PC World 2001 August
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PHP Script
492 lines
* Defines all regular expressions.
* This class defines all regular expressions. To make the
* configuration and customization of PHPDoc as simple as
* possible I decided to define all regular expressions in one class.
* From a programming point of view there's no need to do so.
* @version $Id: PhpdocParserRegExp.php,v 1.5 2001/02/18 14:45:28 uw Exp $
class PhpdocParserRegExp extends PhpdocObject {
* Array of phpdoc tags, indexed by the tagname.
* ... grepping information is really not a parser. Don't
* change the order the tags are listed. If you introduce
* new tags write the long variant of the tagname (parameter)
* in front of the shortcut (param).
* @var array List of all PHPDoc documentation tags.
var $PHPDOC_TAGS = array(
"@parameter" => '@param[eter] (object objectname|type) [$varname] [description]',
"@param" => '@param[eter] (object objectname|type) [$varname] [description]',
"@return" => '@return (object objectname|type) [$varname] [description]',
"@access" => '@access',
"@abstract" => '@abstract',
"@static" => '@static',
"@final" => '@final',
"@throws" => '@throws exception [, exception]',
"@see" => '@see (function()|$varname|(module|class)(function()|$varname)) [, (funtion()|$varname|(module|class)(function()|$varname))]',
"@link" => '@link URL [description]',
"@var" => '@var (object objectname|type) [$varname]',
"@global" => '@global (object objectname|type) $varname [description]',
"@constant" => '@const[ant] label [description]',
"@const" => '@const[ant] label [description]',
"@author" => '@author Name [<email>] [, Name [<email>]',
"@copyright" => '@copyright description',
"@version" => '@version label',
"@since" => '@since label',
"@deprecated" => '@deprec[ated] description',
"@deprec" => '@deprec[ated] description',
"@brother" => '@(brother|sister) (function()|$varname)',
"@sister" => '@(brother|sister) (function()|$varname)',
"@include" => '@include description',
"@exclude" => '@exclude label',
"@modulegroup" => '@modulegroup label',
"@module" => '@module label',
"@package" => '@package label',
"@magic" => '@magic description',
"@todo" => '@todo description'
* Basis regular expressions used to compose complex expressions to grep doc comments.
* PHPDoc tries to compose all complex regular expressions
* from a list of basic ones. This array contains all expressions
* used grep complex doc comments and the surrounding keywords.
* @var array List of basic regular expressions matching parts of doc comments:
* module names, module separator, vartypes, accesstypes.
* @final
* @see buildComplexRegExps(), $C_COMPLEX
var $C_BASE = array(
#"block" => '/\*\*((?:(?!\*).)*(?:\n(?!\s*\*/)\s*\*(?:(?!\*/).)*)*)\*/',
"module" => "[^\s]+",
"module_separator" => "::",
"module_tags" => "(@modulegroup|@module)",
"vartype" => "(string|integer|int|long|real|double|float|boolean|bool|mixed|array|object)",
"access" => "(private|public)"
* List of regular expressions used to grep complex doc comments.
* As with $PHP_COMPLEX all complex expressions are build using basic
* ones in buildComplexRegExps().
* @var array Regular expressions matching see and optional objectnames.
* @final
* @see buildComplexRegexps(), $C_BASE
var $C_COMPLEX = array(
"objectname_optional" => "",
"see_var" => "",
"see_function" => "",
"see_moduleclass" => "",
"module_doc" => "",
"module_tags" => "",
"module_separator" => "",
"module_separator_len" => 0,
"module_separator_len_neg" => 0
* Basic RegExps used to analyse PHP Code.
* PHPDoc tries to compose all complex regular expressions
* from some basic expressions. This array contains
* all expressions used to build $PHP_COMPLEX.
* There're some differences to the RegExps in zend-scanner.l,
* e.g. I decided to write "\s+" instead of "[ \n\r\t]+" which
* should be identical as long as perl compatible regular
* expressions are used. Another point is that I did not break
* down numbers to LNUM/DNUM.
* @var array List of basis regular expressions matching php code elements:
* spaces, optional spaces, linebreaks, labels, use (include and friends),
* optional argument assignment, boolean, several variable types.
* @final
var $PHP_BASE = array (
"space" => "\s+",
"space_optional" => "\s*",
"break" => "[\n\r]",
"php_open_long" => "<\?php\s", # zend_scanner.l use {WHITESPACE} (space in our case) eighter. Might be slightly faster.
"php_open_short" => "<\?",
"php_open_asp" => "<%",
"php_open_short_print" => "<\?=",
"php_open_asp_print" => "<%=",
# do not change the single quotes to double ones
"label" => '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\xzf-\xff]*',
"use" => "(include_once|include|require_once|require)",
"assignment" => "\s*([,=])\s*",
"boolean" => "(true|false)",
"string" => "[^\s]+",
"string_enclosed" => "(['\"])(?:\\\\\\1|[^\\1])*?\\1",
"int_oct" => "[+-]?\s*0[0-7]+",
"int_hex" => "[+-]?\s*0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+",
"float" => "[+-]?\s*\d*\.\d+",
"float_exponent" => "[+-]?\s*\d*(?:\.\d+)*[eE][+-]?\d+",
"number" => "[+-]?\s*\d+",
"array" => "array\s*\(",
"empty_array" => "array\s*\(\s*\)\s*"
* List of regular expressions used to grep complex php code elements.
* The RegExp of the variable types is slightly changed to that
* one in $PHP_BASE, getVariableTypeAndValue() needs this.
* "undoc_*" is used to grep all keywords those who have a doc
* comment in front and those without. See getPhodocParagraphs()
* for more details on this.
* @var array RegExps to match: variablenames, functionnames, classnames,
* class variable declarations, function declarations,
* class declarations, defines, uses (include and friends),
* function arguments, several variables types.
* @see buildComplexRegExps(), getVariableTypeAndValue(), getPhpdocParagraphs(), $PHP_BASE
var $PHP_COMPLEX = array (
"varname" => "",
"functionname" => "",
"classname" => "",
"php_open_script" => "",
"var" => "",
"undoc_var" => "",
"function" => "",
"undoc_function" => "",
"class" => "",
"undoc_class" => "",
"class_extends" => "",
"undoc_class_extends" => "",
"const" => "",
"undoc_const" => "",
"use" => "",
"undoc_use" => "",
"argument" => "",
"type_boolean" => "",
"type_string" => "",
"type_string_enclosed" => "",
"type_int_oct" => "",
"type_int_hex" => "",
"type_float" => "",
"type_float_exponent" => "",
"type_number" => "",
"type_array" => "",
"type_empty_array" => ""
* Array of RegExp matching the syntax of several complex tags.
* The array is filled by the constructor.
* @var array Used to analyse return, var, param,
* global, see and to find tags in general
* @see PhpdocParserObject()
var $TAGS = array (
"return" => "",
"var" => "", # @var, @param
"global" => "",
"access" => "",
"module" => "", # @module, @modulegroup
"const" => "", # @const, @constant
"see_var" => "", # @see
"see_function" => "", # @see
"see_class" => "", # @see
"see_module" => "", # @see
"link" => "@([^\s]+)(.*)@is", # @link
"brother" => "",
"author" => "<\s*([a-z]([-a-z0-9_.])*@([-a-z0-9_]*\.)+[a-z]{2,})\s*>", # @author <email> part
"all" => "" # list of all known tags
* Builds complex regular expressions for the parser.
* PHPDoc has a small set of basic regular expressions. All complex
* regular expressions are made out of the basic ones. The composition
* in done in this method. Note: every derived class must
* call this method in it's constructor!
function buildComplexRegExps() {
// Do not change the order of the variable initializations there're dependencies.
// It starts with some php names.
// some names
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["varname"] = sprintf("[&]?[$]%s", $this->PHP_BASE["label"] );
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["functionname"] = sprintf("[&]?%s", $this->PHP_BASE["label"] );
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["classname"] = $this->PHP_BASE["label"];
// Now build all regexps used to grep doc comment elements.
// optional object name
$this->C_COMPLEX["objectname_optional"] = sprintf("(?:object%s%s)?",
$this->C_COMPLEX["module_separator"] = sprintf("(?:%s)", $this->C_BASE["module_separator"]);
$this->C_COMPLEX["module_separator_len"] = strlen($this->C_BASE["module_separator"]);
$this->C_COMPLEX["module_separator_len_neg"] = -1*strlen($this->C_BASE["module_separator"]);
// References to other elements
$this->C_COMPLEX["see_var"] = sprintf("(%s%s)?([$][^:]%s)",
$this->C_COMPLEX["see_function"] = sprintf("(%s%s)?([^:]%s\(%s\))",
$this->C_COMPLEX["see_moduleclass"] = sprintf("(%s)", $this->C_BASE["module"] );
// RegExps used to grep certain php code elements.
// var statements
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["var"] = sprintf("|^%svar%s([$]%s)%s(=?)|is",
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["undoc_var"] = sprintf("|%s|isS", substr($this->PHP_COMPLEX["var"], 2, -3) );
// function statements
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["function"] = sprintf("|^%sfunction%s(%s)%s\(|is",
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["undoc_function"] = sprintf("|%s|isS", substr($this->PHP_COMPLEX["function"], 2, -3) );
// class statements
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["class"] = sprintf("|^%sclass%s(%s)%s{|is",
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["undoc_class"] = sprintf("|%s|isS", substr($this->PHP_COMPLEX["class"], 2, -3) );
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["class_extends"] = sprintf("|^%sclass%s(%s)%sextends%s(%s)%s{|is",
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["undoc_class_extends"] = sprintf("|%s|isS", substr($this->PHP_COMPLEX["class_extends"], 2, -3) );
// RegExp used to grep define statements.
// NOTE: the backticks do not allow the usage of $this->PHP_BASE
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["const"] = sprintf("@^%sdefine%s\(%s(%s)%s,%s(%s)%s(?:,%s(%s))?%s\)%s;@is",
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["undoc_const"] = sprintf("@%s@isS", substr($this->PHP_COMPLEX["const"], 2, -3) );
// include, include_once, require, require_once and friends
// ? removed!
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["use"] = sprintf("@^%s%s[\(]%s((['\"])((?:\\\\\\3|[^\\3])*?)\\3|([^\s]+))%s[\)]%s;@is",
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["undoc_use"] = sprintf("@%s@isS", substr($this->PHP_COMPLEX["use"], 2, -3) );
// Variable name with an optional assignment operator. This one is used
// to analyse function heads [parameter lists] as well as class variable
// declarations.
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["argument"] = sprintf("|(%s)(%s)?|s",
// <script language="php"> syntax
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["php_open_script"] = sprintf("<script%slanguage%s=%s[\"']php[\"']%s>",
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["php_open_all"] = sprintf("(?:%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)",
$this->C_COMPLEX["module_doc"] = sprintf("@^%s%s%s/\*\*@is",
$this->C_COMPLEX["module_tags"] = sprintf("/%s/is", $this->C_BASE["module_tags"] );
// RegExp used to grep variables types
$elements = array(
"boolean", "string", "string_enclosed",
"int_oct", "int_hex", "float", "float_exponent",
"number", "array", "empty_array"
while (list($key, $name)=each($elements))
$this->PHP_COMPLEX["type_".$name] = sprintf("@^%s@", $this->PHP_BASE[$name]);
// Regular expressions used to analyse phpdoc tags.
$this->TAGS["var"] = sprintf("/%s(?:%s(%s))?(?:%s(%s))?%s(.*)?/is",
$this->TAGS["return"] = $this->TAGS["var"];
$this->TAGS["global"] = sprintf("/%s%s(%s)%s(%s)%s(.*)/is",
$this->TAGS["brother"] = sprintf("/(%s\(\)|\$%s)/is",
$this->TAGS["const"] = sprintf("/(%s)%s(.*)?/is",
$this->TAGS["access"] = sprintf("/%s/is", $this->C_BASE["access"]);
$this->TAGS["module"] = sprintf("/%s/is", $this->PHP_BASE["label"]);
$this->TAGS["author"] = sprintf("/%s/is", $this->TAGS["author"]);
$all_tags = "";
while (list($tag, $v)=each($this->PHPDOC_TAGS))
$all_tags.= substr($tag, 1)."|";
$all_tags = substr($all_tags, 0, -1);
$this->TAGS["all"] = "/@($all_tags)/is";
$elements = array ( "see_function", "see_var", "see_moduleclass" );
while (list($k, $index)=each($elements))
$this->TAGS[$index] = sprintf("/%s/is", $this->C_COMPLEX[$index]);
} // end func buildComplexRegExps
} // end class PhpdocParserRegExp