3 ="&Playsid enviroment"
- SID_EMU_Miscellaneous ="Miscellaneous"
- SID_EMU_Filters ="&Enable filtering"
- SID_EMU_MOS8580 ="&MOS-8580 waveforms"
- SID_EMU_Timing ="Timing"
- SID_EMU_Info ="Setting the mixer properties is executed "
- "immediatelly after they are changed. Other "
- "changes (Timing, Miscellaneous, Memory mode) "
- "are set after pressing 'Apply' or 'OK' buttons."
- SID_MW_Title ="Memory window"
- SID_MW_Window ="Memory window"
- SID_MW_Refresh ="Refresh"
- SID_MW_Refresh_0 ="&None"
- SID_MW_Refresh_1 ="&Slow"
- SID_MW_Refresh_2 ="&Fast"
- SID_MW_Refresh_3 ="&Raster"
- SID_MW_Ascii ="Ascii codes"
- SID_MW_Info ="This window serves as a simple C64 memory "
- "monitor for searching the memory locations "
- "for recognizing players, order and row "
- "positions. Read the file SID64.DOC for nearer "
- "information. "
- SID_PTB_Title ="Precalculated time tables"
- SID_PTB_Use ="&Use precount time table library"
- SID_PTB_AutoClear ="&Auto clear (can increase load time)"
- SID_PTB_Merge ="&Merge libraries"
- SID_PTB_Clear ="&Clear old entries"
- SID_PTB_Watch ="Library watch"
- SID_PTB_Totals ="Number of records: %1"
- SID_GE_Title ="General"
- SID_GE_OutputDevice ="Output device"
- SID_GE_Audio_set ="Audio settings"
- SID_GE_VOL ="Volume: %1 %%"
- SID_GE_PANX ="Panning X: %1 %%"
- SID_GE_PANY ="Panning Y: %1 %%"
- SID_GE_PANZ ="Panning Z: %1 %%"
- SID_GE_Amplify ="Amplify: %1 %%"
- SID_GE_BuffSize ="Buffer size: %1 bytes"
- SID_GE_Misc ="Miscellaneous"
- SID_GE_SongMax ="Maximum: %1 min"
- SID_GE_SongDef ="Default: %1 min"
- SID_GE_SongLength ="Song length"
- SID_GE_AssEnd ="Assuming end"
- SID_GE_AssEndStop ="When SID is silent (prevent silence at the "
- "end of tune)"
- SID_GE_AssSilent ="When song stops (only for recognized players)"
- SID_GE_InfProcess ="Additional info processing"
- SID_GE_InfScanLength ="&Scan songlength if possible"
- SID_GE_InfEnable ="&Process player info file"
- SID_GE_InfFinishRestart ="&Restart after finish"
- SID_GE_InfSeeking ="Enable &seeking"
- SID_GE_InfAllTracks ="&Pre-count uses all tracks"
- SID_GE_Note ="Note: Pre-playing can take a lot of time "
- "while loading the file."
- SID_GE_AssEndTime ="%1 sec"
- SID_MF_Title ="Multi framing"
- SID_MF_Status_NoSongLoaded ="No song loaded...."
- SID_MF_Status_Ready ="Ready..."
- SID_MF_Status_NotRecognized ="Can't recognize player"
- SID_MF_Status_Recognized ="Found %1 fold music"
- SID_MF_Status_Recognized2 ="Found multiframed music, can't determine how "
- "many folds it is"
- SID_MF_InstallButt ="Install MF support"
- SID_MF_FoldTimes ="%1x fold"
- SID_MF_EditorCaption ="Multi framing"
- SID_MF_UpdateFile1 ="Update file (PSID/SID formats only)"
- SID_MF_UseTable ="Use table / JMP is always the same"
- SID_MF_TableCaption ="JMP's table"
- SID_MF_INFO ="After changing settings don't forget to "
- "RESTART tune, because time/pattern display "
- "can be wrong!"
- SID_MF_Error1 ="Unable to determine source format. Convert it "
- "to PSID/SID format."
- ; SAP player
- SAP_Title ="SAP player properties"
- SAP_TitleShort1 ="General"
- SAP_OutputDevice ="Output device"
- SAP_AudioSettings ="Audio settings"
- SAP_VOLUME ="Volume: %1 %%"
- SAP_PanX ="Panning X: %1 %%"
- SAP_PanY ="Panning Y: %1 %%"
- SAP_PanZ ="Panning Z: %1 %%"
- SAP_AmplifyTitle ="Amplify"
- SAP_Amplify ="Amplify: %1 %%"
- SAP_PrebufferingTitle ="Prebuffering"
- SAP_Prebuffering ="Sample size: %1 kB"
- SAP_Quality ="Quality"
- SAP_Normal ="Normal"
- SAP_Interpolated ="Iterpolated"
- SAP_CheckEnd ="Assuming end"
- SAP_10secSilence ="Check for silence at the end"
- SAP_Timeseek ="Time seeking"
- SAP_Enabletimeseek ="Enable time seeking"
- ; MPx player
- MPX_Title ="MPx player properties"
- MPX_TitleShort ="General"
- MPX_OutputDevice ="Output device"
- MPX_Decoding ="Decoding"
- MPX_Dec1 ="&Full stereo"
- MPX_Dec2 ="&Downmix"
- MPX_Dec3 ="&Left"
- MPX_Dec4 ="&Right"
- MPX_Quality ="Quality"
- MPX_Qual1 ="&Full"
- MPX_Qual2 ="&Half"
- MPX_Qual3 ="&Quater"
- MPX_AudioSettings ="Audio settings"
- MPX_VOLUME ="Volume: %1 %%"
- MPX_PANX ="Panning X: %1 %%"
- MPX_PANY ="Panning Y: %1 %%"
- MPX_PANZ ="Panning Z: %1 %%"
- MPX_AmplifyTitle ="Amplify"
- MPX_Amplify ="Amplify: %1 %%"
- MPX_FileCacheTitle ="File cache"
- MPX_FileCache1 ="Cache: %1 kB"
- MPX_FileCache2 ="Cache: %1 MB"
- MPX_PrebufferingTitle ="Prebuffering"
- MPX_Prebuffering ="Sample size: %1 kB"
- ; AHX player
- AHX_Title ="AHX player properties"
- AHX_TitleShort1 ="AHX I"
- AHX_TitleShort2 ="AHX II"
- AHX_TitleShort3 ="AHX III"
- AHX_TitleShort4 ="AHX IV"
- AHX_OutputDevice ="Output device"
- AHX_Quality ="Quality"
- AHX_Normal ="&Normal"
- AHX_Interpolated ="&Interpolated"
- AHX_AudioSettings ="Audio settings"
- AHX_VOLUME ="Volume: %1 %%"
- AHX_PANX ="Panning X: %1 %%"
- AHX_PANY ="Panning Y: %1 %%"
- AHX_PANZ ="Panning Z: %1 %%"
- AHX_AmplifyTitle ="Amplify"
- AHX_Amplify ="Amplify: %1 %%"
- AHX_PrebufferingTitle ="Prebuffering"
- AHX_Prebuffering ="Sample size: %1 kB"
- AHX_CheckEnd ="Assuming end"
- AHX_10secSilence ="Check for silence at the end"
- ; WAV player
- WAV_Title ="Wav / SFX player properties"
- WAV_TitleShort1 ="Wav I"
- WAV_TitleShort2 ="Wav II"
- WAV_TitleShort3 ="Wav III"
- WAV_TitleShort4 ="Wav IV"
- WAV_OutputDevice ="Output device"
- WAV_Amplify ="Amplify"
- WAV_AmplifyValue ="Amplify: %1 %%"
- WAV_AudioSettings ="Audio settings"
- WAV_Volume ="Volume: %1 %%"
- WAV_PanningX ="Panning X: %1 %%"
- WAV_PanningY ="Panning Y: %1 %%"
- WAV_PanningZ ="Panning Z: %1 %%"
- WAV_FileCache ="File cache (after new song):"
- WAV_CacheSize1 ="Size: %1 kB"
- WAV_CacheSize2 ="Size: %1 MB"
- WAV_Prebuffering ="Prebuffering"
- WAV_BufferSize ="Buffer size: %1 kB"
- ; SFX test
- SFX_Title ="Sound FX test"
- SFX_OutputDevice ="Output device"
- SFX_Volume ="Volume"
- SFX_Init ="Initialize"
- SFX_Effects ="Effects"
- SFX_Open ="Open"
- SFX_Play ="Play"
- SFX_TechInfo ="Technical information"
- ; ,=====================,
- ;< Outer Visual Engine >
- ; `====================='
- ; OVE
- DES_Title ="OVE DES loader"
- DES_TitleShort ="General"
- DES_Paths ="Paths"
- DES_Add ="Add"
- DES_SupRefresh ="Supress design refresh (decreases menu "
- "creating time)"
- OVE_Title ="Outer Visual Engine setup"
- OVE_TitleShort ="General"
- OVE_Colors ="Colors"
- OVE_16bpp ="16 bits per pixel"
- OVE_24bpp ="24 bits per pixel"
- OVE_32bpp ="32 bits per pixel"
- OVE_Quality ="Quality"
- OVE_Low ="Low"
- OVE_Medium ="Medium"
- OVE_High ="High"
- OVE_Other ="Miscellaneous"
- OVE_DirectX ="Use Direct X"
- OVE_Tooltips ="Show tooltips"
- OVE_DesRefresh ="Design refresh"
- OVE_Note ="Note"
- OVE_NoteText ="On a slower computer select lower drawing "
- "quality, but remember that some designs can "
- "be displayed incorrectly."
- ; ,=====================,
- ;< External tools >
- ; `====================='
- ; Fast Use
- FUS_Title ="Fast use properties"
- FUS_Mouse ="Mouse"
- FUS_UpperBorder ="Hitting upper border with mouse (twice)"
- FUS_Keys ="Hotkeys"
- FUS_Key ="Key"
- FUS_Action ="Action"
- ; Systray+
- SYT_Title ="SysTray+ for Pulse Player"
- SYT_TitleShort ="General"
- SYT_IconSet ="Icon set"
- SYT_ActiveSettings ="Pulse active settings"
- SYT_TaskbarItem ="Show Taskbar item"
- SYT_LButton ="Left button action"
- SYT_DoubleClick ="Doubleclick action"
- SYT_RButton ="Right button action"
- SYT_MinimizedSettings ="Pulse minimized settings"
- SYT_ShareSettings ="Share settings"
- ; Register extensions on startup
- REG_Title ="Extensions not registered"
- REG_WarningText ="One or more extensions aren't registered. Do "
- "you want to register them to Pulse player?"
- REG_Yes ="&Yes"
- REG_No ="&No"
- REG_CheckOnStartUp ="&Check on startup"
- ; Associations plus
- ASS_Title ="Associations v 1.0 for Pulse"
- ASS_TitleShort ="Associations"
- ASS_Extensions ="Extensions"
- ASS_Settings ="Quick settings"
- ASS_Select ="Select all"
- ASS_Unselect ="Unselect all"
- ASS_Miscellaneus ="Miscellaneus"
- ASS_CheckOnStart ="Check on startup"
- ASS_AutoRegister ="Register automatically"
- ASS_Appearance ="Appearance"
- ASS_StartMenu ="Start Menu"
- ASS_Desktop ="Desktop"
- ASS_QuickLaunch ="QuickLaunch"
- ; Shortcuts scanning
- SCN_Title ="Associations"
- SCN_InfoText ="Scanning shortcuts - please wait..."
- ; Pulse - MOL dialog properties
- Pls_Mol_Title ="MOL saving properties"
- Pls_Mol_TitleShort ="General"
- Pls_Mol_AllwaysDrive ="Always store &drive letter"
- Pls_Mol_AllwaysExtension ="Always store &extension"
- VCUS_None_available_text ="None usable design found. Reinstall Pulse (files are missing) or Visit pulse.dspaudio.com for updates."
- VCUS_None_available_caption ="Customizable visual component error"
- FUTCOMP_Title ="Future composer player properties"
- FUTCOMP_TitleShort1 ="FC I"
- FUTCOMP_OutputDevice ="Output device"
- FUTCOMP_Quality ="Quality"
- FUTCOMP_Normal ="&Normal"
- FUTCOMP_Interpolated ="&Interpolated"
- FUTCOMP_AudioSettings ="Audio settings"
- FUTCOMP_VOLUME ="Volume: %1 %%"
- FUTCOMP_PANX ="Panning X: %1 %%"
- FUTCOMP_PANY ="Panning Y: %1 %%"
- FUTCOMP_PANZ ="Panning Z: %1 %%"
- FUTCOMP_AmplifyTitle ="Amplify"
- FUTCOMP_Amplify ="Amplify: %1 %%"
- FUTCOMP_PrebufferingTitle ="Prebuffering"
- FUTCOMP_Prebuffering ="Sample size: %1 kB"
- FUTCOMP_CountRealTime ="Count real song time"
- FUTCOMP_Timing ="Timing"
- ; Tips of day
- Tod_1 ="You can change Pulse design in 'Quick design select...'"
- " in popup menu on rightclick."
- Tod_2 ="You can use visual components. See pop-up menu."
- Tod_3 ="You can create your own design for Pulse or visual component. See Pulse documentation."
- Tod_4 ="You can add/remove start menu shortcut anytime you want to."
- Tod_p4 ="setup:{A8B-7B1996DA41A-7B}"
- Tod_5 ="You can download many additional components for Pulse at "
- "Pulse homepage."
- Tod_6 ="Pop-up menu context depends on place where you open it (try clicking on 'play' button, seek bar, ...)."
- Tod_7 ="You can apply various digital effects by configuring software "
- "mixer in current device used for output (WinWave #1 in most "
- "cases)."
- Tod_p7 ="setup:{9B8-482AA5C9D99-00}"
- Tod_8 ="Pulse player can be controlled even if it's minimized with "
- "Global keyboard support."
- Tod_p8 ="setup:{B27-A2448B476B6-59}"
- Tod_9 ="You can add/remove quick launch shortcut at any time."
- Tod_p9 ="setup:{A8B-7B1996DA41A-7B}"
- Tod_10 ="You can control Pulse anytimes you want to by using global mouse events."
- Tod_p10 ="setup:{B27-A2448B476B6-59}"
- Tod_11 ="Pulse player can play up to 4 streams at a time. You have to select "
- "design which supports this feature (e.g. 'Out of colors')."
- Tod_12 ="You can simply configure actual device(s) or player(s) via "
- "quick setup - active components are first in the list."
- Tod_13 ="For the best quality, you should encode your mp3's with the "
- "fraunhoffer(sp?) encoder (with the -hq switch) or LAME."
- Tod_14 ="If your sid tunes are cut to soon (3 minutes by default), go to the setup of "
- "the sid component, and set your own time or turn the feature off."
- Tod_15 ="If you can't find the systray controls when minimised to "
- "be too bulky, go to setup->tools->systray+ for pulse, "
- "and select a different systray setup!"
- Tod_16 ="You can mix sound fx into sound output. Check the SFX component setup."
- Tod_17 ="You can configure Pulse player using new 'Quick Setup' system."
- Tod_18 ="To play non-default subtunes of .sid, .ahx or .ym music formats, "
- "you can either use Ctrl-Z (forward) and Ctrl-B (backward), or "
- "select the 'Commy alive' or 'Ash/Hi-Fi Dreams' design and use the visual controls."
- Tod_19 ="Most of the function of the Pulse player have their appropriate keyboard shortcuts."
- Tod_20 ="Pulse player can, in addition to using (technically superior) "
- "OVE designs, use WinAMP skins. To use them, you have to set your WinAMP skin directory in setup."
- Tod_21 ="You can always find the newest release of pulse at "
- "http://pulse.dspaudio.com. We keep on adding new formats, "
- "features and designs quite often so visit Pulse pages regularly."
- Tod_22 ="Tip of the day. Every program has one, and now Pulse does too! :)"
- Tod_23 ="Our customizable visual component has design too. Try clicking right button "
- "on it and change your settings."
- Tod_24 ="You can configure actual player / device by using popup menu at "
- "`play` button."
- Tod_25 ="You can use visual components. Invoke popup menu on non-play "
- "buttons place, and surf to 'Visual component'."
- Tod_26 ="Pulse is being developed for about two and a half years now!"
- Tod_27 ="Pulse player's visual and audio engine is used in other "
- "applications (such as Impulse Tracker 3). The free version "
- "of the engine is available at our pages."
- Tod_28 ="Next release of Pulse will be available for Linux."
- Tod_29 ="We're searching for Pulse player betatesters. Write to pg@pinknet.cz for more information."
- Tod_30 ="You can simply play files by dragging any music file "
- "on Pulse icon or opened Pulse window."