377 This is a multipart message created by the Opera e-mail\nclient. It contains a message encrypted in the PostSec 1.2\ne-mail format. To be able to read the message you will need an\ne-mail client capable of decoding the message and the necessary\ndecryption keys required to decrypt the message.\n\nIf you do not have such an email client you may either\ndownload one from <http://www.opera.no/download.html>, or\nuse an external application able to decrypt each single\nattachment from Telenor Conax <http://www.conax.com> in Norway.\n
378 Preparing for encryption.
379 Opening card.
380 Preparing keys.
381 Encrypting.
382 Signing.
383 Closing card.
384 Encryption finished.
385 One or more recipients have no public key!
386 Find e-mail
387 Cancel
388 Find
389 Confirm deletion
390 Please confirm to move the selected e-mail to the trash.\n
391 Please confirm to delete this folder permanently.\n
392 Please confirm to delete this account permanently.\n
393 Please confirm to empty the trash.
394 \nNote that your selection includes\n\n
395 Unread e-mail.\n
396 Queued e-mail.\n
397 Attachments.\n
398 Entire e-mail folders.\n
399 Error
400 All Files (*.*)|*.*|
401 Missing configuration
402 bytes
403 KB
404 MB
405 GB
408 E-mail to
409 News to
410 Empty trash
411 You must enter something in the Name field!
412 %ld new e-mail, %ld unread in inbox.
413 No new e-mail, %ld unread in inbox.
414 E-mail has %ld lines.
415 E-mail has %ld lines, %ld attachment%s.
416 Checking e-mail...
417 E-mail check stopped by user!
418 E-mail queued.
419 Create new e-mail account?
420 You need to create an e-mail account before you can send e-mail.\nDo you want to create one now?
421 %ld matches.
422 %ld match.
423 Searching paused.
424 No queued e-mail to send.
425 Sending %ld queued e-mail.
426 E-mail sent successfully.
427 %ld e-mail sent successfully.
428 Sending e-mail failed.
429 E-mail sent, %ld left to send.
430 Sending failed, %ld left to send.
431 E-mail moved.
432 %ld e-mail moved.
433 \n______________________________________________________________\nTry the Opera web browser and e-mail at <http://www.opera.com>\n