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- # ImageMagick delegates for Windows NT. The format is as follows. Each
- # delegate begins with a tag and/or format separated by a operator tag
- # (<=, <=>, =>). This line must be followed by one or more commands
- # preceded with a tab (\t) character. If a command exceeds the length of
- # a line, use the backslash continuation character. End the command with
- # an ampersand (&) to execute the command in the background.
- #
- # Optionally you can include the image filename, type, width, height, or
- # other image attributes by embedding special format characters:
- #
- # %b file size
- # %d directory
- # %e filename extention
- # %f filename
- # %h height
- # %i input filename
- # %l label
- # %m magick
- # %n number of scenes
- # %o output filename
- # %p page number
- # %q quantum depth
- # %s scene number
- # %t top of filename
- # %u unique temporary filename
- # %w width
- # %x x resolution
- # %y y resolution
- # %z data written to this file is discarded
- #
- # There are three types of delegates: decode, encode, and bypass. Decode
- # delegates begin with a image format (tag) specified (e.g. mpeg) followed
- # with a equal-greater sign (=>). The delegate is invoked whenever ImageMagick
- # attempts to read an image whose format specifier or filename extension
- # matches the tag (e.g. image.mpg for tag mpg=>). The delegate must
- # write an image to the file designated by %o in an image format that
- # ImageMagick understands (e.g. pnm).
- #
- # An encode delegate begins with an image format, a less-equal sign (<=),
- # and a tag. The delegate is invoked whenever ImageMagick attempts to
- # write an image whose format specifier or filename extension matches the
- # tag (e.g. image.mpg for tag <=mpg). ImageMagick writes to a temporary
- # file in the format you specify. The delegate can then read this file
- # and convert it to a format it supports and presumably ImageMagick does
- # not.
- #
- # If you use a less-equal-greater sign (<=>) the delegate bypasses
- # ImageMagick and directly converts the image file (this assumes you do not
- # apply any image transforms such as sizing or rotation).
- #
- # Lines that begin with a pound sign (#) are comments and are ignored.
- #
- # There are a number of delegates used by ImageMagick for special
- # circumstances. For example, the print or Ghostscript delegate. Don't
- # remove these or ImageMagick may behave strangely.
- #
- # ImageMagick looks for the delegate configurarion file in this order:
- #
- # c:\ImageMagick\delegates.mgk
- # MAGICK_DELEGATE_PATH\delegates.mgk
- # delegates.mgk
- #
- # where MAGICK_DELEGATE_PATH is an environment variable.
- #
- # Like entries in the later two directory overrides the specification in
- # the system-wide delegates file.
- #
- #
- <=bzip
- |bzip2 -f > %o
- <=compress
- |compress -c > %o
- <=show
- display -immutable -window_group %g -title "%l of %f" tmp:%o &
- <=zip
- |gzip -cf > %o
- bmp<=launch
- c:/program files/accessories/mspaint %i.
- bmp<=win
- c:/program files/accessories/mspaint %i.
- browse=>
- cmd /C start http://www.wizards.dupont.com/cristy/ImageMagick.html &
- bzip=>
- |bzip2 -cd %i
- cgm=>
- ralcgm -d ps %i %o %u
- convert -concatenate %o*.ps %o
- compress=>
- |uncompress -c %i
- dvi=>
- dvips -q -o %o %i
- edit=>
- notepad %o
- eps<=>pdf
- gswin32c -dMaxBitmap=300000000 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER \
- -sOutputFile="%o" -- "%i" -c quit
- eps<=>ps
- gswin32c -dMaxBitmap=300000000 -sDEVICE=pswrite -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER \
- -sOutputFile="%o" -- "%i" -c quit
- file=>
- wget --quiet --output-document=%o %m:%i
- fig=>
- fig2dev -L ps %i %o
- ftp=>
- wget --quiet --output-document=%o %m:%i
- # Gnuplot format (rendered as Postscript)
- # Add additional gnuplot commands to the input file to adjust output.
- gplt=>
- echo "set size 1.25,0.62; set terminal postscript portrait color solid; set output '%o'; load '%i'" > %u
- gnuplot %u
- gs-color=>
- gswin32c -dMaxBitmap=300000000 -sDEVICE=pnmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER \
- -dTextAlphaBits=%u -dGraphicsAlphaBits=%u -g%s -r%s %s \
- -sOutputFile="%s" -- "%s" -c quit
- gs-mono=>
- gswin32c -dMaxBitmap=300000000 -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER \
- -dTextAlphaBits=%u -dGraphicsAlphaBits=%u -g%s -r%s %s \
- -sOutputFile="%s" -- "%s" -c quit
- hpgl=>
- hp2xx -q -m eps -f %i %o
- htm=>
- html2ps -o %o %i
- html=>
- html2ps -o %o %i
- http=>
- wget --quiet --output-document=%o %m:%i
- mpg=>
- mpeg2decode -q -b %i -f -r -o3 %o%%05d
- convert -concatenate %o*.ppm %o
- m2v=>
- mpeg2decode -q -b %i -f -r -o3 %o%%05d
- convert -concatenate %o*.ppm %o
- pcl<=print
- print %i
- pdf<=>eps
- gswin32c -dMaxBitmap=300000000 -sDEVICE=epswrite -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER \
- -sOutputFile="%o" -- "%i" -c quit
- pdf<=>ps
- gswin32c -dMaxBitmap=300000000 -sDEVICE=pswrite -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER \
- -sOutputFile="%o" -- "%i" -c quit
- pgp=>
- pgpv -fq %i
- pov=>
- povray +i%i +o%o +fn%q +w%w +h%h +a -q9 -kfi%s -kff%n
- convert -concatenate %o*.png %o
- ps<=>eps
- gswin32c -dMaxBitmap=300000000 -sDEVICE=epswrite -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER \
- -sOutputFile="%o" -- "%i" -c quit
- ps<=>pdf
- gswin32c -dMaxBitmap=300000000 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER \
- -sOutputFile="%o" -- "%i" -c quit
- rad=>
- ra_ppm -g 1.0 %i %o
- rgba<=rle
- mogrify -flip -size %wx%h rgba:%i
- rawtorle -w %w -h %h -n 4 -o %o %i
- scan=>
- scanimage -d %i > %o
- shtml=>
- html2ps -o %o %i
- txt<=>ps
- enscript -o %o %i
- wmf=>
- wmftogif %i %o
- yuv<=m2v
- mpeg2encode %u %o
- convert -concatenate %i*.yuv %u
- yuv<=mpg
- mpeg2encode %u %o
- convert -concatenate %i*.yuv %u
- zip=>
- |gzip -cdfq %i