Odigo is a cross-platform instant messenger that allows users to connect with users of ICQ, and AOL and Yahoo messengers. (It takes only a minute to import your buddy list from AIM, Yahoo Messenger, or ICQ.) Odigo offers many unique, advanced real-time communication and navigation features, including dynamic buddy lists, voice messaging, content channels, wireless connectivity, e-mail alerts, chat-on-page, co-surfing, offline messaging, message history archives, visibility filters, Web site note posting, and more.
Odigo users can search for other users based on common interests, age, geographical location, zodiac sign, or even favorite Web sites. Odigo users can also connect with their online buddies using advanced features such as the Popular Pages directory and the People Finder. And you can take Odigo with you using Odigo Express, which connects you to Odigo from any computer without a download, and Odigo Mobile which lets you connect to Odigo from any WAP-enabled phone.
The latest version adds some new features including auto update, enhanced cross-platform compatibility, updated language capabilities, additional privacy features, improved stability, and an auto disconnect feature that closes an open instance of Odigo if you access the program from another source such as a WAP enabled device.
Note: This program features a Smart Download installer tool. After downloading a 59K installer file, you will be prompted to choose the appropriate language and download plug-ins for ICQ, Yahoo, and AIM interoperability.
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89% 11% (3593 votes)
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"Good Stuff... Great Interface..."
The following is my 4 steps on how Odigo was made (presumably). Step 1 - Get ICQ. Step 2 - Get rid of all the useless features. Step 3 - Make it load faster. Step 4 - Give it a nice pretty interface, and you have Odigo!
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Quick facts
Company: Odigo Inc.
Version: 3.1
Date added: July 11, 2001
File size: 59.5K
Approx. download time: less than 1 min. at 56 kbps; Clock this download
Downloads: 1,317,913
License: Free
Minimum requirements: Windows (all), Internet Explorer 4.x, Netscape 4.x, or NeoPlanet 2.x/5.x