Msg0=(Could not open file, please check that your disk is not full and that you have access to the destination directory.)
Msg1=(Installation Aborted!)
Msg2=(Could not write file, your disk may be full!)
Msg3=(Copying )
Msg5=(Could not execute the external program %s.)
Msg6=(Could not load the DLL library %s.)
Msg7=(Corrupt installation file!)
Msg8=(Select Pathname for the )
Msg10=(Manual Installation)
Msg11=(This software requires an additional %ld KB free on the %c: drive to install. Please remove any unnecessary files and try again.)
Msg12=(The directory %s already exists. Would you like to install into that directory anyway?)
Msg13=(Downloading )
Msg14=(Skipping )
Msg15=(Could not communicate to the server, error %d.)
Msg16=(Press the [OK] button to continue.|Press [Cancel] to abort the installation.)
Msg19=(Please select the files from the list below to extract. Press the [OK] button to extract the files. Press the [Cancel] button to exit.)
Msg20=(A file with that name already exists.)
Msg21=(Invalid directory name specified.)
Msg22=(The file %s is in use and cannot be installed. Please exit all other applications and retry. Press [Ignore] to not install the file and [Abort] to cancel the installation.)
Msg23=(This system must be restarted to complete the installation. Press the [OK] button to restart this computer. Press [Cancel] to return to Windows without restarting.)
Msg24=(Disk Space Required:)
Msg25=(Free Space Remaining:)
Msg26=(The file %s could not be opened.)
Msg31=(Do you want to abort this installation?)
Msg33=(|This installation is password protected. Please enter the installation password into the field below.)
Msg34=(You have entered an incorrect password. Please reenter the correct password or press [Cancel] to abort the installation.)
Msg37=(An I/O error occurred while installing a file. This is usually caused by bad installation media or a corrupt installation file.)
Msg41=(The file %s is not a valid previous version and could not be upgraded.)
Msg42=(Upgrading )
Msg43=(A newer version of this installation is on the server. Please re-download this installation.)
msg6=The following files should be deleted to remove the software from your system. Press the [Select All] button to remove all of the listed files or select the files individually.
msg7=Welcome to the %s uninstall program.||You can choose to automatically uninstall this software or to choose exactly which changes are made to your system.
msg8=Select system files to remove
msg9=The following files were copied to your system directories during the installation. Use caution when removing these files, they may be in use by other programs.
msg10=Select the [Custom] button to select which modifications are to be made during the uninstall. Select the [Automatic] button for the default uninstall options. Press the [Next] button to continue.
msg11=Select directories to remove
msg12=The following directories were created during the installation. Selecting a directory will remove it and all files and directories that are contained within it.
msg13=You are now ready to uninstall the %s from your system.
msg14=Select INI files to remove
msg15=The following INI files were created during the installation. Select those INI files that you want to remove.
msg16=Select uninstall method
msg17=Select INI items to edit
msg18=The following INI entries were changed during the installation. Select those INI entries that you want to change back.
msg19=Perform uninstall
msg20=Select registry keys to remove
msg21=The following Registration Database Keys were created during the installation. Select those keys that you want to remove.
msg22=Press the Next button to perform the uninstall. Press the Back button to change any of the uninstall options. Press the Cancel button to exit the uninstall.
msg23=Select registry keys to edit
msg24=The following Registration Database Keys were changed during the installation. Select those keys that you want to change back.
msg26=Select icons to remove
msg27=The following icons were added to the Program Manager during the installation. Select those icons that you want to remove.
msg28=The local interbase server must be stopped before BDE can be uninstalled. Please shutdown the interbase server and press the [Retry] button.
msg29=Removing File:|
msg30=Removing System File:|
msg31=Removing Directory:|
msg32=Removing Empty Directories:|
msg33=Removing INI File:|
msg34=Editing INI File:|
msg35=Removing Registration Database Key:|
msg36=Editing Registration Database Key:|
msg37=Removing Icon:|
msg38=The system indicates that the following shared file is no longer used by any programs and may be deleted.||%s||If any programs are still using this file and it is removed those programs may not function.
msg39=Leaving this file will not harm your system. If you are not sure what to do, you should select the No to All button. Do you want to remove the shared file?
msg40=Self-Unregistering file:|
msg41=The following sub-systems were configured during the installation. Select those sub-systems that you want to removed.
msg42=Select Sub-Systems to Remove
msg43=Press the [Continue] button to remove the selected sub-systems.|Press [Cancel] to abort the uninstall.
msg44=Removing Sub-System:|
msg45=Performing uninstall of the %s...||Press the [Cancel] button to cancel the uninstall process and exit this program.
msg46=&Next >
msg47=< &Back
msg49=Select &All
msg50=&Select None
msg53=No to &All
msg54=Select Registry Trees to Remove
msg55=The following registry trees were added during the installation. Select those registry keys that you want removed, including all of their sub-keys.
MSG_WELCOME2 = This installation program will install Opera.
MSG_WELCOME3 = Opera is a fast, small, full-featured, secure and standards-compliant browser.
MSG_WELCOME4 = And now Opera 5 is free!
MSG_WELCOME5 = To make this possible, the browser supports banner-type advertising.
MSG_WELCOME6 = Much care has been taken in the development so that your privacy and security are not compromised. We invite you to our website to learn more:
MSG_WELCOME8 = Note: Registered copies of Opera do not show advertising. If, at any time, you no longer want to see the ads, you can pay the registration fee. For details, see
MSG_WELCOME10 = Press the [Next] button to start the installation.
MSG_LICENCE1 = Software License Agreement
MSG_DESTDIR1 = Select Destination Directory
MSG_DESTDIR2 = Please select the directory where the Opera application files are to be installed.
MSG_GROUP1 = Select Group
MSG_GROUP2 = &Enter the name of the program group to add the application icons to:
MSG_DBRWSR1 = Default Browser
MSG_DBRWSR2 = Would you like to make Opera your default browser?
MSG_DBRWSR3 = Please select the files types and protocols that you want Opera to handle.
MSG_DBRWSR4 = File Types
MSG_DBRWSR5 = Protocols
MSG_READY1 = Ready to Install!
MSG_READY2 = Press the [Next] button to begin the installation or the [Back] button to reenter the installation information.
MSG_FINI1 = Installation Completed!
MSG_FINI2 = Opera has been successfully installed.
MSG_FINI3 = A backup of files replaced or modified during the installation is located in the Uninst\Backup subdirectory where you installed Opera.
MSG_FINI4 = Press the [Finish] button to exit this installation.
MSG_RUN_OPERA = &Run Opera when I press [Finish]
MSG_BNEXT = &Next >
MSG_BBACK = < &Back
MSG_BDONE = &Finish
MSG_ACCEPT = I &Accept
MSG_DENY = I &Disagree
MSG_ICONTLT = Icon Creation
MSG_ICONMSG = Specify if the installer should create a desktop icon and shortcuts in the start menu
MSG_ICSTRM = Add Opera to &Start Menu
MSG_ICDESK = Add Opera icon to &Desktop
MSG_ICQL = Add Opera icon to &Quick Launch
LNK_LAUNCHO = Launch Opera
MSG_DESTDIR = Select Destination Directory
;Java installation dialog
MSG_JTITLE = Install Java Runtime Environment
MSG_JHEAD = Java Installation
MSG_JDESC = Do you want to run the Java installer?
MSG_JACT = Install Sun's JRE 1.3 , Internationalized version
MSG_WANT_JAVA = Yes, install Java
MSG_DONT_JAVA = No, do not install Java
;Java files copy description
MSG_JFDESC = Sun's Java runtime internationalized distribution
MSG_REGCHKERR = It's a problem with your "Windows Registration Database". This may cause problems when running Opera.
MSG_VERERR1 = You are running Windows
MSG_VERERR2 = This version of Opera will not function with your version of Windows.
MSG_WIN32S1 = You are running Windows with the Win32s extensions. Opera is not fully tested with this configuration. This may cause problems when running Opera.
MSG_OKCONT = Click [OK] to continue
MSG_CANEXIT = Click [Cancel] to cancel this installation.
MSG_ORUNNING = Please make sure that Opera is not running before you continue with this installation.
MSG_ORENAME = The installation has been renamed to OPERA.EXE. Please rename to some other name and restart the installation.