179 Closing this window will end your session. Are you sure you wish to quit?
180 www.aol.com/buddies
181 www.aim.aol.com/cgi-bin/bugs.cgi
182 aim95.hlp
183 You currently have %lu buddies, which exceeds the maximum of %lu.\n\nNot all buddies online can be displayed until you remove some from your list.
184 No more buddies can be added to your Buddy List.\n\nThe maximum number of buddies accepted is %lu.
185 Enabling that group would increase the size of your Buddy List to %lu names.\n\nThe maximum Buddy List size is %lu names.
186 %s is offline.
187 Description: %s\n
188 <none>
189 ,
190 The application "
191 Send Instant\nMessage
192 Send Chat\nInvitation
193 Service: %s\n
194 Warnings: %u%%\n
195 Online time: %s\n
196 Idle time: %s\n
197 Active.\n
198 %u minute
199 %u minutes
200 %u hour
201 %u hours
202 &day
203 %u days
204 ,
205 on
206 off
207 %s signed %s %s on %s
208 <HTML><A HREF="%s">
209 </A></HTML>
210 http://www.aol.com
211 You didn't enter a screen name.\n\nPlease correct or delete the highlighted item.
212 You didn't enter a group name.\n\nPlease correct or delete the highlighted item.
213 A screen name in your list is too short or contains invalid characters.\n\nPlease correct or delete the highlighted item.
214 A screen name in your list was entered as an e-mail address. Would you like to look up the screen name for that e-mail address?
215 The same screen name appears more than once in a group.\n\nPlease correct or delete the highlighted item.
216 %s already exists in group '%s'.
217 Couldn't import buddy '%s' because your list is full.
218 You have created a group with the same name as an existing group.\n\nPlease rename the highlighted item.
219 Arial
220 Entering Buddy
221 Online Buddy
222 Departing Buddy
223 Connect to &Talk
224 The time you specified for graying idle users is invalid.\nThe value has been set to the default of %u minutes.
225 Offline
226 1. Connecting...
227 2. Verifying name and password...
228 3. Starting services...
229 Online
230 Click OK to exit or Cancel to return to the sign on screen.
231 S&etup
232 &Sign On
233 &Help
234 Exit
235 &Sign On...
236 Signon As...
237 &Sign Off
238 Are you sure you want to delete the Screen Name %s?\n(Note: this only affects your local machine)\nClick Yes to delete the Screen Name or No to continue.\n
247 You cannot add another name to this list.\n\nThis list is limited to %u names.
248 Privacy Preferences
249 The screen name '%s' is invalid.\n\nPlease correct it or delete it.
250 You entered an e-mail address (%s) instead of a screen name.\n\nPlease enter the correct screen name or delete this item.
251 You didn't enter a screen name.\n\nPlease correct or delete the item.
252 The screen name '%s' is already in the list.\n\nPlease delete the duplicate item.
253 Couldn't add '%s' to your allow list because the list is full.
254 Couldn't add '%s' to your block list because the list is full.
255 AOL Instant Messenger (SM)
256 There isn't enough memory available to continue.\n\nClose one or more applications and select 'Retry' below.
257 (Line %lu) %s
258 Alert When
259 %s could not obtain a timer resource that it needs to perform the action you requested.\n\nPlease close one or more applications and select 'Retry' below.
260 There isn't enough disk space available to continue.\n\nPlease delete one or more unneeded files and select 'Retry' below.
261 %u minute
262 %u minutes
263 %u hour
264 %u hours
265 %u day
266 %u days
267 ,
268 Inf&o
269 Your nickdb.dat was found to be corrupted.\n%s has backed-up this file to\n%s\nand is starting a new one.\n\nIn most cases you do not need to do anything else.\nPlease inform us of this happening via a bug report.
270 Edit &User Info...
271 Send &Instant Message...
272 Get Member Inf&o...
273 &Preferences...
274 E&xit
275 Show &Buddy List...
276 Load Buddy List...
277 Save Buddy List...
278 Sound Preferences
279 Cancel
280 Apply
281 <title>Default Away Message</title>I am away from my computer right now.
282 New Message...
283 More
284 AOL Instant Messenger (SM) Preferences
285 Text Color
286 Background Color
287 Smaller Font
288 Normal Font
289 Larger Font
290 Bold
291 Italic
292 Underline
293 Create Hyperlink
294 Class:
295 Warning Level:
296 Idle:
298 Online time:
299 Member Since:
300 Transient
301 Admin
302 AOL
303 Oscar
304 Oscar Free
305 Not Available
306 AM
307 PM
308 Times New Roman
309 System
310 &Text From File... F9
311 &Picture Or Sound... F10
312 &Horizontal Rule Ctrl+H
313 Record &Sound... F12
314 Hyper&link... Ctrl+L
315 Show Hyper&link...
316 Edit Hyper&link...
317 Siz&e Picture...
318 Sa&ve Picture...
319 Sa&ve Sound...
320 &Normal Ctrl+N
321 &Bold Ctrl+B
322 &Italic Ctrl+I
323 &Underline Ctrl+U
324 Monospaced &Text Ctrl+T
325 Su&perscript
326 &Subscript
327 &6
328 &8
329 1&0
330 1&2
331 1&4
332 &18
333 &24
334 &38
335 &Style
336 Si&ze
337 &Color
338 &Insert
339 &Smiley
340 :-) Smiling Ctrl+1 :)
341 :-( Frowning Ctrl+2 :(
342 ;-) Winking Ctrl+3 ;)
343 :-P Sticking-out-tongue Ctrl+4
344 Black
345 Maroon
346 Green
347 Olive
348 Navy
349 Purple
350 Teal
351 Gray
352 Silver
353 Red
354 Lime
355 Yellow
356 Blue
357 Fuchsia
358 Aqua
359 White
360 Text C&olor...
361 Text &Background Color...
362 &Window Color...
363 &Undo Ctrl+Z
364 Cu&t Ctrl+X
365 &Copy Ctrl+C
366 &Paste Ctrl+V
367 Pa&ste Picture
368 &Delete Del
369 Select &All Ctrl+A
370 &Find... F5
371 Find A&gain F3
372 P&rint... F4
373 Pri&nt Setup... Shift+F4
374 Clear &Window
375 Sa&ve Window...
376 &Open Window...
377 &Set Mark F7
378 Goto &Mark F8
379 Get Outp&ut Size
380 Page %d
381 Output size is %ld bytes
382 Output size
383 All Files|*.*|
384 Open File to Insert
385 Graphic and Audio Files|*.gif;*.jpg;*.bmp;*.ico;*.xbm;*.wav;*.au;*.snd;*.mid;*.mp3|Graphic Files|*.gif;*.jpg;*.bmp;*.ico;*.xbm|Audio Files|*.wav;*.au;*.snd;*.mid;*.mp3|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
386 Open Image or Sound File to Insert
387 (*%s) |*%s|All Files (*.*) |*.*||
388 Save File
389 AOL Rich Text Format(*.htm)|*.htm|Text Only(*.*)|*.*|
390 Save Text to File
391 AOL Rich Text Format|*.htm|All Files|*.*|
392 Open File in Separate Window
393 Hyperlink URL: \n%s
394 Stop P&lay
395 Pla&y
396 Are you sure you want to clear all the content from this window?
397 Clear Window?
398 Do you wish to save the modifications?
399 Modified File
400 This edit cannot be undone!
401 Ran out of memory
402 Fatal Error
403 The value is out of the allowed range. Please re-enter
404 Maximum Number of Lines Exceeded!
405 Invalid Page Width, Margins, or Column Specifications!
406 Line Too Long
407 You are low on system resources. Please\nclose some programs in order to continue.
408 Unable to create a font: %s, Point Size: %d
409 Unable to select a font
410 Tried to delete protected text
411 Tried to copy protected text
412 Clipboard in use by another application
413 Clipboard does not contain suitable data
414 Ran out of memory for Clipboard data
415 Cannot open the file
416 Error in reading the file
417 Error creating picture: you are low on system resources.\nPlease close some programs in order to continue.
418 Cannot initialize printing
419 Text not found
420 Must Enter a Valid Number
421 Software error in positioning cursor.
422 Ran out of resources in allocating a Display Context; please free up memory and re-run program
423 Ran out of Font resources for this window; new fonts may not look as intended
424 Ran out of memory; please free up memory and re-run program
425 Unable to get text metric for a font; please free up memory and re-run program
426 Unable to load the accelerator tables; please free up memory and re-run program
427 Unable to create the pens; please free up memory and re-run program
428 Could not lock input buffer
429 Invalid section data encountered
430 The Paste content is too big by %ld character(s).\nThe limit is %ld characters (including markup).
431 You must enter the Hyperlink URL
432 You must enter both the Hyperlink URL and the Hyperlink Text
433 A message has been received with characters\nthat cannot be displayed with this system's fonts,\nand instead are displayed with an empty rectangle.
434 The text has characters that cannot be\ndisplayed with this system's fonts, and instead\nare displayed with substitute characters.
435 Your password has been successfully changed.
436 Your new passwords do not match.
437 The password you entered does not have a valid length.
438 Enter your old password and try again.
439 The password you entered is invalid.
440 Unknown error. Try again later.
441 Your request cannot be processed.
442 Your new password is invalid.
443 Your screen name has been successfully changed.
444 Changing password...
445 Changing screen name...
446 Your request cannot be processed.
447 The screen name you entered is not valid.
448 The screen name you entered does not have a valid length.
449 You have recently been confirmed as a registered user.
450 A request to confirm your account has been submitted. Shortly a confirmation e-mail message will be sent to you. In order to complete account confirmation, you must reply as instructed by the e-mail message.
451 You have no e-mail address on file.
452 Submitting request for account confirmation...
453 A request to confirm your account has been submitted. Shortly, a confirmation e-mail message will be sent to you. In order to complete account confirmation, you must reply as instructed by the e-mail message.
454 You must specify an e-mail address.
455 Your e-mail address contains an invalid domain name.
456 Your request to update your e-mail address cannot be processed.
457 That information cannot be changed at the moment since there is a pending change.
458 Submitting e-mail change request.
459 A request to change your e-mail has been submitted. The change will occur 72 hours after you correctly reply to the confirmation e-mail that you will receive shortly at your new e-mail address.
460 The e-mail address you entered is not valid. It may be too long or contain an invalid character.
461 The e-mail address you entered does not have a valid length.
462 requesting...
463 Your request to update your e-mail address cannot be processed.
472 You disabled the merge option.\n\nAre you sure you want to replace your existing settings with the settings from this file?
473 %s
474 Merge with my existing
475 AOL Instant Messenger.ConfigFile
476 AIMConfigFile
477 &More Info
478 Cancel
479 AIM
480 Cannot start browser
481 Cannot start Mail application
482 Cannot start AOL
483 %s; low on memory
484 %s; program not found
485 %s; system error %d.
486 %s; no browser defined
487 Executable Files (*.exe)
488 Choose Web Browser
489 Choose Mail Application
490 %s; non-executable file
491 %s; missing or corrupt DLL
492 %s; 32-bit system required
493 Browser has no DDE service
494 You must set the alternate Web browser path
495 You must set the alternate e-mail program path
496 Choose AOL Program
497 This URL contains characters that could pose a security risk.\nIf you are sure the URL is safe, you must launch the browser to open the URL.
498 This is not a supported URL.
499 Find Another User
500 Send an Instant Message
501 Options
502 Find Text
503 Warn Another User
504 To:
505 %s's Warning Level: %d%%
506 &Send
507 &Close
508 &Warn
509 Bloc&k
510 Add &Buddy
511 &Help
512 Instant Message
513 Added in Instant Message window
514 IM between %s and %s on %s
515 %s - %s
516 Instant Message received on %s from %s
517 Instant Message
518 recent IM ScreenNames
519 *** I am gone now. Please leave a message and I will see it when I get back. ***
520 Text Composition and Viewing Settings
521 Auto response from %s
522 Previous message was not received by %s because of error
523 %s is inviting you to rendezvous with an unsupported service
524 %s is inviting you to rendezvous with an unsupported service
525 Please enter the screen name of the person you would like to send the message to.
526 %s's warning level has been increased to %d%%.
527 Warning of '%s' not allowed.
528 Warning of '%s' failed.\nError: %s
529 Add '%s' to your Block List?\n\nYou cannot communicate with users while they are on your Block List.
530 %d messages from %s\n Reason: %s
531 the sender's msg was too large
532 sender exceeded the receiver's rate limit
533 Message rejected because sender's\nWarning level is too high.
534 Message rejected because receiver's\nWarning level is too high.
535 unknown
536 Click the Warn button below to send a warning to %s. This will raise %s's warning level and limit his or her activity when using AOL Instant Messenger. Do this only if %s has done something to merit a warning.
537 IM Error
538 Information
539 Unexpected number of bytes received.
540 Internal buffer size error.
541 Unable to send Warning request.
542 You must be logged in in order to send a message.
543 Error code %d received from server.
544 Unknown error code received from server.
545 User <B>%s</B> is not available.
546 An error was reported in response to the message sent to <B>%s</B>.\nError code: %d
547 The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit.\nPlease wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again.
548 You are over the rate limit.\nPlease wait until warning is re-enabled.
549 The message is too long.\nThe limit is %ld characters. You have entered\n%d characters (including any unseen HTML\nmarkup).
550 AOL Instant Messenger(SM) cannot send this message because you have blocked the recipient. You can change this setting on the Privacy tab of the Preferences dialog.
551 The screen name '%s' is not valid.
552 Your buddy is using an AOL client (most likely Mac AOL v2.5) that cannot receive messages from AOL Instant Messenger. Your buddy can upgrade to a newer client to receive messages from AIM.
553 &OK
554 C&lose
555 C&ancel
556 &IM
557 Add &Buddy
558 Enter the screen name of the user you\nwish to get info about:
559 Buddy Info: %0.200s
560 Please wait...
561 No Information Provided
562 Note: AOL member profiles are not accessible through AOL Instant Messenger.
576 The Personal Profile you have entered is too long.\nThe limit is %d characters. You have entered\n%d characters (including any unseen HTML\nmarkup).
577 Are you sure you want to remove the message?
578 * The profile could not be loaded because it is too long. The limit is %d characters including markup.
579 * The profile may contain characters that are not displayable on this system.
580 The screen name or password you entered is not valid.
581 The AOL Instant Messenger (SM) service is temporarily unavailable.
582 The screen name or password you entered is not valid.
583 The password you entered is not valid.
584 Internal client error: bad input to authorizer
585 Your account is no longer active.
586 Your account is no longer active.
587 Your account is no longer active.
588 The AOL Instant Messenger (SM) service is temporarily unavailable.
589 The AOL Instant Messenger (SM) service is temporarily unavailable.
590 Bad reservation status
591 The AOL Instant Messenger (SM) service is temporarily unavailable.
592 Connection lost. Check your Internet connection.
593 The AIM service can't be reached.
594 The AIM service can't be reached.
595 The AIM service can't be reached.
596 Invalid host address
597 A service did not start properly
598 Unknown server error
599 A password is required
600 Server error during authorization
601 You must be online to perform that operation
602 Internal client error: send to bad group
603 Internal server error: send to bad group
604 Bad sequence number received
605 Proxy lookup failed. Please verify that your proxy server is configured correctly in Connection preferences.
606 Proxy connect failed. Please verify that your proxy server is configured correctly in Connection preferences.
607 Proxy negotiate failed
608 Proxy authentication failed
609 Proxy request failed
610 Signon timeout
611 The session has terminated because you signed on with this screen name at another location.
612 Server error: missing or insufficient reconnect info
613 Cannot sign on twice from the same IP address
614 You are already signed on at another location
615 Signon failed due to rate limiting
616 Authorizer temporarily offline
617 Suspended account
618 Internal server error: DB send error
619 Internal server error: DB link error
620 Internal server error: reservation map error
621 Internal server error: reservation link error
622 Already connected from this IP address
623 Already connecting from this IP address
624 You are attempting to sign on again too soon. Please try again later.
625 You have too many warnings to sign on
626 Your account has been deleted
627 Internal server error: reservation timeout
628 You've been warned by %s. Your warning level has increased from %d%% to %d%%.
629 You've been warned by another user. Your warning level has increased from %d%% to %d%%.
630 Warning Received
631 You performed an action too many times in a short period.
632 Rate limiting occured during sign on. Try again later.
633 Client internal error: build number out of range.
634 Connection refused by proxy
635 Beta Release
636 winsock.dll
637 wsock32.dll
638 AIM is unable to find %s in your path. Add the directory containing %s to your path or connect to your Internet Service Provider before starting AIM.
639 Click Ok to continue or Cancel to exit AIM.
640 Unable to connect to Internet.\nPlease connect to the Internet manually and then click OK.
641 www.aol.com/aim
642 The e-mail address you entered is not a valid e-mail address.\nPlease check the address and try again.
643 AIM Offline
644 Users:
645 &Send
646 %d people here
647 1 person here
648 en
649 &Find a Buddy
650 &Whisper
651 &IM
652 I&nfo
653 W&arn
654 0
655 Your message was refused by the AOL Instant Messenger server, probably because the message was too big. Try making the message shorter and send it again.
656 Your buddy is using an AOL client which cannot receive your invitation.
657 Direct Instant Message
658 %s direct connection is closed
659 You already have an Away message with this label.\nPlease use a unique label.
660 SendIM
661 AddToBuddyList
662 RegisterNewUserAndSignOn
663 RegisterNewUser
664 VisitChatRoom
665 Insert Picture
666 * IM IMAGES *
667 You already have an Instant Message window open with this buddy; you must use that window.
668 [Unknown]
669 %d Point<BR>at %d%%
670 %d Point<BR>%s
671 Chat
672 You are invited to:
673 Go &Chat
674 &Cancel
675 &Help
676 Unable to join the chat room\n"%s"\n\nNo response from the Service.
677 In order to join Chat room '%s' you will\nbe removed from room '%s'.
678 The host is obsolete and cannot support this client. Either connect to a newer host or use an older client.
679 Screen Name
681 First Name
682 Invite Group to &Chat Room...
683 Last Name
684 Chat Invitation
685 "%s" is an invalid screen name.
686 Send &Chat Invitation...
687 %s - Invitation
688 City
689 State
690 Country
691 %s is not a valid Screen Name.
692 Invitation Message:
693 Chat room:
694 Screen names to invite (separated by commas):
695 Your directory entry is identical to other existing directory entries. Please enter additional information to make your directory entry unique.
696 We could not process your request for a search. The most likely cause is the server is not available at this time. Please try again later.
697 We could not file your directory entry. The most likely cause is the server is not available at this time. Please try again later.
698 Chat Invitation
699 &IM
700 %s's warning level: %d%%
701 Join me in this Chat.
702 %s Chat
703 By sending this invitation you are exposing yourself to Warnings.
704 Right-click on a name for options
705 Increased %s's warning level by %d%%.\nIt is now at %d%%.
706 You have just entered room "%s."
707 &Invite a buddy
708 I&gnore
709 Do Not I&gnore
710 In order to join another chat room you must leave the one you are in.\nClick OK to close %s.
711 &IM
712 &Warn
713 &Help
714 Please enter the names of the people you would like to\ninvite to your Chat Room.
715 us
716 en
718 Sorry, Chat is not available at this time.
719 Chat Room: %s
720 Please enter a room name.
721 MS Sans Serif
722 &Chat
723 Wildcard searches ( * * ) are not allowed.
724 AIM
725 There have been too many recent signons from your site. Please try again later.
726 Chat invitations cannot be sent to the following people because their software does not support this feature.
727 The Chat invitation cannot be sent to the following person because his or her software does not support this feature.
728 The room name is too long. It must be %d characters or less.
729 Invalid room name. The name you submitted may be too\nlong or contain invalid characters.
730 Room "%s" does not exist.
731 Sorry, the chat message you sent was too long.\nIt was not received by the other users of the chat room.
732 Error: %s
733 [Chat invite placeholder URL]
734 Invited:
735 Your chat invitation for <B>%s</B> failed.
736 <B>%s</B>'s software does not support Chat. As a result, this buddy cannot accept your Chat room invitation.
737 <B>%s</B> is away right now and will not be able to accept your invitation until he or she returns.
747 Unable to join the Chat Room. Unknown Exchange.
748 The message you have created is too long. \nIt uses %d characters, including any unseen characters\ncreated by HTML. The maximum allowed is %d.
749 This version of AIM has received an instruction from the service \nthat it cannot follow. Please <A HREF="http://www.aol.com">upgrade</A> to the latest version.
750 Chat Error
751 The connection to the Chat Room "%s"\nhas been lost.
752 Screen Names must either be separated by commas or entered on separate\nlines. If the buddies that you invite have old versions of AIM, they may not\nknow that you are inviting them.
753 Received:
754 You have too many Chat Rooms open to join another one.\nPlease close one of the current \nChat Room windows and try again.
755 You have too many Chat Rooms open to join another one.\nPlease close one of the current Chat Room windows and try again.
756 %s (%d%%)
757 Chat Room creation was refused. Please try again later.
758 Sorry, AIM could not join room "%s"\nbecause it is full. Please try again later.
759 Sorry, AIM could not join room "%s".\nPlease try again later.
760 Chat between %s and %s on %s
761 Away, Idle:
762 Away
763 Away message / Personal Profile:
764 - Init
765 - Waiting
766 - Creating Room
767 - Room Creation Failed
768 - Joining Room
769 - Rejoining Room
770 - Paused
771 - Exited Room
772 - Error
773 abcdefghIJKLMNOP
774 You have selected text that is part of an existing\nhyperlink. If you want to edit that hyperlink, either\nselect the whole hyperlink or position the cursor\ninside the hyperlink with no selection.
775 Cannot send invitation to yourself
776 There is nobody to invite
777 The following people are already in the Chat room. Invitations have not been sent to them.
778 <B>%s</B> has entered the room.
779 <B>%s</B> has left the room.
780 Inf&o
781 Sorry, AIM could not join room "%s"\nbecause you have made too many requests.\nPlease try again later.
782 &Add To Buddy List
783 The people to whom you send this invitation may warn you in return.
784 At %s %s (warning level %d%%) is inviting you to join the chat room, "%s".
785 %s writes:
786 &Decline
787 &Warn
788 &Block
789 OK
790 Decline Invitation
791 You've chosen to decline %s's invitation.
792 Decline Invitation
793 This URL contains a space or one of the following\ncharacters that is not permitted in an URL:\n < > [ ] { } \ ^ `\nDo you want to keep the URL anyway?
851 You have too many Chat Rooms open to join another one.\nPlease close one of the current Chat Room windows\nand try again.
852 &Try Again
853 Chat Join Error
854 Error
855 http://www.aol.com/mynews/homeaim.adp
856 http://www.aol.com
857 A shortcut to the current window will be placed on your desktop.\nIs this ok?
858 &Slower Shift+F12
859 &Faster Ctrl+F12
860 For&ward F11
861 Forward &A Lot Ctrl+F11
862 &Back Shift+F11
863 Ba&ck A Lot Ctrl+Shift+F11
864 Sto&p Scroll F12
865 S&tart Scroll F12
866 Mar&quee
867 Your directory entry contains the following character which cannot be used: %c
868 Current Browser &URL
869 &Current
870 <Beep>
871 Screen Name
872 Password
873 Version:
874 Save password
875 Auto-login
876 Version
877 Copyright ⌐
878 (Western),(Symbol),(Japanese),(Hangeul),(Simplified Chinese GB2312),(Traditional Chinese BIG5),(Johab),(Hebrew),(Arabic),(Greek),(Turkish),(Thai),(Central European),(Cyrillic),(Baltic)
879 &Select
880 Reset
881 Submit Query
882 Sorry, could not join Chat Room: %d is an invalid exchange number.
883 Sorry, could not join Chat Room: %d is an invalid instance number.
884 Chat Room: %s (%d)
885 Could not set Away state; try again
886 Exchange:
887 Instance:
888 1 hour
889 12 hours
890 2 hours
891 30 minutes
892 4 hours
893 6 hours
894 day
895 News Ticker
896 Show All Headlines
897 Click to display the headlines in a separate window.
898 Fast
899 Medium
900 Slow
901 %d messages received from %d people while being Away
902 messages %s %s
903 message %s %s
904 AOL Instant Messenger (SM)
905 AOL Instant Messenger (SM) - Signed Off
906 AOL Instant Messenger (SM) - Away
907 1 message received from 1 person while being Away
908 %d messages received from 1 person while being Away
909 This will automatically take place in %d seconds...
910 <title>Playing Game</title>I am not available because I am playing a computer game that takes up the whole screen.
935 There is no more room on the disk to write the file <I>%s</I>.
936 Could not write to the file: <I>%s</I>
937 Could not write to the file:\n\n%s\n\nPlease make sure that the file is not\nread-only or open in another application.
938 The file:\n\n%s\n\ncould not be sent. It either does not exist at the file path provided \nor is already open in another application. Please check the file path and \nmake sure the file is not in use in another application before resending.
939 The file: <I>%s</I> could not be sent. It either does not exist at the file path provided or is already open in another application. Please check the file path and make sure the file is not in use in another application before resending.
940 A file with this name already exists.\n\nDo you want to resume an aborted transfer?\n\n(Click No to overwrite your existing file\nand start a new transfer.)
941 A file with this name\n%s\nalready exists; do you want to replace it?
942 About %d minutes remaining %dKB/sec
943 About 1 minute remaining %dKB/sec
944 About %d seconds remaining %dKB/sec
945 The transfer is paused
946 You have signed off from AIM during file transfer.\nYou do not need to be signed onto AIM to continue.\nIf you wish to cancel all current file transfers,\nplease hit the Cancel button below. If you cancel now,\nyou can resume the transfer(s) at another time.
947 The virus checker did not complete successfully when checking the file %s
948 The virus checker did not complete successfully when checking the directory %s
955 <FONT color=#000000 SIZE=2> You have received a file transfer request! If you don't know who is sending you this file, be cautious; it could contain a computer virus. Computer viruses can destroy your work and even damage your computer.
956 <FONT color=#000000 SIZE=2> You are about to retrieve a file. Be cautious; any files you retrieve may contain a computer virus. Computer viruses can destroy your work and even damage your computer.
958 You are currently in the middle of a file transfer operation which will be canceled if you close the IM window. \nAre you sure you want to close the IM window?
959 %%s wants to get list of files
960 %%s wants to get file <I>%s</I>
961 %%s wants to send file <I>%s</I>
962 %s cancels request; the file will not be sent
963 %s stops transfer after the current file is received
964 %s does not have any files available for download
965 %s's file library does not have the requested file
966 %s is not accepting file transfer requests
967 %s declined request; the file will not be sent
968 %s canceled request; the file will not be sent
969 %s is online but away; the file will not be sent
970 %s is online but away and cannot approve your request
971 Connection problem with %s; the file will not be sent. (If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then the connection will not work; check with your network administrator if you are not sure about your firewall status.)
972 %s aborted the file transfer because there was no more disk space
973 %s's software could not interpret your request
974 %s's software does not support file transfer
975 %s's software does not support GetFile requests
976 %s sent an unrecognized file transfer request
977 %s has not responded to your request; the file will not be sent. (If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then file transfers will not work; check with your network administrator if you are not sure about your firewall status.)
978 The transfer request has timed out; the file will not be sent. (If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then file transfers will not work; check with your network administrator if you are not sure about your firewall status.)
979 %%s received <I>%s</I>
980 %%s already had the same file <I>%s</I>
981 %%s received <I>%s</I> but it doesn't agree with original
982 %%s already had a different file <I>%s</I>
983 %%s stopped transfer prematurely <I>%s</I>
984 Waiting for buddy to accept the file transfer...
985 Waiting to connect to buddy...
986 Waiting to connect to buddy...
987 Trying to connect to buddy...
988 Waiting for virus checker to finish...
989 This is the list of files you can get from your buddy. Select \nthe file you want and click the Get button. To select several\n files, press down the Ctrl key while clicking the mouse button on each file.
990 %s\nwants to get files from your disk directory:\n%s\n\nDo you approve?
991 You already have a file transfer occurring with this buddy.\nYou must wait until it is finished before starting another.
1003 NA Namibia\nNR Nauru\nNP Nepal\nNL Netherlands\nAN Netherlands Antilles\nNC New Caledonia\nNZ New Zealand\nNI Nicaragua\nNE Niger\nNG Nigeria\nNU Niue\nNF Norfolk Island\nMP Northern Mariana Islands\nNO Norway\nOM Oman\nPK Pakistan\nPW Palau\nPA Panama\nPG Papua New Guinea\nPY Paraguay\nPE Peru\nPH Philippines\nPN Pitcairn\nPL Poland\nPT Portugal\nPR Puerto Rico\nQA Qatar\nRE Reunion\nRO Romania\nRU Russian Federation\nRW Rwanda\nKN Saint Kitts And Nevis\nLC Saint Lucia\nVC Saint Vincent And Grenadines\nWS Samoa\nSM San Marino\nST Sao Tome And Principe\nSA Saudi Arabia\nSN Senegal\nSC Seychelles\nSL Sierra Leone\nSG Singapore\nSK Slovakia\nSI Slovenia\nSB Solomon Islands\nSO Somalia\nZA South Africa\nGS South Georgia, S. Sandwich\nES Spain\nLK Sri Lanka\nSH St. Helena\nPM St. Pierre And Miquelon\nSD Sudan\nSR Suriname\nSJ Svalbard, Jan Mayen Islands\nSZ Swaziland\nSE Sweden\nCH Switzerland\nSY Syrian Arab Republic
1004 TW Taiwan, Province Of China\nTJ Tajikistan\nTZ Tanzania, United Republic Of\nTH Thailand\nTG Togo\nTK Tokelau\nTO Tonga\nTT Trinidad And Tobago\nTN Tunisia\nTR Turkey\nTM Turkmenistan\nTC Turks And Caicos Islands\nTV Tuvalu\nUG Uganda\nUA Ukraine\nAE United Arab Emirates\nGB United Kingdom\nUS United States\nUM United States Minor Outlying Islands\nUY Uruguay\nUZ Uzbekistan\nVU Vanuatu\nVA Vatican City State (Holy See)\nVE Venezuela\nVN Viet Nam\nVG Virgin Islands (British)\nVI Virgin Islands (U.S.)\nWF Wallis And Futuna Islands\nEH Western Sahara\nYE Yemen\nYU Yugoslavia\nZR Zaire\nZM Zambia\nZW Zimbabwe\n
1005 Pla&y "%s"
1006 Open "%s"
1007 Select Bu&ddy Icon...
1008 Start to Make IM Images Connection with %s
1009 Accept IM Images Connection from %s
1010 Rendezvous Error
1011 Must fill in the data field
1012 Send IM I&mages
1013 &Close IM Images
1014 %s wants to directly connect
1015 %s cancels request; no connection was made
1016 %s ignores request; no connection was made
1017 %s declines request; no connection was made
1018 %s cancels request; no connection was made
1019 %s is online but away; no connection was made
1020 %s's software does not support sending and receiving IM images
1021 %s's software could not interpret your request
1022 %s has not responded; no connection was made. (If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then the connection will not work; check with your network administrator if you are not sure about your firewall status. You should also try going into the Talk or IM Images sections of AIM preferences and toggle the 'Use Address' option.)
1023 %s has cancelled request due to no response from you; no connection was made. (If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then the connection will not work; check with your network administrator if you are not sure about your firewall status. You should also try going into the Talk or IM Images sections of AIM preferences and toggle the 'Use Address' option.)
1024 %s is now directly connected
1025 Connection problem with %s; no connection was made. (If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then the connection will not work; check with your network administrator if you are not sure about your firewall status. You should also try going into the Talk or IM Images sections of AIM preferences and toggle the 'Use Address' option.)
1026 The image you have selected is too big.\nThe maximum size allowed is %ld bytes.
1039 The external application you have requested is not currently installed on your computer (if you think it is, go to the Games Preferences tab and input its location). To download the application or find out information about it, click on the following:<BR><BR><A HREF="%s">%s Home Page</A>
1040 Games/External Apps
1041 Download
1042 Add New App...
1043 Pl&ay Game...
1044 E&xternal Apps Center...
1045 Name3
1046 Name4
1047 Browse My PC...
1048 Net Find...
1049 You must include the Name and either the Executable path or the URL
1050 Waiting for %s
1051 Edit Game Info
1052 Send Request to %s
1053 Send Request to %s, %s, ...
1054 Received Request from %s
1055 AIM Games Center
1056 AIM External Applications Center
1057 Games Information
1058 <B>%s</B> is signed on through AOL and cannot receive this invitation
1059 Cannot send invitation to yourself
1060 '%s' is an invalid screenname
1061 You can only invite one buddy for this game
1062 You must enter at least one valid user name
1063 Do you really want to remove the application from your list?
1064 Do you really want to reset?
1065 Confirm action
1066 The game invite from %s has timed out
1067 %s has cancelled request due to no response from you
1068 %s canceled request
1069 %s ignored request
1070 %s declined request
1071 %s does not have the application installed
1072 %s is online but away
1073 %s's software cannot handle your request
1074 %s's software could not interpret your request
1075 %%s invites you to run <I>%s</I> with him or her
1076 Waiting for %s to respond to invitation to run %s...
1241 %s is trying to contact you via AIM Phone. Do you want to answer?
1242 Someone
1243 Please select a buddy to contact...
1244 Please select a buddy to edit...
1245 Unable to start AIM Phone.
1246 \n\nDate: %s\nTime: %s\n(This contact attempt is only valid for approximately 30 seconds.)
1257 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
1300 AOL Instant Messenger (SM) - You've Got Mail
1301 Read &Mail
1302 S&end Mail...
1303 Cop&y Picture
1304 Sa&ve File
1305 %s cancels the Get File request
1306 A buddy will not be able to get files (from the directory you specified in your File Transfer Preferences) that have characters other than the normal file system characters in their name.
1307 The Get File listing closed because it has been awhile since you have done anything.
1322 You must first connect to the Tomahawk Internet service in order to use this installation of AIM.
1323 Please select an alert sound.
1324 You already have a talk session with this buddy.
1325 The AIM hyperlink you've clicked on may require you to be online to work. Please log in first.
1326 You are no longer connected to your buddy and cannot send an image.\nPlease 'Connect to Send IM Image' or delete the image.
1327 Loading data . . .
1328 &Directory Info
1329 You already have the file <I>%s</I>; it will not be transferred
1330 Buddy Alert: %s%s
1331 Alert Window
1332 Sound
1333 Alert Window and Sound
1337 Add New POP3 Mailbox
1338 %s was not accepting messages when the file transfer request was received; the file will not be sent
1339 %s was not accepting messages when the direct connection request was received; no connection was attempted
1340 ads.web.aol.com
1341 The file is not a text file and cannot be inserted.
1342 No more than 40 symbols may be added
1343 The file is not a text file and cannot be inserted into a normal IM window.\nTo insert the file, first choose the 'Connect to Send IM Image' option in the People menu.
1344 %s signed on at %s
1345 %s signed off at %s
1346 This URL contains a quotation mark, which is not permitted.
1347 You cannot connect due to rate limiting; try again in another minute
1348 You cannot connect due to rate limiting; try again in another minute
1349 Are you sure that you wish to change your personal Buddy Icon?
1350 Current
1401 IM/Chat
1402 Buddy
1403 Chat
1404 File Transfer
1405 Talk
1406 IM with -%s-
1407 -%s- signed %s %s
1408 Chat Room: -%s-
1409 received from -%s- %d bytes in %d seconds, file: %s
1410 -%s- sent %d bytes in %d seconds, file: %s
1411 sent to -%s- %d bytes in %d seconds, file: %s
1412 -%s- received %d bytes in %d seconds, file: %s
1413 Talk with -%s-: %s%s%s%s
1414 not connected
1415 half-duplex
1416 %d seconds
1417 %d packets received
1418 (you initiated)
1419 &By Date
1420 By &Name
1421 &Increasing
1422 &Decreasing
1423 Sort:
1424 Sort entries by date
1425 Sort entries by name
1426 Sort entries in increasing order
1427 Sort entries in decreasing order
1428 Log Manager
1429 %d entries, %d total bytes
1430 Are you sure you want to clear the Log file?
1431 All US Exchanges
1432 All US Exchanges(),Montreal--MON(MON),Toronto--TOR(TOR),Vancouver--VAN(VAN),Berlin--BER(BER),Dusseldorf--DUS(DUS),Frankfurt--FSE(FSE),Hamburg--HAM(HAM),Munich--MUN(MUN)
1434 The following symbols are invalid : %s
1436 The More Info page does not support the %s exchange.
1447 United States,Canada/Mexico,Asia/Pacific,Europe
1448 All US Exchanges,1005,Montreal--MON,1016,Toronto--TOR,1017,Vancouver--VAN,1018,Berlin--BER,1027,Dusseldorf--DUS,1026,Frankfurt--FSE,1024,Hamburg--HAM,1028,Munich--MUN,1025
1449 Your computer has an old version of the system file COMCTL32.DLL.\nAs a result, certain features of AIM may not function properly\n(the stock detail window and the profile).\n\nTo re-enable these features, please download and install the latest\nversion of COMCTL32.DLL, which is available at the following URL:\n\nhttp://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/ieplatform/ie/comctrlx86.asp\n\nThis URL will be copied to your clipboard.
1555 No more groups can be added. The maximum allowed\nnumber of groups has been reached.
1556 This action can't be performed while disconnected.\nPlease reconnect and try again.
1557 Shared Group
1558 %s is a member of a shared group.á Click Yes to delete this user from your Buddy List.\n\nNote: The user will not be removed from the shared group.
1559 %s is a shared group. Click Yes to delete this group from your buddy list.á \n\nNote: You will not be removed from the shared group.
1560 You have blocked <B>%s</B>. As a result this buddy cannot receive your chat invitation. You can change this setting on the Privacy tab of the Preferences dialog.
1561 Are you sure you want to delete the selected items from your Buddy List?\nClick yes to delete them from your Buddy List.\n\nNote: Some items are associated with a shared group but\nwill not be removed from the shared group itself.
1562 Sorry, the provider did not provide a valid URL for this operation.
1565 Only one file or directory can be dragged onto a buddy at a time
1566 %s has not responded
1567 Resume aborted transfer?
1568 AIM Info Alert
1569 AIM Info
1570 &Select this Folder:
1571 Remove Provider
1572 AIM Stock
1573 <CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=2><B>Check out this alert from:</FONT></B></CENTER><BR>
1574 Send this Alert to a Buddy
1575 Alert Manager
1576 Prev
1577 Next
1578 Get More Alerts
1579 Edit
1580 Delete
1581 Preferences
1582 Go to the Alert Manager Window
1583 Sorry, this alert cannot be added. The information supplied by the provider is invalid.
1584 Could not join chat room.\nThe room name '%s' is too long.
1585 Could not join chat room.\nObjectionable room name.
1586 Could not join chat room.\nThe name '%s' contains invalid characters.
1587 Could not join chat room '%s'\nbecause of parental controls
1588 Could not join chat room '%s'\nbecause screen name is inappropriate for room.
1589 Could not join chat room '%s'
1590 Name
1591 Size
1592 Modified
1593 The Paste content is too big by %ld character(s).\nThe limit is %ld characters (not including markup).
1594 An error occurred while sending the last message.
1595 Unable to invite <B>%s<B>. You have sent invitations too quickly. Please try again later.
1596 This URL is not supported:\n\n %s
1597 The connection to the chat room has been closed by the host. Please try re-joining the room later.
1598 S&ort Group
1600 --IM Logs--
1601 --Chat Logs--
1602 --Trash--
1603 Confirmation
1604 Are you sure you want to delete the item?\n(The item will be moved to the Trash.)
1605 Are you sure you want to delete the folder and all files within the folder?\n(This will permanently delete the entire %s directory.)
1606 You must enter a valid name.
1607 You must not include any invalid characters in the name.
1608 There is already a file or directory with that name.
1609 The new file cannot be created.
1610 Could not write to the log file; perhaps your disk is full.
1611 Error writing to temporary disk space; some items will not be displayed.
1612 Are you sure you want to clear half of the Log file?\n\nThe oldest half of the items will be deleted.
1613 Certain events such as IMs and Chats will now be stored in files in a logging directory. You may want to open up the 'logging' preferences tab to choose options suitable to yourself.
1614 File transfer events will no longer be added to 'logfile.txt'. Now they will be added to 'XferLog.txt' in your logging directory, and can be viewed in the Logging Manager.
1615 Sharpen
1616 The Alert Provider has an icon available - It is blurred because you may consider the complete image objectionable. Click on 'Sharpen' to see the image clearer.
1617 Accept
1618 View Unread Alerts
1619 Toggle between viewing unread alerts and all alerts
1620 Accept Provider Graphic
1621 Unable to send chat invitations while signed off.\nPlease sign on and try again.
1622 Could not open the log file; perhaps the directory doesn't exist.\nThe logging directory can be configured in Logging preferences.
1623 Are you sure you want to delete the Log file?
1624 You can not drop the item directly into a directory, only into an existing log file.
1629 Afar
1630 Abkhazian
1631 Afrikaans
1632 Amharic
1633 Arabic
1634 Assamese
1635 Aymara
1636 Azerbaijani
1637 Bashkir
1638 Byelorussian
1639 Bulgarian
1640 Bihari
1641 Bislama
1642 Bengali; Bangla
1643 Tibetan
1644 Breton
1645 Catalan
1646 Corsican
1647 Czech
1648 Welsh
1649 Danish
1650 German
1651 Bhutani
1652 Greek
1653 English
1654 Esperanto
1655 Spanish
1656 Estonian
1657 Basque
1658 Persian
1659 Finnish
1660 Fiji
1661 Faroese
1662 French
1663 Frisian
1664 Irish
1665 Scots Gaelic
1666 Galician
1667 Guarani
1668 Gujarati
1669 Hausa
1670 Hebrew
1671 Hindi
1672 Croatian
1673 Hungarian
1674 Armenian
1675 Interlingua
1676 Indonesian
1677 Interlingue
1678 Inupiak
1679 Icelandic
1680 Italian
1681 Inuktitut
1682 Japanese
1683 Javanese
1684 Georgian
1685 Kazakh
1686 Greenlandic
1687 Cambodian
1688 Kannada
1689 Korean
1690 Kashmiri
1691 Kurdish
1692 Kirghiz
1693 Latin
1694 Lingala
1695 Laothian
1696 Lithuanian
1697 Latvian, Lettish
1698 Malagasy
1699 Maori
1700 Macedonian
1701 Malayalam
1702 Mongolian
1703 Moldavian
1704 Marathi
1705 Malay
1706 Maltese
1707 Burmese
1708 Nauru
1709 Nepali
1710 Dutch
1711 Norwegian
1712 Occitan
1713 (Afan) Oromo
1714 Oriya
1715 Punjabi
1716 Polish
1717 Pashto, Pushto
1718 Portuguese
1719 Quechua
1720 Rhaeto-Romance
1721 Kirundi
1722 Romanian
1723 Russian
1724 Kinyarwanda
1725 Sanskrit
1726 Sindhi
1727 Sangho
1728 Serbo-Croatian
1729 Sinhalese
1730 Slovak
1731 Slovenian
1732 Samoan
1733 Shona
1734 Somali
1735 Albanian
1736 Serbian
1737 Siswati
1738 Sesotho
1739 Sundanese
1740 Swedish
1741 Swahili
1742 Tamil
1743 Telugu
1744 Tajik
1745 Thai
1746 Tigrinya
1747 Turkmen
1748 Tagalog
1749 Setswana
1750 Tonga
1751 Turkish
1752 Tsonga
1753 Tatar
1754 Twi
1755 Uighur
1756 Ukrainian
1757 Urdu
1758 Uzbek
1759 Vietnamese
1760 Volapuk
1761 Wolof
1762 Xhosa
1763 Yiddish
1764 Yoruba
1765 Zhuang
1766 Chinese Simplified
1767 Chinese Traditional
1768 Zulu
1769 Common Interest search is unavailable at this time. Please try again later.
1770 Your file transfer connection with %s was lost.
1771 There was an error in writing the file\n(perhaps the disk is full):\n\n%s
1772 %s is inviting you to join a Chat Room\nBut you already have too many Chat Rooms open.
1773 Your buddy list and alerts are currently not available, but they have not been lost.\nPlease try again later.
1775 You are already trying to connect to a buddy for IM Images. Try again when the other connection is made or canceled.
1776 Send Buddy List
1777 %s declines request to receive Buddy List.
1778 %s accepted request to receive Buddy List.
1779 %s ignores request to receive Buddy List.
1780 %s's software could not interpret your request to Send Buddy List.
1781 Send Buddy List failed due to rate limiting; try again in another minute.
1782 %s's software does not support the Send Buddy List feature.
1783 %s is online but away; so you can not Send Buddy List.
1784 Send Buddy List to %s
1785 Accept Buddy List from %s
1786 You already have a Send Buddy List session with this Buddy.\nYou must wait until it is finished before starting another.
1787 You must check at least one screen name to send.
1788 Could not add all Screen Names to Buddy List because of maximum limit
1789 Send B&uddy List...
1790 Can not load the buddy list from this file at this time.\nPlease try again later.
1880 Your invitation was not received by the following people because you invited too many people at the same time.\nPlease invite them again later.
1881 Your invitation was not received by the following person because you invited too many people at the same time.\nPlease invite him/her again later.
1882 Preferences
1883 Away Messages
1884 Today Screen
1885 &Away Messages
1886 The message you have created is too long. \nIt uses %d characters. The maximum allowed is %d (not including markup).
1889 This screen name is not currently accepting Instant Messages.
1904 An installation error has been detected. Please reinstall AIM. If this problem persists, try installing AIM into an empty folder.
1905 An installation error has been detected. Please reinstall AIM. If this problem persists, try installing AIM into an empty folder.\nThe build number of Module: %s is: %s and the required build is: %s
1906 Fatal Error parsing XML dependency file.\nError: %s\nLine: %s.
1907 An installation error has been detected. Please reinstall AIM. If this problem persists, try installing AIM into an empty folder.\nCould not register Module: %s.