We trust that you have had a fair chance to assess the usefulness of this software.
You are probably seeing this message because your evaluation license has expired. If you're unsure precisely what that means, then please read on.
The following Stella 2000 features will become active again as soon as you have ordered:
* Popup menu
* Saved personal settings
* Search
* Report
* Viewbar
* Observing log
* Observing list
* Live Ephemeris
* Encyclopedia Astronomica
* Sky Quiz
* TimeLine (Stella BC)
* Full complement of stars
* Messier and NGC
This expired version will permit navigation of the sky via keypress alone (see Keys under Help menu). To set your approximate location, access the World Map with key [l].
This Coeli product is not free software: it is what is known as Shareware, or 'try before you buy' software. Two things distinguish it from the Astronomy titles you pay for across the counter of your local software store: the method of distribution and the burden of trust we place on you the user.
We trust you to purchase this program if you like it enough to use it as far as you have; that is, up to the limit allowed for a fair assessment of its capabilities. This limit is stated clearly in your license agreement, but broadly speaking is based on either a time or session limit, whichever comes sooner.
Those who do buy our Coeli product are already in love with it. There is none of that uncertainty which haunts the purchase of conventionally marketed software.
The growing percentage of trial users who decide to order are valued beyond price. We try to let you know it by a level of personal service and support unknown in other areas of the software industry. In this dedication to service, shareware is unique. You can become part of it.