$Returns/sets the width of an object.%Returns/sets the height of an object.gReturns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container.iReturns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.$Returns/sets the value of an object.Returns/sets the button stylemReturns/sets the description displayed when the user clicks a Button object during a customization operation.?Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used.?Returns/sets the index or key of a ListImage object to be used.cReturns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects.IReturns/sets a value which determines if users can customize the Toolbar.HReturns a reference to a Toolbar control's collection of Button objects.dReturns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.&Returns a handle to a form or control.Sets a custom mouse icon.MReturns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.