StandardTransparent>Returns/sets a value that determines how the Toolbar is drawn.JReturns a reference to a Button object's collection of ButtonMenu objects.ToolBar ButtonMenus.Returns the number of objects in a collection.NReturns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.,Removes a specific member from a collection.$Removes all objects in a collection.cAdds a ButtonMenu object to a ButtonMenus collection and returns a reference to the created object.ToolBar ButtonMenudReturns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.KReturns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.<Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.EReturns/sets a reference to the parent Button of a ButtonMenu object..Stores any extra data needed for your program.