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- YAMS - version 2.20
- Yet Another Mail Sender
- Sam Francke copyright 2000 2001
- February 5 2001
- O. Contents of help.txt
- -----------------------
- I. Postcard
- II. Feedback
- III. About This Program
- IV. Installation
- V. How To Use The Program
- VI. Add and Edit Account
- VII. Import from LDIF file
- VIIa. Import from any CSV file [version 2.10]
- VIII. Multi Language [version 1.10]
- IX. Message Template [version 2.00]
- X. Preview window
- XI. Manipulate Recipients in ListView [version 2.00]
- XII. Signature File [version 2.00]
- XIII. Registry
- XVI. History
- XV. Addresses
- XVI. More About [version 2.00]
- I. Postcard
- -----------
- If you are using YAMS, send me a postcard of your dwelling-place.
- That will give me a motivation for further development of YAMS.
- Address see below.
- It is cheapest way of registering a program :)
- If you mention your e-mail address on the card, I'll
- send you a message of receiving your card.
- II. Feedback
- -------------
- If you have comments, found bugs or you have a suggestion,
- send me a mail, mailto:s.j.francke@hccnet.nl
- III. About This Program
- -----------------------
- YAMS is a simple freeware SMTP mailer. It sends the same e-mail in many recipients.
- This means that Yams sends to every recipient as mailing him separately.
- Great for program updates, invitations and so on.
- IV. Installation
- ----------------
- Run setup.exe.
- V. How To Use The Program
- ---------------------------
- 1. Add an account (if you use YAMS for the first time) with menu [Account][Edit];
- 2. Load or create a message;
- 3. Load or create a list with receivers;
- 4. Choose a log file type, with menu [Options];
- 5. Fill out the subject edit box;
- 6; Push the Send button.
- VI. Add and Edit Account
- ------------------------
- Adding a new account:
- 1. menu [Account][edit];
- 2. fill out the top right edit box new account name and click the plus button;
- 3. now your account name appears in the first edit box below the line;
- 4. now fill out the other edit boxes and hit the green check button;
- 5. an message box appears that you have added your new account.
- Editing an account:
- 1. select an account in the top left combobox;
- 2. now edit one or more items;
- 3. push the green check button and your changes are accepted.
- The fields to edit:
- 1. smtp server, eg smtp.metal.net;
- 2. your name for login at your smtp server, eg John Smith;
- 3. your name for the header in the send e-mail, eg WebMaster J.Smith;
- 4. e-mail address for reply-to and return path, eg JohnSmith@metal.net.
- VII. Import e-mail addresses from LDIF file--Netscape
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Only for Netscape 4.7x users.
- 1. if you add an e-mail address to your (Netscape) address book enter a 'Nickame', eg t2t,
- t2t is now a search item for YAMS's import from LDIF file;
- 2. if you right click on PersonalAddressBook in the left window of Address Book,
- click [New List...] enter the name of List Name edit box, eg family;
- go to the right window and select the addresses you need for the new list;
- drag with left mouse button down to the family list and drop them;
- the list name 'family' is now a search item for YAMS's import from LDIF file;
- 3. create a LDIF file with Netscape 4.71:
- select address book
- menu [File][Export...]
- give the file a name and save the file (with the extension ldif)
- that's all
- 4. activate YAMS menu [Extra][import Netscape addressbook];
- select one of the options ... if necessary fill the search item in the edit box;
- click the [open file button], and open the LDIF file, the e-mail addresses found,
- are stored in the YAMS main window receivers list;
- 5. click the button [close window];
- the addresses are stored in the YAMS main window receivers list.
- VIIa Import from any CSV file
- -----------------------------
- The CSV (comma separated values) are an ascii (i.e. plain text) representation of spread-sheet data.
- The values are separated by commas, to indicate the separating points for columns.
- There are also files like TCV (tab separated values) or a semi-colon can be used as a separator.
- A CSV file looks like this:
- Name ,First Name ,Last Name ,Address ,Country ,NickName
- John West ,John ,West ,johnw@hotmail.com ,UK ,T2T
- Maria East ,Maria ,East ,maria@softmail.com ,USA ,T2T
- Gerrit Poppe ,Gerrit ,Poppe ,poppe@mymail.nl ,NL ,YAMS
- Each value has is own place in the CSV file. Country is in column 5, Name on the first.
- With Netscape, OutLook Express and other e-mail programs you can produce CSV files
- from their address books.
- YAMS uses also a CSV file to store the recipients.(see .lst files)
- Name; Address; Nickname
- Suppose the example (see above) is a Netscape CSV file.
- The Name value in the first column had to be moved to the first column in YAMS,
- the address value in the 4 th column had to be moved to the second column in YAMS,
- and NickName from column 6 to the third column in YAMS.
- With the import utility we can do that in five steps.
- Step 1:
- Select an input CSV file and an output file to store the imported addresses.
- (Select as source file test_csv.txt, shipped with YAMS as example file)
- Step 2:
- In the window 'selected source file' you see the contents of the selected source file.
- Select a row in that window, in which you recognize the items to import,
- name, e-mail address and nickname. The separator is selected automatically.
- Step 3:
- On the left the items needed in YAMS: name, address and nickname.
- On the right: yellow labels named: name, address and nick name.
- At the bottom right sided a list box named: 'items found in source file'
- with the found values and their columns in the source CSV file, [item1] and so on.
- Now drag and drop [item 1] the name to the yellow label named: name,
- drag and drop [item 4] to the yellow label named: address and
- drag and drop [item 6] to the yellow label named: nickname.
- When you have done this, it is clear to YAMS how to transport data from the input to
- the output file.
- Nick name is optional, you can also drag and drop [item 5] 'country'
- to the yellow nick name label or another one.
- Step 4.
- Here you can filter or search on a selected item. Drag and drop [item 5] to
- the yellow label named: [none].
- Click the check box 'set filter', select 'global' or 'exact',
- add USA in the search edit box.
- Step 5.
- If you have done everything, the import button is enabled, click and the addresses
- are imported to YAMS, in this case all the addresses in the USA.
- The file with imported addresses is saved to disk now.
- If you are not content with the result, you can repeat Step 2, Step 3 or Step 4.
- If an error occurs you can hit button 'show errors' to see the lines with errors.
- VIII. Multi Language
- --------------------
- YAMS in your own language.
- When you start YAMS for the first time, YAMS is in English.
- If you want YAMS in Portuguese, Spanish, German or Dutch, select menu [Language]
- and select the language you want.
- If your language is not there, feel free to translate the text file
- language.txt in your own language, for instructions see language.txt.
- E-mail language.txt to me.
- IX. Message Template
- --------------------
- Use a template mail with $name$ as name field like this:
- Dear $name$,
- here your message
- The field $name$ is replaced with the name in the ListView corresponding
- with the e-mail address. $name$/$nickname$ can be placed every where in
- the message, and as many times you need.
- The same applies for $nickname$.
- A message without $name$ or $nickname$ does not occur an error.
- In the preview window the result is visible.
- X. Preview Window
- -----------------
- When for the first time a message is opened, the preview window is shown.
- This to show you how your message looks like when it is send to a
- recipient!
- In the preview window is also shown the replacement of $name$ and $nickname$,
- if the signature file is also loaded in the preview window, if activated.
- XI. Manipulate Recipients in ListView
- -------------------------------------
- The receivers are placed in a ListView, with three columns:
- name, e-mail address and nickname.
- Click one of the headers to sort the list.
- Multi selecting is enabled, with key [shift] pressed a range is selected,
- with the [ctrl] key pressed, individual items are selected or unselected.
- With double click on an item, the edit window is enabled.
- Right clicking enables a pop up menu with the next items:
- edit, add, delete, changes nicknames and save selected items.
- delete, changes nicknames and save selected items can be used on multi selected items.
- 'Old lists' (version 1.00 and 1.10) can be 'imported' via menu [file][load old lists].
- It is possible now to send to selected recipients, check [send to selected receivers],
- if [send to selected receivers] is not visible, pull down the blue split bar above the message window.
- XII. Signature File
- -------------------
- In the option window, check [signature file] and select a file with the load file button.
- In the preview window the signature file is shown.
- The message shown in the preview window, is the message which is send to the recipients.
- Editing in the preview window has no affect, every time a new receiver is selected for sending
- YAMS built a new message, with the field $name$ and the sign file.
- XIII. Registry
- --------------
- window position and so on are stored in the window registry
- you can find them in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / YAMS;
- XVI. History
- ------------
- version 2.20 February 10 2001
- -----------------------------
- added: French language module;
- removed: Portuguese language module;
- added and redesigned: popup menus;
- added: CC;
- added: set character set for writing and sending messages;
- added: small changes I don't remember;
- version 2.11 January 5 2001
- -----------------------------
- removed bug with sending to selected receivers;
- version 2.10 December 23 2000
- -----------------------------
- added: user defined log file name;
- replaced: 'import e-mail addresses from Outlook Address Book' with
- a common import utility, to import from delimited files;
- added: in file menu: 'save message as ...' and 'save receivers list as ...'
- renamed: menu item 'Extra' to 'Import'
- added: edit message template in your text editor
- version 2.02 November 14 2000
- -----------------------------
- added: Spanish language module;
- added: German language module;
- added: 'check buttons' in list view to see progress sending messages;
- added: remember all files at start up, see Options;
- added: organization field in message header, see Edit Account;
- version 2.01 September 7 2000
- -----------------------------
- added to message template: $nickname$;
- added: help file(s);
- added: better error trapping, I hope;
- version 2.00 August 12 2000
- ---------------------------
- added: template mail with $name$ as name field;
- added: a message preview window;
- added: send to the selected recipients in the receivers list;
- added: possibility to add a signature file;
- added: import e-mail addresses from Outlook Address Book;
- changed recipient list in a real ListView, with three items:
- name, e-mail address and nickname
- added: a pop up menu for the ListView with:
- edit, add, delete, change nicknames and save selection
- added: buttons to manipulate the items in the ListView;
- version 1.10 July 15 2000
- -------------------------
- added: word wrap in the message window
- added: Portuguese and Dutch language modules
- bug limitation of paragraph (255 characters):
- [the Delphi component I use for YAMS limits a paragraph to 255 characters]
- solved, YAMS automaticly word wraps the message
- version 1.00 first release July 6 2000
- ----------------------------------------
- XV. Addresses
- -------------
- Sam Francke
- mailto:s.j.francke@hccnet.nl
- home page : http://home.hccnet.nl/s.j.francke/yams/yams.htm
- feedback page: http://home.hccnet.nl/s.j.francke/yams/feedback.htm
- address for postcard:
- Sam Francke
- Arendlaan 41
- 3853 SB Ermelo
- The Netherlands
- XVI. More About
- ---------------
- YAMS was written using Delphi 3 professional.
- Also used for YAMS, TSmtpCli Delphi component of Franτois Piette and
- TdfsExtListView v3.71 component of Bradley D. Stowers,
- many thanks to them for developing these useful freeware components.
- If you want to be notified for updates then use the feedback form on the homepage of YAMS.
- YAMS is freeware which means that you are allowed to redistribute the program as
- long as you distribute the full archive with the following files:
- setup.exe and readme.txt
- Files created by YAMS:
- yams.dat - file with accounts
- *.mes - message files
- *.lst - recipients list files
- and log files.