PC World 2001 August
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PHP Script
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP version 4.0 |
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// | Copyright (c) 1997-2001 The PHP Group |
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// | Authors: Sebastian Bergmann <sb@sebastian-bergmann.de> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: Fraction.php,v 1.2 2001/01/10 01:01:56 ssb Exp $
* Math::Math_Fraction
* Purpose:
* Class for handling fractions.
* Example:
* $a = new Math_Fraction( 1, 2 );
* $b = new Math_Fraction( 3, 4 );
* $a->add( $b );
* @author Sebastian Bergmann <sb@sebastian-bergmann.de>
* @version $Revision: 1.2 $
* @access public
require_once "Math/Util.php";
class Math_Fraction
// {{{ properties
* zaehler of the fraction
* @var int zaehler
* @access public
var $zaehler;
* nenner of the fraction
* @var int nenner
* @access public
var $nenner;
// }}}
// {{{ Math_Fraction( $zaehler, $nenner )
* Constructor.
* @param int zaehler
* @param int nenner
* @access public
function Math_Fraction( $zaehler, $nenner = 1 )
$this->zaehler = $zaehler;
$this->nenner = $nenner;
// }}}
// {{{ add( $fraction, $overwrite_with_result )
* Add another fraction to this one.
* @param Math_Fraction fraction
* @param boolean overwrite_with_result
* @return Math_Fraction result (if overwrite_with_result == false)
* @access public
* @see sub, mul, div
function add( $fraction, $overwrite_with_result = true )
// check, if argument is a fraction
$fraction = $this->_check_fraction( $fraction );
// add
$result = new Math_Fraction( ( $this->zaehler + $fraction->zaehler ),
( $this->nenner * $fraction->nenner )
// handle result
return $this->_return( $result, $overwrite_with_result );
// }}}
// {{{ sub( $fraction, $overwrite_with_result )
* Subtract another fraction from this one.
* @param Math_Fraction fraction
* @param boolean overwrite_with_result
* @return Math_Fraction result (if overwrite_with_result == false)
* @access public
* @see add, mul, div
function sub( $fraction, $overwrite_with_result = true )
// check, if argument is a fraction
$fraction = $this->_check_fraction( $fraction );
// subtract
$result = new Math_Fraction( ( $this->zaehler - $fraction->zaehler ),
( $this->nenner * $fraction->nenner )
// handle result
return $this->_return( $result, $overwrite_with_result );
// }}}
// {{{ mul( $fraction, $overwrite_with_result )
* Multiply another fraction with this one.
* @param Math_Fraction fraction
* @param boolean overwrite_with_result
* @return Math_Fraction result (if overwrite_with_result == false)
* @access public
* @see add, sub, div
function mul( $fraction, $overwrite_with_result = true )
// check, if argument is a fraction
$fraction = $this->_check_fraction( $fraction );
// multiply
$result = new Math_Fraction( ( $this->zaehler * $fraction->zaehler ),
( $this->nenner * $fraction->nenner )
// handle result
return $this->_return( $result, $overwrite_with_result );
// }}}
// {{{ div( $fraction, $overwrite_with_result )
* Divide this fraction by another one.
* @param Math_Fraction fraction
* @param boolean overwrite_with_result
* @return Math_Fraction result (if overwrite_with_result == false)
* @access public
* @see add, sub, mul
function div( $fraction, $overwrite_with_result = true )
// check, if argument is a fraction
$fraction = $this->_check_fraction( $fraction );
// divide
$result = new Math_Fraction( ( $this->zaehler * $fraction->nenner ),
( $this->nenner * $fraction->zaehler )
// handle result
return $this->_return( $result, $overwrite_with_result );
// }}}
// {{{ normalize()
* Normalize this fraction.
* @access public
function normalize()
// get greatest common divisor
$gcd = gcd( $this->zaehler, $this->nenner );
// divide zaehler / nenner by gcd
$this->zaehler = $this->zaehler / $gcd;
$this->nenner = $this->nenner / $gcd;
// }}}
// {{{ dump()
* Dump this fraction.
* @access public
function dump()
print $this->get();
// }}}
// {{{ get()
* Get string representation of this fraction.
* @return string representation of fraction
* @access public
function get()
return $this->zaehler . " / " . $this->nenner;
// }}}
// {{{ _check_fraction( $fraction )
* Check, if a varaible holds a Math_Fraction object.
* @param Math_Fraction fraction to be checked
* @return Math_Fraction checked fraction
* @access public
function _check_fraction( $fraction )
if( get_class( $fraction ) != "math_fraction" )
$fraction = new Math_Fraction( $fraction );
return $fraction;
// }}}
// {{{ _return( $result, $overwrite_with_result )
* Handle the return or storage of a result from add, sub, mul or div.
* @param Math_Fraction result
* @param boolean overwrite_with_result
* @return Math_Fraction result (if overwrite_with_result == false)
* @access public
function _return( $result, $overwrite_with_result )
if( $overwrite_with_result )
$this->zaehler = $result->zaehler;
$this->nenner = $result->nenner;
return $result;
// }}}