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- This file contains list of changes for each version.
- [+] - found and fixed error
- [-] - found and not fixed error
- [*] - new possibility
- 14.05.2001 (1.20)
- This version is not compatible with first test version of chat server.
- Chat from version 1.12 to 1.20
- [+] - Chat is compiled using Delphi 5. By this very old problem with MS Netmeeting is
- fixed. When chat was running and Netmeeting was started then chat was closed with
- error. It was not possible to run it if Netmeeting was running. The same was with
- Delphi 4 itself. I don't know where the problem was but when it's compiled using
- Delphi 5 then it works with no problems.
- [+] - "Automatic away" function (DLL for it) is rewritten again. And now it's done using
- Visual C++. All problems that were connected to this function have to be fixed.
- At least MouseImp that didn't work if it was started before chat now works in any
- cases.
- [+] - If chat was running and shutdown was done then main windows position and size were
- not stored. If worked when chat was closed and then shutdown was done.
- [+] - User list width was not stored.
- [+] - If shutdown was done when chat was running then main window size and position were
- not stored.
- [+] - When user renamed then all private chats and lines where he was in were expanded in
- the list of users.
- [*] - Working with chat server is rewritten but this version is not compatible with first
- test version of chat server. These errors were fixed:
- 1. From time to time chat lost messages.
- 2. Sometimes it was not possible to open private chat. It was empty (no users) or
- only one user was connected.
- 3. Chat didn't work right with two or more users from one Firewall. Only one of
- them (first) was in chat.
- [*] - It's possible two run two chats. One that will work using MailSlots and another
- that will work using TCP/IP through the chat server. If you want to do this
- then you have to make copy of chat and put it in another folder. Then in IChat.ini
- of one of them change ConnectionType to another value. This ability is useful
- only if in your network two versions are used or some users still haven't changed
- to the server.
- [*] - Added picture for ;-).
- [*] - Added support for smiles :[] :-*
- [*] - Added ability to insert smiles from the menu like it's done for the quick messages.
- [*] - If you will select text and then press right mouse holding left button then selected
- text will be inserted in current cursor position in message editor.
- [*] - Added defense from the so-called "Flood". If the same message by one user is repeated
- during 5 seconds it will be displayed only first time. It works only for the messages
- that are sent repeatedly one by one.
- [*] - Rewritten message waiting for Windows 9x. Now it works on timer and chat will use
- 0.5-2% (dependent from the processor) of processor time. By this problem with
- overheating in some cases is fixed.
- It worked with no problems on Windows NT/2000 and nothing is changed for these systems.
- [*] - Ignoring also works (ignores) for alerts.
- [*] - Using * like nickname is restricted.
- [*] - Using smiles in the nickname is restricted.
- [*] - Added highlight and execute for https://
- [*] - Running URLs doesn't hang chat until program starts anymore. It was very often the
- case for ftp:// and file:// link types.
- [*] - Added counters in common chat, message board, lines. Counters are shown on the tab
- captions, in the menu and in the user/chat list.
- [*] - Color of the separating lines is dependent from the background color. So now lines
- will be visible even on the black background.
- [*] - Information about users is displayed in the current chat/line and only information
- about users that are in this chat/line will be shown. In the common chat information
- about all users will be shown.
- [*] - Rewritten international support. Now all strings are in the separated text files.
- It's possible also to set help file for each language. In this version translations
- on Czech, Dutch, English, French (made but Russian guy and your changes are welcome
- ;-), German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish (Catala) and
- Swedish are added. If you want to translate chat on your native language look in the
- English.ini Then you can send translated file to me and I will add it to the
- installation package.
- [*] - It's possible to select default language during the installation.
- 14.05.2001 (1.12b5)
- [+] - Information about selected user was diplayed in the common chat intead of current
- chat or line.
- [+] - User counter was updated not correctly if automatic refresh was used.
- [+] - User list width was not stored.
- [+] - If shutdown was done when chat was running then main window size and position were
- not stored.
- [+] - When user renamed then all private chats and lines where he was in were expanded
- in the list of users.
- [+] - Smile :(] is deleted. Don't ask. I will not add it again. Children are using chat.
- [*] - Added support for smile :-*
- 01.05.2001 (1.12b4)
- [+] - It was possible to use smiles in /nick and /nextnick commands.
- [+] - Fixed error in sending long messages on the message board.
- [*] - Inserting selected text in the editor using right mouse button while
- left is pressed inserts also line breakes in the multiline editor.
- [*] - Added highlight and execute for https://
- [*] - Added picture for ;-)
- [*] - Added support for smiles :(] ¿ :[]. Look in the menu for pictures.
- [*] - Click on the highlighted link doesn't hang anymore chat until program is
- executed. It was very often the case for ftp:// and file:// links.
- [*] - Added users counters for main chat, message board and lines. Number of
- connected users is shown in page title, in the list of users/lines and in
- the popup menu that shows the same.
- [*] - Color of the break lines is dependent from the background color. So now
- they will be visible even on the black background.
- [*] - Information about users is shown on the current page. It was always in the
- main chat before. If not main chat in active then information about users
- of the active chat will be shown.
- 08.04.2001 (1.12b3)
- Almost all changes are connected to the errors that appeared when I started to use
- Delphi 5. Some functions work a little different.
- [+] - Popup menu in main chat was shown not always.
- [+] - Popup menu in all chats and lines were shown only for the text not on the
- empty space.
- [+] - Some smiles contained & when they were selected from the menu. Such smiles
- were not converted to the pictures.
- [+] - Changed typing of server IP address. Now it cuts leading zeros in all parts.
- It other case chat doesn't want to connect to the specified server.
- [*] - Insert selected text in the message using right mouse button together with left
- button works after the end of the text line.
- [*] - Insert selected text in the message using right mouse button together with left
- button works on the message board, private chats, lines.
- [*] - Using * as nickname is forbidden.
- [*] - Using smile combinations in the nickname is forbidden. Chat will cut them.
- [*] - Added support for Portuguese language. List of all supported languages: Czech,
- Dutch, English, French (made but Russian guy and your changes are welcome ;-),
- German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish (Catala),
- Swedish.
- 01.04.2001 (1.12b2)
- [+] - Chat is compiled using Delphi 5. By this old problem with MS Netmeeting is
- fixed. When Netmeeting was started chat usually was closed with error. The
- same happened with Delphi 4 itself. They don't like to work together and
- where the problem is in Netmeeting or Delphi I don't know.
- [+] - Some users where confused that chat doesn't show repeated own messages.
- They thought that it also doesn't send anything repeatedly but it wasn't
- the case. Chat always sent messages but they were skipped like repeated
- messages. Now it will not skip them and show all of them.
- [+] - Fixed potential error in ignoring repeated messages. Probably this error was
- the reason why sometimes chat show a lot of exception messages but I'm not
- sure because I couldn't get them myself ...
- [+] - State (visible/invisible) for floating window with chat state was not stored.
- [+] - DLL for supporting "Automatic away mode" is rewritten on Visual C++. Problems
- with different programs when chat is running have to be fixed. At least problem
- with MouseImp when it was started before chat is fixed.
- If somebody still has problems with different applications write to me.
- [+] - When connection with chat server was broken user was duplicated. This new user
- was left after refresh but it has two addresses in his IP.
- [*] - Ignoring messages also work with alerts.
- [*] - For each language it's possible to set help file (HelpFile key in each section).
- If language is not set then English help file is used.
- [*] - You can choose default language of chat interface during the installation.
- [*] - Supported languages: Czech, Dutch, English, French (made but Russian guy and
- your changes are welcome ;-), German, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovak,
- Spanish (Catala), Swedish.
- 12.03.2001 (1.12b1)
- This version is not compatible with first version of chat server.
- It will work only with new version of it.
- Look on the chat homepage if you want to try it.
- Wortk with mailslots is not changed.
- [*] - rewritten work of chat with TCP/IP and dedicated server. These bugs are fixed:
- 1. Sometimes chat lost messages.
- 2. Problems with opening private chats.
- 3. Sometimes users had problem if they were under the same firewall.
- [*] - it's possible now to run two copies of chat. One that will work on mailslots
- and another that will work with dedicated server.
- [*] - it's possible to select smile from the list like it is for the quick messages
- and insert it into the message.
- [*] - if after marking text in the message window you will still hold left mouse
- button and press right mouse button then selected text will be inserted
- into the message in the current cursor position.
- [*] - message that is sent more then one time during 5 seconds (repeated message)
- will be displayed only one time.
- [*] - under the Windows 9x chat will not show 100% processor usage anymore. Its work
- under these operation systems is changed. This fixes problem with too high
- processor temperature if processor is overlocked.
- [*] - multilanguage support is changed. Now all strings are in the special text file
- and you can translate everything on your native language if you want.
- For more information look into the English.ini file.
- In this version alredy included support for Polish, Spain (Catala) (first version
- and may be not finished) and Dutch languages.
- 16.01.2001 (1.11)
- All changes from version 1.10
- [+] - sometimes user name was cut to 15 characters. Maximum length is set to 45 characters.
- [+] - chat returns focus to the previous application in such situations:
- 1. Hide using ESC key
- 2. Chat was shown using hotkey.
- 3. Private message is received and it's show in popup window. Then this popup
- window was closed.
- Before in all these cases floating window with chat status became active if
- it was shown. If this window was not shown chat worked right.
- [+] - Alt+A (send private message to all) didn't work in the message editor.
- It worked only when list of users was active.
- [+] - options dialog was shown not in the center of the screen.
- [+] - if common chat page wasn't active and message in it was received
- icon for it wasn't changed to the ringing phone. For the lines and private
- chats it worked right.
- [+] - system message "Message board updated" sometimes was shown when new user
- was logged in but he doesn't have any messages on the message board.
- [+] - when private chat was created its name were not shown in the list of
- opened chats for the user. Empty node was shown instead of its name.
- [+] - chat state that is shown is floating panel (like in ICQ) sometimes was not
- the same like state that is shown in system tray. Mostly it was the case
- when automatic "I'm away mode" was used. Situations:
- 1. Chat went to the "I'm away mode". Private message was received. Flag was
- shown. Mouse moving changed chat state to the privious mode but flag
- was not shown anymore like it was shown in system tray.
- 2. Private message was received. Flag was shown. Chat automatically went to
- the "I'm away mode". Mouse moving changed chat state to the privious mode
- but flag was not shown anymore like it was shown in system tray.
- [+] - after pressing on minimize button chat was minimized but focus wasn't given
- to the previous application.
- [+] - separated windows with chat status was shown sometimes even if it was set to
- don't show it.
- [+] - it was possible to close separated window with chat status by Alt+F4 but after
- this chat began to show exceptions.
- [+] - command /nick and /nextnick didn't add new nickname to the list of the nicknames.
- [*] - chat restores icon in system tray after the restaring of explorer after it crash.
- This function supported only when IE4+ with the Desktop Updates is installed.
- In Windows 95 with IE4+ and the desktop updates is not tested.
- I don't have it anywhere here.
- In Windows NT with IE 4.1 but without the Destop Updates doesn't work. In Microsoft
- Documentation they wrote specially about it.
- In Windows 2000 works.
- In Windows 98 it has to work but I don't have ability to test it.
- [*] - copy to the clipboard command didn't copy smiles.
- [*] - added new command /smiles. It shows all available combinations and pictures
- that can be used. Sometimes, for example :P, combination is show twice.
- It means that it's possible to use it on both languages.
- [*] - for the work groups and domains setting were added additional abilities:
- 1. Select from the list of the available groups. Chat tries to get list
- of available work groups and domains. It networks works bad and you can't
- even open Network Neighborhood then chat can stop to response on some time.
- 2. Add range of IP addresses.
- 3. Load list from the file.
- 4. Save list to the file.
- [*] - added ability to send private messages right from the command line without running
- chat. Message will be sent to the all users. Syntax of the command:
- ichat /msg sender_name message
- Name of the computer will be automatically added to the sender name. This is the small
- defense from the users that will like to send a lot of messages without any responsibility.
- Name is cut if result length is more then 45 characters.
- In this case name of the computer will be always shown.
- [*] - added ability to work using TCP/IP and dedicated server.
- 13.01.2001 (1.11b5)
- [+] - icon in System Tray was shown after crush of Explorer even if it was set
- to don't show it there at all.
- [+] - after command /smiles chat began to convert smiles symbols to pictures if
- this options was off.
- [+] - sending messages from command line works for TCP/IP version.
- [+] - fixed problem with private chats in TCP/IP version.
- [+] - sometimes user name was cut to 15 characters. Maximum length is changed to
- 45 characters.
- [*] - name of the user that was set in command line (send message from command line)
- is cut if length with computer name more then 45 characters. Name of the computer
- will be always shown after this operation.
- 17.12.2000 (1.11b4)
- [-] - sending private messages from command line doesn't work for TCP/IP version.
- [*] - added ability to work using TCP/IP and dedicated server.
- 15.12.2000 (1.11b3)
- [+] - after pressing on minimize button chat was minimized but focus wasn't given
- to the previous application.
- [+] - separated windows with chat status was shown sometimes even if it was set to
- don't show it.
- [+] - it was possible to close separated window with chat status by Alt+F4 but after
- this chat began to show exceptions.
- [+] - command /nick and /nextnick didn't add new nickname to the list of the nicknames.
- [*] - copy to the clipboard command didn't copy smiles.
- [*] - added new command /smiles. It shows all available combinations and pictures
- that can be used. Sometimes, for example :P, combination is show twice.
- It means that it's possible to use it on both languages.
- [*] - for the work groups and domains setting were added additional abilities:
- 1. Select from the list of the available groups. Chat tries to get list
- of available work groups and domains. It networks works bad and you can't
- even open Network Neighborhood then chat can stop to response on some time.
- 2. Add range of IP addresses.
- 3. Load list from the file.
- 4. Save list to the file.
- [*] - added ability to send private messages right from the command line without running
- chat. Message will be sent to the all users. Syntax of the command:
- ichat /msg sender_name message
- Name of the computer will be automatically added to the sender name. This is the small
- defense from the users that will like to send a lot of messages without any responsibility.
- In this case name of the computer will be always shown.
- 23.11.2000 (1.11b2)
- [+] - Alt+A (send private message to all) didn't work in the message editor.
- It worked only when list of users was active.
- [+] - chat returns focus to the previous application in such situations:
- 1. Hide using ESC key
- 2. Chat was shown using hotkey.
- 3. Private message is received and it's show in popup window. Then this popup
- window was closed.
- Before in all these cases floating window with chat status became active if
- it was shown. If this window was not shown chat worked right.
- [*] - chat restores icon in system tray after the restaring of explorer after it crash.
- This function supported only when IE4+ with the Desktop Updates is installed.
- In Windows 95 with IE4+ and the desktop updates is not tested.
- I don't have it anywhere here.
- In Windows NT with IE 4.1 but without the Destop Updates doesn't work. In Microsoft
- Documentation they wrote specially about it.
- In Windows 2000 works.
- In Windows 98 it has to work but I don't have ability to test it.
- 12.11.2000 (1.11b1)
- [+] - options dialog was shown not in the center of the screen.
- [+] - if common chat page wasn't active and message in it was received
- icon for it wasn't changed to the ringing phone. For the lines and private
- chats it worked right.
- [+] - system message "Message board updated" sometimes was shown when new user
- was logged in but he doesn't have any messages on the message board.
- [+] - when private chat was created its name were not shown in the list of
- opened chats for the user. Empty node was shown instead of its name.
- [+] - chat state that is shown is floating panel (like in ICQ) sometimes was not
- the same like state that is shown in system tray. Mostly it was the case
- when automatic "I'm away mode" was used. Situations:
- 1. Chat went to the "I'm away mode". Private message was received. Flag was
- shown. Mouse moving changed chat state to the privious mode but flag
- was not shown anymore like it was shown in system tray.
- 2. Private message was received. Flag was shown. Chat automatically went to
- the "I'm away mode". Mouse moving changed chat state to the privious mode
- but flag was not shown anymore like it was shown in system tray.
- 08.10.2000 (1.10)
- [-] - smiles pictures now are in the 256 colors. On some configuration they are
- displayed not transparent and on the some kind of background color.
- If somebody has the same problem write to me. If somebody knows why or have
- some ideas how to fix it write to me.
- [+] - fixed layout problems in options dialog and in popup private message windows
- if large fonts (125% 120 dpi) are used.
- [+] - when editor mode was switched scroller in all windows wasn't set
- to the end of the text.
- [+] - message that contained URL or smile wasn't displayed correctly if
- after this URL or smile was long word that couldn't be displayed to the
- the end of the line. This word was displayed to the end of the line and
- in the next line.
- [+] - /refresh and /who commands didn't work
- [+] - smiles in the popup windows were not displayed
- [+] - it was not possible to add new quick message and then set hot key for it.
- It was possible only when options dialog was opened next time.
- [+] - "Run in the windows startup" didn't work.
- [*] - for message board popup menu added item "Delete own message". This is the
- like send empty message.
- 01.10.2000 (1.09)
- [+] - fixed error in this situation:
- 1. Dialog for enetering in line with password is opened.
- 2. Private message is received and shown in popup window.
- 3. 1 is still opened. Press Reply on received message.
- After this it looks like main window is active. Actually the first
- dialog is active but it was necessary to find it.
- [*] - dialog that displays received private message is changed:
- 1. The same font like in common chat for displaying private messages
- is used for displaying message.
- 2. Scroll bar is shown from the right side.
- 3. It's possible to change side of dialog. Size and position will be
- stored.
- 4. Added button "Ignore". After pressing on it menu with two possible
- ignore types will be shown and you can choose one of them.
- 5. Smile symbols are comverted to the pictures.
- [*] - :mad: is changed to :E
- [*] - added pictures for :-) :B :'( :,( :/ =) =( =-)
- 8) - for :up:
- X( - for :down:
- [*] - added ability to see information about selected user. Before this it was
- possible only to get list of all connected users. Menu item
- "Information ..."
- [*] - added ability to enable/disable automatic conversation smiles to pictures.
- [*] - options dialog is changed:
- 1. Changed editing user names list and work groups/domains list.
- 2. Added ability to choose font for list of users.
- 3. Added ability to choose background color for message window, message
- editor, list of users.
- [*] - help file is updated