10031 Go forward to next document (press arrow for list)
10032 Go back to previous document (press arrow for list)
10052 Access bookmarks in active bookmark folder
10056 Get the latest version of the document
10059 Go to an Internet address
10069 Enter Internet addresses here (press arrow for document history)
10072 Go to the home page
10143 Stop loading the document
10227 Find specific text in the document
10247 Toggle whether images should be loaded/shown
10308 Go to the document in the address field (press arrow for other actions)
10313 Enter Internet search here (press arrow for search history)
10314 Search the Internet for text entered (press arrow for search types)
10511 Show previous article in news group
10512 Show next article in news group
10515 Reply to news article
10516 Follow up on news article
10518 Forward news article
10519 Post news article
10520 Mark selected news article(s) as unread
10521 Mark article(s) as read
10522 News group sorting method
10533 Shows the current status of the document loading
10534 Shows how much of the document has been loaded
10535 Shows number of images loaded/found in the document
10536 Shows data loaded and transfer progress
10596 Enter document zoom value here (press arrow for list)
10606 Show associated news overview window
10607 Show associated news group
10608 Toggle listing all/subscribed only news groups
10609 Toggle listing all/unread only news articles
10610 Mark all articles in news group as read
10623 Mark all news articles in the chosen group as read
10625 Show threads
10724 Toggle between document mode and user mode
10920 Add active page to bookmarks
10921 Add bookmark folder
10922 Display bookmark menu
10925 Add contact
10926 Add contact folder
10927 Display contact menu
11500 Accessibility
11501 Default browser
11502 Documents
11503 E-mail
11504 File types
11505 History and cache
11506 Hotlist
11507 Languages
11508 Multimedia
11509 Connections
11510 News
11511 Paths
11512 Personal information
11513 Plugins
11514 Privacy
11515 Security
11516 Sounds
11517 Start and exit
11518 Toolbars
11519 Windows
11520 Instant messaging
11521 Advertising
11522 Search
11621 Applying new preferences, this might take a moment...
11626 Category
11627 Name
11628 Description
11629 Path
11700 About Opera
11701 Registration information
11702 Registered
11703 Name
11704 Organization
11705 Evaluation
11706 Paths
11707 System
11708 Preferences
11709 Opera directory
11710 Saved windows
11712 Plugin path
11713 Cache
11714 Help documents
11715 Java
11716 Third parties
11717 Opera Software is grateful to the groups and individuals above for making their software available.
11718 The Java Runtime Environment version installed is not supported by this version of Opera
11719 No Java Runtime Environment installed
11720 Yes
11721 No
11722 N/A
13010 Toggle the Hotlist window on and off
13011 Display document on full screen (toggle with F11 on keyboard)
13030 Preview document as it will appear printed
13043 Submit
13044 Reset
13045 Button
13046 XML parsing failed
14134 Resume transfer
14135 Transfer again
14136 Stop transfer
14137 Display transfer menu
14217 Normal view mo&de P
14218 Print preview mo&de...
14494 Do you want to\n\n close all windows,\n delete all non-persistent cookies,\n delete all passwords,\n delete all history\n and delete cached documents with passwords or encryption?
14495 Delete private data
16244 Send instant message
16245 Compose e-mail to this person
16246 Add this person to Contacts
16615 You can set these options if you wish to see specific types of ads. Leaving fields set as <Unspecified> will give a generic selection of ads.\n\nTo select more than one item in the Preferred categories list, hold down the Ctrl key and click on multiple categories. For more information press the [Help] button.
17035 Mime type
17036 File Extension(s)
17056 Event
17057 Sound file
17059 &Preferences...
17060 Search type
17061 Keyword
17062 <Default>
17063 <Search with %s here>
17064 <Search for %s here>
17065 <Get www."your-domain-name".com>
20000 Internal program error. Please note situation and contact support
20001 Only one document can be sent to the printer/spooler at any given time
20002 Could not generate new window. Out of memory or resources
20003 The address type is unknown or unsupported
20005 No home page defined. Please define one.
20009 The MIME type is already defined
20010 Too many types defined. Remove unused types or contact support
20011 Search string not found
20013 Could not establish a connection to the printer
20014 Please specify what program to use to show the file
20015 Could not print document. Please check whether the printer is accessible
20016 Printing page
20017 Printer scale can only be set between 20 and 400%. Please enter a legal value
20018 The maximum connections to a single server must be between 1 and 64.
20019 The maximum total connections must be between 1 and 999.
20020 The number of history lines must be set between 0 and 255.
20045 Out of resources. Could not load string
20046 Browse...
20048 No Telnet application specified. Please enter the full path of a Telnet application in the Paths section of Preferences.
20049 No host name specified
20050 HTML files|*.htm;*.html|Text files|*.txt|GIF files|*.gif|JPEG files|*.jpg;*.jpeg|BMP files|*.bmp|Sound files|*.wav|AVI Video files|*.avi|MIDI Music files|*.mid;*.midi|Post files|*.pst|Saved windows files|*.win|XML files|*.xml|Style Sheets|*.css|All files (*.*)|*.*|
20103 Could not print the document. The printer is out of paper.
20105 Page
20106 Click the top left button in this window or select 'List all' from the news menu to subscribe to news groups
20107 No news groups match this filter value
20108 This form is being submitted via e-mail. If you want to reveal your name and e-mail address to the recipient, press [Yes]. If you want to use an anonymous e-mail address, press [No].
20109 Incorrect proxy authentication. Please re-enter username and password.
20110 The proxy server is locked. Please enter username and password to unlock
20111 This form is being submitted without encryption. Do you want to continue?
20116 Incorrect authentication to news server. Please re-enter username and password
20117 This news server has restricted access. Please enter username and password to access
20119 The server wants to redirect your form to another server.\n\nPress [Yes] to send the form\n\nPress [No] to continue without sending the form.\n\nPress [Cancel] to not send the form.
20121 No TN3270 application specified. Please enter the full path of a TN3270 application in the Paths section of Preferences.
20122 No host name specified
20125 Parent directory
20200 Normal
20201 Heading 1 <H1>
20202 Heading 2 <H2>
20203 Heading 3 <H3>
20204 Heading 4 <H4>
20205 Heading 5 <H5>
20206 Heading 6 <H6>
20207 Preformatted text <PRE>
20208 Links <A>
20209 News article head
20210 News article body
20211 News group
20212 Forms text field multiline
20213 Forms button text
20214 CSS font-family serif
20215 CSS font-family sans-serif
20216 CSS font-family cursive
20217 CSS font-family fantasy
20218 CSS font-family monospace
20226 INI files (*.ini)|*.ini|All files (*.*)|*.*|
21260 The certificate has been revoked by its issuer.
21261 The certificate has expired.
21262 The certificate is unknown.
21265 The certificate is valid, but permission denied.
21271 An internal error occurred.
21272 No acceptable SSL v2 encryption methods found.
21273 Unknown error detected.
21274 The certificate's chain was not ordered properly.
21276 Secure connection: warning (%u)
21277 Secure connection: warning (%u) from server
21278 Secure connection: fatal error (%u)
21279 Secure connection: fatal error (%u) from server
21280 Please enter security password
21281 Please enter the old security password
21282 Please enter the new security password
21283 Please re-enter the new security password
21284 Wrong password, please enter the correct security password
21285 Changing the security password failed.
21286 These are the personal certificates registered in the database.
21287 These are the certificate authorities registered in the database.
21288 Install this certificate authority's certificate chain in the database?
21289 Install this personal certificate chain in the database?
21291 You are about to send a request to this server. Continue?
21293 The server's certificate did not match its hostname. Accept?
21300 Shortcuts
21301 Index
21303 Install authority certificate
21304 Install client certificate
21305 Select client certificate
21306 Certificate warning
21307 Wrong certificate name
21308 Certificate expired
21309 The server requested a certificate. Please select one of these certificates, or press [Cancel] to send none.
21311 Install
21312 This certificate has expired. You should delete it, and install an updated certificate.
21314 Certificate signer not found
21315 The signer of this certificate is needed, but not registered. Please install this certificate.
21316 The certificate installation failed.
21317 The client certificate had no matching private key in the database.
21318 The certificate's chain was not ordered correctly.
21319 This server only supports SSL version 2. If you wish to connect to this server you must enable SSL v2 in the Security section of Preferences.
21320 Please enter a security password
21321 The server's certificate chain is incomplete, and the signer(s) are not registered. Accept?
21322 The root certificate for this server is not registered. You may install this certificate. Accept/install?
21323 Setting the security password failed.
21324 A different client certificate is already installed for this key. Installation failed.
21325 A different certificate already exist for at least one of the installed certificate authorities. These were ignored.
21326 Generating key
21327 This will lock your computer for a while.
21328 You have not selected any encryption methods. Please do so in the Security section of Preferences.
21329 The certificate is unknown or has an illegal format.
21330 Install this PEM encoded certificate chain in the database?
21331 The signatures of this certificate could not be verified.
21332 Security operations are not available.
21333 Security is disabled.
21334 This security operation is disabled.
21335 Without this security DLL, Opera's security features may not be used
21336 Install PEM certificate
21337 Accept
21338 The server's certificate held an illegal name expression
21342 When Opera is closed.
21343 This cookie will only be sent to secure servers in the domain.
21344 Connection
21345 Secure news server
21346 Modulus:
21347 modulus:
21348 Exponent:
21349 publicExponent:
21350 privateExponent:
21351 prime1:
21352 prime2:
21353 exponent1:
21354 exponent2:
21355 coefficient:
21356 The Certificate may be used for SSL client authentication.
21357 The Certificate may be used for SSL server authentication.
21358 The Certificate may be used for SSL client and server authentication.
21359 The Certificate may be used to issue SSL certificates.
21360 The Certificate may be used for SSL client authentication, and to issue SSL certificates.
21361 The Certificate may be used for SSL server authentication, and to issue SSL certificates.
21362 The Certificate may not be used for SSL authentication or issuing SSL certificates.
21363 The Certificate may be used for SSL client and server authentication, and to issue SSL certificates.
21364 Unsupported key algorithm
21365 Unknown extension object ID
21366 %u bit private key. Generated %s.
21367 Unknown signature algorithm
21368 Certificate version: %ld\n
21369 Serial number: %s\n
21370 Not valid before:
21371 \nNot valid after:
21372 \nFingerprint:
21373 \n\nPublic key algorithm:
21374 \nSignature algorithm:
21375 \nExtensions:\n
21376 (Critical)
21377 Server certificate expired
21378 One of the certificates presented by the server has expired. Do you wish to accept the certificate?
21379 This feature has been disabled
21380 Could not save the e-mail in the Outbox.
21382 This function is not available in this special version of Opera.
21383 Drives
21384 Plugins
21385 History
21386 Uploading file(s) to server
21388 You have entered the correct password, but it does not follow the guidelines. Please enter a new password
21390 On %s, in %s you%.0s wrote:\n
21391 On %s,%.0s %s wrote:\n
21392 On %s, in %s %s wrote:\n
21393 This cookie can be sent to any server in the domain.
21394 This cookie will only be sent to this secure server.
21395 This cookie will only be sent to this server.
21396 This cookie will be deleted from the database.
21400 Plugin directories have been scanned.\nPlugins for new file types have been activated.\nPlugins for known types were added, but not activated.
21401 None
21402 Low
21403 Medium
21404 High
21405 No security on server (unencrypted communication)
21406 Low security on server. Unencrypted images
21407 Low security on server
21408 Medium security on server. Unencrypted images
21409 Medium security on server
21410 High security on server. Unencrypted images
21411 High security on server
21415 Cache
21416 Filename
21417 Location
21418 Size
21420 Do you really want to cancel this transfer?
21421 Do you want to associate this plugin with the type?
21425 Your timed evaluation has %i days left
21426 Version 5.12
21428 Unregistered version
21430 A script wants to read the password(s) in the form.\n\nDo you want to give the script access to your password(s)?
21431 Your history list file is corrupt and will be cleared.
21433 Offline mode is enabled. Can not open\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to switch to online mode?
21450 Execution of script failed.
21451 Compilation of script failed.
21452 javascript: URLs can only be run with HTML documents.
21453 Could not load the system file ES262-32.DLL. Javascript will not be executed.
21454 Executing JavaScript...
21460 There is currently no certificate assigned to this private key. The full name of the key is:\n\n
21461 \n\nPublic key fingerprint (SHA-1):\n
21462 The server tried redirecting to an illegal address.\nPlease report this to the webmaster of the site.
21463 Security warning:\n\nYou are about to go to an address that\ncontains a username before the servername\n\n Username : %s \n Server : %s\n\nWhile this may be a valid address, this kind of address\nis sometimes used to mislead users to web sites they\ndo not intend to visit.\n\nIf you press OK, the page will be loaded as requested\nand you will not be warned again (for this username/site),\nuntil you restart Opera. If you press Cancel, the page\nwill not be fetched.\n\nIs it OK to continue?
21470 This document wishes to set the cookie\n %s="%s"\n\nThis value will %sbe sent to %sdocuments on %s%s%s%s, and paths that are starting in /%s.\n\n
21471 only
21472 secure documents
21473 the server
21474 all servers in the domain
21475 , port(s)
21476 The cookie will be deleted when Opera is closed.
21477 , but, unless you override, the cookie will be deleted when Opera is closed.
21478 The cookie is valid until %s%s\n\n
21479 The cookie is valid until %s and has expired, any existing cookie with the same name will be deleted.\n\n
21480 The service has sent the following message about the purpose of the cookie: "%s"\n
21481 \nFurther information may be found at <%s>\n%s\n\n
21482 The service provides information about its cookies at <%s>\n%s\n\n
21483 \nYou may view the document by clicking the "View Comment" button below.\n
21484 Accept, including updates before closing Opera
22104 You are connected to %sDo you want to close these open dial-up connection(s)?
22107 Unable to read Tip of the Day file
22108 Done (Size mismatch)
22109 Copy file information
22111 E-mail
22112 Contacts
22114 Bookmark folder properties
22115 Bookmark properties
22118 Contacts
22120 Files
22121 All files
22122 All files (*.*)
22123 None found
22124 &Add all
22125 Contact folder properties
22127 Folder
22128 Name
22151 New folder
22154 Invalid value for '%s'
22155 '%s' contains an invalid value.\nA number between %li and %li is required.\n\n
22156 Do you want to reset this value?
22157 Resetting to last good value.
22158 My Web
22159 My Web
22160 My Web
22161 Not found
22162 Could not find the text
22167 Please verify that the path and file name are correct.
22168 Save File(s)
22169 Open File(s)
22170 File not found.
22171 Invalid file name.
22172 Hotlist contains %li items in %li folders.\n%li items total.
22173 Error sending e-mail
22174 No external e-mail application defined.
22175 Error sending e-mail
22176 Unable to start the external e-mail application
22177 Warning
22178 The selected external e-mail client either does not exist\nor has no valid account set up.\n\nApply changes anyway?
22179 E-mail
22180 The selected external e-mail client is not specified.\nDo you want to edit your e-mail preferences now?
22181 There is no default e-mail client registered on your system.\nDo you want to edit your e-mail preferences now?
22182 Your Opera e-mail account properties are not properly set up.\nDo you want to edit your e-mail preferences now?
22183 Opera needs to be restarted before your changes take effect.\n\nDo you want to close Opera?
22184 Close Opera?
22185 <Default language>
22186 Remove from list
22187 Retransfer
22210 A supported version of Java Runtime Environment could not be found.\nYou need to install version 1.2 or later of the Java Runtime Environment from Sun.\nJava is automatically disabled for this session.\nDo you want to disable Java for future sessions?
22211 The Opera Java classes does not have enough permissions to execute.\nEither the opera.policy file could not be found, or the policy file\ndoes not grant permissions to the opera.jar file. Java applets will not work.
22212 The installed version of Java Runtime Environment is incompatible. Please download JRE 1.2 or later at <http://www.javasoft.com>.
22213 The Java DLL was not found where the\nregistry said it was. Your Java installation\nseems to be corrupted. Java applets will not work.
22214 Failed to create Java VM.
22215 Java VM has exited.\n\nJava is disabled for the rest of this session.
22216 Java VM has aborted.\n\nJava is disabled for the rest of this session.
22217 Registering native Java methods failed.\n\nYou either use an old opera.jar file or it\nis not in the Opera Classpath. Java applets will not work.
22218 Do you want to see the installation instructions for the Java Runtime Environment?
22219 Could not find the opera.jar file\nEither you do not have an 'OPERA CLASSPATH' entry in the [JAVA] section\nof your opera.ini file, or that entry has the wrong path.\nJava applets will not work.
22220 Could not find the opera.policy file.\nEither you do not have a 'SECURITY POLICY' entry in the [JAVA] section\nof your opera.ini file, or that entry has the wrong path.\nJava applets will not work.
22221 Java security
22222 A signed applet is requesting additional privileges. Do you wish to grant this applet all permissions?
22232 User defined
22233 This registration information has expired.\nPlease upgrade at <https://www.opera.com/order/register.html>.
22234 Upgrade Opera
22235 &Document
22236 The installed language file is incompatible with Opera build %s.\n\nPress [Yes] to restart Opera using the default English language.\n\nPress [No] to use the language file, with possible language errors.
22237 minutes
22238 last used
22239 You have entered an illegal reload value.\n\nOnly numbers can be used, and the reload value cannot be zero.
22240 Select directory containing your language files
22241 You are about to upload a local file to an external server for validation.\nContinue?
22242 Validate HTML document
22243 Unknown
22244 Error message
22245 A problem occurred when Opera tried to connect to your printer. Please check your printer settings. If you have a remote printer, network printer, please check your network connection.
22246 Printer problem
22247 Printer
22248 pixels
22249 bytes
22250 bits per pixel
22251 animated in %i frames
22252 B
22253 KB
22254 MB
22255 GB
22256 TB
22257 /s
22259 Instant message received
22260 Contact online
22262 Offline
22263 Online
22264 Away
22265 Not available
22266 Occupied
22267 Do not disturb
22268 Invisible
22269 Online
22270 Connecting
22271 Requesting authorization
22273 Connecting...
22274 &Online
22275 &Send instant message to
22276 Incorrect password or username
22277 Disconnected from instant messaging server.\nMaybe because of network lag.
22278 Slow instant messaging network...
22279 Instant messaging network problem. Trying to reconnect...
22280 No contacts found.
22281 Login to instant messaging server finished.
22282 You need to create an instant messaging account first.\nDo you want to create one now?
22283 Create new instant messaging account?
22284 Obtain new address
22285 Change &account
22286 Ready
22287 Type a message and press Enter
22288 Sending message...
22289 Not logged on to server
22290 You are not logged on to the instant messaging server.\n\nDo you want to connect now?
22291 Your password or username is not accepted by the server.\nDo you want to change this information now?
22292 Searching...
22293 Opera message
22294 Search failed
22295 Registration failed
22296 Registration of new address successful
22297 Delete account
22298 Do you really want to delete this account?\n
22300 (Authorization)
22301 Authorization request accepted by
22302 tried to send you an instant message, but is not in your contact list.
22303 Opera messaging status:
22304 &Open Opera
22305 Add contact
22306 has changed status to
22307 The information has only been updated locally.\nLog on to the server and update again to make changes available to other users.
22395 Send
22396 E-mail
22397 Add
22415 Art / Cultural
22416 Automobiles
22417 Books / Magazines
22418 Computer / Games
22419 Computer / Technology
22420 Cooking
22421 Fashion / Shops
22422 Finance / Investment
22423 Food / Wine
22424 Health / Fitness
22425 House / Garden
22426 Movies
22427 Music
22428 News / Events
22429 Science / Education
22430 Sports / Hobbies
22431 Travel / Leisure
22432 Unspecified
22433 Under $25,000
22434 $25,000-35,999
22435 $36,000-49,999
22436 $50,000-75,999
22437 $76,000-99,999
22438 $100,000+
22439 1900-1929
22440 1930-1949
22441 1950-1959
22442 1960-1969
22443 1970-1979
22444 1980-1989
22445 1990 or later
22446 Male
22447 Female
22448 Single
22449 Single parent
22450 Married
22451 Married with children
22452 Grammar school
22453 High school
22454 Some college
22455 Associate degree
22456 Bachelor degree
22457 Graduate degree
22461 &Open the file
22462 &Open the file with %s
22463 Caution! Always check for viruses before opening files
22464 What would you like to do?
22465 Browse for folder to save files
22468 Unknown server
22469 No registered viewer for %s-files, you need to define an application to open the file type with.\nPress the [Advanced]-button and specify which application to use.
22470 No application found
22480 Java not installed
22481 Version
22482 Build
22483 Platform
22484 Version information
22485 System
22486 JavaScript security warning
22491 Source of
22492 Blank document
22493 (Memory)
22494 Directory
22496 Name
22497 Type
22498 Size
22499 Time
22500 Article
22501 by
22502 Document
22503 User
22504 No news server specified. Would you like to set up a news server now?
22505 You need to specify a MIME type.
22506 MIME type not specified
22509 Delete filetype
22510 byte
22511 Do you want to associate the "%s" plugin with the type "%s"?
22512 This MIME type is already defined.\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to overwrite it?
22513 Overwrite MIME type?
22514 Userdefined
22515 Document:
22516 Images:
22517 Total:
22518 Speed:
22519 Time:
22520 Gesture information
22521 You are about to activate your first gesture command in Opera. A gesture command is activated by pressing the right mouse button, and while holding it down, performing a simple movement with the mouse, and then releasing the button.\n\nThe following example commands can be activated using the movements described below.\n\nBack: Left\nForward: Right\nStop: Up\nReload: Up, then Down\n\nPress [Help] for more commands.\n\nGesture commands have been designed to make browsing with Opera even faster, but some might experience that it conflicts with their way of working.\n\nWould you like to continue using gesture activated commands?
22522 No skin
22523 Remove foreground skin
22524 Remove background skin
25000 unknown error
25001 out of memory
25002 syntax error
25003 no element found
25004 not well-formed
25005 unclosed token
25006 unclosed token
25007 mismatched tag
25008 duplicate attribute
25009 junk after document element
25010 illegal parameter entity reference
25011 undefined entity
25012 recursive entity reference
25013 asynchronous entity
25014 reference to invalid character number
25015 reference to binary entity
25016 reference to external entity in attribute
25017 xml processing instruction not at start of external entity
25018 unknown encoding
25019 encoding specified in XML declaration is incorrect
25020 unclosed CDATA section
25021 error in processing external entity reference
25142 Specify a sound file to play on event
30000 Opera/5.12%s (%s; U) ñ [%s]
30001 Mozilla/%s (compatible; Opera 5.12; %s) ñ [%s]
30002 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE %s; %s) Opera 5.12 ñ [%s]
30100 Import e-mail from Outlook Express«
30101 Import e-mail from Eudora«
30102 (Microsoft Outlook Express 4.x)
30103 (Microsoft Outlook Express 5.x)
30104 (Netscape Mail)
30105 (Microsoft Windows Messaging)
30106 (Microsoft Outlook)
30107 (UNIX mailbox file)
30108 No supported programs found!
30109 (Qualcomm Eudora)
30110 Please specify the folder where you have the Outlook Express mailboxes.
30111 Please specify the folder where you have your Eudora mailboxes.
32872 The address is not available from this machine
32873 Could not connect to remote server
32874 Repeated attempts failed to load this page completely.\n\nThere may be a problem on the server.
32881 Network not available. Contact your system administrator
32882 This winsock implementation lacks important functionality.
32883 Winsock problems. Check the network program
32885 Remote server timed out. Please try again later.
32886 Unable to access remote files. Could not locate the system file WINSOCK.DLL. You may need to reinstall your dialup software.
32889 This evaluation version of Opera has expired.
32897 Could not connect to proxy server
32898 Could not find proxy server
32899 Could not access proxy server. Server is not available
32900 Could not connect to proxy server. Access denied
32901 The server requested a login authentication method that is not supported.
32902 The proxy server requested a login authentication method that is not supported.
32903 Access denied to this file
32904 File does not exist
32905 Could not write to file. Disk full.
32906 Internal cache error
32907 This URL is not in the list of URLs that can be authenticated by the given realm.\nCannot send Authentication credentials.
32912 The news group is not known on the news server
32913 The news article could not be found on the news server
32914 No news server specified. Please specify a news server in Preferences
33024 The news server is not available. Please try again later or specify another news server in preferences
33025 Program error in the news handling
33027 Could not post to the news group. Access denied
33028 Could not post to the news group. Access denied
33029 Could not post to the news group
33032 Authentication to news server failed.
33040 The remote server refuses to perform the request.\nThis address is not available.
33041 Address not found
33042 Remote server or file not found
33043 The remote server lacks necessary functionality
33044 Remote server accepted the request - no content returned
33045 There seems to be a problem on this server.\n\nIf loading does not finish properly, please stop the request and re-submit the form.\n\nMore information is available at <http://www.opera.com/support/100continue.html>.
33046 Problem encountered while decoding data. Possibly due to corrupted data.
33047 Authentication failed. Content may not be trusted
33048 Proxy authentication failed. Content may not be trusted
33056 FTP server not available
33057 Internal error in FTP module
33058 Could not connect to FTP server, possibly because\nof too many users. Please try again later.
33059 User not found on FTP server
33060 Connection to this FTP server requires username and password
33061 FTP directory not found
33062 File not found
33063 Connection closed by remote FTP server
33064 Could not open remote FTP channel
33120 Could not open file
33424 The request method was not accepted by the server
33425 Server was unable to produce an acceptable document
33426 Server timed out
33427 Conflict with existing resource
33428 The address is no longer available
33429 Length was required
33430 Preconditions failed
33431 Request data was too long
33432 The address is too long
33433 The server did not recognize the content type
33434 The server could not send the requested part of the file
33435 Expectation failed
33436 Gateway failed
33437 The service is overloaded or offline. Please try again later