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<?php /* $Id: english.inc.php,v 1.24 2000/07/09 09:05:34 tobias Exp $ */ $strAPrimaryKey = "A primary key has been added on "; $strAccessDenied = "Access denied"; $strAction = "Action"; $strAddNewField = "Add new field"; $strAddSearchConditions = "Add search conditions (body of the \"where\" clause):"; $strAfter = "After"; $strAnIndex = "An index has been added on "; $strAtBeginningOfTable = "At Beginning of Table"; $strAtEndOfTable = "At End of Table"; $strAttr = "Attributes"; $strBrowse = "Browse"; $strCarriage = "Carriage return: \\r"; $strChange = "Change"; $strColumnNames = "Column names"; $strCopyTable = "Copy table to:"; $strCopyTableOK = "Table \$table has been copied to \$new_name."; $strCreate = "Create"; $strCreateNewDatabase = "Create new database"; $strCreateNewTable = "Create new table on database "; $strDatabase = "Database "; $strDatabases = "databases"; $strDefault = "Default"; $strDelete = "Delete"; $strDeleted = "The row has been deleted"; $strDoAQuery = "Do a \"query by example\" (wildcard: \"%\")"; $strDoYouReally = "Do you really want to "; $strDocu = "Documentation"; $strDrop = "Drop"; $strDropDB = "Drop database "; $strDumpingData = "Dumping data for table"; $strEdit = "Edit"; $strEmpty = "Empty"; $strEmptyResultSet = "MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows)."; $strEnclosedBy = "enclosed by"; $strEnd = "End"; $strError = "Error"; $strEscapedBy = "escaped by"; $strExtra = "Extra"; $strField = "Field"; $strFields = "Fields"; $strFunction = "Function"; $strGo = "Go"; $strHasBeenAltered = "has been altered."; $strHasBeenCreated = "has been created."; $strHasBeenDropped = "has been dropped."; $strHasBeenEmptied = "has been emptied."; $strHome = "Home"; $strHost = "Host"; $strIfYouWish = "If you wish to load only some of a table's columns, specify a comma separated field list."; $strIndex = "Index"; $strInsert = "Insert"; $strInsertIntoTable = "Insert into table"; $strInsertNewRow = "Insert new row"; $strInsertTextfiles = "Insert textfiles into table"; $strKeyname = "Keyname"; $strLengthSet = "Length/Set"; $strLineFeed = "Linefeed: \\n"; $strLines = "Lines"; $strLocationTextfile = "Location of the textfile"; $strModifications = "Modifications have been saved"; $strMySQLReloaded = "MySQL reloaded."; $strMySQLSaid = "MySQL said: "; $strMySQLShowStatus = "Show MySQL runtime information"; $strMySQLShowVars = "Show MySQL system variables"; $strName = "Name"; $strNext = "Next"; $strNo = "No"; $strNoTablesFound = "No tables found in database."; $strNull = "Null"; $strOftenQuotation = "Often quotation marks. OPTIONALLY means that only char and varchar fields are enclosed by the \"enclosed by\"-character."; $strOptionalControls = "Optional. Controls how to write or read special characters."; $strOptionally = "OPTIONALLY"; $strPos1 = "Begin"; $strPrevious = "Previous"; $strPrimary = "Primary"; $strPrimaryKey = "Primary key"; $strPrinterFriendly = "Printer friendly version of above table"; $strProducedAnError = "produced an error."; $strProperties = "Properties"; $strReadTheDocs = "Read the docs"; $strRecords = "Records"; $strReloadFailed = "MySQL reload failed."; $strReloadMySQL = "Reload MySQL"; $strRenameTable = "Rename table to"; $strRenameTableOK = "Table \$table has been renamed to \$new_name"; $strReplace = "Replace"; $strReplaceTable = "Replace table data with file"; $strReset = "Reset"; $strRunSQLQuery = "Run SQL query/queries on database "; $strRunning = "running on "; $strSQLQuery = "SQL-query"; $strSave = "Save"; $strSelect = "Select"; $strSelectFields = "Select fields (at least one):"; $strSend = "Send"; $strShowingRecords = "Showing records "; $strStrucCSV = "CSV data"; $strStrucData = "Structure and data"; $strStrucDrop = "Add 'drop table'"; $strStrucOnly = "Structure only"; $strSubmit = "Submit"; $strSuccess = "Your SQL-query has been executed successfully"; $strTable = "table "; $strTableStructure = "Table structure for table"; $strTerminatedBy = "terminated by"; $strTheContent = "The content of your file has been inserted."; $strTheContents = "The contents of the file replaces the contents of the selected table for rows with identical primary or unique key."; $strTheTerminator = "The terminator of the fields."; $strTotal = "total"; $strType = "Type"; $strUnique = "Unique"; $strValue = "Value"; $strViewDump = "View dump (schema) of table"; $strViewDumpDB = "View dump (schema) of database"; $strWelcome = "Welcome to "; $strWrongUser = "Wrong username/password. Access denied."; $strYes = "Yes"; $strMySQLShowProcess = "Show processes"; $strLogout = "Log out"; $strQBE = "Query by Example"; $strBack = "Back"; $strTableComments = "Table comments"; $strOr = "or"; $strSelectNumRows = "in query"; $strCompleteInserts = "Complete inserts"; $strLimitNumRows = "records per page"; $strDisplay = "Display"; $strShow = "Show"; $strRowsFrom = "rows starting from"; $strEnableMagicQuotes = "<b>Warning:</b> You haven't enabled magic_quotes_gpc in your PHP configuration. PhpMyAdmin needs this to work properly. Please have a look at the configuration section of the PHP manual for information on how to enable it."; $strPrintView = "Print view"; ?>