home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- require("lib.inc.php");
- ?>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>phpMyAdmin</title>
- <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- // These scripts were originally found on cooltype.com.
- // Modified 01/01/1999 by Tobias Ratschiller for linuxapps.com
- // Modified 7th June 2000 by Brian Birtles for Mozilla 5.0
- // compatibility for phpMyAdmin
- document.onmouseover = doDocumentOnMouseOver ;
- document.onmouseout = doDocumentOnMouseOut ;
- function doDocumentOnMouseOver() {
- var eSrc = window.event.srcElement ;
- if (eSrc.className == "item") {
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- function doDocumentOnMouseOut() {
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- if (eSrc.className == "highlight") {
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- IE4=((document.all)&&(bV>=4)) ? true : false;
- DOM=(!document.layers && !document.all && bV>=4) ? true : false; // A hack to guess if the browser supports the DOM
- capable = (NS4 || IE4 || DOM) ? true : false;
- function expandIt(){return}
- function expandAll(){return}
- //-->
- </script>
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- <!--
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- whichEl = document.layers[i];
- if (whichEl.id == el) {
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- function initIt(){
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- if (whichEl.id.indexOf("Child") != -1) whichEl.visibility = "hide";
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- function expandIE(el) {
- whichEl = eval(el + "Child");
- // Modified Tobias Ratschiller 01-01-99:
- // event.srcElement obviously only works when clicking directly
- // on the image. Changed that to use the images's ID instead (so
- // you've to provide a valid ID!).
- //whichIm = event.srcElement;
- whichIm = eval(el+"Img");
- if (whichEl.style.display == "none") {
- whichEl.style.display = "block";
- whichIm.src = "images/minus.gif";
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- else {
- whichEl.style.display = "none";
- whichIm.src = "images/plus.gif";
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- window.event.cancelBubble = true ;
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- function expandNS(el) {
- whichEl = eval("document." + el + "Child");
- whichIm = eval("document." + el + "Parent.document.images['imEx']");
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- whichIm.src = "images/minus.gif";
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- whichIm.src = "images/plus.gif";
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- function expandDOM(el) {
- whichEl = document.getElementById(el + "Child");
- whichIm = document.getElementById(el + "Img");
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- whichIm.src = "images/plus.gif";
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- function showAll() {
- for (i=firstInd; i<document.layers.length; i++) {
- whichEl = document.layers[i];
- whichEl.visibility = "show";
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- }
- function expandAll(isBot) {
- // Brian Birtles 7-Jun-00 : This fn might be unnecessary (for phpMyAdmin).
- // My changes are certainly untested.
- newSrc = (isExpanded) ? "images/plus.gif" : "images/minus.gif";
- if (NS4) {
- // TR-02-01-99: Don't need that
- // document.images["imEx"].src = newSrc;
- for (i=firstInd; i<document.layers.length; i++) {
- whichEl = document.layers[i];
- if (whichEl.id.indexOf("Parent") != -1) {
- whichEl.document.images["imEx"].src = newSrc;
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- divColl = document.all.tags("DIV");
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- imColl = document.images.item("imEx");
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- imColl(i).src = newSrc;
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- } else if(DOM) {
- divColl = document.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
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- if (divColl(i).className == "child") {
- divColl(i).style.visibility = (isExpanded) ? "hidden" : "visible";
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- imColl = document.getElementsByName("imEx");
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- imColl(i).src = newSrc;
- }
- }
- isExpanded = !isExpanded;
- }
- with (document) {
- if(DOM) {
- // Brian Birtles : This is not the ideal method of doing this
- // but under the 7th June '00 Mozilla build (and many before
- // it) Mozilla did not treat text between <style> tags as
- // style information unless it was written with the one call
- // to write().
- var lstyle = "<style type='text/css'>";
- lstyle += ".child {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000; text-decoration:none; visibility:hidden}";
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- write(".parent {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000000; text-decoration:none; position:absolute; visibility:hidden; color: black;}");
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- write(".item { color: darkblue; text-decoration:none; font-size: 8pt;}");
- write(".highlight { color: red; font-size: 8pt;}");
- write(".heada { font: 12px/13px; Times}");
- write("DIV { color:black; }");
- }
- write("</style>");
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- <body bgcolor="#D0DCE0">
- <DIV ID="el1Parent" CLASS="parent">
- <A class="item" HREF="main.php?server=<?php echo $server; ?>">
- <FONT color="black" class="heada">
- <?php echo $strHome;?> </FONT></A>
- </DIV>
- <?php
- // Don't display database info if $server==0 (no server selected)
- // This is the case when there are multiple servers and
- // '$cfgServerDefault = 0' is set. In that case, we want the welcome
- // to appear with no database info displayed.
- if($server > 0)
- {
- if(empty($dblist))
- {
- $dbs = mysql_list_dbs();
- $num_dbs = mysql_numrows($dbs);
- }
- else
- {
- $num_dbs = count($dblist);
- }
- for($i=0; $i<$num_dbs; $i++)
- {
- if (empty($dblist))
- $db = mysql_dbname($dbs, $i);
- else
- $db = $dblist[$i];
- $j = $i + 2;
- ?>
- <div ID="el<?php echo $j;?>Parent" CLASS="parent">
- <a class="item" HREF="db_details.php?server=<?php echo $server;?>&db=<?php echo $db;?>" onClick="expandIt('el<?php echo $j;?>'); return false;">
- <img NAME="imEx" SRC="images/plus.gif" BORDER="0" ALT="+" width="9" height="9" ID="el<?php echo $j;?>Img"></a>
- <a class="item" HREF="db_details.php?server=<?php echo $server;?>&db=<?php echo $db;?>" onClick="expandIt('el<?php echo $j;?>');">
- <font color="black" class="heada">
- <?php echo $db;?>
- </font></a>
- </div>
- <div ID="el<?php echo $j;?>Child" CLASS="child">
- <?php
- $tables = mysql_list_tables($db);
- $num_tables = @mysql_numrows($tables);
- for($j=0; $j<$num_tables; $j++)
- {
- $table = mysql_tablename($tables, $j);
- ?>
- <nobr> <a target="phpmain" href="sql.php?server=<?php echo $server;?>&db=<?php echo $db;?>&table=<?php echo urlencode($table);?>&sql_query=<?php echo urlencode("SELECT * FROM $table");?>&pos=0&goto=tbl_properties.php"><img src="images/browse.gif" border="0" alt="<?php echo $strBrowse.": ".$table;?>"></a> <a class="item" target="phpmain" HREF="tbl_properties.php?server=<?php echo $server;?>&db=<?php echo $db;?>&table=<?php echo urlencode($table);?>"><?php echo $table;?></a></nobr><br>
- <?php
- }
- echo "</div>\n";
- }
- ?>
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- firstInd = getIndex(firstEl);
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- //-->
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- <?php
- }
- ?>
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- </html>