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- phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog
- v 2.1.0 - 08/06/2000 + Bugfix: Query By Example now works with high error-
- reporting levels.
- + Bugfix: 'End' on the navigation bar in Browse and
- Select mode now functions correctly.
- + Added random access option to the navigation bar
- in table Select and Browse mode
- + Added form for changing the number of rows displayed
- per page.
- + Bugfix: Reading SQL dumps had magic quotes problems.
- + Added support for wildcards in MySQL user
- authentication system.
- + Added support to edit/delete rows in table without
- primary key.
- + Added support for mysqldump-like Complete Inserts
- (ie. optionally adding the field list to the dumps).
- + Changed the table browsing mode to display Prev/Next
- links also on top of the rows.
- + Added authentication on a per-table basis.
- + Added print views for tables and databases.
- + Added link to browse table from left frame (copied
- from phpPgAdmin).
- + Security: Fixed possible security issue with reading
- SQL dumps.
- + Fixed some more PHP 4.0 issues (warnings, problems
- with 0/empty().
- v 2.0.5 - 12/05/1999 + Added output to show how many rows were affected
- by a custom query.
- + Bugfix: executing a custom sql query prevented the
- edit feature from working correctly.
- + Bugfix: Sending CSV Dumps didn't work because of a
- typo.
- + Bugfix: if the field length was empty, it was set
- to the field's type.
- + Added the possibility to upload SQL dumps with
- File Upload.
- v 2.0.4 - 10/10/1999 + Some more PHP 4.0 fixes.
- + Bugfix: Reading SQL dumps choked on embedded semi-
- colons - fixed.
- + Bugfix: Dure to regex problems, PHP 3.0.12 crashed in
- some instances when adding tables - fixed.
- + Added option to use verbose hostnames.
- + Bugfix: ENUM/SET had problems with embedded special
- characters - fixed.
- + New language file: Portuguese
- v 2.0.3 - 08/15/1999 + Bugfix: Changing a row after a "Select" didn't work.
- + Added proper support for MySQL authentication. With
- $adv_auth, only those dbs are displayed that the user
- has actually the permissions to view [sponsored by
- NetCologne].
- + Bugfix: Sometimes the wrong frameset was displayed.
- + Bugfix: Moved mysql_die() to top of lib.inc.php3 to avoid
- "undefined function" errors.
- + Bugfix: Killed some more warnings for those paranoids
- who have error_reporting to a high value.
- + Added support for MySQL 3.23's table comments.
- + Bugfix: Ordering is now disallowed with MySQL-Status
- operations.
- + Added some more documentation links.
- + Changes the way the reload of MySQL is done - use
- FLUSH PRIVILEGES instead of mysqladmin reload.
- v 2.0.2 - 07/02/1999 + Added support for the BINARY attribute.
- + Bugfix: In languages other than English, the
- warning before dangerous actions didn't work.
- + Added proper support for ENUM/SET.
- + Changed the table browse mode to use LIMIT.
- + Bugfix: ReadDump choked on nestd single quotes,
- even if escaped properly.
- v 2.0.1 - 05/24/1999 + Re-Enabled the "browse"-link on db_properties.php3.
- + Added a way to add more than one new fields a time.
- + Changed some details to be compatible with webservers
- other than Apache (tested with Roxen).
- + Added support for creation of a multi-column primary
- key on an existing table.
- v 2.0.0 - 04/11/1999 + Improved navigation, layout changes.
- + Added the possiblity to log out with $adv_auth.
- + Added the possibility to view MySQL's processes.
- + Added an option to output SQL-queries generated by
- phpMyAdmin.
- + Enhanced the shell script to change file-extensions to
- allow any arbitrary extension. It's now called extchg.sh.
- + Changed SET/ENUM types to appear in a drop-down menu.
- + Bugfix: Attributes weren't used when creating a table
- or adding a field.
- + Bugfix: Field names with high-ASCII-characters weren't
- handled properly.
- + Bugfix: LOAD DATA INFILE didn't allow a tab as field-
- separator.
- v 1.4.2 - 02/28/1999 + Renamed config.inc.php3 variables to begin with 'cfg'.
- + Support for multiple MySQL servers added.
- + Added EscapeShellCmd() to system() calls to avoid
- problems with special characters in passwords.
- + Bugfix: Reload failure was not being detected.
- + Bugfix: Table-/database dumps were not showing key names
- correctly.
- + Added support for DROP TABLE to the dumps.
- + Added support for UNSIGNED & UNSIGNED ZEROFILL attributes.
- + Added a shell-script to make it possible to change the
- file-extension and all references from ".php3" to
- ".phtml" and vice versa.
- v 1.4.1 - 02/07/1999 + Bugfix: Corrected a small error in the table header of
- tbl_change.php3.
- + Added preliminary support for context sensitive help.
- + Enhanced the table-dump to allow dumping only the structure
- or structure+data or CVS export. Made it possible to
- download the dump directly as a file.
- + Bugfix (*Security*): Until now you were able to connect to
- a database different from $only_db. Fixed.
- + Changed the display of the databases to highlight the
- current db.
- + Added a way to execute multiple sql-queries at once
- (eg. for reading in a create-schema).
- + Added the possiblity to view the dump of a whole
- database.
- + Added an output of the record-count for all tables to
- db_details.php3.
- + Bugfix: get_table_content() didn't work correctly when
- a field contained an unescaped single quote.
- + Bugfix: Corrected various errors in display_table()
- when ORDER BY was set.
- + Enhanced table-browsing to use the choosen sortorder
- over the whole result set; start and end buttons added
- for navigation
- + Added the possibility to specify whether BLOB fields
- should be shown when browsing a table or not.
- + New languages: Danish, Norvegian, Spanish, Catalan.
- + Eliminated many warning messages when error reporting
- is set high.
- + Bugfix: Data containing HTML is now properly displayed
- when dumping table or database data.
- + Improved handling of NULL fields.
- + Made tbl_replace.php3 use INSERT and UPDATE rather than
- REPLACE INTO. It is much less likely to lose data now.
- v 1.4.0 - 01/16/1999 + Bugfix: in config.inc.php3 $adv_auth was written as
- $mod_auth.
- + Changed tbl_change.php3 to display a <textarea> for
- *text fields.
- + Changed $max_inputsize to a CSS value.
- + Changed the input field for the sql-query to
- <textarea>.
- + Changed some variables references to prevent warnings.
- + Moved "LOAD DATA INFILE" from db_details.php3 to
- tbl_properties.php3.
- + Added htmlspecialchars() to the output of
- field-contents.
- + Due to the changed behavior of SHOW STATUS in MySQL
- 3.22, I've removed this information from the homepage
- and made seperate links to MySQL internal information.
- + Bugfix: when browsing a table, "insert new row" was
- not visbible.
- + Added ORDER BY fieldname to display_table().
- + Added the possiblity to rename a table.
- + Added the possiblity to copy a table (structure only
- or structure and data).
- + Changed the table-dump to a more memory-efficient way.
- + Added $border and $th_bgcolor, to offer the user more
- control over the look and feel.
- + Added support for MySQL-functions.
- + Added some information for DEVELOPERS.
- + Added stripslashes() to all output of field-types.
- + Added a small FAQ to Documentation.html.
- + New language: Russian
- v 1.3.1 - 12/27/1998 + Added complete mulit-language support by outsourcing
- all strings to a separate file.
- + Bugfix: in tbl_addfield.php3 a stripslashes() was
- missing.
- + Changed *.inc to *.inc.php3 to avoid security-
- problems when .inc-files were not parsed by PHP3.
- + New languages: German, French
- v 1.3.0 - 12/16/1998 + Changed display_table() to show the number of found
- records.
- + Changed display_table() to align=right for numeric
- fields.
- + Changed all PHP3 opening tags to the XML-compliant
- version.
- + Added a "query by example" to tbl_select.php3.
- + Added the possibility to specify the length of input-
- fields when inserting to a table.
- + Changed the input-fields to have a maxlength
- equivalent to the field's size.
- + Bugfix: Corrected a typo in tbl_create.php3
- + Added a checkbox to the load-data-infile function to
- allow existing data to be overwritten.
- + Added authentification: now you can log with any
- valid MySQL- user (through HTTP-auth).
- + Added the possibility to show only one database
- (useful when you want to let users adminstrate one own
- database).
- + Added an "Empty" command to tbl_properties.php3.
- + Added support for UNIQUE keys when creating a table
- or adding a field.
- + Bugfix: the dump of a table didn't show the correct
- table-name.
- + Bugfix: Inserting a CVS-file with single-quote
- enclosed fields didn't work.
- v 1.2.0 - 11/29/1998 + Bugfix: Delete didn't work correctly when a table's
- primary key spanned multiple colums.
- + Changed the texfile-import funtion to import text-files
- directly from the local file-system via file-upload.
- + Added a confirmation when a custom SQL-query was
- completed succesfully.
- + Changed the background image so that the page is
- readable even with crappy browsers (like IE 4.x or
- Navigator 4.5/Mac) that don't interpret style sheets
- correctly.
- + Changed tbl_addfield.php3 to allow specifying a
- primary key or an index when adding a field.
- + Added the possibility to create a dump from a table.
- (port from mysqldump.c)
- + Added the missing TODO file.
- v 1.1.2 - 11/18/1998: + Bugfix: Edit or delete didn't work with a alpha-
- numerical primary key (' was missing).
- + Bugfix: Creating a table with both a primary key
- and an index didn't work.
- + Added the possiblity to browse only selected
- fields from a table.
- v 1.1.1 - 11/05/1998: + Bugfix: After a custom SQL-statement the edit-
- function didn't work.
- + Added the possibility to import data from ascii-
- textfiles.
- + Added the possibility to limit the displayed
- rows to $max_rows.
- + Expanded the drop-confirmation to DELETE FROM.
- v 1.1.0 - 11/03/1998: + Expanded the drop-confirmation to DROP FIELD.
- + You can now turn off the confirmations.
- + It's now possible to specify the primary key
- and an index when creating a table.
- + Made the background-image larger.
- + Bugfix: in tbl_properties.inc, if one primary
- key was found, it was displayed twice.
- + Bugfix: On DROP DATABASE, a wrong confirmation
- was displayed.
- + Added a "nofollow" directive for robots in
- header.inc.
- + Added more documentation (due to several
- requests).
- + Made seperate INSTALL, ChangeLog and TODO
- files.
- v 1.0.1 - 10/26/1998: + Added a check when dropping a table or database.
- + Bugfix: when a field contained a " it wouldn't
- be displayed correctly in tbl_change.
- v 0.9.0 - 09/09/1998: + First internally used version