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Text File  |  2001-05-19  |  29.3 KB  |  582 lines

  1. ;  CodePad 3.0 language file
  2. ;  English by ShiCola, ShiCola@seznam.cz
  3. ;
  4. ;  Few rules for translators:
  5. ;  For beginning of translate - copy english.lng into the yourlanguage.lng
  6. ;  Please, translate text only after symbol '='
  7. ;  Please, send me your translations
  8. ;
  9. [Translations]
  10. ;
  11. ; * Main form *
  12. ;
  13. CodePadMainForm                  = CodePad
  14. FileNew                          = &New
  15. FileNewHint                      = New|Create a new document
  16. FileOpen                         = &Open...
  17. FileOpenHint                     = Open|Open an existing document
  18. FileClose                        = &Close
  19. FileCloseHint                    = Close|Close current document
  20. FileCloseAll                     = Clos&e All
  21. FileCloseAllHint                 = Close All|Close all documents
  22. FileSave                         = &Save
  23. FileSaveHint                     = Save|Save current document
  24. FileSaveAs                       = Save &As...
  25. FileSaveAsHint                   = Save As|Save current document with different name
  26. FileSaveAll                      = Save A&ll
  27. FileSaveAllHint                  = Save All|Save all changed documents
  28. FileRevert                       = &Reload
  29. FileRevertHint                   = Reload|Reload the current document to the last saved version
  30. FilePrint                        = &Print...
  31. FilePrintHint                    = Print|Print current document
  32. FileExportRTF                    = Export to &RTF...
  33. FileExportRTFHint                = Export to RTF|Export current document to RTF format
  34. FileExportHTML                   = Export to &HTML...
  35. FileExportHTMLHint               = Export to HTML|Export current document to HTML format
  36. EditUndo                         = &Undo
  37. EditUndoHint                     = Undo|Undo the last action
  38. EditRedo                         = &Redo
  39. EditRedoHint                     = Redo|Redo the previously undone action
  40. WindowCascade                    = &Cascade
  41. WindowCascadeHint                = Cascade|Arrange windows so they overlap
  42. WindowTileHorizontal             = Tile &Horizontally
  43. WindowTileHorizontalHint         = Tile Horizontally|Arrange windows as tile down the screen
  44. WindowTileVertical               = Tile &Vertically
  45. WindowTileVerticalHint           = Tile Vertically|Arrange windows as tile across the screen
  46. WindowMinimizeAll                = &Minimize All
  47. WindowMinimizeAllHint            = Minimize All|Minimize all windows
  48. WindowArrangeAll                 = &Arrange All
  49. WindowArrangeAllHint             = Arrange All|Arrange all minimized windows
  50. HelpAbout                        = &About CodePad...
  51. HelpAboutHint                    = About CodePad|Displays program information, version number, and copyright
  52. FileSend                         = Sen&d...
  53. FileSendHint                     = Send|Send current document via email
  54. FileExit                         = E&xit
  55. FileExitHint                     = Exit|Exit application
  56. EditCut                          = Cu&t
  57. EditCutHint                      = Cut|Cut the selection to the Clipboard
  58. EditCopy                         = &Copy
  59. EditCopyHint                     = Copy|Copy the selection to the Clipboard
  60. EditPaste                        = &Paste
  61. EditPasteHint                    = Paste|Insert Clipboard contents
  62. EditPasteAll                     = Paste All
  63. EditPasteAllHint                 = Paste All|Insert all Clipboards contents
  64. EditPaste1                       = Paste Clipboard 1
  65. EditPaste2                       = Paste Clipboard 2
  66. EditPaste3                       = Paste Clipboard 3
  67. EditPaste4                       = Paste Clipboard 4
  68. EditDelete                       = Delete All Clipboards
  69. EditDeleteHint                   = Delete All Clipboards|Clear contents of all Clipboards
  70. EditInsertTime                   = &Time
  71. EditInsertTimeHint               = Insert Time|Insert the current time
  72. EditInsertDate                   = &Date
  73. EditInsertDateHint               = Insert Date|Insert the current date
  74. EditInsertGUID                   = &GUID
  75. EditInsertGUIDHint               = Insert GUID|Insert the unique GUID
  76. EditUpperCase                    = &Upper Case
  77. EditUpperCaseHint                = Upper Case|Change selection or character after the cursor to upper case
  78. EditLowerCase                    = &Lower Case
  79. EditLowerCaseHint                = Lower Case|Change selection or character after the cursor to lower case
  80. EditInvertCase                   = &Invert Case
  81. EditInvertCaseHint               = Invert Case|Invert the case of the selection or character after the cursor
  82. EditCapitalize                   = &Capitalize
  83. EditCapitalizeHint               = Capitalize|Make first character of each selected word upper case and the rest lower case
  84. EditAddIndents                   = &Add Indents
  85. EditAddIndentsHint               = Add Indents|Increase indentation of selected lines by the indent size settings
  86. EditRemoveIndents                = Re&move Indents
  87. EditRemoveIndentsHint            = Remove Indents|Reduce indentation of selected lines by the indent size settings
  88. SearchFind                       = &Find...
  89. SearchFindHint                   = Find|Search for text in the current document
  90. EditAddToDoItem                  = A&dd To-Do Item...
  91. EditAddToDoItemHint              = Add To-Do Item|Insert the To-Do item
  92. EditSelectAll                    = &Select All
  93. EditSelectAllHint                = Select All|Select the entire document
  94. SearchFindNext                   = Find &Next
  95. SearchFindNextHint               = Find Next|Find next occurrence of search string
  96. SearchFindPrevious               = Find &Previous
  97. SearchFindPreviousHint           = Find Previous|Find previous occurrence of search string
  98. SearchReplace                    = &Replace...
  99. SearchReplaceHint                = Replace|Replace occurrences of search string
  100. SearchGoToLine                   = &Go to Line...
  101. SearchGoToLineHint               = Go to Line|Go to specified line
  102. SearchOppositeBracket            = &Match Opposite Bracket
  103. SearchOppositeBracketHint        = Match Opposite Bracket|Search for opposite bracket
  104. SearchToggleBookmark             = &Toggle Bookmark
  105. SearchToggleBookmarkHint         = Toggle Bookmark|Set or clear a bookmark on the current line
  106. SearchClearAllBookmark           = &Clear All Bookmarks
  107. SearchClearAllBookmarkHint       = Clear All Bookmarks|Clear all bookmarks
  108. HelpSendFedback                  = Send &Fedback...
  109. HelpSendFedbackHint              = Send Fedback|Send comments to author via email
  110. HelpShortcuts                    = &Shortcuts...
  111. HelpShortcutsHint                = Shortcuts|Display shortcuts used by CodePad
  112. ViewCodeTemplates                = &Code Templates
  113. ViewCodeTemplatesHint            = Code Templates|Show code templates
  114. ViewColorSyntax                  = Color S&yntax
  115. ViewColorSyntaxHint              = Color Syntax|Toggle colorize selected syntax in current document
  116. ViewHighlightURLs                = &Highlight URLs
  117. ViewHighlightURLsHint            = Highlight URLs|Toggle highlight URLs in current document
  118. ViewSpecialSymbols               = &Special Symbols
  119. ViewSpecialSymbolsHint           = Special Symbols|Show or hide special symbols
  120. ViewWordWrap                     = &Word Wrap
  121. ViewWordWrapHint                 = Word Wrap|Toggle word-wrap mode
  122. SyntaxConfigure                  = &Configure...
  123. SyntaxConfigureHint              = Configure Syntax Definition|Add or remove syntax definition
  124. ConfigureOptions                 = &Options...
  125. ConfigureOptionsHint             = Options|Configure software options
  126. ToolsSyntaxDefinitionEditor      = &Syntax Definition Editor...
  127. ToolsSyntaxDefinitionEditorHint  = Syntax Definition Editor|Create or modify syntax definition
  128. ToolsCodeTemplateEditor          = &Code Template Editor...
  129. ToolsCodeTemplateEditorHint      = Code Template Editor|Create or modify code template
  130. ConfigureSaveStatePosition       = Save State && &Position
  131. ConfigureSaveStatePositionHint   = Save State && Position|Save main window position, child window state and menu state
  132. ConfigureFileAssociations        = &File Associations...
  133. ConfigureFileAssociationsHint    = File Associations|Modify the list of registered file types handled by CodePad
  134. SyntaxNone                       = None (Plain Text)
  135. ViewToDoList                     = &To-Do List...
  136. ViewToDoListHint                 = To-Do List|Show To-Do items list
  137. ToolsUserAction1                 = User Action 1
  138. ToolsUserAction1Hint             = Execute user defined action 1
  139. ToolsUserAction2                 = User Action 2
  140. ToolsUserAction2Hint             = Execute user defined action 2
  141. ToolsUserAction3                 = User Action 3
  142. ToolsUserAction3Hint             = Execute user defined action 3
  143. ToolsUserAction4                 = User Action 4
  144. ToolsUserAction4Hint             = Execute user defined action 4
  145. ConfigureImportOptions           = &Load Options...
  146. ConfigureImportOptionsHint       = Load Options|Load previously saved options from backup file into system registry
  147. ConfigureExportOptions           = &Save Options...
  148. ConfigureExportOptionsHint       = Save Options|Save system registry settings into backup file
  149. ToolsConfigureActions            = Configure &User Actions...
  150. ToolsConfigureActionsHint        = Configure User Actions|Modify user defined actions
  151. ViewReadOnly                     = &Read Only
  152. ViewReadOnlyHint                 = Read Only|Toggle read-only state
  153. ViewAsciiTable                   = &ASCII Table...
  154. ViewAsciiTableHint               = ASCII Table|Show or hide ASCII table
  155. ViewTabsTop                      = &Top Tabs
  156. ViewTabsTopHint                  = Top Tabs|Show or hide document tabs at top of window
  157. ViewTabsBottom                   = &Bottom Tabs
  158. ViewTabsBottomHint               = Bottom Tabs|Show or hide document tabs at bottom of window
  159. ViewStandard                     = &Standard
  160. ViewStandardHint                 = Standard|Show or hide standard toolbar
  161. ViewEdit                         = &Edit
  162. ViewEditHint                     = Edit|Show or hide edit toolbar
  163. ViewSearch                       = Se&arch
  164. ViewSearchHint                   = Search|Show or hide search toolbar
  165. ViewView                         = &View
  166. ViewViewHint                     = View|Show or hide view toolbar
  167. ViewTools                        = &Tools
  168. ViewToolsHint                    = Tools|Show or hide tools toolbar
  169. ViewClipboards                   = &Clipboards
  170. ViewClipboardsHint               = Clipboards|Show or hide Clipboards toolbar
  171. ViewSplit                        = Split into Two &Parts
  172. ViewSplitHint                    = Split into Two Parts|Split current document window into two parts
  173. ViewSynchronizeScroll            = Sy&nchronize Scrolling
  174. ViewSynchronizeScrollHint        = Synchronize Scrolling|Synchronize scrolling in two parts in current document
  175. FileSendAttachment               = Send as Attachment...
  176. FileSendAttachmentHint           = Send as Attachment|Send current document via email as attachment
  177. TrayOpen                         = &Open CodePad
  178. HelpHelpTopics                   = &Help Topics...
  179. HelpHelpTopicsHint               = Help Topics|Display the help contents page for CodePad
  180. CouldNotOpen                     = Could not open file "%s".
  181. FileTimeChanged                  = Another application has updated file "%s". Reload it?
  182. AllFiles                         = All files (*.*)|*.*
  183. Noname                           = NONAME
  184. Revert                           = Do you want to reload last saved version of "%s"?
  185. RTFFilesAndAllFiles              = RTF files (*.rtf)|*.rtf|All files (*.*)|*.*
  186. HTMLFilesAndAllFiles             = HTML files (*.html; *.htm)|*.html;*.htm|All files (*.*)|*.*
  187. SearchNotFound                   = Search string "%s" not found.
  188. SearchOutSideSelection           = Tried to search marked block from cursor but cursor is outside block.
  189. SearchEmptySelection             = Tried to search marked block but it is invalid.
  190. SearchAskReplace                 = Replace this occurence of "%s"?
  191. MenuFile                         = &File
  192. MenuEdit                         = &Edit
  193. MenuSearch                       = &Search
  194. MenuView                         = &View
  195. MenuSyntax                       = S&yntax
  196. MenuTools                        = &Tools
  197. MenuConfigure                    = &Configure
  198. MenuWindow                       = &Window
  199. MenuHelp                         = &Help
  200. MenuExport                       = Expor&t
  201. MenuInsert                       = &Insert
  202. MenuChangeCase                   = Cha&nge Case
  203. MenuGoToBookmark                 = Go to &Bookmark
  204. MenuToolbars                     = T&oolbars
  205. MenuTabs                         = &Document Tabs
  206. StandardBar                      = &Standard
  207. EditBar                          = &Edit
  208. SearchBar                        = Se&arch
  209. ViewBar                          = &View
  210. ToolsBar                         = &Tools
  211. ClipboardsBar                    = &Clipboards
  212. FileNotExists                    = File "%s" does not exists. Create new?
  213. CorruptedFile                    = File "%s" corrupted or invalid file format.
  214. BuildingToDoList                 = Building To-Do list. Please wait...
  215. BuildingOwnerCategoryList        = Building Owner and Category list. Please wait...
  216. Page                             = Page %d/%d
  217. RegistryFiles                    = Registry files (*.reg)|*.reg
  218. RegistrySettingsDiffer           = Selected file is not a file with CodePad registry settings.
  219. ChangeRegistrySettings           = This operation change your application settings. Do you really want to continue?
  220. RegistryImportDone               = Settings was loaded successfully. To take effect please restart CodePad.
  221. FileMustBeSaved                  = File "%s" must be saved before executing user action. Save now?
  222. FileMustBeSavedMail              = File "%s" must be saved before sending mail. Save now?
  223. Save                             = Save changes to "%s"?
  224. ;
  225. ; * Ascii Table Form *
  226. ;
  227. AsciiTableForm                   = Ascii Table
  228. ;
  229. ; * Splash Form *
  230. ;
  231. lSplash                          = Reading file types. Please wait...
  232. ;
  233. ; * To-Do Item Form *
  234. ;
  235. ToDoItemForm                     = To-Do Item
  236. lCategory                        = Category
  237. lOwner                           = Owner
  238. lPriority                        = Priority
  239. lText                            = Text
  240. bOK                              = OK
  241. bCancel                          = Cancel
  242. ;
  243. ; * Find Form *
  244. ;
  245. FindForm                         = Find Text
  246. lTextToFind                      = Text to find
  247. gOptions                         = Options
  248. cCaseSensitive                   = Case sensitive
  249. cWholeWordsOnly                  = Whole words only
  250. cRegularExpressions              = Regular expressions
  251. gDirection                       = Direction
  252. rForward                         = Forward
  253. rBackward                        = Backward
  254. gScope                           = Scope
  255. rGlobal                          = Global
  256. rSelectedText                    = Selected text
  257. gOrigin                          = Origin
  258. rEntireScope                     = Entire scope
  259. rFromCursor                      = From cursor
  260. ;
  261. ; * Replace Form *
  262. ;
  263. ReplaceForm                      = Replace Text
  264. lReplaceWith                     = Replace with
  265. cPromptOnReplace                 = Prompt on replace
  266. bReplaceAll                      = Replace All
  267. ;
  268. ; * Goto Form *
  269. ;
  270. GotoForm                         = Go to Line
  271. lLineNumber                      = Line number
  272. NotInteger                       = %s is not a valid integer value.
  273. ;
  274. ; * To-Do Form *
  275. ;
  276. ToDoForm                         = To-Do List
  277. bEdit                            = Edit
  278. bDelete                          = Delete
  279. bClose                           = Close
  280. bGo                              = Go
  281. ToDoText                         = Text
  282. ToDoOwner                        = Owner
  283. ToDoCategory                     = Category
  284. ;
  285. ; * Options Form *
  286. ;
  287. OptionsForm                      = Options
  288. tGeneral                         = General
  289. gEditorOptions                   = Editor options
  290. lBlockIndent                     = Block indent
  291. lOutputFormat                    = Output format
  292. lTabSize                         = Tab size
  293. lTabStops                        = Tab stops
  294. lLanguage                        = Language
  295. cCreateBackup                    = Create backup file
  296. cWordWrap                        = Word wrap
  297. cWrapAtMargin                    = Wrap at margin
  298. cDrawSpecialSymbols              = Draw special symbols
  299. cHighlightURLs                   = Highlight URLs
  300. cCursorBeyondEOL                 = Cursor beyond EOL
  301. cUseMultipleInstance             = Use multiple instance
  302. cAutoIndent                      = Auto indent mode
  303. cSmartTab                        = Smart tab
  304. cUseTabChar                      = Use tab character
  305. cBackUnindent                    = Backspace unindents
  306. cShowLineNumbers                 = Show line numbers
  307. cShowLineNumbOnGutter            = Show line numbers on gutter
  308. cGroupUndo                       = Group undo
  309. cCursorEof                       = Cursor beyond EOF
  310. cSelectEol                       = Selection beyond EOL
  311. cDisableDragging                 = Disable dragging
  312. cOverwriteCursorAsBlock          = Overwrite cursor as block
  313. cUseSyntaxHighlight              = Use syntax highlight
  314. cCutCopyEnabled                  = Force cut and copy enabled
  315. cFindTextAtCursor                = Find text at cursor
  316. cDblClickLine                    = Double click line
  317. cOverwriteBlock                  = Overwrite blocks
  318. cPersistentBlock                 = Persistent blocks
  319. cKeepTrailingBlank               = Keep trailing blanks
  320. cCursorOnTabs                    = Cursor on tabs
  321. cTripleClickLine                 = Triple click line
  322. tDisplay                         = Display
  323. gEditorMargin                    = Editor margin
  324. lMarginPosition                  = Position
  325. lMarginColor                     = Color
  326. lMarginStyle                     = Style
  327. cVisibleRightMargin              = Visible right margin
  328. gLineSeparator                   = Line separator
  329. lLineSeparatorStyle              = Style
  330. lLineSeparatorColor              = Color
  331. cWrappedLineSeparator            = Wrapped line separator
  332. cVisibleLineSeparator            = Visible line separator
  333. gLineHighlight                   = Line highlight
  334. lLineHighlightColor              = Color
  335. lLineHighlightLineColor          = Line color
  336. lLineHighlightLineStyle          = Line style
  337. cVisibleLineHighlight            = Visible line highlight
  338. gEditorGutter                    = Editor gutter
  339. lGutterStyle                     = Style
  340. lGutterLineColor                 = Line color
  341. lGutterWidth                     = Width
  342. lGutterColor                     = Color
  343. cVisibleGutter                   = Visible gutter
  344. tColorScheme                     = Color Scheme
  345. lElements                        = Elements
  346. lColorScheme                     = Color scheme will be used with selected syntax definition.
  347. lBackgroundColor                 = Background color
  348. lForegroundColor                 = Foreground color
  349. lSpeedColorSetting               = Speed color setting
  350. gTextAtributes                   = Text attributes
  351. cBold                            = Bold
  352. cItalic                          = Italic
  353. cUnderline                       = Underline
  354. gUseDefaultsFor                  = Use defaults for
  355. cForeground                      = Foreground
  356. cBackground                      = Background
  357. bLoadScheme                      = Load scheme
  358. bSaveColorScheme                 = Save scheme
  359. gFont                            = Font
  360. lFontSize                        = Size
  361. tSyntaxDefinition                = Syntax Definition
  362. lSyntaxDefinition                = Specify the syntax definitions which you would like CodePad to use automaticaly for chosen file types.
  363. gSyntaxDefinitions               = Syntax definitions and file types
  364. bAdd                             = Add
  365. tFileAssociations                = File Associations
  366. lFileAssociations                = From the list, select the file types which you would like CodePad to open when you double-click on them in Explorer.
  367. gFileTypes                       = File types
  368. lOther                           = Other (e.g *.ext1;*.ext2)
  369. bUnselectAll                     = Unselect all
  370. cAddToContextMenu                = Add CodePad to context menu for all files
  371. tUserActions                     = User Actions
  372. gActions                         = Actions
  373. lAction1Command                  = Action 1 command
  374. lAction1Parameters               = Action 1 parameters
  375. lUseInParameters                 = Use "%s" in parameters to substitute current document
  376. lAction1Caption                  = Action 1 menu caption
  377. lAction2Caption                  = Action 2 menu caption
  378. lAction2Parameters               = Action 2 parameters
  379. lAction2Command                  = Action 2 command
  380. lAction3Caption                  = Action 3 menu caption
  381. lAction3Parameters               = Action 3 parameters
  382. lAction3Command                  = Action 3 command
  383. lAction4Caption                  = Action 4 menu caption
  384. lAction4Parameters               = Action 4 parameters
  385. lAction4Command                  = Action 4 command
  386. bSaveSettings                    = Save settings
  387. bOKforAll                        = OK for all
  388. FileAssocExtension               = Extension
  389. FileAssocType                    = Type
  390. SyntaxDefinition                 = Syntax definition
  391. SyntaxDefFileTypes               = File types
  392. ColorSchemeFilesAndAllFiles      = Color Scheme files (*.rgb)|*.rgb|All files (*.*)|*.*
  393. NotSequence                      = Must be insert a comma separated increasing sequence of integers.
  394. MustBeGreater                    = Value must be greater or equal than %d.
  395. NotSemicolon                     = Must be insert a semicolon of extensions.
  396. ExeBatFilesAndAllFiles           = Executable files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*
  397. ;
  398. ; * Syntax Definition Form *
  399. ;
  400. SyntaxDefinitionForm             = Syntax Definition
  401. lFileTypes                       = File types
  402. lSyntaxDefinition2               = Syntax definition
  403. lIeExt                           = (e.g. *.ext1;*.ext2)
  404. SyntaxDefinitionCorruptedFile    = Please fill file types (e.g. *.ext1;*.ext2) and select syntax definition file.
  405. SyntaxDefinitionFilesAndAllFiles = Syntax Definition files (*.def)|*.def|All files (*.*)|*.*
  406. ;
  407. ; * Definition Editor Form *
  408. ;
  409. DefinitionEditorForm             = Syntax Definition Editor
  410. lBlocks                          = Blocks
  411. lSchemeName                      = Scheme name
  412. bCopyBlock                       = Copy
  413. bEditBlock                       = Edit
  414. bDeleteBlock                     = Delete
  415. bAddBlock                        = Add
  416. tCommon                          = Common
  417. lBlocksDelimiters                = Block delimiters
  418. lBlockOptions                    = Block options
  419. lPlainText                       = Plain text
  420. bAddBlockDelimiter               = Add
  421. bDeleteBlockDelimiter            = Delete
  422. bEditBlockDelimiter              = Edit
  423. cUseMetaSymbol                   = Use metasymbol
  424. bPlainTextStyle                  = Style...
  425. cHighlightSymbols                = Highlight symbols
  426. bHighlightSymbolsStyle           = Style...
  427. cMetaSymbolEscape                = for escapes
  428. cMetaSymbolWrapLines             = to wrap long lines
  429. tComments                        = Comments
  430. cHighlightComments               = Highlight comments
  431. bAddSingleLineComment            = Add
  432. bDeleteSingleLineComment         = Delete
  433. bAddMultiLineComment             = Add
  434. bDeleteMultiLineComment          = Delete
  435. cSingleLineComments              = Single-line comments
  436. cMultiLineComments               = Multi-line comments
  437. bEditSingleLineComment           = Edit
  438. bEditMultiLineComment            = Edit
  439. tFullLine                        = Full Line
  440. lPrefix                          = Prefix
  441. cFullLineComments                = Full-line comments
  442. bAddFullLineComment              = Add
  443. bDeleteFullLineComment           = Delete
  444. bEditFullLineComment             = Edit
  445. cHighlightDirectives             = Highlight directives
  446. bPrefixStyle                     = Style...
  447. tStrings                         = Strings
  448. cHighlightStrings                = Highlight strings
  449. bAddHighlightSingleLineString    = Add
  450. bDeleteHighlightSingleLineString = Delete
  451. bEditHighlightSingleLineString   = Edit
  452. cHighlightSingleLineStrings      = Single-line strings
  453. cHighlightMultiLineStrings       = Multi-line strings
  454. bAddHighlightMultiLineString     = Add
  455. bDeleteHighlightMultiLineString  = Delete
  456. bEditHighlightMultiLineString    = Edit
  457. tNumbers                         = Numbers
  458. lHighlightNumbersInteger         = Integers
  459. lHighlightNumbersFloat           = Floats
  460. lHighlightNumbersHexa            = Hexadecimal
  461. cHighlightNumbers                = Highlight numbers
  462. bAddHighlightNumbers             = Add
  463. bDeleteHighlightNumbers          = Delete
  464. bHighlightIntegersStyle          = Style...
  465. bHighlightFloatsStyle            = Style...
  466. bEditHighlightNumbers            = Edit
  467. bHighlightHexaStyle              = Style...
  468. gSpecial                         = Special
  469. rWithPrefix                      = with prefix
  470. rWithSuffix                      = with suffix
  471. rWithPrefixAndSuffix             = with prefix && suffix
  472. tIdentifiers                     = Identifiers
  473. lFirstSymbolChar                 = First symbol charset
  474. lOtherSymbolChar                 = Other symbols charset
  475. cHighlightIdentifiers            = Highlight identifiers
  476. bHighlightIdentifiersStyle       = Style...
  477. bAddHighlightIdentifier          = Add
  478. bDeleteHighlightIdentifier       = Delete
  479. bEditHighlightIdentifier         = Edit
  480. bFirstChar                       = ...
  481. bOtherChar                       = ...
  482. gSpecial2                        = Special
  483. rIWithPrefix                     = with prefix
  484. rIWithSuffix                     = with suffix
  485. rIWithPrefixAndSuffix            = with prefix && suffix
  486. tKeywords                        = Keywords
  487. lSets                            = Sets
  488. lCurrentKeywordsSet              = Current keywords set
  489. cHighlightKeywords               = Highlight keywords
  490. bAddKeywordSet                   = Add
  491. bDeleteKeywordSet                = Delete
  492. bAddKeyword                      = Add
  493. bDeleteKeyword                   = Delete
  494. bLoadKeywords                    = Load keywords
  495. bSaveKeywords                    = Save keywords
  496. bEditKeyword                     = Edit
  497. bEditKeywordSet                  = Edit
  498. bLoad                            = Load definition
  499. bSave                            = Save definition
  500. bClear                           = Clear
  501. RemoveSyntaxBlock                = Do you really want to remove syntax block "%s"?
  502. And                              = and
  503. Delimiter                        = Delimiter
  504. Prefix                           = Prefix
  505. Suffix                           = Suffix
  506. RemoveKeywordSet                 = Do you really want to remove keyword set "%s"?
  507. KeywordSet                       = Keyword set
  508. Keyword                          = Keyword
  509. TextFilesAndAllFiles             = Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*
  510. SyntaxDefinitionFilesAndAllFiles = Syntax Definition files (*.def)|*.def|All files (*.*)|*.*
  511. WithPrefixes                     = with prefixes
  512. WithSuffixes                     = with suffixes
  513. MultipleSuffixesAllowed          = multiple suffixes allowed
  514. WithPreffixesAndSuffixes         = with prefixes and suffixes
  515. CompositionPreffixesAndSuffixes  = use composition of P && S
  516. CharSet                          = Charset
  517. ;
  518. ; * Def. Editor Block Form *
  519. ;
  520. DefEditorBlockForm               = Block
  521. lBlock                           = Block
  522. lParent                          = Parent
  523. ;
  524. ; * Def. Editor Copy Block Form *
  525. ;
  526. DefEditorCopyBlockForm           = Copy Block
  527. lSelectBlock                     = Select block
  528. ;
  529. ; * Def. Editor Block Delimiters Form *
  530. ;
  531. DefEditorBlockDelimitersForm     = Block Delimiters
  532. lLeftDelimiter                   = Left delimiter
  533. lRightDelimiter                  = Right delimiter
  534. cArePartOfBlock                  = Are part of block
  535. ;
  536. ; * Def. Editor Line Style Form *
  537. ;
  538. DefEditorLineStyleForm           = %s Style
  539. lTextStyle                       = Text style
  540. lText                            = Delimiter
  541. cUseDefaultBackground            = Use default background
  542. ;
  543. ; * DefEditorPairStyleForm *
  544. ;
  545. DefEditorPairStyleForm           = Delimiters Style
  546. ;
  547. ; * Def. Editor Font Style Form *
  548. ;
  549. DefEditorFontStyleForm           = Font Style
  550. ;
  551. ; * Def. Editor Line Form *
  552. ;
  553. DefEditorLineForm                = Keyword
  554. lDefEditorLineText               = Keyword
  555. ;
  556. ; Def. Editor Pair Form *
  557. ;
  558. DefEditorPairForm                = Delimiters
  559. ;
  560. ; * Template Editor Form *
  561. ;
  562. TemplateEditorForm               = Code Template Editor
  563. lTemplateFileName                = File name
  564. bLoadTemplate                    = Load template
  565. bSaveTemplate                    = Save template
  566. gTemplates                       = Templates
  567. TemplateName                     = Name
  568. TemplateDescription              = Description
  569. CodeTemplateFilesAndAllFiles     = Code Template files (*.tpl)|*.tpl|All files (*.*)|*.*
  570. ;
  571. ; * Template Editor Item Form *
  572. ;
  573. TemplateEditorItemForm           = Code Template Item
  574. lShortcutName                    = Shortcut name
  575. lDescription                     = Description
  576. lCode                            = Code
  577. lUseCharForPosition              = (use | char for cursor position)
  578. ShortcutNameBlank                = The Shortcut name cannot be blank.
  579. ;
  580. ; * About Form *
  581. ;
  582. AboutForm                        = About CodePad