108 Add sharware protection & benefits in 5 easy steps with no hassles or bulky code. RedRegistration offers easy installation, only 5 steps, or advanced installation supporting optional User-Level or Machine-Level restrictions.
109 To obtain your Registration code, you must register. \nFor purchase information, select the purchase button.
110 Release v2.0a Build 1818
111 All Rights Reserved. You may freely redistrubute the RedRegistration (tm) development suite as long as all files are included. You may redistrubute RedRegistration.dll ONLY as part of your program, and only if you are a licensed user of RedRegistration (tm). You may not share or otherwise redistribute your registration code for RedRegistration (tm).
112 Bad UserName. Minimum length is 2 characters, and maximum is 254 characters.
113 Bad Company Name. Maximum length is 254 characters.
114 Invalid Registration Code.
115 Invalid Date
116 Invalid value for Number of Run Times.
117 Invalid value for number of users.
118 Your Registration code has expired. Please Register.
119 Call to LoadRegistration, or SaveRegistration with an EMPTY KeyName.