16 The following component updates could not be downloaded because the following error occurred : \n%1!s!
17 Connecting to the server. Please wait...
18 Date: %1!s! Page: %2!d!
19 Download Complete.
20 The Operating System running on this computer does not supply the services necessary to run the Easy Update Wizard
21 A connection to the %1!s! server could not be established.
22 The update has been downloaded successfully.\nClick Next when you are ready to continue.
23 Close
24 No update is necessary. You currently have the latest version.
25 Some of the components needed to run Easy Update are not properly installed.
26 Connected to the %1!s! server.
27 Cannot complete request.
28 %1!s! &Web Site
29 %1!s! bytes of %2!s! bytes (%3!d!%%)
30 %s bytes.
31 Easy Update will check the Mijenix server for the latest updates to FreeSpace.
32 \F3\P1\B*Easy Update allows you to automatically update\B1 %1!s!\B* via the Internet. Easy Update connects to the\B1 %2!s!\B* server to get the latest version update for this product.
33 Are you certain that you want to exit Easy Update and cancel the current download?
34 Easy Update is now connecting to the %1!s! server and checking the availability of a new version of %2!s!.
35 Are you certain that you want to exit Easy Update without installing the update(s)?
36 The downloaded file(s) have been placed in "%1!s!".
37 In order to serve you better, it is important to register your copy of %1!s!. You can easily do this now by clicking on the 'Register Online' button below.
38 In order to complete the installation, it will be necessary to restart your computer. Would you like to restart Windows now?
39 Download cancelled.
40 Update Name
41 Current Ver.
42 Update Ver.
43 Size
44 Update Description
45 %1!s! of data have been selected for download. This will take approximately %2!s!.
46 \F3\P1\B1NOTE:\B0 Easy Update will not transmit any information about you or your system during the update process. The transaction is completely private and secure.
47 __________________________________
48 \F3\P1\B*Click Next to have Easy Update connect to the internet and check for the latest versions of the following products:\n
49 Are you certain that you want to exit Easy Update?
50 %1!d! of the updates could not be installed. The following error was reported:
51 All of the updates have been installed successfully. You can now exit Easy Update.
52 The following component(s) : \n\n%1!s!\ncould not be checked for an update because the following error occurred :
53 Checking for a new version of %1!s!. Please Wait ...
54 Thank you for using Easy Update
55 All of the updates have been installed successfully. You can now exit Easy Update by clicking Done.
56 Updates Installed
57 You have the latest software versions. No update is necessary.
58 For the latest, up to date information, please feel free to visit our web-site by clicking on the "Web Site" button below.
59 Estimated time remaining %1!s!.
60 %.1f Second(s)
61 %.1f Minute(s)
62 %.1f Hour(s)
63 The key needed for Easy Update to work correctly has not been set. Please run the "ezsetkey.exe" program included with your Easy Update SDK to set the Easy Update key.
64 Unzipping component. Please Wait...
65 Installing Components. Please Wait...
66 Details for %1!s!
67 \F3\B1\P1Some of the updates selected for install have their own setup programs. You may be prompted with dialogs from these install programs during the setup process. Follow the directions given in these dialogs in order to complete the install.\B0\n\n\n
68 \F3\P1Click \B1Next\B0 to begin installing the updates, or \B1Cancel\B0 if you wish to install the updates manually at a later date.
69 \F3\B1\P1The following components were downloaded successfully :
70 \F3\B1\P1All of the components were downloaded successfully :
71 Started
72 Error
73 No update found
74 New version found
75 \nYou may wish to manually connect to the internet before running Easy Update.\n