dOccurs when you press and release a mouse button and then press and release it again over an object.Treeview Nodes collection.Returns the number of objects in a collection.WAdds a Node object to a Nodes collection and returns a reference to the created object.$Removes all objects in a collection.LReturns a specific item of a Collection object either by position or by key.,Removes a specific member from a collection.AAn object in a TreeView control that can contain images and text.8Returns a reference to the first child of a Node object.4Returns the number of child nodes a Node object has.BReturns/sets a value which specifies if a Node object is expanded.aReturns/sets the Index or Key of an image in an ImageList control used when the Node is expanded.BReturns a reference to the first Node object in a hierarchy level.2Returns the fully qualified name of a Node object.?Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used.KReturns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.