Top Dawg HTML Editor for Windows 95 and Windows 98
This program is freeware. You may freely distribute this program as long as all files are included and no files are altered.
Unzip the program into a directory of your choice and run setup.exe from either the start menu "run" option or from windows explorer. The program can be uninstalled from the "control Panel" "add remove programs option. It is recommended that you put your HTML files in a directory that is a subdirectory of your My Documents directory. The directory structure of your files directories should be arranged the same as they will be on your web server.
If you are upgrading from an older version of Top Dawg it is recommended that you uninstall the
older version. Before you uninstall copy (from your Top Dawg directory) ftpcon.ini, minftp.ini, and topdawg.ini to another directory or floppy. Then restore them after the install of the new version. Also if you have customized tag.lst, attrib.lst, or spc.lst copy them off also.
What is Top Dawg HTML Editor:
Top Dawg is a HTML editor designed to give control to the HTML author. It requires that you learn some basic HTML to use it. It automates the typing of HTML Tags. Many HTML Tags are included. Top Dawg will never add any line to your document that says anything like "Created with Top Dawg HTML Editor". I hate programs that do this and will never in any of my versions do this.
HTML tags are added to your document by clicking on the appropriate button on the tool bar. The tags are inserted around the current cursor location. If you have text highlighted by dragging the cursor the highlighted text will have the tag inserted around it. For further information on using Top Dawg please see the help file.
The W3C reccommends, in paragraph 1.2.1 of the HTML 4.0 specification that all element names be in uppercase letters and all attributes be in lower case. Top Dawg has been designed to do this in all cases. This requirement is for readability and uniformity. All browsers are required to be case insensitive.
Latest information about Top Dawg can be viewed on the Internet at or You can also get information about and download the latest version.
The author of Top Dawg HTML Editor is Arthur Smith,