PC World 2001 October
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3D Canvas(tm) 4.22
3D Canvas is a freeware real-time 3D modeling and animation tool
that incorporates a drag-and-drop approach to 3D modeling.
Complex models can be constructed from simple 3D primitives,
or created using 3D Canvas' Object Building Tools.
Creating an animated scene is as simple as positioning
the objects within your scene for each point in time in
your animation. 3D Canvas will ensure that the resulting
animation runs smoothly. No complicated scene timelines
are required. Your animation can be stepped through a
frame at a time, viewed in real-time, or recorded to a
Video (AVI) file so that you can distribute your creation.
Minimum System Requirements
Pentium Processor
Graphics Adapter with high color support
Windows 95/98/2000
DirectX 8
Internet Explorer 4.0 is required to view Help
Graphics adapter with 8MB RAM and 3D hardware acceleration
Unzip the 3DCanvas.zip file using your favourite Unzip program.
In the folder you created, there is a program called Setup.
Run the Setup program by double-clicking it. This begins the
Setup program for 3D Canvas which will prompt you with further
set-up instructions.
Previous users must remember to uninstall the previous
version of 3D Canvas prior to installation of a new version.
Answer yes if asked to the remove shared files.
What's New in 3D Canvas 4.22
Version 4.22 is a maintenance release. There are no
functional changes.
What's New in 3D Canvas 4.21
o) Enhanced Shift Tool
An object's point of rotation can now be moved without
affecting the position of the object.
o) Glowing Lights (3D Canvas Pro - Raytracing only)
Lights rendered with POVRay/MegaPOV .7 can now have a
glow effect.
o) Atmosphere Enhancements (3D Canvas Pro - Raytracing only)
When rendering with POVRay visible light effects can
be enabled without enabling fog.
What's New in 3D Canvas 4.2
o) Weld Operation (3D Canvs Pro only)
Welds object points together.
o) Edge Operation (3D Canvas Pro only)
Creates an edge between two selected points.
o) Trim Operation Enhanced (3D Canvas Pro only)
The Trim operation can now trim edges.
o) Scale Operation Enhanced (3D Canvas Pro only)
The Scale operation can now scale an object to specified
o) Microsoft Train Simulator Export (3D Canvas Pro only)
Exporting to Microsoft Train Simulator format (.s) is now
o) Scripting Enhancement (3D Canvas Pro only)
An object can be added to another object using the new
AddObject method.
What's New in 3D Canvas 4.1
o) Reduce Operation (3D Canvas Pro only)
Reduces the number of faces and points in an object while
maintaining object detail.
o) Particle Operation (3D Canvas Pro only)
Used for creating large numbers of clones of an object. This
can be useful for creating a forest of trees from a single
tree or a plume of smoke from a single smoke particle.
o) Bone export (3D Canvas Pro only)
Bone information can now be exported to the DirectX file format.
o) Bulge Operation (3D Canvas Pro only)
Bulges an object.
o) Auto-repeating animations
Animations can now be set to automatically repeat. This can be
useful for ensuring that a section of an animation is animated
o) Mixed Translucency
Objects can now have faces with varied levels of translucency.
o) Scripting Enhancements (3D Canvas Pro only)
Two new methods have been added. The parent frame of an object
can be found using the GetParentFrame method. The 3D Canvas path
can be found using the GetPath method.
What's new in 3D Canvas 4.04
A maintenance release with a few performance improvements.
What's new in 3D Canvas 4.03
o) Added explicit MegaPOV exporting to the File Menu.
o) Scripting now includes SetName and GetName for objects and frames.
What's new in 3D Canvas 4.02
o) Five new object libraries including more than twenty new primitives
Also note that some infrequently used functions previously in 3D Canvas
have been moved to 3D Canvas Pro. We anticipate that the majority of
3D Canvas users will be unaffected by these changes.
Functions moved to 3D Canvas Pro:
o) Solidify Operation
o) Optimize Operation
o) Scale Operation (Note that scaling is still possible using the Edit Control)
o) Shift Operation (Note that shifting is still possible using the Shift tool)
o) Twist Operation
o) The Surface Tool
o) Rounded Cylindrical and Spherical Bones (Note that Standard Bones are still available)
o) All Export functions with the exception of POVRay (pov) Scenes
and DirectX (x) Objects.
What's new in 3D Canvas 4.0
o) Translucency Maps
A Translucency Map can be applied to an object in the same way
as a texture. This allows you to have an object with varied
o) Multi-texturing
Allows you to mix two textures together to create a new one.
o) Named Colors
In addition to the ability to create your own custom color,
you can now select a color from a large number of predefined
o) Non-Square textures
o) JPG, GIF and PNG textures.
Note that the loading of PNG textures can be slow. PNG textures
have a Translucency channel that 3D Canvas extracts.
POVRay users should note that the POVRay usage of PNG textures
has not been implemented according to the PNG specifications
and will result in inverted translucency (Transparent is Opaque
and Opaque is Transparent).
o) Two-sided faces
Faces are now rendered two sided. There is still the option to
render single-sided faces if you wish. This can be set by selecting
"Options" from the tools menu and selecting the "Device" tab.
o) Invert Operation now Inverts individual faces.
o) Compact Scene Hierarchy
The Scene Hierarchy has been made more compact so that moving
scene components from frame to frame is easier.
o) DirectX Imports
Imports of DirectX files now include the scene hierarchy.
o) Edge editing
The edges of faces can now be selected, moved, rotated and scaled.
o) Hover highlighting
Components/Faces/Edges/Points are now highlighted as you move the
cursor over them. Clicking the left mouse button will select
whatever is highlighted. It is no longer necessary to exactly
click on a "point handle".
o) Deform Tool Enhancement
The deform tool now highlights the portion of the object that will
be deformed.
o) Face Scaling
Faces can now be scaled unequally. Equal scaling in all directions
is no longer required.
o) Arbitrary Point Selection
Arbitrary points can now be selected. It is no longer necessary to
select a face to expose its point handles.
o) Group Selection
The Group Selection tool now selects points as well as faces. The
default mode is point selection. Using the tool with the Shift key
held down selects faces. To select points or faces within the
selection rectangle that are not visible, click the Alt-key while
o) Enhanced Key-Frame handling
Right-clicking on the Key-Frame Move/Copy buttons on the Animation
Toolbar now permits the selection of the destination key-frame for
the move/copy.
o) Constrain options now applies to face/edge/point scaling.
o) Tracking Improvements
Tracking can be cancelled by tracking the scene grid.
o) Exports
a) Exports now provide greater levels of precision.
b) POVRay exports now include comments so that you can more easily
determine which 3D Canvas scene objects translate into what
POVRay objects.
o) Grouping
a) Objects may now be grouped using the new Group operation. This
works much like a merge operation except the two objects are
moved to the same frame rather than being merged.
b) Objects may now be ungrouped by right-clicking on the object
and selecting "Ungroup". This will move the object to its own
frame at the base level of the scene hierarchy.
o) Reduced Resources
When 3D Canvas is inactive it now uses considerably less
system resources.
o) Improved Specular Highlighting
What's new in 3D Canvas Pro 4.0
o) Scripting
3D Canvas now supports the Microsoft Windows Script Host. This
provides scripting within 3D Canvas using JScript (JavaScript) and
Users now have the ability to write scripts to create objects,
animate lighting, export scene information etc.
Documentation of the 3D Canvas API will be available in the near
Three example scripts have been provided to give a preview of this
feature. You can try them by selecting "Run Script" from the Tools
Scene components can also have animation scripts attached to them.
This is done by right-clicking on a component and selecting "Open
Component Script" or "Open Frame Script"
For more information on JScript and VBScript visit:
o) Post Rendering effects using Photoshop Filters
Snapshots and Videos can now have post rendering effects applied to
them using Photoshop filters.
Unfortunately many Photoshop filters are not scriptable so they can
only be applied using their default settings. Scriptable plugins
are indicated by a ">"
o) Motion Blur
Recorded videos can now include motion blur.
o) Radiosity Lighting (Raytraced rendering only)
This is a file property that can be set by selecting
"File Properties" from the "File" menu.
o) Atmospheric Effects (Raytraced rendering only)
This simulates the effect of light reflecting off of particles
in the air. It is useful for producing "visible light" such as
Spotlights in fog.
This is a file property that can be set by selecting
"File Properties" from the "File" menu.
o) Material Brilliance (Raytraced rendering only)
The Material Palette's "Raytracing Material Attributes" allow
you to specify the brilliance an object. This is useful for
increasing the brilliance of metallic materials.
o) Material Reflection (Raytraced rendering only)
The Material Palette's "Raytracing Material Attributes" allow
you to specify how reflective an object is.
o) Material Patterns (Raytraced rendering only)
The Material Palette's "Raytracing Material Attributes" allow
you to specify a pattern on the object including Bumps, Dents,
Ripples and Wrinkles.
o) Material Iridescence (Raytraced rendering only)
The Material Palette's "Raytracing Material Attributes" allow
you to specify that an object has an iridescent appearance.
o) Material Roughness (Raytraced rendering only)
The Material Palette's "Raytracing Material Attributes" allow
you to specify a specular highlighting refinement that adjusts
the size of the specular highlight.
o) Material Metallic (Raytraced rendering only)
The Material Palette's "Raytracing Material Attributes" allow
you specify a specular highlighting refinement that indicates
that the material should be made to look metallic.
o) Refraction (Raytraced rendering only)
The amount that an object refracts light can be specified. This
is set by right-clicking on an object and selecting "Properties"
o) Focal Blur (Raytraced rendering only)
Snapshots and Animations can be set to simulate focal blur/depth
of field blur as would be seen with a real camera. This is set by
right-clicking on the animation camera and selecting "Properties".
o) Divide Operation enhancements
a) The Divide operation can now divide edges as well as faces.
b) The Divide operation now has less effect on surrounding faces.
What's new in 3D Canvas 3.32
o) In the case of a system crash, unsaved work can usually be recovered.
This is done automatically the next time 3D Canvas is run.
o) Model importing and exporting is now faster and in most cases preserves
color information.
o) Increased hardware compatibility.
o) Improved support for the numbering systems of non-English speaking regions.
o) New options for the Scale and Shift operations.
What's new in 3D Canvas 3.3a
o) Export of DirectX Frame Hierarchies
What's new in 3D Canvas 3.3
o) The Surface Object Building Tool has been extensively revised to support:
NURBS surfaces
Surface merging
Surface cloning
Surface division
Individual surface scaling, shifting and rotating
Display of control point cages
Also, the Mirror function has improved to mirror an entire object in one step.
o) Support for B-Spline Curves in all Object Building Tools and Operations
o) Refined and simplified Navigation Control and Edit Control
o) Quick access to Texture, Material and Object Libraries
What's new in 3D Canvas 3.2
o) 3D Canvas is now freeware
o) The Animation Camera can now be set to track the movement
of an object
o) A bone's range of effect can now vary over the length
of the bone
o) The Merge Operation has been improved to retain material
o) Exporting and Importing have been improved
o) Animation Key-Frame Ghosting has been added
o) Inverse Kinematics now display range of movement constraints
o) Inverse Kinematics Joints can be set to a fixed position
o) The Crease Operation has been improved to produce sharper creases and more consistent smoothness
o) Roll-up groups are now more compact
What's new in 3D Canvas 3.1a
o) improved support for NVIDIA based video cards
What's new in 3D Canvas 3.1
o) Skeletal Animation
o) Inverse Kinematics
What's new in 3D Canvas 3.0c
o) Improved POV-Ray export function
What's new in 3D Canvas 3.0b
o) More configuration options for the Construction Panels.
(Material Panel, Component Panel, Operation Panel
and Hierarchy Panel)
o) Faster and more accurate importing of 3DS, DXF and COB
What's new in 3D Canvas 3.0/3.0a
o) 3D True Type Fonts
o) Plug-ins
o) Animated Object Deformations. Virtually any operation applied
to an object can be animated.
o) Embedded Objects. Double-clicking an object opens its source
which can then be altered.
o) Compound-Object selection. Groups of objects can be selected
as though they were a single object, then scaled, added to an
object library, copied to the clipboard etc.
o) Animation Time Line
o) Animation Time Frame Shifting and Scaling
o) Continuously Repeating Animated Objects
o) Trim Operation
o) Tip Operation
o) Point Split Operation
o) Shear Operation
o) Burst Operation
o) Swirl Operation
o) Flatten Operation
o) Extrude/Bevel Operation
o) Material Sampling Tool (Eye Dropper) copies the sampled
material to the Material Palette.
o) Custom sizes for Videos and Snapshots
o) Simulated Shadows
o) Texture Cropping
o) Object Duplication
o) Easier selection of multiple faces and points
o) Multiple face painting with the Paint Tool
o) Rotation of Faces with the Edit Control
o) Scaling of Faces with the Edit Control
o) The viewing camera can be selected on a view by view basis.
o) Chrome texture wrapping
o) Camera relative texture wrapping
o) Bend, Taper and Twist operation now support custom effect
o) Animation Camera Field of View
o) Object Blend Tool
o) Object Bridge Tool
o) Object Merge Tool
o) Ability to Hide objects from view while modelling
What's New in 3D Canvas 2.0 Revision 1
o) Improved Support for 4MB video cards.
o) Undo/Redo for animations.
o) Import/Export of 3D Canvas Scenes in POVRay Format.
What's New in 3D Canvas 2.0
o) New Highly Customizable Interface
All toolbars and panels can now be hidden if desired.
Three new view configurations have been added.
View projections and orientation can be selected on
a view by view basis by right clicking on the view and
selecting an alternative from the pop-up menu.
Dividers between view panels can now be dragged to
adjust the size of each individual view.
o) Animation sub-paths are now provided which permit mixing
of Spline and Linear object movement within one animation
o) Pauses within animations paths are now available. Adding
a pause is as simple as clicking on the Add Pause button.
o) The new Crease Tool allows you to increase or decrease the
amount of creasing visible on objects.
o) Animation key-frame ranges can now be played and recorded
by shift-selecting a range on the animation slider.
o) The Group Selection Tool may now select either forward
facing faces or all faces within the selection rectangle.
o) The range of effect for the Deform Tool can now be set.
o) The Divide Smooth Tool can now be configured to smooth
all edges, or selected edges based on a condition.
o) The extrude amount can now be set for the Face Extrude
o) Undo/Redo are now available for Object Building Tools.
o) Animations can now be previewed through the through Layout
o) A new Status Bar provides feedback on the the progress of
operations by indicating how much an object has been moved,
scaled or rotated.
o) The time position within an Animation can now be directly
o) Performance of the Surface Building Tool has been dramatically
o) Enhanced support for 800x600 mode. Toolbars have been
re-configured to work better in 800x600 mode.
o) Memory requirements have been reduced.
Known Issues
An up to date list of known issues is available at
Email support is available at support@amabilis.com
For the latest information on 3D Canvas(tm) see www.amabilis.com.
Copyright (c) 2001 Amabilis