- 386 PC with 6 MB of RAM and 4 MB of free disk space
(Please note that the version of Opera 5.0 that includes Java
requires at least a Pentium 166MHz processor, 32 MB of RAM and 65 MB
free hard drive space to run)
- Windows 95 or higher operating system
- 9.600 bps modem
Recommended configuration:
- Pentium class system with 16 MB of RAM and at least 4 MB of free disk
space, more for the version of Opera 5.0 that includes Java.
- Windows 95 or higher operating system
- 28.800 bps modem or higher connection
The Wise Installation Wizard will take you through the following steps
(please note that you use the "Next" and "Previous" buttons to move back
and forward between them):
Welcomes you to the Wise Installation Wizard and Opera.
"Software Licence Agreement"
This is the software licence agreement which must be accepted before you
may install Opera. Read this agreement carefully!
"Select Destination Directory"
This is where you select where on your hard drive you want to place
Opera. If you do not want Opera to be placed in the suggested catalogue,
press "Browse" and browse your way to a suitable catalogue (or you can
just type in the path). When you're done, press "Ok" and continue the
"Icon Creation"
The installer program will place shortcuts to Opera on the Desktop and
in the Start Menu by default. Uncheck the boxes if you do not wish to
have these shortcuts created.
"Select Group"
Here you select where on the Start Menu to place Opera. Opera will place
itself in its own slot by default, but you can decide to place it in
another slot if you want. Select one of those displayed or type in your
"Ready to Install!"
When you press "Next" in this menu, Opera will be installed the way
you've decided it in the previous steps. Please note you can always
press the "Cancel" button up to this point to abort the installation.
"Installation Completed!"
The installation is completed. Press the "Finish" button to close the
Wise Installation Wizard.
In order to start Opera, double click the Opera icon on your desktop or
press the Opera icon on the Start Menu.
Opera 5.0 is free, but it's still possible to pay the licensing fee to Opera Software to enable the ad-free version of the Opera browser. Registered users of Opera 4.x versions do not need to upgrade their license, as Opera 5.0 is included
in that license.
For more information on using Opera, please read the Help, accessible
from "Help/Contents...", or by clicking "F1" on your keyboard.
In order to purchase a license for your copy of Opera, please use the
form on our Web site at:
for convenience. You may purchase Opera using a Credit Card when using
the above Web site. For information on our alternative methods of
purchasing Opera, please visit our Web site at:
When your order has been successfully completed, an e-mail will be sent
to you containing your Registration Code. Go to "Help/Register Opera..."
and write in your name and your Registration Code. "Company" is
You should copy and paste your code rather than type it in, as it may or
may not contain foreign characters, as well as characters which may
resemble each other in certain fonts. Please try to either right-click and
select "copy" or "paste", or you could try using the keyboard shortcut
"CTRL" + "C" to copy and "CTRL" + "V" to paste.
If you are in need of further assistance with your Opera, we encourage
you to read through Opera's Help system. The Help system is accessed
either through "Help/Contents..." on the Opera menu, or by pressing "F1"
on your keyboard.
Internet Communication:
If you wish to make direct contact with Opera Software AS, please visit