PC World 2001 October
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ct you can also set a velocity and
acceleration for the effect. So, for example you could have a particle be scaled a small
amount when it is first created, but as the animation runs the particle could get larger
and the rate of which it gets larger could increase.</p>
<p>The <strong>Generation Duration</strong> is the length of time (in key-frames) during
which particles are generated. You can also specify a <strong>Life Span</strong> which is
the length of time that the particle lives. Note that this is a range so that particles
disappear at varying times.</p>
<p>Particles can be generated using two different methods. The particles can be emitted,
which means that they are dropped along the path of the animation, or they can follow the
animation path of the particle's frame. Emitted particles are particularly useful for
smoke trails that are emitted from an object.</p>
<p>Animating particles can be very slow, so it is important to remember to use as few
particles as possible when designing the particle effect and then increase the number of
particles for the final rendering.<!--mstheme--></font></td>
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<title>Using the Reduce Operation</title>
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<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, arial, helvetica"><h4>Using the Reduce Operation</h4>
<p><img src="../images/Operation-Reduce-A.gif" alt="Operation-Reduce-A.gif (10875 bytes)" WIDTH="209" HEIGHT="235"></p>
<p>Reduces the number of faces and points in an object while maintaining object detail.</p>
<p>Move the slider to adjust the number of faces and points in the object. The slider is
in 1% increments with the rightmost location being 100%. 100% means keep all of the
object's points. Adjusting the slider to the 50% mark will reduce the number of points by
half. Adjusting the slider to the 0% mark removes all points that can be removed while
retaining the basic shape of the object.</p>
<p><img src="../images/Button-WireframeSmall.gif" alt="Button-WireframeSmall.gif (934 bytes)" WIDTH="21" HEIGHT="21"> display the object in wireframe.<!--mstheme--></font></td>
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<title>BioVision Hierarchy Import Options</title>
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<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#000080" vlink="#000080" alink="#008080"><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, arial, helvetica">
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<td><!--mstheme--><font face="arial, arial, helvetica"><h4>BioVision Hierarchy Import Options (Available with <a href="registration.htm">3D
Canvas Pro</a>)</h4>
<p>The BioVision Hierarchy (bvh) file format is used to store animation information that
was created using motion capture. It provides information such as the length of each limb
of the person/animal who's motion was captured. It does not describe the appearance of the
person/animal itself. This information is used by 3D Canvas to create a skeleton.</p>
<p>In addition to creating a skeleton, 3D Canvas also creates a pedestal for the imported
skeleton. This is simply a flattened cube that indicates the start position of the
animation sequence. You can reposition and reorient this pedestal to reposition and
reorient the animation for your scene. Once you have your scene as you would like it, you
can delete the pedestal.</p>
<p>You can choose the start time for the imported animation sequence by entering animation
mode and selecting an initial frame with the animati